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21936142 No.21936142 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on The Grapes of Wrath?

>> No.21936153


>> No.21936208

Far from it

>> No.21936211 [DELETED] 

gay as hell
gay shit for faggot nigger jews

>> No.21936218


>> No.21936235

steinbeck's art is crafting operatic worlds with multiple narratives, culminating in a powerful cathartic scene.

grapes of wrath is an example of that. east of eden perfects it

>> No.21937073

Way too long for me
>poor people have it tough
Yeah I got that by page 50

>> No.21937080

Irrelevant for what

>> No.21937138


Is a harsh book that's a real event. The language in grapes is a amazing, how Steinbeck can create specific personality's with simply how they speak and you can discern who is talking by a few words is pretty spectacular.

>> No.21937164

Poverty was eliminated decades ago. And there can’t be anymore economic depressions. Authors bio etc.
Anon is an idiot

>> No.21937207

I cant understand how little they were bothered when Noah left the family. He just wandered away and nobody gave a fuck.

>> No.21937377
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I have been sitting here thinking hard for if I have ever heard anything more stupid since I started browsing this fucking board 5 years back.
I cannot.

>> No.21937381

Its good... if you like books about grapes

>> No.21937579

This was one of my favorites aspects from the book. I was hooked I finished it in two days. Would recommend it to everyone. Kino mystic finale too

>> No.21937593

I read it ages ago. I remember a lot of dirt broke poor people having to make pragmatic decisions. I remember some family member being forgotten because he was serving a short stint in jail and they left no forwarding address for him. I remember that they bought a shitty truck that had the transmission packed with sawdust to muffle the sound of the grinding gears. I remember nothing else. I assume that they were going to California because that is ground zero for all things Steinbeck.

>> No.21937594

Oh yeah milky milky baby

>> No.21937602


>> No.21937604

>5 years here
>still cannot identify the smell of rotten bait
>sits, huffing the stench
>stench now nests in nosehairs

>> No.21938779

Not good. Shoehorned commie sympathizing from steinbeck. I care more about how blatant the politics are rather than the content themselves. I also hate reading books where the dialogue is spelled how its said, it totally ruins the flow of my reading

>> No.21939136

The nation was majority socialist back then. This wasn’t shoehorning. Capitalism had collapsed and people where joining socialist organizations in droves. We weren’t all dumb 1950s cucks scared of the red menace, you CIA fed grub of person

>> No.21939165

i'm reading it right now after not reading it when it was assigned in school. it's a slog. i enjoyed every steinbeck book before grapes of wrath so i thought i would like this one too but the "interludes" between the meat of the book are boring for the most part.
people weren't proper socialists like in the sense that they read theory and shit but yeah. some people don't realize that the new deal was a means of pacifying the growing militant labor/socialist movement.

>> No.21939326

True enough.

>> No.21939327

much preferred The Bananas of Greed

>> No.21940523

for me, it the cantaloupes of lust :^)

>> No.21940972

peppers of pride

>> No.21941084


>> No.21941217

wait till ai/automation wipes out 80% of jobs like already projected
people wont be starving, but the quality of life will drop like a pajeet turd on a dedicated shitting street - it will get really ugly

>> No.21941316

Boring and didn't see the point of continuing with trying to read it to the end.

The movie was literally better. The book had serious pacing issues.

>> No.21941324

Kiwis of sloth

>> No.21941367

Pretty cool band.