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/lit/ - Literature

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21933811 No.21933811 [Reply] [Original]

never been refuted

>> No.21933814

>hamlet in low tier
I cry every tiem

>> No.21933841

Refuted many times

>> No.21933846

Magic School Bus way too fucking high, what is this shit?

>> No.21933894

>Atlas Shrugged.
Nice bait.
>Great Gatsby.
>Count of Monte Cristo and Les Misérables.
Long and Mid.
>The Stranger.
Teenage shit.
>For Whom The Bell Tolls.
Hemingway's worst and most self-indulgent major work.
>The Trial and Ulysses.
God tier.
>Hamlet, Copperfield, Notes from the Underground that low.
>Alice in Wonderland.
God tier.

>> No.21933930

You guys are fucking weird.

>> No.21933968

>Clifford that low
okay, faggot

>> No.21933986

Fuck you, The Trial is a masterpiece.

>> No.21934029
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 0E3222DF-D991-490D-B04D-0EA65C448EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Gatsby is a Great American Novel and you can’t change that.

>> No.21934034

There is only ONE Great American Novel. I don't know what it is but it definitely is not Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald may have been better suited as a screenwriter as it is a very heavy-handed, grotesque work with very little joy in the medium. It's an okay yarn but not serious literature.

>> No.21934045

Maybe I'm just dumb but I dont think that the stranger is all that good. Its not that bad, just not God tier.

>> No.21934203

The Great Gatsby, Atlas Shrugged, The Stranger, and The Count of Monte Cristo shouldn't be in God-Tier, especially the first 2. The Great Gatsby is the worst classic probably ever, of course Americans have no culture to show, so they promote the fuck out of that stupid book, but I don't blame them. Most countries that have no outstanding achievements other than one mid-tier literature is hailed as the GOAT anyhow. Atlas Shrugged should be in Shit-Tier, whether you agree or disagree with its political message, it's just a poorly written book, Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo should be in High-Tier also. The Stranger should be in Middle-Tier
High-Tier looks alright, but take out How To Read A Film because movies are an inferior medium to books in almost every way, and take out For Whom the Bell Tolls since it's not that good of a book
Ulysses and The Trial being that low is a crime. Clifford is a memebook, Sartre shouldn't even be on the list & should be forgotten, and Kanye West is a retard. Grapes of Wrath was decent enough but I would personally put that in High-Tier.
Notes From Underground, Hamlet, Brave New World, and David Copperfield should never be that low, One Hundred Years of Solitude should be in High-Tier, and Catch-22 should be in the Middle-Tier
The Lord of the Rings and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel should be in God-Tier, Huckleberry Finn should be in Middle-Tier, and I agree with the Shit-Tier.

>> No.21934213

Great Gatsby is the greatest european novel written by an American. I'm not going to waste time to justify this argument in literary form on random forum. But tis a true nethertheless.

>> No.21934219

Quintesential anglo slop

>> No.21934228

Wow, you should see
because we both have very good taste.

>> No.21934230

Les Mis is profoundly mid. It foreshadows nonsensical GPT ramblings

>> No.21934236

Long Midérables.

>> No.21934298

Brave New World is definitely God-tier though

>> No.21935470

Sincerely top-tier bait. The simple assertion that Ulysses is worse than 1984 or Rand wrote anything approaching Brave New World, let alone surpassing it or One Hundred Years of Solitude, is so infuriating that it has to be complimented.

>> No.21935596
File: 120 KB, 685x1056, 6EF5B989-ABEF-4BEA-B20C-C5E259620A7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.21936641


>> No.21936649

Alice is God tier, pleb.

>> No.21937002

Exactly. Overrated as hell.

>> No.21937785

>atlas shrugged
Made me reply so I guess it's decent bait.