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File: 21 KB, 255x385, How_Democracies_Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21933266 No.21933266 [Reply] [Original]

Does this book say anything insightful or is it just Democrat propaganda?

>> No.21933288

Real democracy has never been tried so you can't kill it. Republics are better

>> No.21933323
File: 73 KB, 474x461, 1681703544353063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well let's take look here...
*enters title into search field*
*thinks to self: if it's positively reviewed by WaPo (Washington Post) then it's probably...*
*search results come up*
First result is Wikipedia entry:
>How Democracies Die is a 2018 comparative politics book by *Harvard* University political scientists Steven *Levitsky* and Daniel *Ziblatt* about how elected leaders can gradually subvert the democratic process to increase their power. In 2021, The Economist described the book as the "most important book of the *Trump era*." The book, which offers stark warnings about the impact of the *Republican Party* and *Donald Trump's* presidency on U.S.

Does that answer your question?
Cursed Western society that we live in, and despite the protestations of (to give credit where due) the dozen or so Democrat-voting talking heads that actually tried to understand why Donald "Celebrity Apprentice" Trump would appeal to anyone with average or above average intelligence, all that history will likely take away from President Donald Trump's 2016 victory was that Democrats just *didn't go far enough* in clamping down on free speech and punishing people for questioning "democracy" (which obviously just means questioning Democrats, I mean it's in their name for Frith's sake!!).

Funny how, in Democrat minds, "democracy" is under threat when people vote for someone they don't like.

>> No.21933332

Democracies die when democratically elected leaders have the power to enact policies that the FBI and CIA and NSA and the military and NGOs and media corporations don't like.

>> No.21933341

So..... you didn't read the book.

This is just soooooo Republican Party, conservative, right wing. Perfectly willing to make a conclusion with absolutely NO facts whatsoever.

No one is trying to shut you up. They simply aren't listening.

>> No.21933434
File: 106 KB, 702x634, Screenshot_20230328-183725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Democracy is under threat when the plebs
vote against our bought and paid for, 'my-turn' candidate
that we, the combined power of elite globalism,
TOLD THEM TO FUCKING VOTE FOR(*rage-face*)!!!!!!"

When we, lowly, ignorant "chuds"
use our voting power to elect someone
not pre-approved by tweedist Intelligence-Media-NGO-Corporate PTB
("powers that be")...
it's a grave "threat to democracy"?

Haw! Haw! Haw!
That's rich!
That's rich indeed!

>Electoral college!

True but that Trump came anywhere close,
against GOP, DNC, entire media, etc should show,
if anything,

That the masses can be lied to and riled up into
mob rule
and made to democratically vote for charlatans!!

Whether you call it the "Military Industrial Complex" like Chomsky
or "The Cathedral" (1) like Yarvin
or "Democrat-Media Complex" like Andrew Breitbart,

Assange leaking the DNC servers &
showing Donna Brazile / CNN working
hand in hand
with Hilary Clinton's people
to get First! Woman! President!!
"democratically" [sic] "elected" [sic] as the DNC primary choice *over* Bernie Sanders,
and then Donna getting immediately hired by Clinton's election team after
the story dropped and she was forced out by public pressure from CNN,
and after Beanie Sandals capitulated
(yrs truly included!!)
to the woman who just cheated him out of the fucking primary(!!!)...

had more to do with Trump winning than any anti-democratic faction.

Without a fucking doubt.

But GL finding that story in the history books!



Yas, yaasss,

But "lmfao" all the same.

>> No.21933438

I'm sure this is going to be a great thread.

>> No.21933443

>No one
*bans you from all social media*
is trying
*puts you on FBI watchlist*
to shut you up
*gets you fired from your job and blacklists you from employment*

>> No.21933550
File: 36 KB, 400x294, The_Coffin_House_-_Denton_Welch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah almost forgot

A writer after my own heart, even if I cannot bear the puffed up toadfish he's become since gaining (what miniscule) "celebrity" status (he's ekked out in certain circles).
What I'm getting at is that he takes three paragraphs to languorously, etc etc etc etc etc!... get to the blasted point!
Which just means I better show the choice bit myself as otherwise I'll lose the even, at best!, *one*, singley person not filtered already by my verbose, though well-intentioned and high-spirited, not to say rambling and desultory, exposition here.

The great power center of 2008 is the Cathedral. The Cathedral has two parts: the accredited universities and the established press. The universities formulate public policy. The press guides public opinion. In other words, the universities make decisions, for which the press manufactures consent. It’s as simple as a punch in the mouth.
Whole wine-drenched thing is worth reading, imo.
Even or especially if you disagree. Especially if you think "democracy is under attack".


>durdurdoink so like um you didn't even read the book... and yet you're telling us you don't want to read it?
>check and mate, chud!
This is particularly rich and lulzy line of attack coming from people who not only refuse to read *anything* not recommended by NYTs, WaPo, HuffPo, LA Times, the Guardian, the Atlantic, Salon, Buzzfeed, Vice, Late Night Talk Show hosts beyond count, DemocracyNow!, the New Yorker, etc...or even from *a website* deemed "racist", "fascist", "right-wing", (TakiMag, Unz Review) etc etc etc (trust me I've done the footwork, laid myself at their feet and tried to get them to "PLZZZ, just read a single article! How can that hurt you? How could it possible harm you at all?! Etc) "WS" and etcetcetc through the entire gauntlet of mind numbing "no-no" terms applied to anyone who disagrees.
They literally *blacklist* & report & try-to-get-fired any one on the bad list.

And yet here they are!

I've read "Kill All Normies",
Brazile's, "Hacks" (not, as it turns out, about venal journalists),
"What Happened?" by HRC,
"New Right", M. Malice (not as good as might assume),
"Flag and Cross"
by Gorski
& many others!
Even read fkn Van Jones' shitty book about the election he helped lose!!

*Jonathan Haidt is a damned fine writer by the way!*

But anyone not carrying a torch for Current Inquisition...and that's exactly what it is, anons, AN INQUISITION ... is drown out and trampled underfoot.

Point here is that I've done my due diligence, MFs
Reading books by people who wouldn't
piss on me if I was on fire.

& I was there after all.
so I don't really *need* to be told what happened.
Still, I read enough not to need another tooth grinding exercise in patience.
Esp to please you!

>> No.21933583
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 1681070440497190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, genius. I never claimed I did. So, wow at yr Homesian Pete's of deduction.
But knock yourself out.

Pick up that piece of ossified *dog shit*.
pop that bad boy into your watering mouth...
chew it up...
let your saliva slowly turn it into mush...
feel the sand, grit, half digested dog food soak into your palette...
roll it around on your tongue...

As for me,

===>I'll just trust my nose.


>> No.21933594 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 604x290, Screen Shot 2566-03-22 at 2.06.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21933602

Well that's actually a good thing and you probably deserved it, chud.

>> No.21933630

One of the biggest blunders of the Republican voting base's post-2016 upset win, of which there were many, but one that was the biggest, imo, as someone who spent damn near every waking hour for the next three years with this shit and sincerely and from the bottom of my heart thought "here at last, a new page in American politics and a chance to 'meme' (original 'scientific' definition) into reality a way through the uniparty blockade and combine the good points of both sides into a movement that would show Democrats that's it's *okay* to take risks and try new approachs and support *non-politicians* to governmental roles", increasingly distraught that it wasn't happening but had invested too much to turn back...is that far too many read the articles and listened to the talking heads *defining their movement* that they, themselves started and meme'd into a reality and therefore should've been authorities of.

Don't let other people define you.

That is all.
Have a good rest of your night.

>> No.21935084

>Real democracy has never been tried
Not on a wide enough scale, but yes, people practice it.

And republics turn to oligarchy like clockwork, anon. This isn’t good

>> No.21936619

"democracy" is just a marketing term used by mi5