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21932907 No.21932907 [Reply] [Original]

Read Paglia

>> No.21932947

It's a tranny.

>> No.21932957

Women are only sex machines, nothing more.

>> No.21932960


>> No.21932962

But doctor, I am Paglia

>> No.21933062
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>> No.21933171

I have. Specifically that one (imo her best).
Don't know what she's been involved in recently but I enjoyed that book.
Wandering, voluble, desultory as it is. Don't think all of Western culture can be divided quite so neatly but it's worth walking with her every once in a while, once a year, say, for a dozen pages or so at a time, and taking in the sites.

>> No.21933227

Fucking kek

>> No.21933525

>In 1993, Paglia signed a manifesto supporting NAMBLA, a pederasty and pedophilia advocacy organization.[82][83] In 1994, Paglia supported lowering the legal age of consent to 14. She noted in a 1995 interview with pro-pedophile activist Bill Andriette, "I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age."[84][85] In a 1997 Salon column, Paglia expressed the view that male pedophilia correlates with the heights of a civilization, stating "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love.

>In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization."[83] Paglia noted in several interviews, as well as Sexual Personae, that she supports the legalization of certain forms of child pornography.[86][87][84]


>> No.21933528

lol, well that's fucked up but I sort of feel she's just engaging in some academic trolling/edginess. She makes a lot of edgy statements on every subject
>if women ruled the world we'd still live in mud huts
>revenge of the sith was a good movie

>> No.21933540

no fag

>> No.21933554

>>revenge of the sith was a good movie
How is this edgy in any way? It has like 75 on RT.

>> No.21933581

It's fucking terrible, so it's edgy to me

And it would be edgy to someone who is haute couture or whatever the spelling is since that type of art is beneath them. Revenge of the sith really is a bad movie though

>> No.21933585

Well, agree to disagree. In any case, you're in the minority, was my point.

>> No.21933593

Revenge of the Sith is the only good star wars movie out of the entire 9 movies. Maybe a New Hope is alright too but Revenge of the Sith is clearly the best one. It's literally Shakespearean and has such an enormous scope

>> No.21933606

>A woman's writing is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.

>> No.21933610

You're a huge Orson Welles, anon, I can tell...

>> No.21933611

>what reddit does to a mf

>> No.21933616

I've thought that since I first saw these movies when I was like 12. I absolutely did not understand the hype over star wars other than Revenge, which I watched like 20 times with my siblings

>> No.21933619

>knowing what reddit thinks
you have to go back

>> No.21933634

... no I don't
Ya well those makes you an idiot. You're on lit and you can't tell the story in the prequels trilogy is a complete joke. You apparently care about art but can't tell the original trilogy looks better than rotj by many multiples. You also don't have any regard for the fact that the music was created for the ot and all of the costume, ship, trope, and world/space/etc designs come from what was done in the ot

You're a faggot retard

>> No.21933635

>looks better than rots
In shots and artistic direction and design

It's like comparing the lotr trilogy with lawddademrangz visually and sonically and story-wise

>> No.21933638

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.21933644

No. The children's movies designed to sell toys made from 77 are leagues better than the children's "movies" designed to sell toys in the 2000s

The prequels are ugly and stupid on every level

The originals are amazing and beautiful on every level

The Disney sequels are absolutely terrible in every way except sometimes they look okay

>> No.21933650
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I dont like the prequels, I like Revenge of the sith, the singular movie. It is epic in the full sense of the word, it is a spectacle. It has by far the best plot with the intertwining of the political intrigue, the love story, anakin and obi wan's relationship, and anakin's downfall. Pretty much every other star wars movie has the same boring plot. It also captures the vastness of the galaxy the best of any of the movies; there is a sense of actual scale with how many remote places they go to and how well they are realized. The entire ending sequence fight is extremely epic and even emotionally affecting, and the dialogue while extremely campy is still suitably theatrical. It has a large cast of good characters with good actors. The special effects are at their best by far as well. Also natalie Portman is hot.

You are simply wrong

>> No.21933662

dumb phoneposter
peace out

>> No.21933670

>it is a spectacle
Of really horrible cgi locations, awful cgi characters, horrible shots and designs, ugly scenes, etc. It's terrible looking
>it has by far the best plot
There's no plot without characters and the prequel trilogy have no characters. The anakin skywalker depicted in the movies who can "join the dark side" for no real reason and within hours be slaughtering children who know him by name is totally absurd. There is no plot
>the love story
Doesn't exist because there are no characters
>the political intrigue
Doesn't exist because every single character is stupid
>the vastness of the galaxy
Is captured best in a new hope. You are an idiot
>the ending sequence is epic
It's an over the top cgi cluster fuck with bad music (the worst music in star wars) from a video game score and then it ends with the dumbest scene in cinematic history (I have the high ground) where Lucas unironically attempts to cleverly show how obi wan is morally superior (pisses me off just thinking about it)
>the special effects are the best
No, they all look like awful budget animations from an old video game cut scene
>Natalie Portman is hot
That's true but she's actually least hot in rots

>> No.21933673

>peace out
Behold the sludge brain dialect of the rots defender

>> No.21933683
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Yes, yes well done anon, however

>> No.21933696

Doesn't land because the characters in the prequel trilogy are never depicted as loving one another or ever having been meaningfully connected in any way

From start to finish (so including rots) it's one of the worst stories ever written, though I think it has an okay fundamental plot and structure, the details and writing of every single character is just flat out horrible

>> No.21933700
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>making hershlag cry by insulting her movie
If it makes you feel like a man then go ahead

>> No.21933709

She didn't write or direct it. The casting of the main 3 characters is good I can say that. A lot of people hate Hayden Christensen or however you spell his name but by rots he looks perfect for the character so I think it could have worked. Hamil wasn't a great actor or anything, neither was Harrison Ford for that matter lol

>> No.21933710

I'd fuck her but I've always found her ugly, I don't see the big deal.

>> No.21933723

I like Hayden's acting as Anakin, he plays "butthurt megalomaniac" very well imo. One of the funniest things I have ever read was Elliot Rodger saying he really related to Anakin in the prequels, that it was the character most like him in fiction or something like that.

>> No.21933726

>do THESE people look like they could be the parents lf Luke and Leia
>huh... yes they do... perfectly
Lukas ruins the prequels and then Disney ruin the original cast return which could have been done in a great and meaningful way


>> No.21933733

Butthurt megalomaniac is not how anakin should have been written
>the best star pilot in the galaxy, your father, an old friend, seduced by the power of the dark side, more machine than man now
>the entire end scene where Luke looks at his face
Is not eliot fucking Rodger, and it's not random child massacre retard either

The anakin character in the prequels does not exist to me. Their decisions and motivations and actions are totally absurd to the point that it ruins my suspension of disbelief
Oops, forgot image

>> No.21933736
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Fug, not again

>> No.21933742

His decisons make perfect sense, he is tortured by fear of his qt portwife dying in childbirth because he has visions of the future. You just dont like the movie because it doesnt mesh with the OT, it is fine on its own.

>> No.21933763

>In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization."
I must've missed that fkn part. Where was that?

>> No.21933777

Quick prequel rewrite for the first film
>Naboo, an uncontacted planet inhabited by primitive pre-space-faring natives has a problem
>the trade federation, a galaxy scaling research company is testing weapons of an experimental chemical nature on some of the native inhabitants, terrible reptilian monsters called gungans, which were nonetheless relatively peaceful with the humanoid Naboo until this interference
>naboo is a planet under observation by the republic and galactic senate not considered particularly important and there's some on the nose political maneuvering to stall out any kind of investigation into the trade federations actions here, factions valuing sentient life elect to request the aid of the jedi council who dispatch two operatives to the planet , obi wan kenobi and his young Padawan
>something goes amok and the jedi are separated, obi wan makes it out relatively unscathed but anakin is lost in the deep jungle before being located and rescued by the primitive princess padme amidala whose tribe are doing some anthropological barbaric shit to get the demon reptiles to stop killing them (maybe sacrificing her sister or something), which anakin is roped into dealing with, these trials with the religious faith of the natives and going from location to location learning their language (very quickly, one of his jedi powers, for movie convenience ofc) and attempting to reconcile their beliefs way of life and internal politics with what he knows about the universe as an alien and obviously the two fall in love and there are cool action scenes, she sees what he's capable of as a literal alien wizard and he's captivated by her as well
>turns out the gungans aren't killing the naboo for no reason, they're killing the adults and abducting the children
>because they're force sensitive on naboo
>turns out the gungans aren't involved at all, its been trade federation black ops units and the gungan thing was just their cover story (maybe we can still have a jar jar plot where he somehow vindicates them, I dunno)
>various derelict research stations from.the TF slowly reveal a story of what's been happening on naboo, namely the torture of children for sale by the TF at the behest of someone claiming to be a Sith Lord named Sideous
>uproar in the senate, the TF were basically a household brand, albeit the kind you'd speak about with derision as "evil" like we do with Amazon
>immediately a fringe political figure whose been preaching this type of thing for years is elected to a very elevated position of power
>naboo is brought into the republic and the existence of other inhabited space faring worlds is revealed to them
>of course now they get senate representation:D
>the jedi grow more deeply concerned with the cryptic unreadable prophecy some believe refers to this same Anakin Skywalker after the reveal of the supposed Sith lord, while many continue to believe the Sith no longer exist

>> No.21933819

But no solution is ever offered to him for that issue

He just murders a bunch of children because Palpatine tells him to and vaguely suggests he can maybe help him (lying)

And then anakin kills her anyway
Or non wait she dies for... no medical reason according to a retarded looking cgi doctor robot

What a joke

>> No.21933847

Palpatine says he might be able to figure out how to bring people back from the dead, that's the motivation. But to do so requires using the dark side, ie being evil, so he despairs enough that eventually he just gives in and then once youve done that you even sort of start masochistically being even more evil to wallow in your depravity because you feel bad about what you're doing. It is a perverse mindset. Remember anakin also already killed people including kids because of rage and grief about his slave mother so he already has these feelings

>> No.21933854

He killed Tusken raiders, a savage alien people who murdered and raped his mother. He describes them as animals. And from everything we've seen they more or less have it coming

Murdering children who are jedi pupils and know his name because an obviously and completely evil Sith lord told him he could maybe help him with his premonitions is not valid character motivation for the character of Luke's father as depicted in the original trilogy
>but I bet millions of children died on aldaran
The problem of aldaran and vaders redemption is difficult for me to square, and is a flaw itself, but it could be explained or comprehended elegantly, unlike anything that takes place in the entire prequel trilogy

>> No.21933859

He is terrified of his wife dying, hes obsessed with her. This guy offers him a plausible way out and he always has issues with jedis anyway because he was so old when he started and they kind of dick him around and are dogmatic. And the tusken raiders are still sentient creatures he slaughters in rage and obviously feels bad about. Then the mindset I describe here kicks in>>21933847

>> No.21933864

Anon he literally kills her like 2 scenes later

>> No.21933882

>he obsess with heeeerrr loo he MURDER PEEPO the plot SO DEEP
Meanwhile there's 0 onscreen chemistry, 0 good scenes with the two of them, 0 well written lines of love dialogue. Leias
>flirtatious, oh shucks you guys flirting with Luke and eventual
>I love you
>I know
>with han
Brutally mog the shit out of anything the epic prequel trilogy produced with hilarious ease

Leia even has a more focal role than padme
>connected to the rebellion
>withstands torture
>the shit she does on Jabbas barge
What has padme ever done except survive a video game obstacle course that looks retarded and be written as the typical female "brilliant genius for some reason" Senator who does nothing

>> No.21933889

>theyre still sentient:(
Big deal they should be complete wiped out

>> No.21933938

>>revenge of the sith was a good movie
Nothing edgy about that, it's correct

>> No.21933954

Like I said he is descending into evil. You are a pure cherub anon and you don't know what it is to deeply harm another person and the insanity it instills in you

>> No.21933957

Do you have a mother sonny? Because people with a present and loving mother would never say that. You dirty cunt.

>> No.21933967

People with a loving mother absolutely would say that. It's people without a father that are unlikely to say it

>> No.21933979

So did your father suckle you? Did he care for you? The mother is the defining force in the Childs life, whether the father is present or not. Obviously your mother was not great to you, or your mind has been poisoned by pornography and so on, to the point of hating and dehumanizing women. I find many of the most beautiful and selfless people to be women.

>> No.21934005

The descent into evil is not written well

>> No.21934011

My mother allowed someone to rape me when I was 5. I dont know how this occurred because I was 5 and had no concept of what was going on in her life but I have gathered that it was maybe due to substance abuse. Its very unclear.

I dont hate her at all, I see her as a victim in her own right. I have never hated women whatsoever and it is entirely because my father was always there to take care of me after he got back from his work trips, and he would remind me of what actual parental care was like, where I was protected. It was implanted in my mind from the very earliest reaches of childhood that only men could be seen as dependable (or monstrous) and women were closer to me as a child than to being men. She changed just as I did based on whether my father was there so I determined that women are bascially children. I don't hate them at all.

>> No.21934012

What the fuck does any of this have to do with Star Wars?

>> No.21934018

You just proved my point. How lacking in self awareness can you be? I am very happy you're father took care of you and loved you, but perhaps if you had more similar experience to me you could understand me better. And vice versa.

>> No.21934025

I don't think youre getting it. My mom loved me too but she let bad things happen to me.

The only reason I ever forgave her is because my dad reacused the last bit of normalcy I had and made me ok. If i hadn't had a dad i would fucking despise my mother

>> No.21934038

I know your mother loved you but she was incompetent is seems. Maybe if she was more stable you would not think what you think.
You are trying to place your uncommon (at least, it should be uncommon) experience onto others, assuming your subjective experience is universal. I can tell you it is not. I have never been raped, especially not due to the fault of my mother. I assume that is true for the general population. Hence, I do not believe women are on the mental level of children.

>> No.21934048
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I made all that up, dont be so gullible you retarded faggot

>> No.21934060

I thought so but I like to be hyper-literal and serious on 4Chan when talking to shitposters. Seeing how long we can continue the conversation.

>> No.21934240

Her intro to this filtered me

>> No.21935467

Good. Go read the Percy Jackson books instead or something at your level

>> No.21935717

Her theory is essentially polluting Nietzsche w/ Freud which is what all 1960s leftist academics did. But at least she's not corrupted by the frankfurt school and she is better than pretty much all feminists. She stays away from hating on western culture, huge plus. However, nothing really controversial considering its legacy will just be sex positive zoomer feminism with some whitewashed nietzsche.

>> No.21936148

Some interviews

I love her so much
She makes trannies seethe actually

>> No.21936213

They live a life of seethe.

>> No.21936254

>Author, professor Camille Paglia: ‘I’m serious. Nothing in the last 30 years in any of the arts has been produced as emotionally compelling and significant as the finale of ‘Revenge of the Sith.’’
>Camille Paglia lauded, to say the least, the finale of “Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith” in an event where she talks about her book, “Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars.” In fact, at the Chicago Humanities Festival function, Paglia said “Nothing in the last 30 years in any of the arts has been produced as emotionally compelling and significant as the finale of ‘Revenge of the Sith.’” (Paglia also said that “Star Wars” creator George Lucas is the world’s greatest living artist.)


>> No.21936469
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Based. I've only read Vamps & Tramps so far

>> No.21936521

>listen to some polemical boomer who has been tenured for 40 years but still pretends to be a maverick outsider regurgitate and apply Nietzsche poorly to the canon
Tell me why I should do this instead of just reading Nietzsche and the canon.
Impossibly hard mode: no references to the fact that she pisses off a lot of stupid people.