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21925689 No.21925689 [Reply] [Original]

Write the most /lit/ schizoid rant you can. The less sense, the more crazed, the more nonsensical and deranged, the better. Go absolutely wild. If we get enough of these entries, good ones, one of you can collect and make a schizo anthology and share it.

>> No.21925695


>> No.21925725


“Poetry after Auschwitz”, exclaimed critical theorist Theodor Adorno, “would be absolutely barbaric”. Thinking about this particular quote you have to wonder, was Adorno referring to “Auschwitz” as being as mass crucifixion? Because if we look at the ancient biblical scriptures, we see how Jesus (assumed to be a jew) was crucified in the Roman Empire of spreading “heresy” by Pontius Pilate, who washed his hands, as a symbol of his disastification with his own deeds, and (allegedly) converted to Christianity soon after, in which was culiminated in Emperor Constantine officially declaring Rome to be a “Christian Society”. Much like the French Revolution and/or Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, this marked a turning point in history where the old ways of doing things were no longer tolerated, and a new society had to be built, to use a metaphor, from the “ground up”. Gone were the pagan idols of old to be replaced by a sort-of “monotheism” surrounding Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples, some of which and their associates had written gospels preaching his word, two of which namely, Mark, who sought to convert the Jews, and John, for the gentiles.

One of these disciples was Saul, who began as pagan jew who went around killing Christians for sport only to hear God’s voice who blinded him and forced him to change his ways and spread the word of Jesus. Back to Mark and John, the latter’s gospel was much more “worldly” than Mark’s. Mark only wanted the insular Jews to hear the word of God, whereas John’s gospel, likely authored by Paul, was to convert “the rest of us”. This strange dichotomy posits a question on whether the non-Pauline gospels were strictly a platform for the Jews, as Jesus turned the conditional religion of the Jews into a worldly disposition. One only has to look at how Protestant Christianity works almost in tandem with Jewish scripture, where only “chosen” people are allowed access into heaven. Jesus effectively deterritorialized Christianity for those who were not Jews but to all people.

>> No.21925729


Returning to Adorno, if Jews saw the Holocaust (and Auschwitz by extension) as their own personal “crucifixion”, why would they be opposed to utterances of mere lyric poetry? Well, there has to be some kind of reasoning behind this. Since most poetry describes our world as being a world of beauty and wonder, and that God (by account of the Jews) would never think that a world so entranced by beauty and aesthetic pleasure, would culiminate in something so ardous and horrific, the very depersonalization of their kind, It would stand to reason that after such an event the world could never be viewed in such rosy spectacles. Because it stands to reason that if the world was so beautiful, such horrors would never be found.

On our end, the Gentiles, however, the dominance of every facet of life by these people spreading ruin among us, whether they be Machiavellian humanitarians like George Soros, or the the grotesque pandering of minorities, from sexual to racial by means of capital accumulation at the detriment of whites by one Larry Fink, to pit Gentile against Gentile (many companies have sought out that multiracial workplaces are a good way to reduce solidarity among co-workers, in lieu of unions and other labor organizations. Not only turning workplaces into war zones, since the best way to control a population is to spread dissent among its inferiors, where eventually, as phenomenological thinker Gabriel Marcel pointed out, while simultaneously reducing man's life from a life of bountiful pleasures, such as a wife and a child and a comfortable home, to divorce, a one bedroom apartment, a pet instead of a child to eventual homelessness as long as his boss, not to mention his ex-wife, gets a sizeable portion of his last penny's worth while he dies from an overdose or hunger or sickness or all three at the same time, in addition to creating a hostile work environment, keeps the Gentiles eternally divided.

>> No.21925736


In addition to these golems exist among the them a mix of WASP shabbos (as noted previously being servants of the Old Testament in lieu of their eschatological and christological doctrines) along with the self-chosen Israeli peoples themselves in various secret societies, it seems poetry (and by extension, music and other forms of art) is a gateway to bring about Year Zero again. Because it looks like the trash needs taken out, and the garbage is full

>> No.21925749

>Because it looks like the trash needs taken out, and the garbage is full
Wouldn't this make more sense if it were reversed

>> No.21925777

semantics, its mainly to replace old trash with new valuables. as much as Adorno pisses and moans about consumer culture, the only reason he does so is that he just thinks his particular brand is more valuable.

>> No.21925853

I have an insatiable fascination with the concept of consuming human flesh. Everywhere I eat I am disappointed by the contents of my meal as I can't help but feel the waiter brought me the wrong dish and I'm too polite to say, "Hey, this is the wrong animal." I get excited when I see a women without sleeves. That's the part I would want to sample first. That is to admit I've never had the pleasure of trying human myself, but the thought of it drives me everyday. Sometimes I feel like I'm a boy waking up on Christmas and today will be the day I perform the act and do what needs to be done. The meat needs to be fresh and the blood warm; as if that would perfect the forbidden flavor. It's not too bad though, the anticipation, I'm running on the ultimate edge and I'm only teasing myself further for the greatest climax I know I'll ever experience. Will it be crunchy? Chewy? Will my body somehow reject its prophesied feast, knowing something is terribly wrong? And that's just it. I know I'm a contrarian about this but I can't help it. It's the taboo of it all. The freedom, the rule breaking of all human decency and convention. I want that feeling of standing at the top of the world. I'll be richer than the Waltons by the time of dessert.

>> No.21925869

No, I will not reveal my secrets to you OP.
Nice try.

>> No.21927304
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>> No.21928474

The question of the century is not whether or not we, the "human" race, will reach Mars. No! Neither is it about world domination by a single group. It is precisely the question one might very easily frown upon when first confronted with it, with the ultimate question: is fucking traps gay? Now, one could jump to conclusions, going by your own set of rules given by your own in-dividual bubble, ey. Let us step back for a minute! What do you mean by gay? What do you mean when you say trap? Well who knows what's being gay?! Who knows once there are three or more genders involved. Suppose you're male and you rawdog a "biological" "male". Does that make you homosexual? Well, you might say yes, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what about transwomen, shemales especially, but they're in a hierarchy of their own, right. What about transwomen? They say transwomen are women. They never say transwomen are transwomen, right. Why not? Because it's too obvious of a statement, and besides, it would make traps a category on their own apart from women! Yes! Which is exactly why they say x is y and not y is y, because they think x is x and secretly don't believe in x is y. But if you were to tell them x is x, you'd be a fascist to them. So, what you do is you ball the trap, pretending not to be gay, while you were gay all along since you entangled yourself in such a question. Taken into account that civilisations always turn to issues of gender and sexuality once a collapse has been initiated, it is safe to say the question whether or not traps are gay was the beginning of the end.

>> No.21928487

Haha le funneee 'merely pretending' antho!!1
hoo hoo rip your own dick out nigger

>> No.21928540

Women and Jews are in my walls.
I hear them at night as I lay down to sleep; their scratching and sniffing drowning out my dreams.
I hear them laughing as they hit "Tweet", as they edit each Wikipedia entry. The heap of programmer socks grows taller, heavy with the ambition and seed both spent and wasted.
"Consume," their accomplice The Mutt cries out as he binds my wrist to the bed, tilting to my lips a concoction of estrogen and insect that dribbles down my chin. Oh, weep for the modern man and his modern scaphism! I think as the mutt places the auto-masturbator between my thighs and flicks the switch to "on".

>> No.21928837
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>mfw i realise people diagnosed with schizophrenia average an IQ of 70
I am retarded