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[ERROR] No.2192476 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here

>The Disk surface shown here, meant to be a guide to the contents, is etched with a central image of the earth and a message written in eight major world languages: “Languages of the World: This is an archive of over 1,500 human languages assembled in the year 02008 C.E. Magnify 1,000 times to find over 13,000 pages of language documentation.” The text begins at eye-readable scale and spirals down to nano-scale. This tapered ring of languages is intended to maximize the number of people that will be able to read something immediately upon picking up the Disk, as well as implying the directions for using it—‘get a magnifier and there is more.’


>> No.2192750


>> No.2192753

>preserving languages as they exist for posterity, and in case of ALIENS
>use the fucking Bible so they'll think we're all insane

>> No.2192816

Do want.

>> No.2192818

>>Humanity still hasn't created a single database of all information.

>> No.2192824

who cares aabout that shit.
Everyone should speak english.

>> No.2192830

ETranslater will come.

Everyone will get lazy.

Everyone will switch to English

Who cares

>> No.2192846
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>In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...

Uh... why not actually put something useful on the disk? Like how to rebuild society or how to avoid infections and create vaccinations? I think people in a dystopian future will appreciate it a lot more than a book of fairy tales.

The Bible is already the most widely printed and readily available book in the world since the creation of the printing press. Of all the books that might eventually be lost, the Bible is probably the least likely to be forgotten, due to the sheer number of them.

>> No.2192853

Religion is how you build society.

>> No.2192860

Its also how you disassemble it.

Oh wait. What were the crusades and the book of Judges about?

Shit I know this!

Maybe something to do with atrocities and genocide in the name of religion?

Nah it couldn't be that.

>> No.2192862

No. Slaves is how you build society.

>> No.2192865

If Christianity is ever completely forgotten, I'm sure some asshole will create his own religion to replace it.

Now which is harder to create? A new religion or a vaccine for smallpox?

>> No.2192872

whaowhoawhoahoahwo lets not get a religion debate on /lit/ here

If you go to the website, you'll see that they scrapped the Bible shit for the much more useful quote that is included in OP's excerpt. OP's image was just an old model or something.

>> No.2192874
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What if one worships immunology?

>> No.2192877

shut up.

So are you saying technology is necessary for society?

Are you a fucking retard? Our societies are fall apart because christianity and faith is falling in importance. Hedonism and materialism is held up as the most important thing.
Crusades were defensive wars, i like how you completely ignore the muslim wars against europe.
It's almost as if you are a brainwashed atheist anti-christian piece of shit.

>> No.2192882

Here we go...

>> No.2192891

Yes yes that is fine and dandy, it's true that, as Emerson says, "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself."

But I think believing in religion still after all the evidence we have against it is stupid. Why continue to let humanity grow on these fairy tales? Humanity needs to evolve. Sure, we may hit some rough spots, but I think it's ultimately better than believing what is false instead of trying to find new solutions.

>> No.2192892

Sorry for my awkwardly worded sentence at the end there, English is my second language.

not really but it's a good excuse for when you forget to revise

>> No.2192896

>after all the evidence we have against it
What? Will you highlight that evidence for me?

Atheism is just as much a religion as anything else.

According to you, agnosticism is the most intelligent, ya?
But agnostics are just cowards and fools who don't want to commit to anything.

>> No.2192897

>Our societies are fall apart because christianity and faith is falling in importance.
A society based entirely on its imaginary friend deserves to fall. Good thing we don't live in such a place.

>> No.2192899

>Our societies are fall apart because christianity and faith is falling in importance.

Bull fucking shit. The recession and America's frivolous spending on the "war on terror" is all directly related to religion. Bush was a God-fearing faggot who started the a war against a bunch of God-fearing Muslims (who nuked the World Trade Center for religious reasons) because Jesus told him to.

Now take a look at more secular nations like, say, Norway, France, Denmark, Sweden... or any nation which actually practices separation of church and state. Nations where as little as 20% of the population consider religion as being important are a lot better off than we are. They have higher life expectancy rates and have the highest Human Development Index and best of all, they're not "fall apart because christianity and faith is falling in importance."

>> No.2192902

>But agnostics are just cowards and fools who don't want to commit to anything.
Cool ad hominem. There's no evidence a sentient creator exists. The burden of proof rests on the person trying to prove that one does exist by virtue of the fact that it's impossible to prove a universal negative.

When someone says to you "an invisible immortal created the universe," your response can and should be to ask for proof. If you receive no evidence in turn, you can and should see that person the same way you'd see someone who claims demon-unicorns live on the other side of the moon.

>> No.2192904

>There's no evidence a sentient creator exists
No evidence there isn't either.
That's why its called faith.

Further, even if you want to take a cynical view. It is religion which gives our societies unity, morals, traditions, etc
If you can't see the importance of such things, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.2192906

>According to you, agnosticism is the most intelligent, ya?

Nice try dick face, but I won't swallow these words you're trying to shove down my throat.Personally I think the best route for man is that of secular humanism.

I don't mean to say that the entire concept of religion is terrible (I probably implied that inadvertently in a previous post), I just mean that believing in a God and his book of rules is not going to do humanity anymore good than being hedonistic pansexuals or whatever they're into these days. The Bible is an outdated rule book. Humanity shouldn't hold on to such traditions; they should be more open to change and new ideas. Instead, the ideas of religion are always going to hold humanity back because no one wants to let them go.

>> No.2192907

>he thinks people wouldn't have morals or traditions without religion

>> No.2192912

Religion was made up to explain why lots of different things exist, including morals and tradition. The conscience is a product of evolution.

>> No.2192913

Yeah bro, it established those things a long time ago when humans were stupid and needed them. Kind of like when you're just learning how to read and you need pictures of Apples and Cows to help you understand "A" and "C."

Now humans have grown the fuck up. We aren't going to forget our morals just because we drop the Bible out of our lives. I'll even go so far as to say people will probably get along better and stop shitting things up for everyone else.

>> No.2192936

>egotistical and arrogant atheist believes every single person born before him is stupid, bigotted, ignorant, and wrong

Thanks for proving my point for me.

Proving it again.
You have abandoned your religion, your heritage, and you spurn civilization for your own hedonist and materialist desires.

Explain modern times then. Liberals believe we have no heritage worth considering, multi-kulti and immigration are good things, genocide of whites is fine and deserved because we are bad, etc etc.

Naturally the atheist does not propose working alternatives, instead you just declare, I HATE CHRISTIANITY, LETS LET EVERYTHING BURN!
Rampant mental issues among the liberals makes me question their sanity and correctness though.

>> No.2192944

You're that Nazi troll from the other thread aren't you?

>> No.2192949
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