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21922485 No.21922485 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn more about the scriptures.
I am leaning towards either the Penguin KJV Bible, or the Oxford Classics one. However, I’m not sure if it would be better to get one that’s leather bound, rather than paperback (more durable), or if it doesn’t make a difference. I’d also like to know anything else I should think about when choosing one. Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.21922508

Which material book did spiritual Jesus own?
It matters, anon.
It matters.
Gabriel will be at the Pearly Gates making sure you own the right one.
And the more expensive the better.
P.S. I think a gold leaf, leather bound one was Jesus' pride and glory!
You need to get together with this guy:

>> No.21922528

Just get the NRSV Oxford Study Bible in hardback, it will help you orient yourself around the text and give you very neutral pointers to help you understand
I have the Oxford KJV and it's not very helpful, I've seen the Penguin edition and it's not great either
You could get the Norton KJV editions if you absolutely need the KJV, that at least has actual notes unlike the above two
Everyman's Library has two nice editions, sewn and clothbound of the OT and NT in the KJV translation

>> No.21922538

Not sure why you would be set on KJV, but I would personally recommend 1611 KJV if you can find it, with translator's notes and cross references, and apocrypha included. I personally use Douay-Rheims since it is 90% the same thing but without the mistranslations or Protestant bias. There are also easier translations like RSV, ESV, and NAB which are based on more current biblical scholarship.

Also binding rankings:
1. Genuine leather bound
2. Softleather bound
3. Hardcover
4. Paperback

>> No.21922548


>> No.21922584

>Just get the NRSV Oxford Study Bible in hardback, it will help you orient yourself around the text and give you very neutral pointers to help you understand
I’ll check it out.
> have the Oxford KJV and it's not very helpful
Good to know
> You could get the Norton KJV editions if you absolutely need the KJV, that at least has actual notes unlike the above two
I will consider this one as well. Thank you.
> Not sure why you would be set on KJV
One guy I know said it was “divinely inspired,” another guy said it was a masterpiece translation on the scale of King Lear or Paradise Lost. I didn’t want to miss out.
> I would personally recommend 1611 KJV if you can find it
Noted. Thank you.
> Also binding rankings:
This is helpful, thank you.

>> No.21923154


>> No.21923579

If you want to stick with KJV, my rec is a Cambridge Cameo KJV with Apocrypha.
If you want to learn more about scriptures, then I recommend the New Oxford Annotated Bible in RSV (not NRSV) with Expanded Apocrypha, as it has a non-gendercucked translation but with plenty of academic notes and includes the deuterocanonical books of both Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

>> No.21923630

Get the KJV 1611 Edition with the Apocrypha and supplement that with other books

>> No.21923632

>Which material book did spiritual Jesus own?
Considering Jesus is believed to be God by the Christians he certainly knew the content of every book that was written and would be written.
You are not God so start following the Bible from Genesis to Revelation which includes studying the Scriptures hard
>And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

>> No.21923700

Make sure to get Apocrypha. Sirach and Solomon's wisdom book are both incredible. The best leather bound are by Oxford, Ignatius, Cambridge, or Schulman for bibles.

>> No.21923915
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Clarion or Pitt Minion, depending on how portable you want it and how good your eyesight is. Schuyler also makes some good paragraph editions.

It's generally accurate and preserves details that other modern translations don't. It is however laden with poor scholarship of Hebrew and occasionally questionable Greek. Later translations are almost all based on it and ruin the prosody while "fixing" what didn't need fixing and adding their own issues. The KJV retains literal and alternate translations in the margins that usually align with more specialized translations that aren't trying to present it to midwits with an 8th grade reading level. Lots of stumbles here and there but nothing you can't fix with a fine tipped pen.

>> No.21923949

The only "Bible" you should have is the Nag Hammadi Codex. Otherwise just get the Quran!

>> No.21923987

Ha! A true classic for any Evangelical :)

>> No.21924175

>Otherwise just get the Quran
Which Quran are you talking about? There are at least 26 different versions

>> No.21924223

what are your criteria here?
what do you want to use your copy for, exactly?

>> No.21925404

I guess a study Bible would be most appropriate.
I want the version of the text that will help me learn the most about what the Bible says. I don’t want the language to be so indecipherable, but I would prefer that to it being so dumbed down that I don’t grasp the true meaning. Will be used by me only, at home.

>> No.21925942

Stay away from teh Scofield Study bible. Complete filth and heresy. You will be damned to hell if you start to read the Scofield study.

>> No.21926069
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Study Bibles blow fat dicks and are midwit territory at best. I don't have a horse in the race but medieval jewish commentary of the old testament is better than the trash published now. Commentary is single author shit or not worth it. There is no winning no matter what you do, it takes more than one translation and a metric fuckload of commentary to get the most out of it.

You can have most of these used for cheap or free online. Others are, well they're expensive. I'd get a classy translation in a nice format with paragraph format, preferably single columns that aren't stupid wide, wide margins and annotate it yourself. The KJV is an occasionally difficult and outright painfully obtuse read at times but it's easier to annotate than anything else. You fix words, not sentences. You pay for format and convenience, I paid for the convenience of the Alter translation. I'd pay for a Rashi set if I gave enough of a fuck about Hebrew. I have little good to say about jews other than that they price their own products for their own fairly for what you get.

For a single bible translation for reading? Good format, good price? RSV oxford annotated hardback, new Cambridge paragraph in any format, Pitt Minion if you don't mind small font, wide margin Cambridge if you want larger font but the same format, Alter for 70 bucks if you only want to read the old testament with excellent commentary in fuckhueg hardback. A few other publishers do nice bindings for well under a hundred bucks.

It's more like you want a core edition that has a nice layout and room to annotate and use a website that feels like hacking the matrix for clarifying things. I wouldn't pay for commentary, especially not by anyone who is long dead or an evangelical council.

>> No.21926079

If you take your religion seriously, learn Hebrew and read the Bible the way it was actually written.
If you do insist on getting a translation, I recommend getting actual Jewish versions of the Tanakh with commentaries from the Jewish sages so that you can at least begin to understand what the text actually says, instead of reading yet another falsified edition with ignorant and misguided commentaries thrown together by J_sus worshipers.

Artscroll carries Jewish books of very high quality, including interlinear editions that have both the original Hebrew and the English translation:

sefaria.org also has a lot of scripture in both English and Hebrew/Aramaic.

Or even better, listen to genuine Rabbis read the Torah with you on YouTube, or read through one of the many Weekly Torah Portion series that you'll find on various Jewish websites. Search for the keyword "Parashah" which is the name of the weekly Torah portions that Jews traditionally read throughout the year. Or maybe even ask a Rabbi how to become a Righteous Gentile and follow his advice, if you're not too shy.

>> No.21926210
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What gives you the best perspective of goyim the way they receive the texts, if they actually read it? I went ESV but I live in the south and not the fruity liberal part.

>> No.21926306
File: 53 KB, 700x971, new-oxford-annotated-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why buy?
This one is on archive.org .

>> No.21926671

So… does anyone want to give me a summary of the differences between various versions? I know of the KJV, the NKJV (which, from what I understand, updates the archaic language), and the NIV (which I have not heard anything good about). I can look this information up on the internet, but you might want to explain it to me in your own words.

>> No.21926967

KJV for soul
NRSV(CE) for brain
ESV for body (opposite sex appeal)

Thats about all you need to know.

>> No.21927512

No thanks, bro. I'll take purchasing a physical copy of the 1977 RSV Expanded Apocrypha version instead if I'm going to read a NOAB.

>> No.21928319

Why is Leviticus canon when many of its rules are ignored?

>> No.21928326

This is probably right, but Greek instead of Hebrew.

>> No.21928906

KJV NLT side by side
> NLT to know what it says in easy language
> KJV to know the words that the Anglophone world knew for centuries
Print parallel Bibles like this do exist
Also available online
(You can also listen on audiobook before you read to act as a warm up)

For commentary, listen to / read a wide range of people from a wide range of perspectives.
> youtube search "gospel of mark"
> filter by "over 20 mins"
> watch
Don't cuck yourself into following the perspective of one man and his narrow, biased little footnotes on every page. All that does is make a long book twice as long, and you end up becoming a clone of the dude who wrote the edition.