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21920902 No.21920902 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the Sedes win every debate?

>> No.21920938

Sedevacantism is the only viable position if you want to remain Catholic. That is obvious from a simple comparison of what the Popes taught prior to Vatican II and what Vatican II itself taught, especially on the concept of religious liberty.

If you choose to claim that Vatican II did not teach heresy, then you are simply deluding yourself. Read Dignitatis Humanae (Vatican II's document on religious liberty) and then read Pope Pius IX's Quanta Cura which explicitly condemns the view that the state has no right to restrict infidels and heretics from practising their religion.

If you choose to accept it taught heresy, then you have two choices: 1) Remain in communion with "Popes" who are openly pushing the heresy and forcing everyone to accept it (SSPX position) while at the same time resisting them at every turn or 2) Declare that these men are antipopes who have taken control of the Church but are not actually capable of commanding within it.

The second position is simply the more consistent one.

On the other hand, the Dimond brothers are retards and I wouldn't recommend them. They believe that magic tricks are real, they are utter idiots. If you want good sedevacantist material follow Bishop Donald Sanborn, Fr. Anthony Cekada, and the CMRI.

>> No.21920953

>On the other hand, the Dimond brothers are retards and I wouldn't recommend them. They believe that magic tricks are real, they are utter idiots. If you want good sedevacantist material follow Bishop Donald Sanborn, Fr. Anthony Cekada, and the CMRI.
Are they also Feeneyists?

Yeah I agree that video is kinda off, I thought it was a joke at first but I guess they are that autistic.

>> No.21921004

No they believe in baptism of desire

>> No.21921128

>They believe that magic tricks are real
Magic is real though, think of Simon Magus but I'm not sure if any preternatural events have ever been recorded. It's really Brother Michael who is the one who is making the Magician videos. Brother Peter may or may not agree.

Evidence of Satan in the Modern World
Ctrl + F Chapter 7

>> No.21921172

or you could become orthodox instead of larping in your gay little trad circle

>> No.21921295

You do know there are Eastern Orthodox traditionalist movements such as the Old Calendarists and the True Orthodox who are not in communion with the mainstream Orthodox churches because of very similar accusations that Trad Caths make against the Vatican II church, ie ecumenism and innovations.
Orthodox reject the papacy which is expressly taught in scripture, teach weird doctrines such as essence-energy distinction, allow divorce and remarriage expressly condemned in scripture, allow contraception, and all their top prelates participate in the ecumenist meetings that the Vatican II Church puts on. In what way is this a better denomination?
The Catholic faith is the one true faith, not the Vatican II faith and not the Eastern Orthodox faith.

>> No.21921420

They reject Palamism as heresy and affirm the full council of Florence. They have nothing in common with "Orthodoxy".

>> No.21921452

They do not allow contraception.

>> No.21921480

Looks like the gates of hell prevailed after all...

>> No.21921498
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>They believe that magic tricks are real, they are utter idiots
Yeeeeeeeah. I thought they were intellectuals until I saw that video

>> No.21921507

X can only prevail if it exists

>> No.21921545

Because the differences (in everything, from teaching to discipline to morals and even to aesthetics) pre and post-Vatican 2 are too blatant to deny. You can't argue with a straight face that Francis is teaching the same things as Pius X, it's just not possible.

But sedes also have to explain how is it that the Holy Spirit allowed for supposedly false popes after false popes. How one validates beliefs and theses without a legitimate, hierarchical teaching authority. How one is even going to restore a proper hierarchy. Sedevacantism is in practice protestantism no matter how much they go about papal supremacy and infallibility.

Honestly, the problem isn't finding a solution for the problem. The problem is the existence itself of the problem.

>> No.21921672

They don't, they're Protestants that have sadly been misled by pride into breaking away from the Holy See. They think their own personal interpretation is above the Magisterium, like other Protestants. I empathise with them, but the way they talk about Tradition is as if they see the Church as a political institution. Your opinion as a layman is subordinate to the Magisterium, I hope through humility and prayer they will understand that.

>> No.21921709

It’s not just laymen though. There are real consecrated bishops such as Bishop Donald Sanborn, Archbishop Thuc from Vietnam and many priests coming from the Thuc—Lefebvre line who all take the position that the Holy See is vacant.
It’s not just some speculation. Compare Quanta Cura by Pope Pius IX, which condemns religious liberty, with Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican II, which affirms it. The contradiction is palpable.

>> No.21921718

Sorry chud, the Pope was ordained by God to be the intermediary between heaven and earth. If you can't accept that, then you're not Catholic.
>but my interpretation is right and his is wrong!
Oh, i'm sorry, were you given office by God Almighty? Did receive a doctorate in theology? No? Well it looks like you're just a chud larper. I bet you don't even speak Latin. Dumbass.

>> No.21921740

i have no opinion on this subject, but my word, that guy looks like an insufferable prick

>> No.21921769
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>Genuinely impressive and deep knowledge about theology and history of the Church
>Not afraid to call out frauds and fake traditionalists who are only concerned with appearances
But also
>UFO's are sent by Satan
>John Paul's apparition in a bonfire proves his beatification is fake and actually done by the Devil
I dont know what to think of Sedes

>> No.21921777

90 IQ genuine schizos sums it up

>> No.21921778

Don’t equate sedes with the autistic Dimond brothers. Bishop Donald Sanborn is the best English speaking living representative of Sedevacantism in the modern day: https://youtu.be/nsRKKMVbN0M

>> No.21921782

>UFO's are sent by Satan
Perennialists agree

>> No.21921784

>Believes people can be saved outside the Church

>> No.21921952 [DELETED] 

>>UFO's are sent by Satan
I've seen EOs say that.
>>John Paul's apparition in a bonfire proves his beatification is fake and actually done by the Devil
That's just an extra speculation, the bonfire is not why they reject his "beatification". Even SSPX still reject him as a saint.

>> No.21922915

>UFO's are sent by Satan
and Lucifer is the good guy.

>> No.21922919

>a high IQ blue eyed guy White guy choosing to go extinct because of Jewish brain worms

>> No.21922985 [DELETED] 

>papacy which is expressly taught in scripture

>> No.21923010


> The Orthodox Church has no dogmatic objection to the use of safe and non-abortifacient contraceptives within the context of married life, not as an ideal or as a permanent arrangement, but as a provisional concession to necessity.

from GOARCH: https://www.goarch.org/social-ethos

>> No.21923012

Quanta Cura does not say that. It says that the state has a right to uphold Catholicism as the true religion.

>> No.21923037

being an orthodox convert is literally the highest level of larpdom there is

>> No.21923253

He's not going extinct, quite the opposite, he is achieving eternal life.

>> No.21923293
File: 292 KB, 1200x1200, 0CD7B7DD-26C3-43C2-B8CA-138438BE9BD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a lying bastard.
Pope Pius IX
>The civil liberty of every form of worship, and the full power, given to all, of overtly and publicly manifesting any opinions whatsoever and thoughts, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to propagate the pest of indifferentism.
>The Roman Pontiff cannot, and ought never to, reconcile himself with liberalism, progress, and modern civilisation.
>it has been unwisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship.

Stop deluding yourself and get out of the Vatican II church as fast as you can

>> No.21923649

SSPX is in full communion. Bishop Schneider said as much.

>> No.21923650
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 847169841228430465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a katana in the thumbnail.

>> No.21923724

>that schlocky bodega jesus in the background
is this your latest youtube e-buddy, /lit/?

>> No.21924048

He would lose to Ben Shapiro.

>> No.21924061

SSPX is in communion with the Vatican II sect in name only. They reject Vatican II, they reject the new mass, they reject the marriage annulment decisions of the Vatican II sect’s tribunals, they set up parishes in defiance of and and with no canonical license from the local Vatican II bishops, they don’t believe in the canonisations of John Paul II or John XXIII, they reject the new code of canon law especially as it relates to marriage annulments, and their whole movement began with the illicit consecrations of bishops with no approval from the Vatican II Pope.
The one and only reason SSPX is not Sedevacantist is because of Lefebvre’s inability to accept the reality of the situation. He just couldn’t believe that the physical structures belonging to the Catholic Church could be overtaken by a sect. So he made the decision to stick with the Vatican II hierarchy (in name only). I feel sorry for the SSPX because it’s clear their position is born out of frenzy.

>> No.21924406

>Orthodox reject the papacy which is expressly taught in scripture
The Bishop of Rome was never the head. That's a retcon from centuries later when suddenly one Bishop of Rome thought he was better because of it and needed to make something up to justify that the prestige of the position wasn't just a formality.
Read Guette's history of the church. Also remember Matthew 7:
>17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
>18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
>19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
>20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.