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21920503 No.21920503 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many nazis and reactionaries like this book

>> No.21920519

Rightism is somewhat based on a "great man" theory of history, and the concept of the will to power is a fantasy that allows us to imagine us being fed the metaphysical substance of reality, as a dictator, or whatever.
You see all the red pill stuff today, with guys going to the gym, empowered by this same will to power. Its the same basic ideology behind all self-help - the idea of self-empowerment.
Leftism is of course based on fatalism.

>> No.21920557
File: 739 KB, 1170x1262, 514C40F9-FB8F-4A2B-A884-C537F691C800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt leftism based on that we are all dependent on one another and we can only become better as individuals if group everyone around is doing better . Not only financially and physically but mentally, morality , social and ourselves also matter . If person next to you is starving and one around the corner Is suffering from curable disease but all you do is focus on yourself can you actually be best version of yourself. We are not atomized individuals but humanity is interconnected web of connections. If one side falters we all will feel it one way or another

>> No.21920589

Well that is why im not a leftist
Fundamentally, i dont care about starving africans
Maybe you do, and thats fine
But dont force us all to give a shit about things we cant care about.

>> No.21920601

>the bits where he's talking about how based jews are and how he likes all the faggotry in the satyricon
umm wtf i thought nietzsche was a heckin chud?

>> No.21920605

Nietzsche was anti-deutsche

>> No.21920614

His whole worldview was based on contrarianism. He liked things only because the majority didn\t like them.

>> No.21920615

The greatest thing Hitler did was admit the Slavs were the master race before he shot himself. That's a true Nietzschean

>> No.21920634

Rightism: cult of the individual
Leftism: cult of the masses

>> No.21920638

For the ass on the cover

>> No.21920674

>Why do so many nazis and reactionaries like this book
their smaller brains prevent them from actually understand what Nietzsche means

>> No.21920683

anything that implicitly and explicitly dunks on dysgenic human biomass of the left is a nice and fine read

>> No.21920697

kys modernist brainlet, texts dont have a meaning we interpret it ourselves

>> No.21920754

Neither do I anon but im just explaining it. And how better the world would be if we all cared for each other and saw within each of us the a reflection of others .

>> No.21920759

No that's fascism (right wing). Leftism is fundamentally about equality

>> No.21920760

Can you explain why conservatives in US hinder individual rights like abortion, lgbt rights and drag races based on your excerpt

>> No.21920762

"Better"? No.
Greatness comes from personal excellence, not from gibs
If you want someone to see you, then strive for greatness

>> No.21920770

I lost motivation anon . I need purpose but dont know where to find it

>dad left me at age of 8

>> No.21920779

A lot of conservatives are also christians which creates cognitive dissonance
Also, a lot of conservative dogma is based around "property" which causes these metaphysical fallacies about how each person is there own little universe
Its gay.. uncritical. Undialectical.
Im not a conservative, but im on the right
Also, in more autonomous societies the lgbt stuff would be less accepted. Its pushed by political institutions, not regular people.

>> No.21920783

My motivation is shame
I am very insecure and want people to love me
I want intellectual respect and to have a name in history

>> No.21920790

Theyve also done studies which show how the more eugenic a mammalian population is, the more infanticidal it also is
Of course a lot of christians are low in the sexual hierarchy so fight for the unloved, unborn children, who should be sacrifices toward a better gene pool.

>> No.21920793

Leftism is accepting that the group has an effect on you and dealing with the inherent issues with being a social animal. Rightism at its best is about how the group has no power over a truly sound and logical mind.
The truth is somewhere in the middle, because you are who you are both because of how you were grown and also because of what you choose to do.
Because many reactionaries take comfort in thinking they are unique and special. It gets co-opted by Nazi's and the like because if you consider yourself perfect or pure you don't have to compete with anyone else, just exist.it's feel-good messaging, like how Alex jones tier shit is just women's magazine tier garbage for boomer men that hate their wives

>> No.21920798

So your no different then me except your doing shit with your life .

And why would institutions push a gay agenda anon ?

In essence is Christianity a sort of leftism ideology except that Merimutts have blended it with capitalism. The Bible literally says that being rich makes it hard to go into heaven

How are Christians lower on the sexual totem pole anon

>> No.21920800

What LGBT rights, specifically? I need specific rights and specific cases.

>> No.21920805


Your definition of greatness is the gay definition. It's the same as a zoomer thinking having ten Bugattis is all there is to life. Industrialism is a means, not an end. Being the apex of your kind is nothing to scoff at, sure, but there is more to this life than just that. What we seek for is not what we'll get simply by being up there.

This is not to say I personally don't think one shouldn't focus on their own excellence. I've always been an ace student, a hard worker, and very narcissistic. I was only fortunate enough to have really understood that human kindness is something you really shouldn't try to rationalize, but take in as a postulate. Even biologically speaking, we're hard-wired to survive as a species. Much of the esoteric teachings will be lost on one that hasn't learned to unconditionally cherish another.

>> No.21920810

The elites push a gay agenda because it is revolutionary in their eyes
Most major politicians are communists who want to lead the world into an international leftist alliance
Which isnt a bad thing, if youre just a dumb prole who has no ambitions
Yes, christianity is a proto-leftism, fit too with its fraternization of sinners.
Christians stay christian because they need to cope. All normal people leave since it ruins their fun.
Sin is just another word for freedom.

>> No.21920816

I am not an entrepeneur
I totally believe happiness comes from authenticity and feeding your vanity properly
Getting rich is tiresome if it eats away at your life
>cherishing one another
Cherish me then

>> No.21920820
File: 101 KB, 1024x630, 947E933F-B244-4C07-9D40-13C6EB823F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right to marriage , adopt kids and allowing trans people to go into their gender identified bathroom or creating gender neutral bathrooms .

Also isnt being a degenerate leftist who goes against the masses and what is the norm the best example of the will to power . These faggots are literally cutting themselves and destroying their own lives to do what they want . They have to face the threat of being hate crimes , get aids , family excommunicating them and all other bs . Trannies are great example of will to power. They are going against mainstream narrative and dont give a fuck about others opinion

So u hate how Christianity limits your gun and hate how communist globo homo is forcing its agenda down your throat . I’m guessing your pretty well of since you made a slur against poor people

>> No.21920824

No im not well off at all
I just hate the (christian) humility that comes along with coping being poor
I hate the folk shit of "community".
"Money doesnt buy you happiness" apparently, yet its all anyone wants.
I am just sick of the lies.
We all want money. We all want fun.

>> No.21920826

Not gun but life *

And my point is you seem pretty privileged if you have just an aloof attitude on life . At least you are semi aware

>> No.21920831

But people with money kill themseives so you must realize that chasing after something all the time and getting it won’t fill the void in your heart .

>> No.21920837

rope. now.
many such cases

>> No.21920845

And what will fill it?
You see, this is the existential inception
There is nothing except experimentation in life - in striving, in seeking power and influence. We are all artists, and we want to make great art.
Great art isnt charity to me.
Great art is that (x) that underlies my destiny, which is only special to me ofc.
Society doesnt give one shit about me, why should i care for these faceless strangers?
I used to, when i was religious.
Then i grew up.

>> No.21920853
File: 131 KB, 800x450, CD10388B-1C80-4144-83E0-DF2B1808B4A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get hurt anon ?

I got beaten up , betrayed , cheated on and opened my heart to others but I still know that one day good person will come across .

But seeking stuff all the time will just make you cold apathetic drone. You become devoid of life and become trapped within the confines of chasing material goods. Surely you must realize there is more than meets the eye anon ?

Me and you are but blind men and we just realized that we are being led by other blind men . But journey has just started anon and once you realize you are in a prison then you can plan an escape .

We are in a sort of matrix anon

>> No.21920863

Its not personal possessions
Its something else
I cant speak specifically, but what i want is to fulfill my inner nature
To be laid bare and made free
All men are slaves. I want to be a master. Even if it is fruitless.
A master over myself.
And yes, i have been hurt, but who hasnt?

>> No.21920887
File: 401 KB, 972x678, 7338C9CE-4BCA-4689-AA94-5D5F3C9A9659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> All men are slaves. I want to be a master. Even if it is fruitless.

In essence you wish to have meaning in your life that derives from others being subservient to you ?

> To be laid bare and made free

How can you be free when you have based you life on the approval of others anon.

>> No.21920900

Look at yoga
Look at bodybuilding
Look at artists
Then you will see what i mean
>How can you be free when you have based you life on the approval of others anon.
Everything is born out of paradox

>> No.21920906

I don't care for them either, but I don't think it's a good idea to exploit them. Just let them be and don't intermingle.
Exploiting others always backfires with vengeful people.

>> No.21920913

Yes i agree
Imperialism is the birth of unwanted trouble
Economic expansion is also necessary however

>> No.21920920

>Economic expansion is also necessary however
No, it's not if you're a sparse and noble species / race. Industrialization led to more problems compounding in the long-run.

>> No.21920933

Those are all independent activities unless you do them for approval of others . You can still be artist without having to feel the need to show it off. You can hit the gym and become hulk but not for any outside approval but within. And yoga is development of oneself anon .

> Everything is born out of paradox

At least you aware of the cognitive dissonance within you . But don’t fall for the trope that freedom lies on the enslavement of others anon . Then you have become a slave to the thing you have thought that you have been master of .

Definition of slave :

a device, or part of one, directly controlled by another.

Definition of Master

a man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.

What’s the master without his slave . You are slave to the stuff you desire anon

>> No.21920940

>he says, across the world, on his computer
Learn to be dialectical

>> No.21920945

Reactionaries can only grasp Nietzsche on a superficial level. They don't really understand why nihilism is an issue because traditional morality is obvious and unproblematic to them. Nietzsche's starting point is that there is no going back.

>> No.21920956

I dont possess such binary thinking myself
But, where there are masters, there are also slaves
Predators and prey, alike.
I accept nature's terms, even in pursuing the creation of a personality
Even sex is domination and submission
What is a king without his subjects? And so on
A paradox is not supposed to be resolved.

>> No.21920973

Nietzsche was a crypto-simp.

>> No.21920978

But reality is duality at its finest . When you strip it all bare all that is life is ying and Yang anon . But all I’m trying to get across is why do u suppose that being the master , dominator or predator will make your life any better ?

The enlightened individual can make the best of his circumstances and find peace within himself whether he is king or a lowly peasant. That all we view is good and virtuous is but social fabrications that have altered our perception of the world .

You can gain all material goods anon but if you strip it all bare you are but a naked individual who clothes himself with layer upon layers to not face the true reality of your existence. That you are always at the mercy of fate and powers beyond your control. You merely wish to be powerful so that you can have a false sense of safety and control of your fate .

>> No.21920990

There is destiny
There is also our satanic rebellion
Again, all in vain
But to be a predator is preferable to being prey
I will die
But so what? I am alive right now.
I breathe and feel and think.
It is beautiful. And tragic.
But thats all it has to be. Morality is no object.

>> No.21920992

I can admit to industrialization being a mistake as I used a computer. I have two STEM degrees, and I will be the first to tell you not a single truly positive thing has come from science or technology.

>> No.21921005

That's just like, your opinion, man

>> No.21921018

Why Is being a predator preferable to being prey ?

Cant you not live a life on equal terms of being a prey compared to being a parasite that lives of others ?

Isnt being the prey the true version of freedom where your life is not at odds or dependent on others .
Most STEM people I’ve met have been the most retarded folks ever.
>stem undergrad

>> No.21921019

No, it's an objective fact. Industrialization was a massive mistake. It has mechanized man and stripped him of his autonomy, led to massive biodiversity die-out from pollution & more, degenerated traditional and communal stability, and more.
All technophiles and pro-industrialists deserve a painful and slow excruciating death. You are beyond the forgiveness of God or Buddha. You are in truth not sentient beings and have no qualia. You are machines just like the trash systems you built, where abstractions have completely effaced the vitalistic aspects of your lives.

>> No.21921025

If the world really is devoid of God or gods and it really is just a matter of genes and biological stages of matter and material, then life itself is nothing more than a series of power relations with no inherent meaning beyond that. Nazism was romantic but it was not religious.

>> No.21921029
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>Cherish me then

>> No.21921033

Real intelligence is not found in the "high" capacity to manipulate abstractions in "internally consistent constructs". That's simply imitating a computer with its computations based on binary logic.
Rather, true intelligence is found in the ability to (re)evaluate the assumptions that give the epistemic foundation of one's daily lived experience. Something like that.

>> No.21921036

Ignorance is bliss, as they say
I was cursed, and blessed, with awareness
I cannot be in the herd
I am alone
Alone, but with many comrades, in spirit
The wolf and the tiger are my kin
You can rest with the lambs and rabbits
All things have been declared by the wheel of fortune, and we play its cruel game
That is All.

>> No.21921040

You're a pseudointellectual teenager.

>> No.21921042

I'll see you in Hell

>> No.21921047

Where else is romance supposed to begin?

>> No.21921065

This anon has nailed it . We like to think of life through the lens we are brought up with and see the world trough them . But the true winning is shedding away the layers of socializing and values that you have held true .

Think of it as a spiritual awakening
Thinks being a prey means being weak and docile . You can be the elephant , rhinoceroses and hippo who live in contentment with themselves anon .

>> No.21921823 [DELETED] 

You do understand that Nazis were revolutionaries not reactionaries right?
They wanted to supplant and subvert the status quo into a socialist revolutionary state.
They were about returning to actual traditions in reaction to contemporary things not working.

I will also point out that most reactionary movements had nothing to do with that book because it didn't fit into the culture and politics they wanted to go back towards.
For example it's largely incompatible with a monarchist cause.

>> No.21921826

You do understand that Nazis were revolutionaries not reactionaries right?
They wanted to supplant and subvert the status quo into a socialist revolutionary state.
They weren't about returning to actual traditions in reaction to contemporary things not working.

I will also point out that most reactionary movements had nothing to do with that book because it didn't fit into the culture and politics they wanted to go back towards.
For example it's largely incompatible with a monarchist cause.

>> No.21921964

>You do understand that Nazis were revolutionaries not reactionaries right?
>They wanted to supplant and subvert the status quo into a socialist revolutionary state.
>They weren't about returning to actual traditions in reaction to contemporary things not working.
>I will also point out that most reactionary movements had nothing to do with that book because it didn't fit into the culture and politics they wanted to go back towards.
>For example it's largely incompatible with a monarchist cause.
they weren't revolutionaries anon