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21916918 No.21916918 [Reply] [Original]

They might not be the best, but they aren't the worst either.

>> No.21916921

reddit simple as

>> No.21916931

Do people on reddit like Stoics? I never go there lest I become like them. Shouldn't they be jerking off to Sartre, Marx and Foucault instead?

>> No.21916982

It’s not the original stoics that’s the problem, but rather the modern cannibalization of the stoics by modern faggots like Ryan Holiday who’s just a PR and marketing agent taught by Robert Greene. The kind of people who read his trash also read garbage like The Art of War for Business

>> No.21917056

Not philosophy

>> No.21917070

They either like them, are Platonist fags or have grown up and found Epicurus and gone on to live fulfilling and happy lives.

>> No.21917296

Because they're a common entry point into philosophy and behavioral disciplines and because 4chan is terminally infested with losers, they need to protect their ego by insulting anyone engaging with anything popular or pursuing success.
>rahh rahh its le reddit
why do you care what reddit does unless you use that website and interact with that audience?

>> No.21917343

It's very easy to LARP as a Stoic, like it is to LARP as trad Catholics here

>> No.21917358

stoics did propositional logic bad anglo only syllogistic good trad

>> No.21917382

They though oratory skills were worth nothing so they can be safely ignored

>> No.21917861

Christcucks stole good part of their philosophy so they don't want you to realize it and try to silence discussion around stoicism.

>> No.21917879

1) Some see Aurelius and Seneca as hypocrites
2) Modern stoicism (Ryan Holiday) is very popular among Reddit normies
3) Nietzsche (who is regularly shilled here) refuted them.

>> No.21918899


>> No.21918921

Negative emotions is a pivotal core of the human foundation and neutering them is equivalent to becoming a tranquil

>> No.21918922

I like stoicism and if you don't like it that doesn't bother me at all thanks to my training.

>> No.21919685

I'm not a Stoic (disagree with its "metaphysics"/physics), but that schizo loser didn't refute Stoicism.

>> No.21919731

They think too much. Confuse their thinking with reality. Thin kyour way out of a bad situation instead of doing something about it. They definitely dont lift.

>> No.21920840

Because it lets them off the hook for having to control their emotions.

>> No.21920848

Misunderstanding of Stoicism.
Their physical wellbeing is ultimately indifferent to their happiness. But, it's still preferred to have a healthy body. So aiming for wisdom and an excellent life, the Stoic would lift, a lot.

>> No.21921098

>why don't people who spend their time raging on the internet with zero emotional regulation like stoicism

>> No.21921643

Living a virtuous and divine life is not easy. People who hate this philosophy can't view what's beyond the material.