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/lit/ - Literature

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21916234 No.21916234 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw no Rilkean gf

>> No.21916238

this down syndrome bitch is so fucking ugly

>> No.21916256

/lit/ needs to stop amalgamating the function of friends with the function of a wife. If you have a circle of bros to discuss Rilke with, you will not be fixated on having a wife you can discuss Rilke with and will instead by able to focus exclusively on her virtuous qualities. Having a /lit/ wife will not necessarily make you happy because her taste, even if /lit/, will be extremely distinct from yours, and if you find the books she wants you to read to be shit, you will have to censor your criticism of them for fear of offending what is closer to her heart. You will have to take time out of reading whoever it is you read, in order to read a doorstopper about a woman who is learning to be a girl and a girl who is learning to be a woman. If you just have a /lit/ circle it will be so much easier

>> No.21916262

Fuck this bitch is so hot, I would kill 1000 manlets for her

>> No.21916295

This girl is rather okay looking and has nice tastes
Would spend time with to see if personalities match.

>> No.21916306

This dumb whore lost me when she got a boyfriend. She's deluded if she thinks I'm going to keep sending her money after that. She's mid anyway.

>> No.21916444

lit bitch recently started to hit the wall so i unsubscribed

>> No.21916458

it went wrong so fast as soon as she went vegan

>> No.21916468

Why is her face melting

>> No.21916469

This and the buccal fat surgery always gets them. * e m m i e * can only hold out so long before she decides to go under the knife.

>> No.21916482

Why can't beautiful girls read? Why does it have to be ugly femcels like her?

>> No.21916563

Leonie exists (The Book Leo). She's a Dutch whore though. Also my favorite JOI porn maker, Madelaine Roussette is also well read. The benefit of Madelaine Roussette over * e m m i e * or The Book Leo is you get to see Madelaine naked (for free she uploads to PornHub) and she tells you how to stroke your cock (in French half of the time).

>> No.21916622

But her boyfriend has a small dick and I can't identify with him.

>> No.21916628

Jackass. You probably think Dakota isn’t attractive.
Ruined by porn/hentai or something.

>> No.21916649
File: 55 KB, 539x539, B5802874-1C2A-4A56-B631-ADFC5614A0F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ugly ape bitch
She looks awful without makeup. She also has a fucking chimp mouth. You know how when you were a kid you used to stick orange slices in your upper and lower lip to look like a chimp? Well this bitch got that look natty. She don't need no orange slices.

>> No.21916680

you know rilke and rilke fans are retarded because this is what every millennial literature professor pushes onto their students (probably because gen xer professors pushed it onto them). i don't trust any of this hipster commie shit, and seeing this board fall for it reminds me how pathetic this place is.

>> No.21916687

This is a shitty thread and you should feel a bit ashamed, but it did remind me that I purchased a dual-language collection of poems by Rilke a while back that I think I'll go read immediately. So thank you, I guess.

>> No.21916700

Based and redpilled

>> No.21916703

>awful without makeup
Confirmed tranny/tranny chaser.

>> No.21916707

tripcode, didn't read

>> No.21916710

>I’m special because I only read Ezra Pound!

>basehead toady chimes in
I swear they’re always the OP of the post they’re patting the butt of

>> No.21916711

>lost me when she got a boyfriend
>she's deluded
>if you keep sending her money

I think you're deluded for sending her money in the first place you fucking tard.

>> No.21916715

She used to send personalized nudes. They were worth every penny.

>> No.21916718

And somehow no one has any

>> No.21916725

Sorry, I'm not going to betray my queen like that, even if she has betrayed me. A man is his word and his word alone. What would I be if I were to share my * e m m i e * nudes?

>> No.21916751

Heidegger liked Rilke and uses him in discussing poetry in his essay on art

>> No.21916788

Sorry, George, Trakl and Benn are superior

>> No.21917185

On the contrary, I think you can very well identify with him

>> No.21917228
File: 82 KB, 1080x1304, 1677031235718753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I applied to the short story competition of my uni is to try to snatch a /lit/ gf for my STEM ass.
Their campus is several kilometers away so meeting one has been a real hassle for me, the engineer girls with gaming laptops are few and all already taken so I have to go fish in a more female-dense environment.

>> No.21917237

>Yusuf Reis
Are you a mixed raced turko-germ?

>> No.21917256

When’s the last time you went to a barnes and noble or your equivalent? Rilke is very popular in the poetry section and I’ve seen women picking up and buying Rilke’s poetry pretty frequently.

Problem goes beyond that, insofar as, the modern western culture doesn’t have any place to gain value or meaning or context for the individual, since they don’t believe in God, nor any sort of platonic Good, and they’re so distant and erotically brained and, gradually autistic, that the west finds friendship a very hard thing to grasp.

The only place left that the west tells you your meaning comes from, is romance/sexual partner and sometimes money but it feels bad about unabashedly shilling this also.

The result is they try to offload all meaning and purpose and valuation to women, that’s the real core of the r9k problem, they think a woman will cure their spiritual melancholy and their being lost in the world, it won’t and many of them discover this, which is why many of them go on drugs, become trannies, kill themselves and so forth.

Absolutely one of the last bastions of meaning, honor among the group, friendship/fraternity is the last to corrode, and it still hasn’t completely dissolved yet, but many make this mistake.

>> No.21917259


>> No.21917300

>Yusuf Reis
Germanic-Turk name. You are living far in the future, breh.

>> No.21917347

haha fat cat

>> No.21917356

Never heard of Peri Reis?

>> No.21918219


Her voice is 70% the sound you made as a kid before the internet when you slow your vocal chords right down and make a clicky noise.

>> No.21918285
File: 108 KB, 1003x1291, doit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are kidding right? I don't even know this woman so I'm speaking from an unbiased perspective, but she's literally ideal female beauty to me. I'd kill myself over her.

>> No.21918394

she puts BLM links in her bio lmao

>> No.21918688

I think it's just immature to want someone else to save you, whether it be a woman or friends. You have to be your own man first for anyone to respect you in the first place. Of course, you can't be yourself without some knowledge (rather than just a mere belief) of what is Good. I think the fact men aren't allowed to struggle anymore, since they live in a sanitised environment where they don't even see the blood of life, to be the sole root of the problem. Women are beautiful but often inconstant, and some of them are very wise and regal, but they shouldn't be seen as a sole purpose of meaning. No woman wants a man who can't be himself without her. Neither do friends.

>> No.21918848

u r fucking ILL

>> No.21919049

I'm going to effortpost so bear with me. It's not that beautiful girls do not read, it's that reading makes girls(and boys) not beautiful. Beauty is subjective but there are many objective criteria that correlate with beauty: sexual maturity, bone development, healthy skin, hair, nails, lean muscle mass, low body fat or at least healthy fat in the right places for women, and a well-shaped face, healthy teeth, clear eyes etc. Well the thing is these objective criteria can be improved by consistent physical activity, a highly nutritious diet, sunlight exposure, healthy sleep, and lack of toxins. Well unfortunately being an avid reader can prevent you from doing these things. Most active readers whether they are hobbyists or professionals didn't get into reading recently in adulthood but have been reading since childhood and gradually improve their abilities and refine their tastes so and 35 year old literature fan has probably been reading since before their teenage years. Reading is a sedentary hobby that is typically done inside and alone so the more hours you spend reading the less hours you spend outside in the sun, or doing physical activity. If these habits have been accumulating for years especially in your critical growing years of childhood and adolescence there might be physical differences between a dedicated reader and someone who isn't. Sunlight provides Vitamin D which aids bone and muscle development, and according to Wolfe's law consistent tension on a bone makes it grow while inactivity causes it to weaken. People who read tend to be more sedentary than people who don't thus causing their bones to be less strong and defined especially their skull bones making their faces more lumpy and deformed thus making them uglier. This a general tendency of course not every bookworm will be ugly and not every athlete will be attractive but the correlation is still there.

>> No.21919060

The girl in OP looks 10/10 tho.

>> No.21919329
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She just doesn't quite make the cut for the terminally online social outcast virgins here.

>> No.21919411

That's an exaggeration, she's cute, but she's not great.
Would date.

>> No.21919446


>RMR to LAS, August 11, 1900
>Remember the squirrels I told you about that I raised in Italy when I was a child—how I bought long, long chains so that their freedom might come to an end only high up in the trees? Doubtless it was very wrong to intrude upon their light lives at all, especially as an authority (when they had already grown up, that is, and no longer needed me), but in some small measure they themselves strove to preserve their link with me, for they often came running after me, so that at the time it seemed to me as if they were actually wishing for chains.


>> No.21919508

Personally, I wouldn't do more than 100 for her

>> No.21919514

Here is my precious Rilkean gf

>> No.21919614

No you're right, just don't forget most men have hylic taste in women as in everything else

>> No.21919645

I wanna have a cute /lit/ girl friend (not gf) to discuss lit with and flirt a bit, and cuddle platonically, with both of us knowing that we aren't looking for a relationship

>> No.21919650

all will she do while talking to you is thinking of all the raw sex her boyfriend would be giving her for free

>> No.21919651

>with both of us knowing that we aren't looking for a relationship
Yeah, while she's getting fucked by Chad who hasn't opened a book since high-school.

>> No.21919678

I'm not that much into penetrative sex so I don't really care what she does during her free time, whether she shits or puts something up her pussy, as long as we can both be honest to each other; it's much more stimulating for me to forgo bodily desires in favour of mutually-enforced discipline - there's nothing hotter than the edging that unfulfilled fate causes
I suppose I'm looking for a sister that's into me the way I'm into her but we don't go too far because we recognise that as wrong

>> No.21919712

art hoe gfs are a terrible idea

>> No.21919715
File: 6 KB, 602x203, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hylic taste
The fuck is that even supposed to mean? I was judging her based on appearance.

>> No.21920144

Although I find the OP girl quite ugly, these "supermodels" are worse. Twenty kilos of make-up, prolly plastic surgery, self-important character, yuck.

>> No.21920176

Holy based