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File: 402 KB, 811x906, CTMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21912361 No.21912361 [Reply] [Original]

>What is the CTMU?
The CTMU is a theory of mathematical metaphysics introduced by Christopher Langan in the 1980s.

>Why is the CTMU important?
The CTMU proves that God exists by providing a valid framework for the overall structure of reality, and showing that this structure exhibits properties traditionally attributed to God. In doing so, the CTMU provides the logical foundation of a Theory of Everything; and thereby constitutes absolute truth.

>In which sense is the CTMU mathematical?
The CTMU is logical and mathematical because it explicitly contains logical and mathematical structures, concepts, and reasoning.

>What exactly is Chris Langan trying to convey in the CTMU (in layman's terms), and what is his goal/expectation in doing so?

>What’s the most useful and tangible consequence of the CTMU?

>Why do we need the CTMU? X philosopher says the same thing!
The CTMU is unique in that it is able to justify its claims on logical grounds.


>> No.21912510
File: 1.43 MB, 291x229, 1681446454035076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21912537

Hi, Langan! Getting bored on Facebook I see.

>> No.21913840


>> No.21914296
File: 219 KB, 790x764, supertautology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical theories of everything tend to take an approach that is implicitly or explicitly materialist, with the result being less than explanatory. Take string theory for example. Being a physical theory, details are of course plentiful, and some may be awed by the terminology typically used to expound such theories. But what does it ultimately, generally posit? That everything in the universe is strings. But where did the strings come from? From the Big Bang? OK, but where did the Big Bang come from? How can strings give rise to complex entities like human brains? Even if this universe appears to be composed of strings, why should any other universe follow suit? Why do qualia exist? How is the entire subjective aspect of reality accounted for? Are morals, purposes, and values simply human projections onto reality with no relevance outside of the brain, or something more?

When such questions are asked, the TOE status of such theories quickly falls apart for lack of the required ingredient, "Everything". On the other hand, the CTMU duly acknowledges the necessity of metaphysics from the outset, constructing the logico-mathematical "metaformal system" that is necessary to produce the solutions to these problems.

>> No.21915689


>> No.21915726

Religious people can’t seem to grasp that simple laws can have chaotic and complex behaviour filled with surprising patterns.

>> No.21915919
