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/lit/ - Literature

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21910948 No.21910948 [Reply] [Original]

What books does the third guy read?

>> No.21910974

Starting Crime and Strengthening Punishment

>> No.21910982

The greeks

>> No.21911013

Mein kampf

>> No.21911027

The Species

>> No.21911033

The Turner Diaries

>> No.21911035


>> No.21911093

i work out and have the physique to prove it, and i also read so i will give you my take:

philosophy is for retards because it has no predictive power, its >>>/x/ tier nonsense for people who cant do math but want to pretend they are intellectuals, there is absolutely no merit or value in those retard word games, it has never produced anything, never will, and you are simply signalling your low iq if you read that pseud garbage
non-fiction, pop science, law, business, sociology, psychology, political science: these are not real sciences, again zero predictive power, not a real academia, you have to be a hyper retard to fall for humanities and social sciences, this shit too is for retards who cant do math but want to feel smart, not even average iq people will find themselves ever reading any of this pseud garbage

stuff i actually read:
golden age sci fi novels, they are actually fun and because they are hard sci fi some of them have stronger suspension of disbelief than most non fiction, they also tend to have the best world building and interesting plots
actual stem textbooks: stem just works, simple as, it delivers, it explains the world successfully, if you want to understand the universe you live in, you read stem topics, mysticism and philosophy is pure cope in comparison
those 'true story' type books about stranger than fiction real life people and plots and events, those are simply fun

>> No.21911102

5/3/1 forever

>> No.21911104

post feet

>> No.21911106

Dragon ball z manga

>> No.21911108

First guy is still the better person. The others have big egos (subtlety symbolised by their comically large heads)

>> No.21911109

i'm a stemsperg and stem only tells you how matter behaves, it doesn't tell you what it's like to exist or how you should go about existing. philosophy is also useless for that though you should read novels instead.

>> No.21911120

Why is predictive power such an important metric for you?

>> No.21911128

the /fit/fag telos is "line go up". gdp, population, one rep max, it's all the same to them. don't EVER ask WHY line must go up and be very very careful about suggesting that there are other lines we should be looking at.

>> No.21911131

Vile materialist. You were raised by a single mother, I just know it

>> No.21911132

poast fizzeeek fgt

>> No.21911137

I say you are right about philosophy past the early middle ages. We tend to have answers to all the questions already and we're just looking for justification in our chosen sentiments with modern philosophy. Most of modern philosophy is either stuff that was debunked by plato or surface level theology or it is some weird fan project that cannot be logically completed or it is simply a concentrated attack on the world. It doesn't matter how wrong or flawed a sysyem could be, philosophers would still take decades 'debugging' and debating these systems simply for the intellectual wankery of doing so. All of German idealism can be summed up "there's no justified answer if you try it our way"

>> No.21911157

simply because of how elegant, simple, and beautiful filter mechanism it is to filter out all the retards and pseuds that represent 97% (i have the documents) of our modern academia and intellectualism

you used to go to university to learn a trade, and academia was academia because the people there had predictive power
modern cargo cult that calls itself this has produced... 'diversity is strength' and 'what is a woman, we just dont know'
every other university graduate these days is 70 iq debt cattle blue hair or a feral minority, we never had more 'intellectual elites' out there and we never had less advancements of mankind per century

literally finishing my tuna can for breakfast, i am almost 110 kilos at 12% bodyfat (not cutting atm, happy with vascularity and definition), i maintain at 150g of protein a day and jog ~50km a week while listening to audiobooks

>> No.21911404

>I-I-I'm not a loser!
>I eat tuna and read soooo much I'm like 100% natural tuna now
>even though I've never been to college, it's definitely cringe!

>> No.21911483

modern college is a waste of time for everyone except doctor/engineer degrees, triple digit iq 20 year olds of today would start a business instead
even if its welding/mechanic/electrician apprenticeship/course you would end up mogging average humanities professor in terms of income (and in terms of published works that would be quoted a century from now on too, most likely)

>> No.21911506

>dude money and footnotes in texts on making this hellscape more efficient

>> No.21911540

>green arrows and ad hominem!
>meme arrows dude bro!
do you even have any values of your own you pursue? being financially efficient (becoming a welder/electrician instead of bluehair humanities minwager) would net you more free time and more resources to pursue whatever personal goals anyway so i really dont understand your post

>> No.21911542

>didn’t post body
>starting a business at 20 without any experience or money
>thinks smart people will sell their limited time on earth because money and consumerism
You shitted on philosophy, but I suggest you to read “on the shortness of life”

>> No.21911548

you idiot, you fucking buffoon, how can we be satisfied with life if we don't increase widget production by 5% year over year?

>> No.21911551
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>> No.21911641

What did I ask you?
>poast fizzeeek fgt
What did you do? You wrote another wall of text. Fuck off.

>> No.21912712

Absolute peak midwit

>> No.21912754

>philosophy...has no predictive power
skill issue

>> No.21912837

I imagine a facility where you can work out at the gym, then take a shower and go to the carefully-curated library annex.
Membership fees high enough to keep undesirables out.

>> No.21912889
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its called your own house
libgen exists
you can theoretically hit all upper body muscles with simple pull up + push up routine
you can overload both exercises with a backpack filled with water bottles
for isolation, you can curl said backpack
you can theoretically bench press 2 backpacks on a broomstick..
this is how some military units train while sent to a listening post in the middle of bumfuck nowhere deserts where they have access to nothing but their packpacks and ammo cans available
for running, you can sprint uphill with said backpack or simply squat with a backpack
full body exercise
0 gyms required

finding cheap protein is a much bigger issue in my experience

>> No.21912933

rare soichad

>> No.21912970

Nigger sociology is good, select the right kind of texts and your understanding of people might improve. Plus I liked learning about Late 19th century Balinese shenanigans in the theater state.

>> No.21913061

>sociology is good
I'd like to see you say that to Ben Shapiro

>> No.21913077
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Currently I am reading Caesar's writings, along with The Bible and Harassment Architecture by Michelle Ma.

>> No.21913125

>philosophy is for retards because it has no predictive power
Learn Portuguese and read Olavo de Carvalho, specially his political science course

>> No.21913181

Ugh... People who is way too proud of college is cringe

>> No.21913232

There are two histories, one of politics and the other of literature and art.
The former is the history of the will, the latter that of the intellect. The former
is, therefore, generally alarming and even terrifying; dread, fear, distress,
deception, and horrible murder en masse. The latter, on the other hand, is
everywhere delightful and serene, like the intellect in isolation, even where
such history gives a description of mistaken paths. Its main branch is the
history of philosophy. This is really its ground-bass whose notes are heard also
in the other kind of history and which, even here, fundamentally guides
opinion; but this rules the world. Rightly understood, philosophy is, therefore,
the most powerful material force, although it works very slowly.