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File: 243 KB, 1007x1141, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21910745 No.21910745 [Reply] [Original]

The saint is the only Jewish "genius." Even the greatest Jewish thinker is no more than talented. (Myself for instance.)
I think there is some truth in my idea that I am really only reproductive in my thinking. I think I have never invented a line of thinking but that it was always provided for me by someone else & I have done no more than passionately take it up for my work of clarification. That is how Boltzmann, Hertz, Schopenhauer, Frege, Russell, Kraus, Loos, Weininger, Spengler, Sraffa have influenced me. Can one take Breuer & Freud as an example of Jewish reproductive thinking? - What I invent are new comparisons.
. . . It might be said (rightly or wrongly) that the Jewish mind is not in a position to produce even so much as a tiny blade of grass or flower but that its way is to make a drawing of the blade of grass or the flower that has grown in the mind of another & then use it to sketch a comprehensive picture. This is not to allege a vice & everything is all right as long as what is being done is quite clear. Danger only arises when someone confuses the nature of a Jewish work with that of a non-Jewish work & especially when the author of the former does so himself, as he so easily may. (Doesn't he look as proud as though he were being milked himself?)
It is typical of the Jewish mind to understand someone else's work better than he understands it himself

>> No.21910772

Thanks for posting

>> No.21910788

oh cmon you again? which witkekstein heir you are?

>> No.21910943

Artie is not a Jew.

>> No.21911002

He didn't say he was.

>> No.21911005

Are you properly matrilineally Jewish and raised learning Heeb? Had your bar-mitzva and all that?
Kinda envy the sense or community/identity you must have.
Being an Anglo-Celto-Franco-Ashkenaz hybrid that was raised non-religiously with no sense of belonging is somewhat painful. I could always take a DNA test and then larp as whatever my biggest number was, but my guess is it'd seem hollow at this point.
I have no choice but to pursue rugged American individualism and go find somewhere to isolate myself and live off the land. I'll feel more at home with a vegetable garden and a dozen or so of chickens than with all the people of the world.

>> No.21911018

Yeah, Spinoza, Von Neumann, and Einstein totally aren't geniuses, right?

>> No.21911032

The quote is by Wittgenstein.

>> No.21911042

Oh. Thought I could speak to a Jew that's unafraid to post on /lit/ admitting his ancestry. Haven't read Witty yet, probably should at some point soon.

>> No.21911049

itps so long as they acknowledge it as he does in this quote.
Kabbalah is basically just middle-platonic philosophy, yet now they Chabad go around telling everyone they came up with the whole thing and invented the concept of reincarnation, even going so far as to claim that Hinduism was created by one of the descendants of Abraham.

>> No.21911152
File: 103 KB, 800x776, 1678359630229963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you found out Einstein was a plagiarist?

>> No.21911333
File: 166 KB, 661x449, niet-masc-fem-genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare with Nietzsche

>> No.21911337

... seemingly at odds, but perhaps can be reconciled by interpreting W's statement on the individual level, and N's on the group level.

>> No.21911357


Even this post is plagiarism of Wagner lol

Wittgenstein was a half jew and legally german (even this matter was approved by Hitler himself) and considered himself German and was entirely aware of his Jewish blood and was not friendly to Jewishness and fully understood what it was mentally to be Jewish Vs Teutonic.

>> No.21911710

I'm a born-and-raised Orthodox Jew. I've posted openly here before.

>> No.21911715

well, what do you think about OP's Wittgenstein's quote? How does it compare with your experiences and observations?

>> No.21911717
File: 215 KB, 1200x1600, Franz_Kafka,_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, the position for /our jew/ is already taken

>> No.21911719

Why do you care? why do you need to identify with a group?
I don't, im happy just being my self.

>> No.21911732

Interesting with Witt is the complementarity with Kafka. Kafka is reproductive in the same sense (a worthy continuation of the Gogol Dostoevsky lineage), only while Kafka was insecure and alienated by his Judaism, Witt was a fairly vigorous Christian, especially early on

not sure if you're joking or not but the maths of special relativity was known prior to Einstein, via Lorenz, his explanation of the photoelectric effect was an interpretation of Planck's earlier work, and GR is an application of topology, especially Poincaré's. Three non jews

>> No.21911769

I mean, I'm against categorical statements like that, but it's fairly consistent with the religious Jewish way of thinking. We're big on tradition, and we try to innovate within the system rather than develop entirely new paradigms. What he said about "creating new comparisons" struck me as being extremely on-the-nose. The last line also resonated with me. Whether this is also true of non-religious Jews/non-religous Jewish literature is beyond me; it seems unlikely. Incidentally, I happen to love Wittgenstein's language game business.

>> No.21911794

Is the book of Sirach in your Canon?

>> No.21911840

On second thought, actually, I'm really not sure. I like it, but it's a sort of needless romanticization. Someone could certainly argue against it.
Nope, although it does get quoted occasionally in the Talmud.

>> No.21911849

Do you feel like learning Hebrew and participating in the rituals of Judaism have been a positive for you?
Were you raised in a group?
It doesn't matter if you don't participate anymore, being raised in it is what has the deepest effect on the psyche and formation of social cohesion.

>> No.21911853

you might be against categorical statements, but when talking about peoples and ethnicities saying "guys, guys. this doesn't necessarily apply to EVERYONE ok?? not all jews are the same..." is so obvious its going to be considered pointless by anyone with a modicum of intelligence. obviously you can only make statements about the character of a people or ethnicity in general (and if you can't even do that, then why would we differentiate between them at all)

or maybe I am misunderstanding your use of categorical

>> No.21911992

Very interesting. Do you find the double standard for Jew and Gentile satisfying? Do you believe in blood line Judaism? What about the familial hierarchies? Also, why did the prophets stop at basically the same time as Jesus Christ? Have you ever read the Gospel of Matthew or even the Sermon on the Mount? Sorry for questions just curious.

>> No.21912030

I guess he said this in Tractatus days?

>> No.21912032

It's from 1931.

>> No.21912059

Yea TLP really felt like what he's saying in the post, taking main talking points in philosphy and creating a logically consistent model using picture theory. Although I wouldn't generalize.

>> No.21912101

I do participate, I like people, but I don't need to identify with a group of people.

>> No.21912104

Pretty sure this is just from his personal diary or letters, not a published work. Also, he was three-quarters Jew.

>> No.21912258

>Kraus, Weininger, Sraffa

would be exceptions to this formula, listed before it is even stated completely, so must have been said at least partly tongue-in-cheek (?)

>> No.21912307

I wonder who he considers as inventive thinker. Everyone is influenced by others and builds his paradigm on the work already done

>> No.21912326

More like plagiarism of Weininger who plagiarised Wagner. Though it's likely Wittgenstein did read Wagner's Judaism in Music.

>> No.21912464

I’ve seen it before, I’m just pointing out the irony

>> No.21913012

Yes. Firstly, obviously, serving G-d is a wonderful thing - that's what it's really about, and that's why we keep the rituals and such. In fact, I've never really given thought to the personal benefits of being Jewish; it's sort of irrelevant to me. I'd definitely emphasize the benefits of living within a community. Being part of something greater than yourself makes life very rewarding. Keeping the Sabbath is actually a very enriching thing - while it's not necessarily *about* the disconnect from the modern world, I do feel anxiety release when I put my phone away before the Sabbath. Certain elements of Jewish life also necessitate discipline - you have to wake up every morning for prayer, you have to attend two more prayer services throughout the day, you have to mind what you eat, you have to mind what you say, etc. - which, I suppose, allows for all the benefits discipline entails. Regarding Hebrew: having learned it, I have access to the endless amount of literature my culture has produced over the past few millenia, which allows me to connect with my heritage, and, more importantly, to fulfill the obligation to "learn."
I'd have to put more thought into the benefits. These were just off the top of my head.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I see your point in an ideal world, but I disagree.
>considered pointless by anyone with a modicum of intelligence
If you lurk here long enough you'll see a lot of people who have very strange views about race.
>Ethnicity in general
The issue is that "Judaism" is a vague term. Behavioral trends in ethnicities are usually cultural rather than inherent, but there's no concentrated culture when it comes to Judaism: there are so many different groups with cultures so far removed from one another that categorical statements aren't usually useful. I personally identity with what Wittgenstein wrote, but someone else might not.

>> No.21913101

I responded to this months ago, but I'll give it another go
>Double standard
Still ambiguous
>Bloodline judaism
Judaism is a nationality. Orthodox judaism recognizes matrilenal descent and conversion as the two means through which to join the group.
>Familial hierarchies
They stopped like four hundred years earlier, which is a lot for the bible
I've read some lines here and there. Some of it is very pretty
>Sermon on the mount
Never read it

>> No.21913185

>Haven't read Witty yet
Read The Golden Bough, particularly minding to read the introduction, and then read Witty's attempt at deconstruction of said work. Frazer was perfectly clear why he had to go about what he did the way that he did it. Wiity's deconstruction is basically just a scathing rewording of the introduction. I ma not familiar with his other critiques. I wonder how many others were perfectly honest men that admitted their flaws and then had their own honesty flouted at them.

>> No.21913200

People don't seem to know this but his main influences, apart from Russell and Frege, were Schopenhauer, Weininger, Spengler (and through him Nietzsche), Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Goethe, Dostoevsky, Trakl, Rilke, Kraus, William James, Mörike, Kleist, and Tagore—a lot of poets and religious fiction writers, and relatively few philosophers. In fact, by the early 1930s, Wittgenstein was insisting that philosophy was itself really a form of poetry. "Philosophy may in no way interfere with the actual use of language; it can in the end only describe it. … It leaves everything as it is." Still, at the same time, I would argue that a lot of his literary judgements are merely idiosyncratic, and not to be taken too seriously.

>> No.21913215

>Orthodox judaism recognizes matrilenal descent
Is there a biblical justification for that? Why not father to son like a bunch of lists that I have seen in the Bible?

>> No.21913270

There's still a lot of Ibsen and Dostoyevsky in Weininger's direct, strongest similes and metaphors. But it's Wagner who gave him the actual command and seriousness to captivate people. This is what Wittgenstein is referring to in his 'negation' of Weininger. He was ready to do philosophy with Weininger's most concentrated metaphorical fantasies without any deferential sobriety. Which is just another attempt at Weininger's mission in a more alienated environment. Weininger's ghost is more strongly related to Ibsen's legacy through Joyce than it is to Wagner's. People listened to Wagner on their own but Ibsen became too associated with temporal left wing movements to have significant influence. Weininger wrote his On Last Thing's essay to convince the 'serious' people of his day to reconsider Ibsen, he put Peer Gynt above all of Shakespeare.
>Wittgenstein continued to discuss Weininger the rest of his life, and his influence is also present in the later writings. For example, it is easy to recognize the remarks about Beethoven and Shakespeare which were published in Culture and Value, (e.g., “‘Beethoven's great heart’ – nobody could speak of ‘Shakespeare's great heart’.”), as Wittgenstein trying to work out some implications of Weininger's insight: “With Shakespeare, the world has no centre-point; with Beethoven it has one.”

>> No.21914080

Thanks for giving a genuine response. I respect the tradition of the Sabbath and the community quite a bit. I hope you have a pleasant one tomorrow.
Ever learn any Yiddish? It's a language that's intrigued me, since half my family was Ashkenazi living in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. It would be a tongue they would have spoken, so I find it interesting, and tried learning some myself at one point.

>> No.21914124

can you guys stop acting like comic book villains?


>> No.21914280

Since there's some tribal folx in here, have any of you heard of Mitchell Heisman and his Suicide Note book? Some call him the Weininger of this century. Can't tell if he's a schizo, a genius, or just mindbroken by Nietzsche
>Jewish but think Nazis are right about Judaism which is a post-evolutionary social technology designed to invert the biological imperative to grow and dominate in order to allow physically and politically weak races to exist
>thinks anglo-saxons are the new jews, says liberalism was invented due to anglo-saxons seething about being dominated by Normans and goes further to say that all political philosophy and ideology is a reflection of ethnic power struggles
>thinks jesus was a rape baby who wanted to destroy both Rome and purge what was still Roman or pagan in Judaism , says Jewish nationalism and political existence was refuted by the failure of the bar kokhba revolt
schizo or insightful?

>> No.21914679

>a cringy pagan, an idiot savant, and a plagiarist
They're no Goethe or Leonardo.

>> No.21914715

>thinks jesus was a rape baby who wanted to destroy both Rome and purge what was still Roman or pagan in Judaism
I'd like to see how he justifies that one.

>> No.21914858

Heisman was pretty creative but he has nothing to do with Weininger. Jewishness just means doubt. Jewish religion is just crazy psychotic larping of Christianity with extra tinges of doubt, it doesn’t matter if they’re ‘right wing’, there’s still tons of doubt, which makes the whole thing doubly delusional. Jewish ethnic people exist because they literally don’t believe in love and have insane arranged marriages based on psychotic gambling for the future, the complete antithesis of hope or belief in the individual, which means no belief in anything. Jewishness to Weininger just meant insane, and he would’ve been incredibly skeptical of all this political history, it’s like memory to Weininger’s idea of recognition, which would be more focused on analysis of individual accomplishments and their symbolic meaning as pitfalls and victories for other people as they normally, actually exist. Carlyle’s heroism. Weininger only talks about history through what it means to a person with hope in the present, for the future, and he defers all his political beliefs to Rousseau. This type of political historical mythology is more Jungian and something Weininger was incredibly skeptical of. It’s backwards. Politics, history, science, are like memory, basically meaningless, lifeless without any recognition, and recognition can only come from the need for immortality of an individuals continuity. The continuation of the self is genius, but man is only himself when he loves (Solveig). To recognize is to revere, thus memory is the enemy of reverence, because no man could love what he would rather choose to forget, when he is too weak to stay awake and must sleep, else he wouldn’t dream if he didn’t have a want to stay awake. Thus Jewishness is the ultimate evil, because it has the want of reverence, with no belief in the self it gambles for victory, thus recognition from others, thus a want for the need to passively be recognized which creates effeminate efficacy, thus the Jew smiles at the good (future), without a want for the future he thinks everyone will be stuck in the past. Only the genius knows what is genius in the person survives on, which the Jew can’t recognize, because he only has doubt and no Christ. Also Heisman had a whole philosophy on the necessity of death. Weininger’s suicide is completely disconnected from his work. Weininger killed himself because he was being hunted by hell hounds and didn’t want them to eat his heart and gain his powers (confirmed by Gerber’s testimony)
Goethe was literally a Spinozist. But a Jew can never be a genius because he is full of doubt for what has past, and the genius only lives for what can be recognized in the future through Christ

>> No.21914899

>schizo or insightful?
Either/or fallacy. I liked it.
If people dropped most use of the words
...and most other absolutes...
...humanity would (truly) progress (faster)?
Liberal humanism via Enlightenment ideals is the way forward and identity politics is the best weapon Sino-Russian_relations_since_1991 (+Iran+Syria+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Cuba+NK+Venezuela+EveryCountrytheUSshatUponLoTheseLast50-100years) could've possibly thought up, invented and implemented for a demographically multicultural society.
It's completely taken us back 20, 40, 60 years and like Milanion's Golden apples (dropped so Atalanta would lose the race), are a massive hurdle as we struggle to keep up with China's 50 year race toward toppling the West and achieving world domination.
And no, Andrew, China isn't your friend and will head WNists into the Western pyre, of course, because that's one of the reasons they hate us so.
Shit, Tiger Army online *still* brings up the importation of opium (and Opium Wars) when they're called out about fentanyl.

Still! So Jews! Talk to your uncles. Take to your Yentl assed aunts. Quit being so GD insular and shitty and self-aggrandizing and etc (and start making better media that *unites* us (
biological dominance (制生权)
biological interdisciplinary (生物交叉)
brain control (脑控)
“brain-machine fusion” (脑机融合)
Cognitive Science Basic Research Team (认知科学基础研究团队)
“combat brain” (作战大脑)
domain of consciousness (意识域)
frontier/cutting-edge interdisciplinary (前沿交叉)
“hybrid intelligence” (混合智能)
human-machine coordination (人机协同)
“human performance enhancement technologies” (人效能增强技术)
“informatization” (信息化).
information operations (信息作战)
“intelligence dominance” (制智权).
intelligent autonomy (智能自主)
“intelligentized” (智能化)
“keep pace with the times” (与时俱进)
key points of struggle (制权争夺点)
“mental/cognitive dominance” (制脑权)
military cognitive capabilities (军事认知能力)
multi-domain integration (多域一体)
National Innovation Institute for Defense Technology (国防科技创新研究院)
“specific ethnic genetic attacks” (特定种族基因攻击)
“strategic commanding heights” (制高点)
War for Biological Dominance (制生权战争)
“winning without fighting” (不战而屈人之兵)


specific ethnic genetic attacks
>specific ethnic genetic attacks
specific ethnic genetic attacks
>specific ethnic genetic attacks

Normalcy fallacy.
Their plan encompasses 50 years.
Average Western attention span is 5 seconds.


>> No.21915566

>If you lurk here long enough you'll see a lot of people who have very strange views about race.
when I say 'modicum of intelligence' I really mean someone who reads, reads in pursuit of the truth. I guess it was over the top to put it like that but im sure wittgenstein didnt need to be told twice

I also wouldnt be so sure that zero anons are aware of this fact when making the bombastic claims you find all over the site

>> No.21916211
File: 109 KB, 524x933, 1720620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to my half-assed bait