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/lit/ - Literature

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21910170 No.21910170 [Reply] [Original]

What % of your /shelf/ have you actually read?

>> No.21910181

I swear to god I need to move somewhere without internet. I can actually feel myself taking psychic damage from being on this site.

>> No.21910188


>> No.21910189

10% read and 25% partially read. I only own around 80 books.
I also only buy 5-10 books per year so it's really about buying books but lack of interest that keeps me from finishing most of them and changing appetites (i've been reading doorstoppers for the last 2 years)

>> No.21910211

Maybe 10%. I only keep things I haven't read yet or am very likely to reread soon on my shelves, everything else goes into storage to make room for more new books.

>> No.21910213

I buy a lot of books, unread books are a sign of a healthy collection

>> No.21910243

Does kindle count? If so then I have only read like 0.5% of my collection.

>> No.21910301
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>Buying things gives my life meaning.
>The more I own, the more value in my life.
>I cannot imagine living without my consuumables.
And last but not least...
>MuH ShElVeS!!!!1
Come now, anon.
Let's talk about ideas not virtue signal our capitalistic gorging fetishes.

>> No.21910304

Just thinking now... do you ask think it's possible to 'be' a Marxist but not a communist?
I agree with (my limited understanding of) Marx's focus / obsession on class and class warfare. I just don't see the government as any sort of solution.

>> No.21910312

I have a big box of comics that I got for free that I haven't read because I would have to basically do homework first to follow the story from the middle.

As for my normal books there is only one non-reference book that I haven't read properly.
A self help book about making decisions that I got for free for going to this spiritual center's equivalent to church service. It was just a bunch of very old new age people who had a convoluted mish mash of old spiritual fads strung together haphazardly. The book was repetitive, low content, and kept trying to shill seminars from the mentor of the writer.
This annoyed me so I never bothered to finish the book. But I haven't got around to getting rid of the book.
Everything else that isn't a random comic in my collection is something I have read.

Why would I buy a book if I wasn't going to read it?

>> No.21910318
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Just read books and use the internet as The World's Largest Dictionary/Thesaurus!
I.E. use those internet page blocker things. They work great. Esp if you set yourself some really hard text you have to type out in order to turn it off.
I... can't find the exact one I used to use, for free, but blocking any page with 'news' or '4chan' or, at the time, '8kun' or 'whatever' was a great boon to my mental well-being.
Try it, anon.
No point throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.21910455
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How do I stop feeling anxious over my backlogs? It leads me to speedrun everything just to try and feel a bit less pressured

>> No.21910516

40% roughly
The pad is a different matter.

>> No.21910523

The only point in having a personal library (a lot of books) is as a research tool.
Once you have read a book and do not plan to read it again then you can give it away or donate it.

For any intelligent person, most of the books on their shelf will not be read.

>> No.21910634

Was 99%, is now 95 ish%.

>> No.21910654

>I agree with (my limited understanding of) Marx's focus / obsession on class and class warfare. I just don't see the government as any sort of solution.
Dictatorship of the proletariat is not a solution - it's a consequence, like market crash is a consequence of speculation bubble.

>> No.21910857

I feel anxious when I bought books but lost interest in them, so most of the time I prefer to buy just a few at once. I'm amazed to see some people buying a lot of books at once in stack thread.

>> No.21910859

What ideas are there to discuss?
Philosophy is useless, ideas are useless

>> No.21910866

skill issue

>> No.21910879
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A home library is not a showcase of books you have read. It's a collection of books you have read and think you will reread in 10 or 20 or 30 years, books that you keep for research purposes (in whatever fields you're interested in, for example I have a lot of history and art books) and also (I'd say the majority) should be books you want to read at some point.

>> No.21910894

Books are not wine. When you finish a bottle it's gone forever. Wine peaks after a certain age at which point you have to drink it. Books do not vanish when you finish them. If every wine bottle refilled itself magically, yes, you would have people drinking everything in the cellar, every day. This analogy is retarded.

>> No.21910897


I love the disparity, its either I have read everything in my collection, or I am on a fraction of it. But I suppose the people saying they've read only a fraction of it probably get books from net sources, which makes it much easier to accumulate books.

>> No.21910924

I have 10 publishing houses in my country pinned to my favorite and I check them from time to time. When they have 35-40% off I just buy a bunch of books from them and then in a couple of months I do the same with another publisher.

>> No.21910960

>food analogies

>> No.21910967

This nigga eats wine.

>> No.21910995

>formerly grapes

>> No.21911003

20 to 25% percent of my 2100 books

>> No.21911009

Probably 10% to 14%. That being said, I have a decent number of anthologies that I use for reference material and never intend on reading the whole way through.

>> No.21911021

>The only point in having a personal library (a lot of books) is as a research tool.
>Once you have read a book and do not plan to read it again then you can give it away or donate it.

>For any intelligent person, most of the books on their shelf will not be read.

Read book.
Figure you hot what was available from book.
Give away or sell book.
Remember later some historical thing that was mentioned in book.
Try googling historical thing.
No results.
Have to purchase new copy of book.

>> No.21911090

I've read about a third of the 430ish books in my house. I'm working through them at a decent pace I think. I fully intend to try them all, getting rid of the ones I don't like.

>> No.21911336

Can u give us a list anon

>> No.21911862

the book i start next is literally just determined by however i'm feeling at that point in time and if i'm not hooked by the first 50 pages (not including intros/prefaces etc.) i just move on to the next

also if you can't even go a month without adding shit to your backlog you're ngmi

>> No.21912317

i agree with the twitterfag desu

>> No.21912371

Fuck, I hate the internet. I wish it could go back to the way it was when I didn't hate it.

>> No.21912434

larn to don't let yourself get distracted by it

>> No.21912451
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Ever since zlib when down I've become paranoid and try to scoop up as many as I can. I've read 25 books so far this year

>> No.21912503

I've read every physical book I have on my shelf. Why else would I have bought it? The only book I have not read is the one I'm currently reading right now.

>> No.21912516

It's not an interesting collection unless you're into sci-fi/fantasy. I can take some pictures later if you're actually interested though.

>> No.21912554

>For any intelligent person, most of the books on their shelf will not be read.
Holy brainlet cope.

>> No.21912688

I've been banging out my stacks at a decent pace so this sounds feeble to me

>> No.21913329

about 70%

>> No.21914079
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I don't get it. Why would you buy a book and not read it? I only buy books specifically when I intend to read them.

>> No.21914092

Gotta be approaching half now, id say I'm proud at how consistently I've read aside from a few slumps. I guess a bit of burn out is natural with everything

>> No.21914172

I own around 300 and not only I'm at 10% at best, but also I don't have any shelf to store them.