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File: 582 KB, 1536x2048, 1666463073154319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21908147 No.21908147 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of his collection? Anything noteworthy in between the marvel?

>> No.21908151

Fuck. Varg has seen better days, huh?
Poe is cool, I guess.

>> No.21908153

Varg really let himself go.

>> No.21908331

from the beard upwards he looks like nietzsche

>> No.21908389

>Varg and Vaush's lovechild

>> No.21908543
File: 233 KB, 720x1374, Screenshot_20230412-225225-848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf is *buying books* when libgen still runs?
Some consumerist twathole, I assume.
Good for him as far as not giving a fuck about (people's judgement of) his body though.

>> No.21908549

this image angers me because Ellison isn't back in print yet.

>> No.21908830

Why did he post a pic if he supposedly does not give a fuck?

People buy books that aren't digital yet for one reason. No, reading scans of pages doesn't count. Many books are "digital" but still ridden with spelling errors. You'd know this if you were sincere in your pursuit.

>> No.21909107
File: 36 KB, 460x690, 47459-the-society-of-the-spectacle-0-460-0-690-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why picture then huhhuh
You know what I mean, quit being dense or argumentative. A fat man that was ashamed would've stepped out of the picture or somewhat hidden his girth. His prodigious flab.
>People buy books that aren't digital yet for one reason.
To show off to visitors? I honestly don't know. I buy food, gasoline, pay bills. Went into a bookstore for the first time, I shit you not, in a decade and was flabbergasted that the prices were still so high. 4, 5, 10 dollars for a used fkn book!!
I only buy things I can't get online. FFS, not Stephen FKN King!
Laughing my fucking ASS off.

I have TBs of EPUBs and will be reading them, even if they close down libgen, until my dying breath.
Sincere in my pursuit of enjoying a good book, for free.
And if one scan has errors, there are other copies online.
Not like physical copies are free from that trifling nonsense that doesn't matter any GD way.
But, don't let me stop you, ask your parents to keep buying you bullshit. I care not a whit. No skin off my dick...lol.. With your sincere pursuits, lololo

>> No.21909117

oh you're AI

>> No.21909193
File: 415 KB, 1032x1387, 1467650326504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can see in the pic:

-Dark Tower, Stephen King: Liked the series a lot, but then again I was 16 when I read it so eh
-Maus by Art Spiegelman: Kinda surprised this is in Varg's collection, assumed he was still a massive neo-nazi
-Watchmen: S tier
-Ender's Game: pretty normie
-The philosophy of Nietsche: unsurprising to see that here
-American God's by Neil Gaiman: never read but I liked Coraline and Sandman
-More Stephen King pulp: idk don't people outgrow King after the age of 18?

Other books I don't know or can't make out the title. Overall I give it 4 black suns out of ten

>> No.21909273
File: 48 KB, 900x750, william-s-burroughs-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read the new Stephen King
that your parents bought for you.
>MuH ShElVeS!!!!1

>> No.21909361

Is that actually varg?

>> No.21909373

I wish I had tits like that, I'd stop caring and embrace them. Instead I live in constant fear of man boobs.

>> No.21909397

Nah, that's The Quartering.

>> No.21909412

You really can't imagine a world where the internet goes out, or ceases to contain your favorite books? What if the internet goes down and the economy tanks? Then how are you supposed to rely on your hard drives for the rest of your life?

>> No.21909424

Harddrives dont work on internet. You're replying to a bot anyhow

>> No.21910290

I'm not a bot, you sun bleached nugget of dog dropping.
If the electricity goes out for that long then reading a collection of banal shit like Stephen King and etc will be the least of my, or your, concerns. Anyways, I have a battery bank from recent van camping and can charge my device in my van. So this seems like a particularly desperate excuse.
Face it, you like showing off your books! You're a consuuuumer!
No big deal. Just, obviously, not my thing.
I have books and a stack as well, btw.
Three or four books worth +100 a piece (a big deal for me because I'm poor like you wouldn't believe).
Meaning in Existential and Positive Psychology
Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants
Character Strengths and Virtues
... and one I'd rather not mention.

>> No.21910363

gotta admit the skulls are pretty cool