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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 402 KB, 811x906, CTMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21908057 No.21908057 [Reply] [Original]

>What is the CTMU?
The CTMU is a theory of mathematical metaphysics introduced by Christopher Langan in the 1980’s.

>Why is the CTMU important?
The CTMU proves that God exists by providing a valid framework for the overall structure of reality, and showing that this structure exhibits properties traditionally attributed to God. In doing so, the CTMU provides the logical foundation of a Theory of Everything; and thereby constitutes absolute truth.

>In which sense is the CTMU mathematical?
The CTMU is logical and mathematical because it explicitly contains logical and mathematical structures, concepts, and reasoning.

>What exactly is Chris Langan trying to convey in the CTMU (in layman's terms), and what is his goal/expectation in doing so?

>What’s the most useful and tangible consequence of the CTMU?

>Why do we need the CTMU? X philosopher says the same thing!
The CTMU is unique in that it is able to justify its claims on logical grounds.


>> No.21908187

Not literature
For internet celebrities see:

>> No.21908229

The CTMU is a literary work
For the definition of literature see:

>> No.21908559

Chris, please. I took the liberty to sage your blatant self-promotion.

>> No.21908961

Thank you based Langan.

A miraculous intervention to support your becoming economically self-sufficient (such as by God inspiring in you the discipline and interest to become a horse rancher, for instance) and escaping from the schemes of the parasitically divergent overclass to create an AI-run hivemind out of humanity, as well as self-actualization as a telor thinking and behaving in alignment with the CTMU will come to you, as well as a cute far-right gf who also behaves and thinks compatibly with the CTMU, but only if you post, “Thanks you based Langan!” in this thread.


>> No.21909023


>> No.21909993
File: 159 KB, 919x551, nd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21910003

This shit is the LARPiest bullshit ever invented. Fuck off with these threads.

>> No.21910084
File: 102 KB, 1170x1536, hrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This shit is the LARPiest bullshit ever invented. Fuck off with these threads.