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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1217x2000, zeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21907640 No.21907640 [Reply] [Original]

I am the only /lit/izen who has read this book.

>> No.21907653

Andrae Nordskog's ''We Bankers''.

>> No.21907667

Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
Crime and Punishment
the list goes on...

>> No.21907736

I would not brag about reading a book by Svevo but that's just me.

>> No.21907773
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>> No.21907786
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>> No.21907861

I am a third of the way into Moby Dick and have Crime and Punishment in queue. A lot of fags here have read McCarthy. None of that is obscure.

>> No.21907866

What happened to Ted Cruz's head?

>> No.21907876

That's the joke.

>> No.21907891


>> No.21907899

>muh /lit/ doesn't read
so fragile

>> No.21907903

I just figured you guys were retarded. I am still not convinced otherwise. Also, Alan Harrington's ''The White Rainbow''.

>> No.21907985

Sounds like big stinky COPE to me desu

>> No.21908033

Also, PKD's Voices from the Street.

>> No.21908047

I would say the entirety of The Cantos as well as the fragments, but I think something more obscure like Hilda's Book.

>> No.21908058

my diary desu

>> No.21908182

based, gullible and sincerity pilled

>> No.21908192
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I read this in 5th grade.
The only thing I remember about it is that it has surfing and the dog's name is "Blackie"

>> No.21908245
File: 168 KB, 717x1024, ちょろいんですが恋人にはなれませんか?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the first books I bought when I started learning Japanese.
Believe it or not, despite the cover and title it is actually a science fiction action thriller about a hacker trying to take down a human trafficking organization.
It's quite good and I'm happy to have read it when I was starting out because it's a real page turner. The night I finally finished it I stayed up until about 2 AM because I just couldn't put it down.

>> No.21908252

The story of the Men of the Red Branch of Ulster

>> No.21908327

Are you fucking with me?

>> No.21908373
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... too soon?

>> No.21908409
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from what I gather...never seen anyone here mention him

>> No.21908416

>Insel Felsenburg
>Krabat or the Metamorphosis of the World
>Rönne novels

>> No.21908696
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Every italian schoolboy is forced to read this shit
Fuck Svevo and his boring ass books!

>> No.21908742

nope; one of my favs for years. good pick though.

>> No.21908746

nope, i have as well. good pick though. what's hilda's?

>> No.21908750


>> No.21908779

Joyce stanned it.


>> No.21908955
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Keks were audible

>> No.21909223
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I have read it too, but it was not Confessions of Zeno, it was Zeno's Conscience. Kino of the highest order. For me it was picrel

>> No.21909232

No, that's really what it's about.
The protagonist is a hacker with a supercomputer he got from his grandfather and he runs a secret vigilante organization out of a cafe.
He runs into three cute girl love interests on the same day who all fall in love with him (thus the cover/title) but he doesn't know if they're actually in love with him or if they've been sent to spy on him. That dynamic adds a lot of depth to the romantic scenes.
It's hardly high literature but it's really fun. I read it back when my Japanese reading speed was something dreadful like one page every ten minutes and I still enjoyed reading it. There aren't many books I'd enjoy reading at that slow a pace.
I've read a bunch of light novels sense then and it's still up there for me as one of my absolute favorites.

>> No.21909351
File: 37 KB, 446x648, An Innocent Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21909622

He was saying that nobody on this board reads.

>> No.21909712
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>> No.21909840

You're fucking with me then, cool, you don't need to be a dick about it

>> No.21910398

I've been on /lit/ since 2008 and I've never heard of any of those books

>> No.21910471

/lit/ was born in 2010

>> No.21910478
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>> No.21910517

Dis nigga ahh reading a book, only at miller grove

>> No.21910564

Marley Diaz Gets It Done

>> No.21910601
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this is my favorite novel and I've given copies to two different people to read. I've also read his other book 'as a man grows older' which isn't nearly as good

>> No.21910808
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>> No.21910817


I read that too

>> No.21912047

I have read it
it's good

>> No.21912883
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Read, didn't rlly like.

>> No.21912930

i'm the only one on /lit/ who has read this

>> No.21912934
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forgot picture

>> No.21912982
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A nice read.

>> No.21913040
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>> No.21913081
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This debut novel

>> No.21914801

these threads always blow because you idiots hardly ever say anything about the books you post.