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21907041 No.21907041 [Reply] [Original]

He has never been surpassed

>> No.21907065
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Shakespearian Drama + Beethovenian Music = Perfection

>> No.21907070

Wagner surpassed him. His artwork is the most complete drama, and thus reaches far beyond any work of actual poetry. The form in which for drama and even more for music all conventionality would have to be completely abolished. We have to assume that this drama relates to ‘Opera’, as does one of Shakespeare’s works to literary drama and one of Beethoven’s symphonies to operatic music.

>> No.21907077

in tedium

>> No.21907125
File: 64 KB, 523x653, Matthew_Gregory_Lewis_by_George_Lethbridge_Saunders,_after_Unknown_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he has

>> No.21907132

William Drummond surpassed him in the same century

>> No.21907152

A drummond appreciator?! That’s pretty rare!

>> No.21907162

Milton did it

>> No.21907165

Poetry: Keats, Blake, Rimbaud
Drama: Wagner, Arthur Miller, Chekov,
Language: Joyce, Melville, Nabakov

>> No.21907394

my man

>> No.21907419

As a crass showman peddling filth to the masses? Yes, he remains unmatched.

>> No.21907450

Are you referring to Titus?

>> No.21907534
File: 1.53 MB, 1947x1766, Miguel_de_Cervantes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.21907697


>> No.21907706

Literally me

>> No.21907724

matthew "monk" lewis

>> No.21907983
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>Arthur Miller

>> No.21907993

Blake, MIller, Nabokov and I'm tempted to say Melville are overrated hacks.

>> No.21908013

Rimbaud doesn’t deserve to be there and, while I prefer Melville to both men, I don’t see the logic in limping him in with the two men when the ideal of prose used by them is so different.

Have you read Blake’s epics/long poems, and have you read any Melville that’s not moby dick?

>> No.21908233
File: 19 KB, 300x414, Thomas_Pynchon_Returns_to_New-fe84014db13b6dee322e7c6f1291aa2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never been surpassed
Never was until 1937 when a certain loony-toons-watching, pot-smoking, conspiracy-believing nut was born.

>> No.21908257

Nobody, and I mean it; nobody has ever surpassed this man.