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/lit/ - Literature

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21906080 No.21906080 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get a /lit/ gf?

>> No.21906086

Deduction induction conduction subduction transduction eduction but mostly abduction.

>> No.21906090

>/lit/ gf
>What OP really wants in life is someone who shares his love of dfw posting

>> No.21906092

no such thing, just get a pig who can cook, with good teeth and no mental illness, and go to titty bars one town over to taste young firm breasts when the urges overwhelm you

>> No.21906093

Based Albertan.

>> No.21906100
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Not like this

>> No.21906124


>> No.21906291
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>walk up to qt
“Hey I couldn’t help but notice you were reading blank I’m reading blank do you want to go get some coffee and talk books sometime?”
Fork in the road question if they say no then follow up question with tell me about THAT author. If they say yes and never answer your calls, that’s also a no. Worst case scenario you get to hear about an author you’ll never read and they can believe whatever. You can even make up some shit about not knowing anybody who reads in town to discuss books with. If you start with a stale vibe and end with a stale vibe it will be bad. Also be handsome and well put together. If you can’t talk to strangers in public then try paying for online dating to build up that experience like an rpg. Hell say your intro in front of the mirror a bunch of times so you won’t get embarrassed. Better to feel dumb in front of the mirror than in front of a stranger. There’s a reason the stereotypical lonely dude in romcoms struggles with finding a date because it’s difficult terrain. Realize the single other is also lonely as well and maybe consider just paying for it. As a side note, it’s it sad match inc hasn’t created an internal anti-fish mechanism yet and still relies on the report function. Good luck. I believe in you brother. Get that pussy.

>> No.21906321

Fat girls are usually huge cunts. I've been bullied/harassed by several. That guy was just being shy and trying to start a conversation yet she threatened to get the cops involved. No wonder she was reading alone. What a bitch.

>> No.21906348

It's better to have male friends to discuss literature with. Instead of asking over and over about a /lit/ gal, this board should ask, "How can I get /lit/ bros?" Once this need in your heart is satisfied you won't have to be so concerned if your mate is /lit/ or not, and you will realize it doesn't matter because a woman being a good wife has very little to do with her interest in literature, and half the reason you are looking for this is just out of loneliness for men--but a woman will never satisfy the need that men have for men, she cannot be a substitute and trying to find a woman who can substitute for male friends will only lead to disappointment and heartache.

>> No.21906386

Women are way too finicky with their signals. This kind of shit should be illegal.

>> No.21906390

I would know.
t. dated fatties before

>> No.21906395

I will add that fat bitches tend towards lesbianism more than skinny bitches because Chad is unavailable

>> No.21906404

Don't bother just go to the nearest club and grind on some brainlet thot if you want action women don't give a fuck about literature only erotica.

>> No.21906460
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Ok I’ll be honest with my lit homies, 20% of your graduating class found a wife in high school. 20% of them will last until old age. Most people meet people and have multiple marriages. The stats don’t lie. In my personal experience, I’ve found woman through sheer willpower and leaps of faith. You have to put your neck on that block for her to feel safe…. Life is strange.

>> No.21906609

nigga u gay as hell

>> No.21906610

Where is this block that I can put my head on? I've tried everything

>> No.21906612

Finding a wife in high school is very silly.

>> No.21906643

why did you have to ruin this nice post with an anime picture

>> No.21906647

Arranged marriage is the most stable form. The difficulty with relationships based purely on liberty is that people change a lot, whereas bonds based on familial ties are more constant. Furthermore when you yourself are in complete control of whom you marry, you will be more likely to contrast that with other choices you could have made, even purely hypothetical or imaginary choices which you couldn’t have, especially as a woman since women typically have more options than men. So a woman is always under that temptation of, “I could have had something else,” or even, “I could have something else,” any time she feels very dissatisfied, which is more and more common in today’s world where life is always supposed to be satisfactory and please the customer, so to speak, instead of about sacrificing for future generations, some who will be born after you’re gone.

>> No.21907040


>> No.21907050

Why good teeth specifically?

>> No.21907054

I’m a Muslim

>> No.21907068

He's insecure about his own

>> No.21907081

Most women and men want good, white teeth in a partner and bad teeth are both extremely unattractive and a red flag that the person is slovenly (unless they’re very old). That’s probably the only inoffensive thing he said

>> No.21907088
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In non lit places.
If you just have a normal social life you will eventually run across some lit girl who you will no doubt resent for not being as funny or likeable as her non lit counterparts. In my experience tho some countries are just more lit then others, and even the most ditzy girls (though admittedly about 15 years ago) could talk Dostoevsky or surprise you with having read some of the harder philosophers. i guess Ideally thats both educated and not degenerated. Israel was a bit like that as well.

Also, you know, online dating is a thing.

>> No.21907122

Come to Australia or Britain and complain about teeth bruh

>> No.21907148

I don’t mean teeth which haven’t had braces but teeth which have been poorly maintained

>> No.21907163

60% of aussies have yellow chipped teeth bruh

>> No.21907164

do not use 4chan for life advice firstly.

>> No.21907173
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Tokyo Ghoul: Re, you like it?

>> No.21907176

they probably too much sugar and have Lovecraft mouth as a result

>> No.21907188

can confirm my teeth are literally v shaped at the back

>> No.21907352
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>Fat girls are usually huge cunts.
It'd funny, because you usually expect the really good looking girls to be mega bitches because that's the way they are portrayed in films and books but in reality they're usually the nice ones. I think it's because they're used to social situations like that so they know how to handle themselves better but whatever the reason they seem more personable. Kind of a funny thing to me that you actually CAN judge a book by its cover in many cases, ugly without ugly within etcetc

I also really really, REALLY hate fats.

>> No.21907396

What is a /lit/ gf, what are their qualities?

>> No.21907413

No clue
I'm in the 2nd year of a literature degree and I haven't had any luck with women even though there are dozens in my programme

>> No.21907442

>What is a /lit/ gf
>what are their qualities?
Male levels of autistic dedication to knowledge of philosophy and history, and mastery of the canon, a disdain for plebs and frivolous YAshit, non-pickme disdain for basic bitches, not taking pictures of herself incessantly, not a performative art hoe

>> No.21907462

Settle for the fat ones.

>> No.21907466

I figure that if somebody isn‘t even taking basic care of themselves, they‘re probably failing in an above-average if not a majority of their other life departments as well.

>> No.21907478

A woman who doesn’t read but postures as a reader for aesthetic reasons

>> No.21907502

Honestly sound advice

>> No.21907594

People don't have large extended families anymore where filial piety and clan politics are important. The dating system brought in by the sexual revolution is clearly broke but I don't think we can just go back to era of arranged marriage which also had it's problems. Men getting married for reasons of stability and then cheat on their wives or use hookers to scratch their itch for romantic/sexual sustanance was a big problem.

Since Islamic law permits you "whatever your right hand possesses" (interpreted as allowing concubinage) and social attitudes to BDSM shit have liberalized, what's stopping Muslims from having BDSM type master/slave relations with people until they find that special someone? It's not very stable but I'm just curious also the Quran seems vague about it. What does it mean by what your right hand possesses?

>> No.21907641

Do women these days even read anything other than texts?

>> No.21907647

Yes, usually books about why racism is bad, homosexual interpretations of Greek myth and stories about female hypergamy. That's all I learnt from the book-club I attended, at least.

>> No.21907657

A concubine isn’t just a personal arrangement, it has to be publicly recognized since a concubine can no longer be sold and the children are legitimate and inherit.

>> No.21907735

so much this
you just want friends, anon. a /lit/ gf would be so fucking annoying when you really think about it

>> No.21907758

So just tell everyone and it's not private anymore.

Personally I wouldn't marry a woman who doesn't read.

>> No.21907763 [DELETED] 

Telling everyone does make someone your slave either de facto or de jure. They have to actually be your slave in both senses

>> No.21907772

I find it pretty funny that Muslims are so uptight about marriage and purity, when their own religion permitted concubinage, sex with slaves and their vision of heaven is amazingly sexual. Why is this?

>> No.21907779

Preventing bastards, STDS, and incorrect ascription of paternity are major considerations.

>> No.21907803

There are ways of mitigating those. But why are Muslims obsessed with arranged marriages specifically? Muslims are against dating, even no sex dating, but there isn't really anything in their religion against it. Why?

>> No.21907818

Islam prohibits touching or fraternizing or even looking at the opposite sex outside of close familial relations or wedlock. Interviews with a potential (as the term goes) with the permission of her wali (legal guardian, generally father) does permit a degree or socialization and gazing for the purpose of evaluating


>> No.21907819

I just want one woman who doesn't want to be her partner's slightly dumber submissive sidekick. We don't have to have everything in common. Actually the more interests she has that I don't have, the more interesting I would find her as a person. The most attracted to my gf I've ever been is when she does something really impressive, like comes back from a night of playing speed chess with a bunch of chess nerds and says she won 10 out of 11 games, or when she knows a lot about plants and botany and has to show me how to do something three times because I'm a clumsy retard. The most attracted I was to a woman in recent memory was when she had to blow me off to go play her flute with her childhood musical mentor and I could tell she intensely cared about music to the point that I was going to need to learn to take a backseat to it in certain moments like this. My ex took her math work so seriously that she would rudely ignore me when she was engrossed in it and it was attractive. Some of my most intense memories of her are just her on her bed with her big glasses on, doing math with a pencil, with her mouth partly open in concentration. That image is burned into my mind more than any time she got all made up to go out.

It doesn't have to be my hobbies or "based" hobbies. It can be very feminine hobbies. If my wife loved reading old children's books like Peter Cottontail and The Secret Garden, or she made felt garden gnomes and left them in little libraries for kids to take, or she was really into tarot or astrology, or yoga, or she was always learning languages because it gave her joy, or even if she just took her work very seriously beyond seeing it as money to spend on food, I would thump my chest like a caveman and buy her flowers every week.

>> No.21907847

You be fine anon, you like women

>> No.21907864
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>You guys thinking women are going to run you over and take control of you
You're retarded, they aren't EVEN beta males they are LITERALLY females, just put your foot down here and there and you're good to go.

>> No.21907897

>Dog-eared copy of IJ

>> No.21908902

If it wasn't for these inane rules Islam might actually be very appealing

>> No.21908927

These rules are why Muslim areas of Africa have no problem with AIDS and why the Middle East except for Iran has minimum STD’s (Shia jurisprudence allows a man and woman to make an oral contract for a temporary marriage without her guardian’s consent)

>> No.21908944
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You're too pure for this world

>> No.21908966

I find Islam appealing from a literary and philosophical perspective but its way too rule hefty. It's unrealistic. Iran has high STDs because it has high rates of extramarital sex without contraceptives, pills etc.

>> No.21908977

I’m saying in Shi’ite rules you can arrange to marry a stranger for only an hour by making and oral contract to marry for an hour and paying her appropriately and this is a very common practice in Iran. Many transsexuals—also allowed in Shi’ite jurisprudence—engage in temporary marriages for a living

>> No.21909082

/lit/ girls and art hoes only want incels, now that being incel means you're seen as the edgy, cool outsider.
The paradox is that now that they're interested in you, you're no longer an incel, so they're no longer interested.
This is why nobody is having sex anymore.

>> No.21909096

Very Jewish behavior

>> No.21909126
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>> No.21909184

Shia is when Christian ideas (messianic leader ascends to heaven only to return in end times) come creeping back into Islam.

>> No.21909318


Can confirm. My ex-wife is fat, and she's a treacherous, self-pitying bitch.

>> No.21909624


>> No.21910032

Not that person, but those are characters from a series of light novels.

>> No.21910048

it's literally impossible to meet women anywhere there is cement, and if there is no cement she literally thinks you only exist to rape her

>> No.21910052


Decent advice, thanks.

>> No.21910082

He's a eugenics retard since he's the bottom 0.1% of human garbage

>> No.21910085

because he's english and self-conscious

>> No.21910119


I have this problem, it stemed from my mother I think. She tried to be like this with my father and then me. I had an older sister and was put at the bottom of the rung in the family and that's where I was programed to stay. I should have been put in second after my father but instead it was like Mum, my sister, my dad then me lmao.

Anyway, I'm 30 now and my Dad is finally with someone else, she's smarter and more succesful than my mother by a long shot, generally more interesting with cool hobby's and everything. When they first started dating I thought Dad was going to be walked all over but holy shit guess what, he isn't. He's the man of the house and she respects him and thinks he's amazing and see's him as the pillar that holds up everything in the universe. It's fucking crazy for me to see, I literally cannot compute it in my head now seeing it, how backwards it was for me growing up.

Anyway I need a find someone like that myself, that my father managed to show me an example of a relationship as it should be when he's freaking 60 years old is a real miracle for me.

god idk why I just shared my life with you.

>> No.21910122

This is incredibly based. My wife is a board game nerd and also plays civ obsessively. She's playing it right now, we've done nothing since dinner time but her playing civ 6 and me sitting in my chair next to her and just hanging out. We do this most nights, and Friday nights she goes to her friend's house and a bunch of dweeb chicks just play board games all night. I have zero interest in any of this, but I love that she loves it. She feels the same about my gardening and hiking, she has not so much as watered a single plant, she does not like to go deep into the woods or go up a mountain trail, but she usually fucks me right after I'm done with my gardening tasks or when I get home all sweaty and dirty from a hike.
I had an ex who was really into painting, and I liked to just watch her put paint onto canvas, even though she fucking sucked at it.

>> No.21911392

im so fucking lonely bros this is all i want

>> No.21911402

Behold the leftist
>Taking care of yourself physically is important

A relevant Ted passage:
>15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. ... The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior.
>His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.
>If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

These people jump at any opportunity to defend degenerate behavior because they are scared that if they identify with positive behavior, then they are de facto in the race to be positive themselves, like all the "squares," and they have no confidence in their ability to run that race. If judging people for bad teeth is fair, then judging them for being filthy losers will soon be on the table too. Thus they have to defend all filthy and loser habits anywhere they see them. Thus they have an unlimited license to viciously attack normal, positive people even for simply stating normal, positive standards that all people hold.

Bad teeth are a huge financial liability and they tell you a lot about the person. Good teeth don't tell you much because lots of superficial people have good teeth. But there's nothing wrong with wanting a woman who does the bare minimum.

>> No.21911407

i hate niggers and clean people. clean people are usually royal cunts.

>> No.21911461

Calm down, he just made that up. No need to get worked up over it

>> No.21912013

We probably all made fun of you since you call any woman that is worth marrying a pig that only need to cook and you bring up the same old talking point fascist used, one of them needing good teeth (every person alive would prefer a girl to have good teeth but not because we're fascist basement dwellers like you). That's such a random detail to want in a woman that you come off wiyh someone with personal teeth issues and never got over it.

Also, no one brough up political shit, it had nothing to do with the political culture war you fucking sperg, you just sound like fascist misogynist loser who needs to blame everything and everyone, that doesnt believe in the "superior" failing autism idealogy you have

>> No.21912320

get a gf and set her on fire

>> No.21912331

>In non lit places.
Don't tell me what to do, asshole. I flirt in the library all day long and get shit tons of pussy.

>> No.21912341


one for the Dutch anons

>> No.21912392

Humans are hypocritical by nature, and this is a manifestation

>> No.21912508
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>> No.21913207

Hello me.

>> No.21913309


>> No.21913375

Go outside and talk to girls.

>> No.21913404
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Go inside and kill yourself

>> No.21913481

6 pack abs, 6/10 face, 6 inch penis, 6 feet tall, 6 figure bank account. You need at least one of these, just like with any other woman in 2023. Archetype doesn't matter, they all want the same thing.

>> No.21913489

I have 6 pack abs and 8 inch penis. "6/10 face" is not an objective measurement, so I have no way of knowing that. The rest no.

>> No.21913497

I also forgot to mention, no autism. That's a must.

>> No.21913502

God, I can just imagine those frilly panties greedily snatched aside and a thick black dick slowly but forcefully driven up her cunt as it vigorously lubricates itself, her body giving nature's consent, her face a mixture of pain, shock, and excitement, her mind blank, in submissive ecstasy.

>> No.21913516

>even the most ditzy girls (though admittedly about 15 years ago) could talk Dostoevsky or surprise you with having read some of the harder philosophers

Lol that's definitely not America

>> No.21913526

if you live in america you have bigger problems than dating. just try and focus on not getting sick so you dont lose your job and go into medical debt

>> No.21913563


>> No.21913583


>> No.21913633

Why didn't you just learn to assert yourself? My dad was a checked-out beta male too so I became "first" in my family and usually worked together with my mum to solve any issues. I unironically learned how to be a man through the less cringy forms of PUA and other media. Women usually want you to take charge, they greatly appreciate it and resent you if you don't. And yeah I can't imagine what you're describing about your dad now either (for mine).

>> No.21913698
File: 31 KB, 830x671, Screenshot_20230402_135838_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be European female who loves classic fiction
>Reply in the last /lit/ gf thread
>Canadian guy in Europe starts emailing me
>We have a lot in common, get on and he's cute
>Reveals he doesn't want kids, had a vasectomy and won't adopt
>I want kids and on top of it all have a breeding kink so he becomes obese tier unattractive

>> No.21913739

>fabricating a bullshit unbelievable green text
>plz guiyse, i'm a quirky gurll, plzz respond, I'm totally not an obese bruger pedophile

fuck off

>> No.21913820

face pic with timestamp or git out

>> No.21913841


>> No.21913856

they are insufferable its not worth it

>> No.21914041

Sounds real to me. Tokyo Ghoul:Re, you like it?

>> No.21914053

yeah ur my gf now bitch

>> No.21914055
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, David Foster Wallace fan letter on finding a smart girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21914125

>just stalk mentally ill women and take advantage of them
not even pro-woman over here but this seems like a pretty spineless thing to do

>> No.21914137

>talking to people is stalking

>> No.21914147

Conspicuously read Calvino and smoke cigarettes at your local coffee shop. /lit/ girls will flock to you.

>> No.21914152

>specifically going to mental health wards and institutes around elite universities to target girls going thru a mental health crisis because ur too insecure to chat to girls you regularly meet in day to day life is talking to people

>> No.21914166

If you're after a specific demographic of women you should go to places where those women are. Seems pretty straightforward to me. Did your shining knight armor create a glare and you couldn't read that part?

>> No.21914168

how are you stalking them if you've never seen them before?
also the "girls you regularly meet in day to day life" aren't the girls you're looking for so i'm having trouble understanding where you're coming from here

>> No.21914204

ight try dating a girl then telling her "yo yeah i just went in to multiple mental health wards looking for a chick who was reading and had self-harm cuts and other mental health issues until I found you" then she how she reacts.

>> No.21914220

You must be very young if you think either sex is transparent when it comes to dating. A woman might be and often is looking to date a guy based on extremely embarrassing reasons she will never be forthright about. Obviously looking specifically for women with low self-esteem is in itself a red flag but within the logic of the letter (which seems very tongue-in-cheek) it’s based on the idea that women with high self-esteem who read fine literature will be too territorial about their interest to share it with a partner

>> No.21914244

Yeah if you roast your gf she'll be mad. Imagine that.
You can say that or "I was looking for a reader kindred spirit until I found you" And then I do the sex on her.

>> No.21914329

bruh that's kinda hot ngl

>> No.21914400

Fuck the teeth man. I'm just trying to find a woman who is not a whore these days. I've never done any sexual activities woth a woman in real life and it's really sad to see just how many people even have body counts. I'm not religious but what the fuck, I've only kissed 2 girls.
And also, tattoos and piercings are disgusting and vile and every fuckin cunt has them nowadays, it's terrible.
Fuck the teeth and the books, if I could fulfill those conditions I'd be pretty happy.

>> No.21914428

this nigga gets it

>> No.21914669

Like how fucking hard is it to be a debt-free virgin with no tattoos and a normal BMI?

>> No.21914731

>people are literally born with all 3 of those
It's not even like I'm asking for some crazy high standard thing you can't change about yourself. Women will belittle men for height or dick size or something they can't even help while also absolving themselves of any blame for being fat or their whorish behavior. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.21915133

This nigga gets it.
>tfw no math-obsessed gf that would rudely ignore me...

>> No.21915158
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You can still marry him and be with him, I'll impregnate you instead, how's that sound?
Pic unrelated, I don't look like that.

>> No.21915165

>wanting a partner that is obsessed with reading some strangers printed out effortposting
Anon pls

>> No.21915170

Acting even slightly responsible is not a human forte.

>> No.21915314
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fuck me man... i'm so jaded, i don't even have faith anymore that women like this even exist, much less that one would like me of all people in the first place

>> No.21915345

Chin up anon, people like that are rare in general - it has nothing to do with gender. What that anon refers to is a person that has the extra energy to pour into something they deeply care about. Most people are already fully overwhelmed with basic every day tasks and never get to actually explore their potential in any way. They do exist - in both genders - but they are unicorns. Try becoming one yourself, it is your entry ticket into their dimension because unicorns do not go where the ones go that can‘t even file their taxes on time and clean their toilets regularly.

>> No.21916226 [DELETED] 
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If you want anything but Prime Slave Cunny (PSC) you are gay.

>> No.21916442


>> No.21916508

Where is this from? Googling the title yielded nothing

>> No.21916889

Stop browsing /lit/. Better yet stop using this website altogether.

>> No.21916906

This is absolutely true.
>t. I work with fat cunts, the smallest thing triggers them and they're massive hypocrites
>t. fat cunt

>> No.21916920
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I greatly prefer sissies (5.8 on the Kinsey scale)

>> No.21916926

nigga you sound like a big bazinga theory character but I get how you feel

>> No.21916964

I. FUCKING. HATE. POLITICAL NUTS. Do you faggots ever stop thinking about politics and cultural wars?