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21901515 No.21901515 [Reply] [Original]

books that'll make me schizoid?

>> No.21901578

Just LARP until you make it.

>> No.21901594

my diary desu

>> No.21901673

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.21901708

The bible. Just look at its fan base, it works

>> No.21902137

why would you want to be part of this living hell

>> No.21902153

Malone Dies

>> No.21902267

Because he prioritizes "being special" over feeling miserable

>> No.21902271

Schizoid or schizophrenic? They're not the same.
Then again you just wanna feel special and mysterious and unique or whatever so I doubt you care.

>> No.21902854

I feel you buddy. :(

>> No.21902862

none, watch videodrome.

>> No.21903244

what's so hellish about it? normie life looks way more hellish to me.

t. diagnosed schizoid

>> No.21904083

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason => Nietzsche's Genealogy + BGE => Heidegger's Being and Time => Peter Klossowski's Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle => Moynihan's Spinal Catastrophism =(if you haven't roped by now)> Land's Fanged Noumena

>> No.21905267

Unless you have enough money to be completely independent, you have to interact with the normie world to a certain extent. That’s where the suffering occurs

>> No.21905316

What about getting girls
t. diagnosed schizophrenic

>> No.21905524


>> No.21906569

God I wish I'd been born to a rich family just for this. I want to Wittgenstein it up and buy a little cabin inna woods wheresoever I please. Is that really so much to ask? So much wealth in the modern world for those with any brainpower at all, and I just had to be born to numskulls who lost all theirs? Shit sucks.

>> No.21907424

You don't have to be completely independent. I have a cheap house and a security job and I'm fine. Granted, my schizoid symptoms don't manifest in a disordered way.

>> No.21907628

Why would you want to become a schizoid? I think I might be one.

>> No.21907639


If your public self and private self have no distinction, you're actually a buffoon. It just describes depression and low status

>> No.21907673
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no joke. read once, memorise it.

go insane hopefully or find endless zeal in your spirit

>> No.21907710

Schizoids generally don't want relationships and are usually asexual.

>> No.21908576
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Man and his symbols. If you truly grasp the significance of the ideas, it would be hard to normal life again.