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File: 232 KB, 610x495, Literacy-in-US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21901438 No.21901438 [Reply] [Original]

How would you fix American education?

>> No.21901452

anything other than making the country whiter amounts to painting a dumpster that is currently on fire

>> No.21901456

I'd probably nuke every American city and then nuke every small town and then nuke the cities again and then I'd salt all agricultural lands to make sure that no human can ever sustain life there again.

>> No.21901459

I would teach tensors in middle school and reformulate calc to be about differential equations. I would also at least show the Schrodinger equation because I think a lot of people assume classical physics is just a disproven theory. English I would put more focus on grammar and less on reading Dickens. History is fine the way it is. Athletics and other electives are fine the way they are

>> No.21901467 [DELETED] 

as with every other American problem

>> No.21901481

>History is fine the way it is.

When I was in high-school history was mostly just about WW2 and the Civil Rights movement. Almost nothing about Europe or Asia and almost nothing about America before the 1930s.

>> No.21901503
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I hate how completely true this is. You want to say "there are other problems in the world besides small hats and boot lips" but then when you actually try to solve those other problems you run up against those two problems. We can't improve infrastructure because infrastructure spending just means maintaining/fixing infrastructure that blacks have broken and not building rails or something. We can't have a proper welfare state because blacks literally cannot do useful work. We can't have a sane criminal justice policy because black people are not capable of being rehabilitated and don't care about punishment-- and so on.

I'm taking a course about American politics and all of these are real examples. The specter of the black problem hangs over every issue that we have a discussion about. Maybe not literally TND but a recognition that blacks are going to do worse than whites would pave the way toward solving some problems, but to have that awareness and act on it is literally illegal. Turn the slave ship around, you have no fucking idea what you're bringing here.

>> No.21901509

White Americans are also ignorant. School is the thing meant to fix this shit and it's failing.

>> No.21901511

If through age 14-15 kids had 4 hour skrewl day—1h each math, calisthenics, Latin, public speaking—rest of day to play outside…objection is “would not train for modern economy”; but results now already so bad, what would be lost? What besides imprison the best is “benefit” now?

>> No.21901523

True, there's definite problems with the education system-- I think this >>21901481 is pretty on the money. I think a willingness to let people drop out or to provide multiple educational tracks (realschule vs gymnasium) would also do a lot to improve the quality of education.

But we can't do those things because they disadvantage black people.

>> No.21901534

Part of the issue is that our curriculum is conceived by Boomers, and they put an unhealthy emphasis on the things that they experienced growing up (WW2, Civil Rights, Vietnam, the Moon Landing etc). They don't consider things from before their time to be as important because they are so self absorbed.

>> No.21901555

Yup, my American public school history education pretty much was just about the civil rights movement and the holocaust.

>> No.21901557

another wave of european immigration

>> No.21901559

You want more pozzed liberals who ruin your country?

>> No.21901560

Sir we're fascists here, not migapedes

>> No.21901564

End the state-capitalist stranglehold.

>> No.21901569

they're pozzed in an earnest way though. they really do believe the bullshit. not like here in the states where we use language as a sort of gang sign, to signal who we align with

>> No.21901577

>we're fascists here
By your lack of forethinking, I can confirm that.

>> No.21901582

The conservative meme of ragging on Europeans for being welfarist liberals without an adequate understanding of race is gay whether you're a Trumptard who earnestly believes it or a Thiel-funded Jew trying to repackage it on Substack. If the country gets whiter things will get better, if only in terms of objective outcome and not in terms of ideology.

>> No.21901590
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>If the country gets whiter things will get better, if only in terms of objective outcome and not in terms of ideology.
Sure thing, pal.

>> No.21901591

Okay, so every country with no blacks is a utopia? What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.21901596

The problem is a lack of breast-feeding and parents not reading to their kids

>> No.21901598

If you've been living around them for a while, it sure starts to sound like it

>> No.21901600

I want you to tell me right now whether you'd rather live in Nigeria or Belarus.
This doesn't disprove what I'm saying at all, though.
>whites are uhh inherently libtarded, we have to have brown people who are true trvd conservatives
Post hand

>> No.21901607


Almost identical stats exist for crime, especially violent crime. Blacks are 250 times more likely to commit aggravated assault against whites as whites are against blacks. FBI reports show that black on white rape is 40,000 per year, white on black rape was 0 (zero).

And yes when you correct for economic and environmental factors it stays the same.

>> No.21901610

>Painting a dumpster on fire
>Just c-change the skin color
You do realise the contradiction?

>> No.21901612

>This doesn't disprove what I'm saying at all, though.
It does. Because even in a society that is close to 100% white, the young generation is ruining everything.
>whites are uhh inherently libtarded, we have to have brown people who are true trvd conservatives
Not what I'm saying at all.

>> No.21901618

>we can't improve infrastructure because infrastructure spending just means maintaining/fixing infrastructure that blacks have broken
What the flying fuck are you even talking about. We don't build rails because there are powerful anti public transport lobbies and because boomers hate the idea of having to share a rail car with anyone. It has nothing to do with "maintaining infrastructure blacks have broken"

>> No.21901620

>the young generation is ruining everything
Generational warfare is gay and retarded when people complain about boomers and it's gay and retarded when people complain about zoomers. Deal with real problems.
Race is more than skin color and you know this; I ask you not to be disingenuous

>> No.21901621

What about free university education so people have something to work towards?

>> No.21901622

Were the proto-Americans forced to bring niggers from Africa? Why couldn't they work their own farms? I've seen all the nigger stats but I don't see a realistic solution to the issue.

>> No.21901625

Of course. Just keep painting the dumpster and hoping for things to change.

>> No.21901629

This. 100% this.
>Wah wah black people
>Noo I can't take responsibility of these people I forcibly took to my country
>How could this happen to me

It's like these people are teen moms

>> No.21901632
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Nobody wants to use public transportation because they'll be robbed or murdered by blacks.

>> No.21901633

>it's gay and retarded when people complain about zoomers.
But it's the zoomers who are race-mixing with niggers and becoming trannies and faggots, not the boomers. We clearly know who the bigger problem is now.

>> No.21901635

>I forcibly took to my country

Jews brought the slaves here. Most slavers and most slave owners were Jews.

>> No.21901642
File: 660 KB, 1392x1212, race and SAT scores STATS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racial demographics play a big factor...

>> No.21901645

You are literally wrong. The conclusion that this course, full of people who are bound for the professional-managerial class of DC, came to was that public transport would need to be quote "safer and cleaner" to get people to ride it. One woman said specifically that the difference between public transit in Chicago and public transit in Helsinki was enormous and she wished we could have what Finland has. This brushed up against-- unspoken, of course-- the problem of black crime. No enforcement means shitty unusable public transit means failed public transit. "We can't have more enforcement because that might impact disadvantaged groups".

As for the repairing black-caused problems, I call your attention to Flint, Michigan, and to the broader idea of "environmental justice" and "helping marginalized communities". Every time someone proposed a policy to improve how schools are run or how power is generated, the discussion was immediately diverted-- often by this same woman I mentioned-- into discussions of how to improve the state of black schools, and how to make sure mining doesn't harm black communities.

You think there's other problems. I wish there were other problems. There's fucking not. The black problem and the Jewish problem are literally blockers that turn easily solveable issues into crippling, state-destroying problems.

>> No.21901648

The solution is to give blacks their own state within a state and give them infinite help and even reparations dosh to maintain it, but leave them alone to sort out their own problems internally. Of course it will become CHAZ within a few months even with significant help, and whites will be called upon to save it, but at least then we can do it from afar, not while having them interwoven with what would otherwise be functional white societies casually committing crimes and going schizophrenic.

The black schizophrenia problem is another thing I think we are massively underestimating. They have severe dysgenics problems, they are incredibly depressed and nihilistic, they atrophy their minds and live brutal slummy lives by choice, they expose themselves only to awful media and brain-rotting nonsense, and they're on literally drugs all day every day. Weed alone destroys your brain and they smoke weed like rich white ladies pop SSRIs, it's an all day thing for them. They are going to be mostly insane and demented within 10-20 years. Half will be in prison, the other half will be old and schizo and released from prison.

>> No.21901651

>Jews brought the slaves here
Here we go again. Deflecting responsibility is a staple of narcissism.
>Most slavers and most slave owners were Jews.
Debunked /pol/ meme. Come on.

>> No.21901652
File: 1.24 MB, 1682x1072, homicide STATS African AfroAmerican EuroAmerican compared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not utopia, but at least you don't have blacks to deal with... Their behaviour is independent of the country they live in...

>> No.21901653

Right, well, anyway, you can keep jerking off your hatred of young people and then when you're ready to confront the Jewish problem then we'll be here.

>> No.21901658


>> No.21901659

Do you know about this?

Or this
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

See also

>> No.21901662
File: 223 KB, 1024x840, slavery facts jews jq juden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21901663

Go home BAP.

>> No.21901667

Are you seething, zoomie? Your generation will ruin America for good. You should be proud.

>> No.21901678

None of that has anything to do with infrastructure spending having to go towards "things blacks destroyed." Black people don't cause neglect any more than the Appalachians do. If black crime is a problem, then step up police presence. My point is a simple one: things like efficient infrastructure don't get built because of lobbyists and because no one wants to throw in for anything they don't explicitly own.

>> No.21901683

>If black crime is a problem, then step up police presence.
Can't do that, that would be racist.



You cannot try to help black communities. You will be destroyed. They are being used to implement anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.21901687

Honestly? Good, death to America.
I like how you shift around from "it's them libtard europeans" to "it's them damn zoomers" because you're a coward who's afraid to confront Jewish power and the absolutely pernicious effect that the post-1945 judeoliberal ideology has had on what used to be a country.

>If black crime is a problem, then step up police presence.
Ha, now you're a racist. You think your position is smart and sophisticated but when you actually deal with (prospective) state functionaries the complete, overwhelming salience of the race problem becomes apparent. This is a problem that precludes even cutting deals with the lobbies.

>> No.21901690

Forgot this one

>> No.21901692

>things like efficient infrastructure don't get built because of lobbyists
Biden spent $2,000,000,000 on infrastructure three years ago. Where did the money go?

>> No.21901695

So weird how utopian California and New York are way worse than miserable inbred shitholes like North Dakota and Iowa. Redditsisters? I'm at a loss here.

>> No.21901702
File: 122 KB, 220x335, George_Floyd_neck_knelt_on_by_police_officer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If black crime is a problem, then step up police presence.
Hard to do that when cops get life in prison just for doing their job.

>> No.21901705

Abolish the public school system and privatize it all.

>> No.21901706

Get back in the pit, Rand

>> No.21901707

You both are trying very hard to pick a fight that I'm not having. I will make my point even simpler: if you got rid of every black person on American soil, you would still not get better infrastructure

>> No.21901709

And it is just a coincidence that they still dominate the two remaining legs of the trade triangle.

>> No.21901711

To repairs. I was referring to rail, which is new implementation

>> No.21901713

Have kids when your in old age so they come out like me where I can read all of Plato and Proust but have trouble remembering how much nickels, dimes, quarters, etc are worth.

>> No.21901717

First thing I'd do is have a coke. Second thing, close my eyes, smile, and take a deep breath, while listening to the absence of muffler-less cars blaring shitty rap music and the absence of trashy people fighting in the street or screaming FUCK YOU NIGGA MOTHAFUCKA I'LL KILL YOU NIGGA in front of their 3 year old kid. Third, I'd enjoy the improvements in infrastructure.

>> No.21901721

And you're trying to ignore the fact that the race problem is a blocker on even trying to solve the infrastructure problem.
Go on, go into government, try to solve it. Watch how quickly your efforts to defeat le car lobbies are siphoned into negro worship.
>To repairs
lol, lmao

>> No.21901723

>I like how you shift around from "it's them libtard europeans" to "it's them damn zoomers"
Huh? The libtard europeans thing was a hypothetical scenario. The zoomer thing is very much a reality.
>because you're a coward who's afraid to confront Jewish power and the absolutely pernicious effect that the post-1945 judeoliberal ideology has had on what used to be a country.
You won't admit the wrongdoings by white Americans like putting negroes in their own land. You're narcissistic, like most pseudo-fascists. Are people forcing white Americans to race-mix with niggers and chop off their dicks? I don't think so. If they're retarded enough to do that, they don't deserve anything good.

In reality, you can't fully commit to true fascism, you just spam /pol/ talking points.

>> No.21901725

how dare you blame zoomers for what we have become. they had no chance, being raised by single mothers and ipads for fathers.

>> No.21901726

Refusing to treat with the importance of propaganda and pretending that every zoomer is an individual actor who has the choice to not get bombarded with state propaganda is the opposite of fascist and if you tried to claim that it had anything in common with fascism in person I would personally feed you castor oil, you disgusting kike enabling faggot.

>> No.21901727

Squid Games Educational Model

Reality is - there's no consequences for fucking up which led us into the current state we are in. There needs to be some official waivers that are signed by each parent that agrees to send their kid to like a school prison that each district would have.

There needs to be an "educational/social death" so to speak that the kids all fear deeply as to not tempt the dragon.

Parents don't like it? Suck a dick and homeschool your kid poorfag

>> No.21901728

I know plenty of people from single-parent households who don't worship negroes and don't become trannies. Americans are simply degenerates by nature.

>> No.21901729

modern democrat principles are destroying cities at a blinding pace. rich liberals keep themselves secluded in gated communities and build fortresses around themselves so that they don't have to experience the consequence of their own making

>> No.21901734

Republicans not welcome, kill yourself

>> No.21901741

Where do you think you are?

>> No.21901742


There needs to be a manual labor element as punishment reintroduced also.

You kid fucks up? "One week in the kitchen twat"

Fucks up again - "we'll see you at 7 to water the sports fields or something"

>> No.21901745

>to repairs
Have you not been in an American city lately? They're doing nothing but road and bridge work with all their covid funds. And you can keep repeating yourself as colorfully as you wish, since I know for a fact I'd have to peel your skin off to admit that making people sink money into a collective improvement is almost impossible and is due purely to the culture, blacks or no. But my point stands. Getting rid of NGOs centered around equity would not help either, I don't know why you think it would, you don't get sudden political gains by removing the only people vying for them.

>> No.21901747

Not on /pol/, which is where retarded blue-jew/red-jew political fandom shit belongs

>> No.21901751

ah there it is, american liberal intolerance

>> No.21901755

America would be so much better with gender segregated schooling. Debate me. Boys and girls should not intermingle until adulthood.

>> No.21901757

Wasn't the whole point of your proposed European mass immigration to bring intelligent people based on race? White Americans are already easy to manipulate and brainwash so what's even the point? If they are mentally weak so as to fall for race-mixing and faggotry propaganda, then you're not going to do any better under your plan. Some people blame the Jews but I don't. They're just idiots. You, on the other hand, are being played on by idiots.

>> No.21901758

i agree with this because i couldn't concentrate in middle school or high school with all slutty looking girls constantly wiggling around begging for attention

>> No.21901760

It IS Democrats though. Republicans are just controlled opposition. They're a joke.

>> No.21901761

You mean ''seperate sex schools''? What the fuck is gender u r*dditnigger?

>> No.21901767

>Getting rid of NGOs centered around equity would not help either, I don't know why you think it would, you don't get sudden political gains by removing the only people vying for them.
Sure it would, especially if you also abolish the legal/administrative structures that encourage their existence

>making people sink money into a collective improvement is almost impossible and is due purely to the culture
Le rugged individualism is a cope. It would be a lot easier to encourage a sense of national community if there were actually a coherent nation. I -want- this kind of improvement, I want all the things I said in my initial post, but the state ideology is what the state ideology is and it presents a major block on improving fucking anything in this country. Which, honestly at this point fine, I hope the whole thing collapses.

>Wasn't the whole point of your proposed European mass immigration to bring intelligent people based on race?
??? No?
The point is to have a cohesive fucking country, if I wanted "le high IQ immigration" then we could get that within the existing system by importing Chinese and high tier Pajeets (which is exactly what your kind of disguised-conservative Substack faction wants).

>> No.21901781

The newspeak has been around long enough that it's oldspeak now.

>> No.21901783

>making people sink money into a collective improvement is almost impossible and is due purely to the culture
You are totally detached from reality.

>> No.21901793
File: 163 KB, 1000x758, 9E7CED9B-1904-442B-8993-2074A00CDD58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how gender works under liberalism. Some gay incel doctor spraying a chud incel fagot in the cajones with acid so then he can go to a strip show and call himself a girl - get pounded in the ass by obese Mexicans.

You don’t like it move to Europe or something

>> No.21901795

>The point is to have a cohesive fucking country
So mere narcissism? You're aware nothing would change, right? Race-mixing and faggotry will continue, and even harder with the zoomers, they're bigger degenerates than previous gens (statistically speaking).

>> No.21901800

You should kill yourself immediately.

>> No.21901801

>it would be a lot easier to encourage a sense of national community if there were actually a coherent nation
Well I'll admit I was wrong, I thought you were essentially prevaricating but you are, in actuality, delusional. This country was constructed a certain way across the board, in communities both racially homogeneous and not, and no one with means is gonna throw in for communal goods at cost no matter how much their neighbors share ancestry. If you can't see this I doubt there is any argument that would convince you.

>> No.21901802
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You forgot to mention that the doctor is jewish muttboy.

>> No.21901803

>I saw this retarded post on /tv/ so it must be true

>> No.21901810

I'm sorry, zoomie, it's just the truth. Your worldview is retarded and your generation is dogshit.

>> No.21901812

Yeah I agree with the other anon who replied to you, you're insane. Apparently there really are people who believe this kind of shit. At least the other person I was arguing with is just a disingenuous liar trying to deflect at all costs from the Jewish problem (which exists behind the race problem)

>> No.21901815


>> No.21901818

>no one with means is gonna throw in for communal goods at cost no matter how much their neighbors share ancestry.
Again you are completely delusional. Ever heard of philanthropy? Ever wonder how things get names?
People contribute, spearhead projects, vote for taxes and levies all the time. What are you even talking about?

>> No.21901822

Tell me your solution to what you call "Jewish problem", then.

>> No.21901829

>People contribute, spearhead projects, vote for taxes and levies all the time.
Only when they get something out of it. No one does anything out of the goodness of their heart.

>> No.21901832

americans really can't do anything without fucking it up, huh

>> No.21901833

>le philanthropy meme
lol ok

>> No.21901837

How old are you? Are you 13? This is seriously stupid.

>> No.21901839

Black people are amazing. I don't know why /pol/tards want to get rid of them. They invented jazz, rock n roll, blues. Some of their women are hot and black guys can be funny friends. What is there to hate?

>> No.21901846

There isn't one. I mean, short of a revolution, which is almost certainly not in the cards. The ruling caste in America is diaspora-focused Jews, trying to keep the diaspora in a good position to continue its parasitism, with high-tier Anglos and Asians as junior partners trying to get theirs by conforming to Jewish interests, and this is unlikely to change. The race problem, as it exists, exists principally as a check on antisemitism (and as a result of policies motivated by a desire to check antisemitism), and therefore can't be solved without dispossessing the elite.

Unfortunately(?) the race problem is also running the country into the ground, which is what we've been discussing. If you wanted to solve the problem you could try to convince the diaspora that whites need to have a crumb of society, just a crumb, which is people like Yoram Hazony's national conservative clique are trying to do, but honestly I'm not really interested in appealing to them.

>> No.21901853

You're right, anon, humans are inherently good. We live in the best of all possible worlds.

>> No.21901854

Where do you live?

>> No.21901962

This is a race map of the US

>> No.21901988

Both are shit. if you are racist, okay whatever. But you can't negate every single societal problem and blame it on the malevolence of black people.

>> No.21902029

I'm not racist, but are there any societal problems in the US that black people haven't made worse?

>> No.21902125

4 90m blocks - mathematics, rhetoric, civics (synthesize govpol, history, and political theory) and a fourth optional course from a variety of more specialized classes

these would include woodworking, welding, robotics for more hands-on oriented kids who deserve a good education but arent destined for white collar

or it would include comp sci, philosophy, latin, public speaking/debate etc for those who are.

the key here is to STOP high school education tracks, besides the three core subjects of mathematics, rhetorics, and civics (the three most important things to understand in our republic); ime the education tracks, various random and schizophrenic redundancy of courses, and too many elective tracks fuck people over.

if someone goes to college they should specialize in something; high school needs to return to CORE SUBJECTS with juuust enough elective mobility each year that, after 4 years (8 semesters, 8 electives) you should understand wether you are going to tech up into trade school or college or military.

to return to your calisthenics idea, I would also mandate 1 hour a day of free exercise time. its simple: the fitter you are, the higher a certain gpa multiplier goes. this wouldn't apply for college apps, and wouldn't even negatively impact you...but it passively encourages retarded high schoolers to get fit (lifting, running, idc) with opportunities to raise a bad grade in one class by a certain multiplier, e.g. 1.05.

and thus ends the fatty era.

addendum, alter the school diet. why are american children eating prison goyslop? naturally, productivity will rise with better nutrition.

last: when you enter a classroom you put your phone in an assigned locker. if you refuse, you automatically fail. fuck you. if your phone rings, fuck you. if your mom really needs to talk to you that bad she would call the main office. fuck off with phones and leniency.

i dont want america to become korea-tier, but competitive spirit, vitality, and scholarly attitude need to return and make high school change from "place to vape and find a wet hole to fuck" to "place i learn to be a functional citizen", and maybe find some wet hole to fuck (it is part of the motivation for teenagers in mixed schools lets be real)

Ideally i would gender segregate schools but that will never happen in USA

>> No.21902126

Most of the problems of America are linguistic in their nature. Transgenderism and conspiracy theories share one thing, namely that they are linguistic constructs without anything in reality to connect them to. They are made-up concepts and conceptualizations, and, in response to this, following the made-up Cold War concept of 'real capitalism', the American hurries to 'make sense' of these two nonsensical concepts, by trying to make it real. But, just like all linguistic constructs that have nothing real to connect it to, they must fall apart into the nothingness they actually signify

>> No.21902146

Elaborate, please. What do you mean by "linguistics"?

>> No.21902173


This is among the dumbest posts I've ever read in my twenty years using this website. Of course the absence of blacks naturally and inevitably makes things better, and in all spheres of life. You would have to live in a naive rural white area or be demented to think otherwise.

>> No.21902281
File: 79 KB, 772x777, AXKHLJPCGVHCFOKQDRCTRPCELM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the least deranged thread I've read on /lit/ but this is up there.. Like reading an a.i generating an internal argument in the head of a schizo.
>the jew-Cuckservatives are too blame for bad streets!
>WRONG! the streets are bad because the Anglo-stock was degenerated by the masonic diaspora acting on the behest of the Jewish interests .. etc etc
>You're missing the bigger picture. Mass migration was a means for the liberal elite to cement their power via ethnic homogenization via NGOs .
>That's laughably naive NGOs were never ever anything more than a tool to destroy the family-unit to niggerfy the zoomers.
>You are the naive one. The generation wars are a media distraction concocted by the elites to distract from the behind the scenes efforts by alphabet organization to groom children and spread degeneracy
Get a grip lads

>> No.21902288

With a great amount of sage and go back

>> No.21902296

>That's laughably naive NGOs were never ever anything more than a tool to destroy the family-unit to niggerfy the zoomers.
That one is true though.

>> No.21902343

It's mostly a tool for people to sit on their asses and get paid

>> No.21902349

I can bear societal problems a lot better with no blacks around.