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/lit/ - Literature

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21900064 No.21900064 [Reply] [Original]

>be writer
>work on stories
>make $1k/month off an online cult series
>take psych meds for a mental illness
>no longer in mental pain
>feel like a different person
>no longer have desire to write stories
>can't relate to the characters
>realize my creativity and intensity was fuelled by pain
>desire to do normie shit like play sports and go to bars
>continue writing because nothing else to do
>feels like i am working on someone else's ideas and passions

Holy fuck. So mental illness was fuelling my creativity this whole time. I am out of juice or motivation to continue my series. Fuck. What would you do? Should I embrace being a non-lit normie?

>> No.21900103

It's time to reflect on your experiences with this new perspective. Make the ideas yours again, I think you can own them.

>> No.21900114

best berserk chapter

>> No.21900116

Being deranged is a requirement to make good art, yes.

>> No.21900151

seems like it lol

>> No.21900158

>psych meds
Anon, don't let them suppress your soul and turn you into an NPC. Mental anguish is the price we pay for being human. It's not too late.

>> No.21900187

Your writing was your meds before the meds

>> No.21900200

If you were making 1k a month off writing, you're already more successful than 99.9% of the writers on /lit/

>> No.21900216

That's interesting, because DFW said that antidepressants helped his creativity. You kinda reversed that

>> No.21900224

It’s in your head. Besides, you don’t have to write if you’re not called to do it at that time. It’s okay to put it aside for now and come back to later if you feel like you want to again. You’ve already had some success while young. That’s like a better writer story than most writers will ever have. You’re a real Herman Melville already.

>> No.21900245
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Yes, and it was beautiful.

It's not antidepressants. My mental illness was for something more severe. Not schizophrenia but something with as bad of a rep.

>> No.21900458
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It helps that the stories come with drawings

>> No.21900505


>> No.21900539

>desire to do normie shit like play sports and go to bars
>continue writing because nothing else to do
You were this close

>> No.21900554

Just the fact that you're older than 16, and still reads manga and watches anime tells me you were never bright to begin with, so of course The Main Thing that you did, you didnt even love, or know why you did. You're never lit, just move on, and try to think about the things you do, dumb-dumb.

>> No.21900656


>> No.21900709
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Not OP but you're a literal npc who needs to impose fake rules on himself to live up to some pseud image of yourself you've created. There's a 100% chance I'm better read than you, and every now and then I flip through a manga because I feel like it. When you're based you can do whatever the fuck you want to do.

>> No.21901336

No. I was never manic

>> No.21901831

Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some light entertainment every now and then. The man who reads Spice and Wolf in-between classic novels is probably doing a lot better than the guy who autistically thinks he can only read the best literature ever written. Nobody thinks you're cool for being like this

>> No.21901851


>> No.21901936

No shit, I don't know the statistics but I'd be willing to be that that's far and away in the upper echelon percentiles of writing incomes in general.

>> No.21901945

Most published novels barely sell any copies, so yeah OP is doing pretty well for himself with his writing

>> No.21901953

I think it’s your time to become real and just experience the real world. Get off this site

>> No.21902170

You took the blue pill. That's okay. You're free now. Go and live. Write when you can.

>> No.21902225

you niggers actually believe OPs little story???

>> No.21902537

Ah so cool fuck yeah man

>> No.21902836

pal, on this website 'nigger,' when not directly describing a person of African heritage, is a term of suspicious endearment just the same as "faggot" or "retard." I was only stating that i thought it was odd that the newfag anons above me actually bought the LARP that was being sold. Please, you have to go back

>> No.21902842

Sounds like a you problem. I take my psych meds and they don't influence my creativity at all

>> No.21902844

>>take psych meds for a mental illness
>>no longer in mental pain
>>feel like a different person
>>no longer have desire to write stories
lol same. It's either cry myself to sleep, or don't write. sometimes It's harder to choose than it really should be.

>> No.21902846

You would literally get banned if anyone bothered to report you

>> No.21902896

so what if he would? the dumb rules are not the real culture of the site. this place preserves the 2000s cultural practice of using slurs as terms of endearment and it's good that it does. newfag

>> No.21902900
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>you would literally get banned if anyone bothered to report you

>> No.21902917

You've posted this shit on /ic/ before as well. Is this some shitty glowie psyop to get people to internalize their psychosis so yall have easier targets to groom as schoolshooters or some shit?

>> No.21902941

a psyop is when a person posts twice

>> No.21902954

Posting the same shit on every board means you're either retarded attentionwhore or getting paid to do it.

>> No.21902980

Similar experience here, when you are on the meds you just work, do boring repetitive shit, don't have any higher aspirations in life other then just doing what ever the fuck you are doing over and over again.

The only thing that gave me the level of emotional stability while allowing me to pursue my creative desires were hallucinogens, mainly shrooms.

Embrace the shaman life bros, and remember the gnomes are real.

>> No.21902989

What's everyones favourite short story from the collection of Chekhov's writings entitled 'about love and other stories' My one is 'the huntsman' because the misery of the circumstance presented is beautifullly contrasted and enriched by the monotonous grammatical and vocabulary styles adopted.

>> No.21903008

Sounds like a plot for your next book. You just have to make it interesting by falling into some hedonistic vortex to spark that flame again.

>> No.21903053

Pain fuels good art

>> No.21903058

What's your webcomic called?

>> No.21903112

>Similar experience here, when you are on the meds you just work, do boring repetitive shit, don't have any higher aspirations in life other then just doing what ever the fuck you are doing over and over again.

Off the meds, I quietly despised the idea of becoming like people who do this. Now that I am on meds, I kinda see myself doing the same shit. I am so comfortable right now but there's an unsettled feeling deep inside.

I tried shrooms too, they didn't help much with my mental illness.

>> No.21903122

How much did you take?

And yea i feel you on that, you feel like another crazy person refusing a "cure" because you don't like it. You feel entitled and understandably so, my justification to it all is that the spirit demands more attention then the mind.

I remember being on the meds and i'd get home from work then spend 6-7 hours walking around in Dalaran.

How old are you?

>> No.21903146

If you have nothing to “say” through art then you should stop trying to force it out. This is the time when you should be learning rather than creating. Forced art is shit. Wait until you have something to say again, which will happen after a period of learning.

>> No.21903212


Just the fact that you think i feel like "I'm the coolest of them all" prove to me that your brains is already melted by watching these horrible stories, with underlying pedophiles, harem-situations, and child-like-miths etc.

>When you're based you can do whatever the fuck you want to do.

You talk like a 15yr and that anime reaction just proves my point: You don't even realize how much you act like a child, and yes anime and manga reading magnify this behavior.

> Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some light entertainment every now and then.

Sure dumb-dumb, enjoy your little girls screaming and acting like a 5 year olds. That's not light, it's affecting your brain, and changing your worldview by exposure.

>> No.21903239
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Except I actually am the coolest of them all.

>> No.21903309

Idk, anon. I kind of agree with >>21903212 The media you consume might not overtly affect your writing or worldview in the short run, but it will over time. And while there may be a handful of anime/manga series which I would consider ‘high art’ and therefore permissible, the larger bulk of these stories are degenerate, impotent fantasies when you boil them down into their finer elements. Anything which you consume will eventually change you, no matter how strong willed or set in your ways as you might seem. It would be better to read genre fiction for entertainment or at least something which is not so thoroughly embedded in pederasty, feminine male protagonists, false ideations, unrealistic character interactions, and poorly executed power fantasies. It’s not a question of ‘being an adult’ but of not entertaining impotent ideas and lifestyle habits. At least, that’s what I think.

>> No.21903344

I disagree. Entertaining retarded shit is the mark of genius, the man who sees life as ultimately Play. Ascribing to the hollow, fearful realism of "realistic character intentions" is the real life-denying degeneracy and leads to groundless moralfaggotry. The Iliad is immortal because it's anime.

>> No.21903348

I read C.S Lewis and he would despise Anime culture, anime fans, and stories where girls who look 12 act like 5 and are extremely sexualized.
And yes, not taking responsability for what you consume and what you're exposed to is a child-like behavior.
Just look at the current japanese culture and you will see a mirror of your own fate: Guys with low self-steem, low fertility and birth rate, living in 2sqm concrete cages, depressed, and not even knowing why they are so fucked. Why? Anime culture doomed japanese culture as a whole. In every shonen the main characters are mostly infantilized if not a literal 12yo with superpowers, who don't know shit about life and are surrounded by pedophile enducing drama.
I never met a guy who watches anime who isn't a complete loser who acts like a kid, have no responsability for his own life, and have some type of addictive behavior.

>> No.21903365

>anime culture is why the Japanese are how they are
That's a huge leap there. "Japanese culture as a whole" isn't influenced enough by anime to be doomed by it, and everything that made it doomed was already in place before Astroboy came out.

>> No.21903602
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The meds do make me want to do some hedonistic stuff ngl

Not mentioning it lol I don't want my fans to know I am on drugs or medical history

I took like 3g of albino penis envies, it was a rollercoaster. Then I microdosed for 4 months.

>> No.21903664
File: 26 KB, 450x341, seven_fourgraves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't write stories just to write stories. I don't just sit there and go "hmmmm what should I write about".

I don't come up with the stories, the stories come to me like a demon that possesses me and force me to birth it into this world

>> No.21903783 [DELETED] 
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Yeah if he was really making 1k/month off books that a massive success story!

>> No.21904153

It's a webcomic so its a bit easier

>> No.21904165

Making $100 a month off books without standing in front of a liquor store holding a "feed an artist, buy a book" sign is a dream come true!

You must have a decent social media following too.

>> No.21904408

>Not mentioning it lol I don't want my fans to know I am on drugs or medical history
I'm no grass. I just want to see what a peculiar mind can produce, and from what you've mentioned so far--about the following and monetization--it doesn't seem too bad.

>> No.21904654

its about men struggling

>> No.21904683

Are you from Australia?

>> No.21905014


>> No.21905586

Not really but the followers I do have are pretty loyal

>> No.21905807
File: 13 KB, 500x332, 1664554340626365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still suck at art
shit sucks

>> No.21906377

kek you're spouting shit, completely confusing the symptom with the cause and miss the mark entirely
Imagine unironically hating anime enough to blame it for japanese social degradation, get a grip you retard, you're acting as immature as you perceive anime watchers to be

>> No.21906555

I've never met a psued happy with his life

>> No.21907032

Anons can just AI generate those for stories now, no?

>> No.21907815

just because you're crazy doesnt mean you dont suck at writing

>> No.21908129

How many boards did you post this thread on?

>> No.21908132

It's not uncommon for creative individuals to find that their creativity is fueled by their emotions, including mental illness. However, it's important to remember that mental illness is not a necessary prerequisite for creativity, and it's possible to find inspiration and motivation in other aspects of life.

If you're feeling like you're out of juice or motivation to continue your series, it might be helpful to take a step back and reflect on your current feelings and desires. It's okay to change and evolve as a person, and if you're no longer feeling connected to your writing or characters, it might be a sign that it's time to explore new interests and experiences.

Consider taking a break from your writing and try engaging in other activities that interest you. You mentioned a desire to do "normie" things like playing sports and going to bars. Embracing new experiences can open up new perspectives and inspiration for your writing or even lead you to discover new passions.

It's also important to prioritize your mental health and well-being. If you're no longer in mental pain due to taking psych meds, that's a positive development. You can focus on taking care of yourself and finding fulfillment in different aspects of your life.

Remember, creativity can come from many sources, and it's okay to explore different avenues and interests. You can always come back to writing when you feel inspired and motivated again, and your experiences and perspectives as a "non-lit normie" may bring a fresh and unique perspective to your writing in the future. It's important to be true to yourself and follow your own path, whatever that may be.

>> No.21908362


>> No.21908563

Huh. Thought you were this guy http://www.lukeatsea.com/
Your descriptions fit, but he's an aussie.

>> No.21908586

getting some pretty heavy transmasculine vibes from this guy

>> No.21908631 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1681322371564576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah so cool fuck yeah man

>> No.21908862
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>If you're no longer in mental pain due to taking psych meds, that's a positive development.

Yeah but now I don't know who I am without the pain. Even my religious and philosophical worldview seems to be changing.

>> No.21909813 [DELETED] 


>> No.21909839

do it, you coward.

>> No.21910411

>>realize my creativity and intensity was fuelled by pain
No, the drugs just killed your creativity and intensity

>> No.21910438
File: 102 KB, 667x571, 1604331355272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be writer
>work on writing
>have never broken even on writing or most things that start with w
>begin regiment of health selfishness
>benefit and feel GOOD
>keep on writing
>actually writing more recently and doing non-normie stuff because I would rather be writing
>now writing and other habits that I do daily, sometimes biweekly and so forth are finally making me feel accomplished
>my mother was a tailor, sew'd my new blue jeans
>my father was a gambling man, down in new orleans
>now the only thing a gambler needs is a suitcase and a truck
>and the only time when he is satisfied is when he's on a drug

it was twenty years ago today, silly joey went his merry way, he's never ever been in style but he'll heft to force you just to smile
so let me introduce to you
the act you've known for all these years
captain tom's ground control starr band


>> No.21911184


>> No.21911201

I'm starting to think you deserved your mental illness anon.

>> No.21911204

I know that feel, OP. Try medsless for a while to see if you get the spark back. If you do, finish your stories. Readers deserve closure.

>> No.21911591

I am in physical pain if I get off the meds

>> No.21912596


Anime fans loosers who can't accept the fact that their taste is garbage, anime is garbage and japanese entertainment culture is a cyberpunk-cancer of a culture. They call me a pseud but are afraid or (better) ashamed of discussing anime with their parents (if they even have any). My hole point is that anime affects your views of reality, molding your brain to be more feminine, pedophilistic and straight-up insecure. You tell me to get a grip? Get a grip of your own mental illness by consuming this kids-directed garbage that you call art, loser.

>> No.21913412


>> No.21914212 [DELETED] 


>> No.21914861


>> No.21914924

I've seen this thread like 3 different times. Must be a bot post.

>> No.21914984

Lewis would hate the manchild culture of today. It's cool to find something funny as long as you don't indulge yourself (see his exerpt on how humor can mask just being mean to someone in a bar if it's played lightheartedly). Model warfare, trains, planes, drawing, etc are peak hobby full of a child's soul and rejuvebate oneself through self expression and imagination (not fantasizing). Manga, anine, ya genre fiction, movie franchises and the like are degenerative masturbatory escapism that lead to idle and toxic daydteaming. Manga itself is latent with lustful energies. You're meant to realise the bigger picture of and grow out of near the end of your teens but today's pop culture makes that harder. Why do you think anime fans hate dubs and prefer subs, not bevause of 'accuracy', but because it sounds just as cringe in the native Japanese and it is a dissonant cope to liking such samey consumerist garbage.
Cool, keep staring at the bright and colorful lights, I'm sure they're nothing like the shadows on a cave wall. You can find whatever stories manga tries to tell in literature but more complete, in a higher concentration and usually in just one volume that isnct stretched out by the publisher's. Therecs exception with some manga like any other medium but they usually still have toxic aspects and the format is better off being entirely avoided.
Real Japanese literature actually has some of the greatest works and it's a shame not more of those authors have the nobel prize in literature.

>> No.21915282

I am slightly deranged, what can I do to turbocharge it and get my mind cranking?