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File: 170 KB, 827x953, E7410493-E8AA-4B25-A699-07477528D378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21898376 No.21898376 [Reply] [Original]

What books describe the more esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism?
Hinayanist need not reply.

>> No.21898383

books? are sure you it's book you wanna talk about?

>> No.21898391 [DELETED] 

Not OP but I'm interested in books. The Shambhala thing + this is really making Tibetan Buddhism look like shit in the west.

>> No.21898411

I think this confused grandpa was just being playful, but people are quick to jump on any religious figure cause they are traumatized by the other scandals.

>> No.21898452
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Apparently, this mouth kissing is a common greeting in Himalayan cultures.

>> No.21898458

Women love Vajrayana for a reason....

>> No.21898464

be careful anon, i posted the same pic on tv and i got banned there.

>> No.21898470

Good. If you want to post about the same shit normalfaggots care about there's plenty of room on facebook.

>> No.21898480

Vajrayana is a path for edgelord icchantikas who make pacts with rakshasas.

>> No.21898519

>sexualizing kissing
really America

>> No.21898547

>And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him. And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue; And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.
Jesus did the same thing.

>> No.21898551

call me what you will but I believe this is a Tibetan culture thing that chinese posters are astroturfing under a western lens of pedophilia to demonize Tibet. I truly do not believe the Dalai Lama is dumb enough to do something intentionally malicious like this in front of such a large crowd, but I guess Biden has done a lot of sniffing on-camera so this can just as easily get swept away like every controversy involving an influential person. I am certainly not denying that the actions in a vacuum are an appropriate thing, but the sheer
vitriol with the bare minimum about of cultural context from anyone involving themselves in the discussion - this hatred is driven by CCP-led chinese posters and you will not convince me otherwise

>> No.21898557

>I am certainly not denying that the actions in a vacuum are an appropriate thing
said this all dumb but since this is 4chan I do need to clarify I am not a pedophile

>> No.21898578

There's only so much context you can give to getting hot mic'd asking a young boy to suck your tongue. Yes, nobody would be surprised if Chinese groups took advantage of it to reduce support for the Dalai Lama, but equally you shouldn't defend the indefensible for the sole reason that you can't let the Chinese get a 'win'.

>> No.21898738

>suk mee tongwaa

>> No.21898755

yes the truly advanced cultures suck each other's tongues during introductions. the hyper advanced cultures give each other rimjobs

>> No.21898766

panchen lama would never do that and should be the ruler. dalai lama's are all comped, hence why so many died so young.

>> No.21898772

Eskimos rub each others nose and buddhists do this shit. The only problem was that the poo is from a different culture and the tibetan guy is an imperialist who doesn't give a shit about other people's customs. Would the poo have been offered a glass of cow piss he would off gulped it down even though it's sick shit in our culture

>> No.21898773

>just being playful
Did your grandpa or another old person ever tell you to suck on their tongue?

>> No.21898777

Seethe mutt. Communist Party of China is intellectually superior to you. They'll take Taiwan one day. I love how badly China and Russia makes democrats and run of the mill mutt republicucks seethe. I hope Trump wins and cooperates with them again. That's your only chance too. Otherwise Xi and Putin have no reason not to launch first strike against you and nuke you to the stone age. Now get in Line, and suck the Dali Lamas tongue. Don't forget to kneel for slavery, and do your penance for pride month soon.

>> No.21898787

>And Russia
>And Putin
Way to be subtle Ivan
If you think Xi is including you in any of his plans other than a debtslave lapdog you are horribly mistaken

>> No.21898798

It sure feels good to be a sola scriptura Theravada Protestant right now.
I do wish that more people understood that the Dalai Lama isn't the Pope of Buddhism though.

>> No.21898816

I know this is going to be inconceivable to your sportsballbrained thinking (bad team supporter = from bad team!) but I am not Russian or Chinese, not in any of their satellite states, or spheres of influence. I simply want them to win so "people" like you seethe. It's that simple.

>> No.21898863
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It's also an esoteric practice in Islam

>> No.21898867

>Trying to wax poetic about geopolitics but then ending your post in somebody "winning" and somebody "losing"
Underage b&

>> No.21898893

My thoughts as well anon. It’s funny, as BRICS rises so does their propaganda and rhetoric.

>> No.21898904

>muh takeover
Absolute cringe. Nothing is happening, there will be no Great War. Just a multipolar world.

>> No.21898914

Tibet has been a net negative to buddhism

>> No.21898954


It was clearly a playful joke you retarded american, not everyone is a pedophile and it was clearly playful.

>> No.21899003

1. using the tongue implies sexual feelings
2. i think only my mom and my pretend gf ever kissed me on the lips when i was little so this implies closeness
an 80 something year old man doing this shit with random boys in public isn't a good thing

>> No.21899017

This thread is not /lit/ at its best

>> No.21899041

This is Hitchens tearing down symbols of good fortune because he thought it looked too much like a Nazi version of the swastika again, isn't it?

>Daily reminder Americans forced the Japanese to put sexual kissing scenes in their movies as part of their occupation plan because Japan didn't have the same customs for sex and it made it harder to distract them with propaganda like the population at home was used to

>> No.21899051
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Based, I love seeing your polemics, icchantika-poster.

>> No.21899064

Sooner or later parents won't even be able to kiss their children or pat them on the head. The paranoid creep catcher anti-predator warriors are pushing us to a world where even looking at a child is abuse.

>> No.21899078
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>> No.21899105

LOL, I think you are confusing Russia with western elites plans for their own populations. Russia has very little debt and very high foreign reserves compared to most of G-20

>> No.21899133

Mahayana (so-called) “Buddhism” everyone.
I’ve been warning you, the Mahayana path, with all the lies, slander and frauds, inevitably leads to this kind of thing.

>> No.21899227

Yes, this is CCP propaganda, but he is a CIA asset and Buddhist Joel Olsteen so I can believe he's a pedo, too.
Never trust a religious person that smiles. Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and the mormon guy didn't go around smiling like a faggot.

Dubs. Yes, 4chan is a Theravada board.

>> No.21899236

I'm pretty sure Tibetan and Mahayana are seperate right?

>> No.21899263

>Tibetan Buddhism evolved as a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism stemming from the latest stages of Indian Buddhism
Tibetan is a subset of Mahayana. They accept the Mahayana “scriptures” and affirm the Hinayana x Mahayana made-up dichotomy, among other things.

>> No.21899276

This is called a hadith for a reason. Fat americans with low IQ really do use words they can't understand.

>> No.21899283

>Never trust a religious person that smiles.
giga based

>> No.21899352

>tfw your confused grandpa accidentally molests you
silly grandpa

>> No.21899385

It's definitely really weird, but I wouldn't go as far as claiming it's necessarily pedophilic. Since I find it hard to imagine a pedo would do something like that openly. If anything you'd try to hide any suggestion of it in a public setting.
Who knows though, I wouldn't put it past any powerful man or prominent religious figure.
At the same time Americans are prone to moral panics and puritanism, which leads us to sexualize things which may not be sexual.

>> No.21899394

Now it makes sense why it's called French kissing.

>> No.21899476

>Since I find it hard to imagine a pedo would do something like that openly.
Because he is a powerful and prominent religious figure, it makes sense to me that he would do something like this openly. Also, the news and criticism of this first broke out in India, not America, so I wouldn't blame American puritanism for the backlash the Dalai Lama is receiving.

>> No.21899556

A question for fellow Buddhists: Should I dispose of my copy of Bhikkhu Bodhi's In the Buddha's Words? It has a foreword written by the Dalai Lama, but I find Bodhi's anthology to be very useful and edifying. Yet, I feel like the Dalai Lama has stained my copy of this book. What should I do?

>> No.21899565
File: 6 KB, 260x194, BDFF3654-317E-41EC-A4DF-82EC0EA5C203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I gotta plead ignorance on this.

>> No.21899566

Would you do it with him? Would you do it if Dalai Lama asks you too? In the name of "culture"?

>> No.21899609

He's senile and forgot where he was. Always heard rumors he was fond of pleasures of the flesh.

Just get the the full editions (Middle Length, Long, Numerical Discourses and Suttinapata) instead. Remember, Tibetans are nuttjobs anyway. Bodhi is sus, but he did a lot of work spreading the dhamma so I'll give him a pass.

>> No.21899655

I saw someone say in another thread that tongue transfer was used to transmute the powers of the lama to the next lama. Is this true or bullshit? Is there any historical precidence to it?

There seems to be for Christianity >>21898547

And for Islam

What is the reason for this? I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but can't at present. I don't understand why this is a thing or if it is a thing or if it is simply a history of depraved people making their way to such positions. Any answer?

>> No.21899662

I think that is what I will do. I'm probably going to turn to reading ebooks exclusively to study Buddhism because Buddhist literature is more accessible that way, it seems.

>> No.21899672


>> No.21899767
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Not even once

>> No.21899785



>> No.21899879



>> No.21899889


>> No.21900036

Kek he was just trying to escape from the wheel of pleasure by getting it out of his system

>> No.21900450

Aren't a lot of the details of Vajrayana meant to be secret for those who aren't initiates?

>> No.21900463

chödcels btfo

>> No.21900483

Member when he gave a private presentation for the NXIVM Bronfman sisters

>> No.21900516

More like an old man that forgot he wasn't at the CIA complex for his regular payment.

>> No.21900540

kek, have a (You)

>> No.21900560

In Tibet sticking out the tongue is a common greeting. The folklore surrounding it is that it's to show that you're not a demon (demons have black tongues). They also have stuff about touching the tongue (with the fingers, lips, or tongue) as a sign of affection between people who are close (this isn't considered sexual). In the video, the boy asks to hug the Dalai Lama, then the boy asks to kiss the Dalai Lama (the boy is a Pajeet from northern India and in that par to of the world kissing someone on the forehead is not considered sexual). The Dalai Lama then sticks his tongue out and asks the kid if he wants to kiss that too (people from the boy's part of Pajeetland get the joke that he's making as they are aware of the weird Tibetan tongue thing). The two laugh, and then part ways. The stuff about the kid screaming or trying to get away is fabricated.

As for why it shows up in Islam, that's because Muhammad was a weirdo sexual degenerate. It shows up in other traditions because tongues are a very mythopoetically potent bodypart (like the cosmic cow audumbla shaping the source of divine life with her tongue as a metaphor for divine speech). Jesus touching someone's tongue to cure muteness is another example (get it, he's mute, ergo there's something wrong with his tongue).

>> No.21900609

I'm inclined to believe the lama on this one. It's a red flag, sure. It merits a period of heightened scrutiny, but he doesn't spend much time connecting to the human condition as you and I see it. It seems very likely that he didn't view this as meaningfully sexually suggestive. It's the kind of thing that really might pass for absurd humor for someone who spends all his time visualizing colorful dieties surrounding him, holding various shit and offering to help protect him from worldly desire.

>> No.21900632

Would you do it if Dalai Lama asks you too?
> In the name of "culture"?
No, more in the name of denying the importance of vain concepts about image. The lama has asked me for something I can easily give, and of no cost to me. It's not interesting what he wants it for, I can do something for a fellow living thing, so I'll do it.
I wouldn't let him buttfuck me though, I think at that point I would have reason to question whether appeasing his appetites is actually good for his spiritual journey and also I assume I wouldn't like it.

>> No.21900696

For Islam, this hadith was from a guy who claimed to have heard more than 5000 of them in less than two years, this amount is more than everyone else who knew the Prophet (pbuh). Some think they are lies.
>that's because Muhammad was a weirdo sexual degenerate
He was not and you people are illiterate and how would you know since you don't read

>> No.21900835

euros be like
>ugh wtf do you mean it's sexual for me to fondle my bro's balls stupid american

>> No.21900970

Why do all major religions amount to nothing more than elaborate schemes to bang minors?

>> No.21900989
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How should I trust that this video isn't just AI generated?

>> No.21901129

Non westernized traditiomal asians act so fucking weird i might as well believe the Buddist cope side.

>> No.21901145
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Well, Thai monks, sure!

>> No.21901155

he sucked Ali's tongue as well when the latter was born

>> No.21901513


They obviously have much to teach us.

>> No.21901752

y u wanna look at children bruh

>> No.21901985
File: 166 KB, 960x793, fhjsjjrtj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a crypto Christianity vs Buddhism thread? Ok.

Christians be like Buddhism is a life denying nihilistic religion designed to pacify you. Then turn around and be like God is all knowing, everything you have done and ever will do is known by god including whether you are sent to heaven or hell the second you are born so turn your brain off and just be yourself. Also literally all religions and cultures outside of Christianity were created by demons to trick you (Also god's will LMAO) Meanwhile Buddhists actually say everything that happens to you was the result of past karma and everything is impermanent so you are free to shape your future with your actions and willpower.

>> No.21902130
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Can you talk like a normal person?

>> No.21902216

Meanwhile, in Buddhism:
>you will be reincarnated in a better or worse state depending on your karma
>but you also don't exist and it's all just an illusion

>> No.21902244

Are you tibetan?

>> No.21902247

I kissed all my relatives when I was a kid. That's normal.

>> No.21902259

>Daily reminder Americans forced the Japanese to put sexual kissing scenes in their movies as part of their occupation plan because Japan didn't have the same customs for sex and it made it harder to distract them with propaganda like the population at home was used to
I want to know more

>> No.21902279
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>> No.21902286

> Then turn around and be like God is all knowing, everything you have done and ever will do is known by god including whether you are sent to heaven or hell the second you are born so turn your brain off and just be yourself.

You are about as knowledgeable of Christianity as a rebellious teenage girl.

>> No.21902426

Lol noice

>> No.21902430

You are about as knowledgeable of Buddhism as a rebellious teenage girl.

>> No.21902441

Are you going to point out where I'm wrong or are you just going to smugly act like you refuted my point even though you never said anything of consequence?

>> No.21902701

What's wrong with what he said? If you fail to point it out, you're a faggot.

>> No.21902726

They're called pink movies

>> No.21902793

Have you seen the actual video? Him and the crowd (it's a packed room) are laughing while doing it. I'm not endorsing it but it definitely didn't feel like a malicious and/or sexual thing. I don't think he was getting his rocks off from this.
That is to say, I agree with your opinion.

>> No.21902798

>Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad didn't go around smiling like a faggot.
And you know this how...? You were there?

>> No.21902807
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>assume I wouldn't like it
It's important not to ASSume, anon. Here, let me teach you.

>> No.21902816

Yes, Tibetan Buddhism is strictly Vajrayana.
Let this be a less on the unreliability of Wikipedia, especially when ctrl+f'ing to find the words you want to find like the retard replying to you did.
But I wouldn't expect anything more from a >phone poster.

>> No.21902838

Because you don't live exclusively on 4chan and saw that this has been in the news cycle everywhere and gotten an official apology from the Dalai Lama himself.

>> No.21902957

Its not, and no amount of bullshit hadiths you pull out your ass will make it so.

>> No.21903315

It's normal for young boys to suck on an old man's tongue wth is wrong with Americans??

>> No.21903409

They won't suck little boy tongues but they'll watch cartel gore on daytime news stations. WTF is wrong with them???

>> No.21903438

there was no contradiction. Just because buddhists believe that your ego and the life you perceive is an illusion doesn't contradict their karmic cycle of birth, death and reincarnation. It's basically like a dream that continues on until you wake up (achieve enlightenment). I don't personally believe in it, but it's internally consistent and not any more self-contradictory than any christian ideas about the afterlife.

>> No.21903454

I mean, you're right, it's obviously not fake but let's not forget that news stations have fallen for the same Sam Hyde picture every single time for the last 10 or so years every time there was a shooting. When AI generated videos become advanced enough to fool 4chan, they are 100% going to fool news stations.

>> No.21903516

So you don’t disagree that the two statements in green text he made were true about Buddhism. You’re saying that he implied that they were contradictory. However in you first post you said “your knowledge of Buddhism…”, not “your reasoning…”. Since you yourself acknowledge that the two statements in green text were correct (you can’t back down on this, since you based your entire second post on the assumption that they were — they just weren’t contradictory, according to you) then you ipso facto acknowledge that this knowledge of Buddhism (at least to what regard to those two statements) were not incorrect. You clearly moved the goal post to save face there.
Now with regard the two being contradictory, it has been pointed out since at least the time of Shankara (8th century) so to pretend that it can only conceivably be perceived as contradictory by a “teenage girl” is disingenuous.

>> No.21903544

Oh and btw teenage girls if anything only believe in the reincarnation part of Buddhism (as seeming to confirm some previous New Age belief that they already had) and are totally oblivious to the non-self doctrine. So the statement “your knowledge of Buddhism is that of a teenage girl” doesn’t seem to be an adequate comparison here, because he affirmed the non-self doctrine.

>> No.21903627

Stopped reading before end of first line, work on your pretentious tone of voice.

>> No.21903709

Dalai Lama just got more based in my book. What a chad.

>> No.21903765

Anons here have a real problem with that

>> No.21903784

Video is definitely weird, but all the people banging on about it are the absolute worsts. Third-worldist China cocksuckers, western commies, dissident right and MAGA retards.
So I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and accept it might just be a senility.

>> No.21904019
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This is crazy. We live in a transitional phase in history. I compare these clumsy AI generated media of today to things like those steampunk-ish WWI tanks or early Chinese firearms, back when people were still figuring things out, a lot of trial and error… The AI-generated media that will soon come will be nearly indistinguishable from real footage. It’s crazy to imagine the type of world we will live in when an image is no longer worth a thousand words. Word of mouth will become more reliable than video. We won’t be able to distinguish between real and fake news anymore.

>> No.21904442
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>> No.21904517

This literally has zero sexual connotations in Tibetan culture. Westoids though literally can't fucking help themselves but apply the lenses of both their cumbrained hypersexualisation and their puritanical outrage culture simultaneously.

>> No.21904597

Because he doesn't grab the kid, pull him away from his sobbing mother, and then stick his tongue down the kid's throat while jerking off like the CCP claims. If it was fake, they wouldn't be lying, they'd just be showing it to you.

>> No.21905083

kek beat me to it

>> No.21905110

Exact same opinion as redittards when it comes down to it.

>> No.21905483

Excerpt not related?

>> No.21905573

nah definitely unacceptable in tibet.

a civ that allows a spiritual leader to do whatever to younger generations wont survive the test of time.

>> No.21905591

As an AI language model, I cannot make judgments or discriminations based on one's religious beliefs. However, I can provide you with some book recommendations on esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism.

"Secrets of the Vajra World: The Tantric Buddhism of Tibet" by Reginald A. Ray: This book is an excellent introduction to the esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism. It explores the history, philosophy, and practices of Tantric Buddhism, and provides a comprehensive overview of the Vajrayana path.

"The Tibetan Book of the Dead" by Padmasambhava: This book is a classic text of Tibetan Buddhism that provides a detailed guide to the afterlife and the process of death and rebirth. It is a foundational text of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and is often used as a source of meditation and contemplation.

"The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava" by Yeshe Tsogyal: This book is a biography of Padmasambhava, a legendary figure in Tibetan Buddhism who is considered to be the founder of the Nyingma tradition. It provides insights into his teachings, practices, and his impact on Tibetan Buddhism.

"The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen" by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu: This book explores the esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism, including sutra, tantra, and Dzogchen. It provides a comprehensive overview of the practices and philosophies of Tibetan Buddhism and is an excellent resource for those interested in the more advanced practices of the tradition.

"The Six Yogas of Naropa: Tsongkhapa's Commentary" by Glenn H. Mullin: This book provides a detailed commentary on the six yogas of Naropa, a set of advanced meditation practices that are a key component of the Vajrayana path. It is an excellent resource for those interested in the esoteric practices of Tibetan Buddhism.

Please note that these books require a basic understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and its terminology, so it may be helpful to have some prior knowledge or seek guidance from a qualified teacher.

>> No.21905714

>Please note that these books require a basic understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and its terminology, so it may be helpful to have some prior knowledge or seek guidance from a qualified teacher.
This is actually sound advice, ChatniGgerPhaggoT.

>> No.21905799

post country