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/lit/ - Literature

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21897029 No.21897029 [Reply] [Original]

How do you enjoy Russian lit?
Do I just have a short attention span?

>> No.21897032

have you tried adderall?

>> No.21897033

Immersion and imagination

>> No.21897070

that’s difficult when Tolstoy is jacking off about horses.

>> No.21897164

literally just read it
theres no tricks to it. you simply have to put your phone down and read.

>> No.21897184

If you don't like Russian lit, don't force yourself to read it. I personally like it, but if I ever stopped liking it then I would stop seeking it out. Too many people care more about what they have read than the act of reading itself

>> No.21897210

Try Fathers and Sons. If you dont like that, then dont bother with he rest.

>> No.21897633

>Do I just have a short attention span?
yes. can't you just answer this questions yourself?

>> No.21897648

Read Gogol. If you don't like his short stories, its over. Just stick to reading midwit shit like Bradbury and Herbert if you can't manage that.

>> No.21897718

Russian literature Is midwit.

>> No.21897745
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The only Russian book I've managed to read and enjoy is A Hero of our Time, it is my favourite novel besides A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Foucault's Pendulum
I haven't read any other Russian books yet
It's so fucking perfect man
The bit where he overhears them plotting to get him into a duel and he just goes with it
The bit in which he just decides to kill the man just because
The bit where he decides to seduce that girl even though his supposed friend loves her, just because
I fucking love Pechorin

>> No.21897768

What isn't then?

>> No.21898103

>How do you enjoy Russian lit?
>Do I just have a short attention span?
You'll learn to enjoy it in the special protection Nonce unit.