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/lit/ - Literature

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21896695 No.21896695 [Reply] [Original]

what has leo tolstoy achieved except writing extremely boring and meandering books as a dude with no real life credentials except writing extremely boring and meandering books? and in these long stretches of text he doesn't even have anything to say except cheap platitudes, before posing in front of a photographer as this very wise old dude who achieved a lot... total hack in my opinion, the prose isn't even beautiful, it literally reads like ChatGPT wrote it after being told to commit to purple prose

>> No.21896698

every word you just wrote is wrong

>> No.21896702

>what has leo tolstoy achieved except writing extremely boring and meandering books as a dude with no real life credentials except writing extremely boring and meandering books?
I remember when trolls would proofread their shitposts

>> No.21896710

Bait thread, but I've always found his attention to detail to be greater than most other writers. I just wish he'd written more books in genres other than domestic aristocratic dramas. Imagine something like Moby Dick or Crime and Punishment written by Tolstoy. Basically more stuff like Hadji Murat and less like Anna Karenina.

>> No.21896712

nice argument. i guess i can call you a true protege of leo tolstoy

>> No.21896731

well, i read this:
or at least part of it
it's just such weak writing. the kreutzer sonata too. forgot to mention anna karenina, holy shit. fuck off all you pseuds, you niggas need some real philosophers in your lives and not russian substitutes of philosophers, it's yucky. well to be sure you only need to have a (preferably short) phase of interest in philosophy in adolescence or young adulthood because that's about enough to form an opinion and move on. i guess i'm simply too old and too real for this shit but in russia you needed to pretend to be intellectual to cope with the fact you live in one giant shithole, and since it was supposed to be an empire, they had to make up some idols of their own. but should we care, in 2023?

>> No.21896752

What do you mean "?"
Learn to use punctuation marks, caveman.

>> No.21896755

i'll tell you better: learn to make a point, retard

>> No.21896778

Now just work on your capitalization and people might actually think you're literate.

>> No.21896785

>What do you mean "?"
Anon, are you autistic?

>> No.21896794

We all are, this is 4chan

>> No.21896803 [DELETED] 

>“Before the winter ended, this sense of dejection, solitude, and simple boredom increased to such an extent that I refused to leave my room or open the piano or take up a book. When I was urged to find some occupation, I said that I did not feel able for it; but in my heart I said, "What is the good of it? What is the good of doing anything, when the best part of my life is being wasted like this?" and to this question, tears were my only answer.

>I was told that I was growing thin and losing my looks; but even this failed to interest me. What did it matter? For whom? I felt that my whole life was bound to go on in the same solitude and helpless dreariness, from which I had myself no strength and even no wish to escape.”
literally me

>> No.21897003

Post an excerpt which exemplifies what you mean

>> No.21897099

i just did:

>> No.21897105

It's funny how Tolstoy and War&Peace were always regarded as a literary hallmarks for an author + magnum opus, then Pynchon came along with Gravity's Rainbow and just completely blew that shit out of the water.

>> No.21897196

It’s funny how you never read War & Peace and Pynchon is a trash writer you got interested in for his aesthetic

>> No.21897708

Anna K is objectively better than anything Pynchon could every dream of writing

>> No.21898175

Cormac McCarthy blows this pseud-hack-retard out of the water. Agree, OP?

>> No.21898261

Well, let me just pull the stakes higher: American literature blows Russian "literature" out of the water

>> No.21898299

are you unironically retarded

>> No.21898320
File: 22 KB, 620x413, 1488743153944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21898324

>as a dude with no real life credentials
He was decorated veteran of 2 wars thoughever

>> No.21898338

pretty much this

>> No.21898341

How bad are the Everyman's Library editions?
I managed to get the 2 volume short story collections but what about his other writings?
Is the Cossacks any good?
I love A Hero of our Time
How good is Pushkin btw?
James Joyce seems to like Tolstoy a lot but thought Pushkin was juvenile

>> No.21898460

i found that W&P's second part of the epilogue to be a really boring rambling. sure the first few chapters are good but it becomes repetitive to the point where i just stopped reading it, am i missing something?

>> No.21898517

you need to learn russian before reading their literature
I thought that much has been established by now

>> No.21898525

I spent 3 months learning but gave up

>> No.21898527

I think I know exactly how you feel.
To make it only to A2 level (more than basic grammar and ~4,000 words) I had to give up and take it up again about half a dozen times in the span of 2 years.
Befuddling experience

>> No.21898540

>what has leo tolstoy achieved except writing extremely boring and meandering books
He got excommunicated and went to hell, so there's that.

>> No.21898550
