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File: 134 KB, 850x1192, __original_drawn_by_nagomurasan__sample-3887c01b9b737d40c4c0ae234711a7eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21894900 No.21894900 [Reply] [Original]

any books that describe cuddling in detail? I've never been cuddled so I would like to know what it's like. It seems rare to describe it in books

>> No.21895014

my diary desu

>> No.21895029

I had a short cute gf when I just joined uni. It usually happened in my dorm, we would cuddle naked a lot, her lying on top of me. It felt amazing, I've never felt so good before or since. It's like everything is perfect, you can feel her small body on top of you, all of your senses are full of her, you can feel her boobs pressing down on your chest, your erect penis rubbing agaisnt her tummy, you caress each other with feet and hands and all of this is crowned by slow intimates kisses. I've been reading about one alchemist and he describes man-woman relationships as an imperfect union - a recurrent theme among alchemists - but those moments with my ex could be described precisely as giving me the feeling of perfect union. There were no worries, no unpleasant sensations whatsoever, just an interplay of pleasure, fulfillment, love, bliss. Kafka wrote in The Castle that he dreams "of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more". I havent had read this book then, but that was the image that would run trough my head while cuddling and I thought that it is my idea of heaven. That little, narrow bed that we shared together and all of those whispers of love recurring troughout eternity without any change.

>> No.21895111

thanks man. Hopefully I get to experience that.

>> No.21895129

Why didn't you marry her?

>> No.21895136

t..they look like six year old kids, who draws this shit

>> No.21895234

I wanted to, but she went woke and started disrespecting me, so I left her. Not that she was not justified in doing that, because I was a bit too soft.

>> No.21895242


>> No.21895246


>> No.21895248

>she went woke
Why didn't you save her?

>> No.21895249

It's nice but also a bit like having a portable nuclear reactor clamped to you and toasting you alive while you try to sleep.
Don't let the drudgeries of real life spoil the fantasy though.

>> No.21895262

Chuds can't save woke. They're two sides of the same coin. Only socialism can wake her up from it.

>> No.21895277

I think more precisely she disclosed her true colors, she was woke all along and just hid that away because of external pressures. It's just sad that she didn't reveal her true self at the start. But whatever, now I'm better and have another shorty on the line who is hitting on me.

>> No.21895418

But she stole your virginity

>> No.21895448

*chair clattering*

>> No.21895486

>Only socialism can wake her up from it.
So chuds?

>> No.21895530

Yeah, cuddling while watching a movie, chilling, while waking up, that's all wonderful. But I could never really sleep while cuddling. She's too hot and all positions are awkward at best.

>> No.21895740

I-I'm not crying you are

>> No.21896493

What are you supposed to do if youre cuddling and one side suddenly has gastric winds. Like, are people comfortable with just letting it go like that? Asking, because never cuddled and currently saving money for prostitute that offers girlfriend experience. Theoretically the customer is always right, but I would rather avoid faux pas.

>> No.21896504
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>> No.21896546

It really depends but usually starting the relationship both pretend they don't shit or fart.
Eventually you both get comfortable with each other, either out of necesity or out of custom. Usually the male does it first. I think I farted in front of my last ex after about 2 months, she used to stay at my home frequently so that was bound to happen. I think she farted once in front of me about 8 months in, she was really delicate so she got very embarassed about it.
tldr; it's forgiving as a male, don't do it if you're both not comfortable with eachother's bodies.

>> No.21896591
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>> No.21896646
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read this while "No.7 Alone With My Thoughts" was playing
big mistake

>> No.21896675

How tall r u

>> No.21896703
File: 55 KB, 748x736, hmmm today I will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asking, because never cuddled and currently saving money for prostitute that offers girlfriend experience.
that made me very sad, first you've never been cuddled, second you plan on hiring a prostitute, not even to have sex, but to cuddle, and last you're impoverished enough to have to save up money for that purchase
could you explain your situation anon? how did you end up like this?

>> No.21896762

Failed normie, due to combination of improper brain chemistry and toxic social environment. Raised in poor and closeted family, young adult period occupied by working hard to get good education in order to advance socially, in the meantime relatives died out/got senile, then was occupied getting started my socially respectable career, so no time and money for excesses and socializing, then after few years burnout and clinical depression. Many such cases.

>> No.21896805

thank you for sharing, anon
I'm glad to hear there's still some beauty and love left in this world, even if that's something I cannot verify myself

>> No.21897868

It's better to get an idea of it through art and imagine the senses being engaged in it, English isn't really made for describing loving acts. It just comes off very stunted and it never really captures the feeling, it really is one of those ineffable things which makes you appreciate the limitations of the tools we use to examine life.

>> No.21898029

above 6 feet

>> No.21898042

Do you know how many people here, or in general, are like that? I've already spent over $10 grand on prostitutes for a similar experience. At the moment I have almost no money left and I drink myself to sleep to cope with the loneliness. Most of those prostitutes are constantly booked out for the same reason.

>> No.21898094

You only realise the warm comfort of your skin when it is reflected into you by another.

>> No.21898372

The most vivid and unexpected thing about cuddling and intimacy that comes to mind for me is how the small trembles and muscle spasms in her body feel as though they happened inside me. If there is a stutter in her breath I feel it in mine. When she is about to move a little bit, I register it in my mind as its happening as if the nerve signal is returning to my brain at the same time as hers. It's wonderful and I cannot put it in words OP, find someone.

At least that's something I remember fondly.

>> No.21898481

never really noticed that desu

>> No.21898483
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Beautiful, brother.
>that is my idea of heaven
I just have to off on a tangent, because I think this thought is so beautiful and I have similar sentiments. In fact I literally believe this is the case. I've also lived through similar moments when everything else in the world and time itself seemed to vanish: cuddling, for sure, but also waking up in my parent's home in the morning one time, listening to incredible music alone and with spare time, and at other times when I thought, this is it, I could die right now, I want nothing, I fear nothing, I don't even think anything, I merely experience it. One is reminded of Schopenhauer's idea that when experiencing great art, the intellect is momentarily freed from the bondage of the Will and gets to experience timelessness. Since, however, time is illusory (according to Sch.), when you experience timelessness, you have actually and not just psychologically experienced eternity, or heaven, if you will. And since eternity has no end, and past and present are merely conventional and relative concepts, it means you are still there, in eternity; if you have made it there even once, then forever. More recently I started picking up on very similar concepts in Zen.

>> No.21898531

I want to cuddle with a cute young boy so much the fact that I know I never will makes me want to off myself.

Post-coital snuggling...

>> No.21898746

>I had a short cute gf when I just joined uni. It usually happened in my dorm, we would cuddle naked a lot, her lying on top of me. It felt amazing, I've never felt so good before or since. It's like everything is perfect, you can feel her small body on top of you, all of your senses are full of her, you can feel her boobs pressing down on your chest, her erect penis rubbing agaisnt your tummy, you caress each other with feet and hands and all of this is crowned by slow intimates kisses. I've been reading about one alchemist and he describes man-woman relationships as an imperfect union - a recurrent theme among alchemists - but those moments with my ex could be described precisely as giving me the feeling of perfect union. There were no worries, no unpleasant sensations whatsoever, just an interplay of pleasure, fulfillment, love, bliss. Kafka wrote in The Castle that he dreams "of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more". I havent had read this book then, but that was the image that would run trough my head while cuddling and I thought that it is my idea of heaven. That little, narrow bed that we shared together and all of those whispers of love recurring troughout eternity without any change.

>> No.21899918

I kinda keep coming back to this thread because this drawing is perfect. I've never seen something that captures real life cuddling as well as this drawing. Legit fantastic.

>> No.21899966
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I don't know anymore

>> No.21900294

never had a lover but i had a slampig i used to cuddle. oddly enough the cuddling was better than the sex. i kick around a lot both while and before i sleep but with her fat hairy body by by my side i was able to go to sleep straight away and wake up in the exact same posistion. when we were both awake i felt i could perfectly know how she would move in response to any movement i might make and when i tested it i was right. i think there was some talk of cuddling in mismima's 'sound of the waves'.

>> No.21900298

They don't look like any human.

>> No.21900491

Cuddling is boring af. Worst of all it's hot af. Her hair is on your face and if you face each other you breathe too much carbon dioxide. Sex is the funnest part. Cuddling is the girl's version of sex

>> No.21900642

I have a girl interested in me right now, and I'm terrified of messing it up.

>> No.21900673

same kinda. gotta go for it anyways. shots you don't take and whatnot.

>> No.21900684

not making it

>> No.21900766

Once while I was taking the train a cutie nodded off next to me and leaned against my shoulder. Could feel her hair, her warmth, etc. and I started to feel myself getting hard down there.

I imagine that's about a third of what cuddling feels like.

>> No.21901291

>your erect penis rubbing agaisnt her tummy
Sounds painful/annoying after a while though

>> No.21901327


>> No.21901328

Yeah cuddling is a fagman's game, I fucking hate when they want their sticky ass muggy arm to stick to my arm and chest. Ever get that thing where the armpit of the arm she's death gripping is sweating, and you are trying to strategize getting her away from it since her face is right in it? I'm not even a sweaty guy, these bitches just heat up to 200 degrees after I do the thing to their clitoris that I used to do to win Mario Party minigames with the N64 control stick.

>> No.21901332
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>> No.21901403

Don't worry, anon, jews can't love.