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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 500x334, wtf-photos-videos-hi-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2189396 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, I´m doing some reserch on alternative printed formats. Like stories written on particular objects (origami for example) or alternately designed books.

Has anyone came across somethin like this? I´d really like to read about it.

Pic related

>> No.2189406

Nox by Anne Carson may apply. Sort of. It's still on paper, but isn't traditionally bound.

What about all the Sanskrit and other writings from way back that were carved into stone?

>> No.2189417

Frankenfont. It's Mary Shelley's novel printed in fragments of forgotten, unfinished, and obscure fonts.

>> No.2189420


Just saw a video about Nox. The format is certainly interesting. I´m looking for something smaller tho. And about the stone-writings, I was planning on actually creating the object, so rocks may be troublesome.

>> No.2189431

What do you want to do OP?

>> No.2189442

I want to work with these formats, produce them. Keeping that in mind, I need something rather small, a printed construction that will house nothing but a small story. Yet it must be powerful, desirable, sensual if possible.

I know it hard hehe, but I´ve heard of such formats before, I just can´t seem to find them.

>> No.2189446

Ive got an idea, write shit in origami!

>> No.2189450

well, I need something less... fragile. Something that may be carried around easily.

>> No.2189457

tha fuck is up with that picture?

>> No.2189473
File: 456 KB, 976x550, Weaving_Fate__s_Pattern_by_MoonsongWolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with rats weaving destiny.

>> No.2189483
File: 43 KB, 365x243, hipsters-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you write on pages? That's so mainstream, man.
>I write on origami, have you heard of it?

>> No.2189484

write on oregano

>> No.2189485

zettels traum

>> No.2189486
File: 40 KB, 500x772, 1307469263386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write on Ortego.

>> No.2189487
File: 12 KB, 243x300, ortego_y_vereda_francisco_javier-bandolero~300~10076_20081216_NULL_933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong photo.

>> No.2189506

>yfw writing wasn't seriously considered as a medium until 500 B.C.
>yfw most writing up until 100 AD was on wax tablets
>yfw scribes handprinted manuscripts for the next thousand years
>yfw the printing press was invented 600 years ago, and the average book would have cost the equivalent of $900 at that time
>yfw the majority of the America's population wasn't literate until 100 years ago
>yfw the majority of the world's population wasn't literate until 40 years ago

>> No.2189518

Write a short story on a decorative bowl full of plastic fruit. Start with the apple, then the pear, etc.

>> No.2189528

>mfw no source for unfounded statements presented as facts
>mfw no face

>> No.2189530

>yfw none of your statements have anything to do with the thread
>yfw you have no face

>> No.2189536


Btw, I like the fruit idea, but I´m looking for something that could be mass produced.

>> No.2189544


>Implying that you can mass produce something

>> No.2189559


Depends on what you understand by "mass", but yes, I´ve got a small printing house.

btw, I´d rather work with something relatively cheap to produce, since I don´t intent to sell the -objects-.