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File: 92 KB, 901x435, Screenshot from 2023-04-10 02-08-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21893699 No.21893699 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like a possible life purpose is to be a writer - its one of the few things that feel like play to me and is creative but even if I go ham and work a crap ton towards the dream. I can't help but feel that I would be doing it for miserable outcomes.

I heard somewhere that even sanderson on the come up and some notoriety was only making like 50K. Then I reflect on AI advancements and honestly how is anyone gonna trust anyone's words in the future? Or what is even going to be considered good writing at that point? What even is the utility of writing based creativity?

How are other writers handling this?

>> No.21893717

Being a writer is not a viable career path. It never really was, unless you had connections. Write for the love of it and put it online for free, preferably on your own website. Countless unknown writers of the past would have killed for something like the internet. Just do something else for money. Spinoza was a lens-grinder, maybe you could start there.

>> No.21893733


oh I already make six figures - its just about seeing some kind of return. Honestly replace the money with notoriety and that would be A-OK.

>> No.21893741

You can hire publicity agencies do promote your books for you. It's a lot funnier to come up with different schemes on your own though.

>> No.21893789

Then you have nothing to worry about. Write what you want to write, and make sure it is polished before you put it online. Typeset it using LaTeX instead of Word or whatever, and people will think they're reading a pdf of an actual publication (if you don't know what I'm talking about, look into it; the difference it makes on first impression is enormous).

Can't help much notoriety-wise. Would depend on what you're writing. You can probably hope for niche notoriety as best, again unless you have connections. If that's enough for you, write your shit and hopefully the notoriety will come. If not, I think you're shit out of luck.

>> No.21893848


Yeah but I'm speaking from more of existential concern. Like what is the value of a writing in age where written content is the cheapest and most likely thing that AI will get better and better at.

Like what is the value of competing against the robots , content farms, etc. Even if I like the craft - even if I find a good writers group - sure its a personal benefit but sinking thousands of hours into something that is inherently worthless in the deluge of written word? Seems really weird to me.

>> No.21893866
File: 1.40 MB, 1136x640, D620206F-0BD8-42C6-A78D-AA4A310BD952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw that image is literally the plot of mobile suit gundam. Lol

>> No.21893871


kek. not familiar with the gundam franchise but thats hilarious thanks for sharing

>> No.21893874
File: 112 KB, 960x543, CCF90A10-F547-4D37-BD6C-671050A5980C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That why I no longer call myself a writer or poet, I’m a hobbyist short story writer and I’ll always be because writing isn’t variable so welcome to the club. I write for myself and to just do it as a passion project. Anybody who thinks they can make money writing is a fool. If your content is good enough it will be bought and produced.

>> No.21893879

I see I see - thanks for sharing anon

>> No.21893881

competition is an unwinnable race. also, what's it all for at all? scientific discovery? creature comforts? the bottom line is that the only reason you do anything is because you can justify that it benefits you or you that you like it. if value was measurable and not speculative, then economies wouldn't be such a fucking mess.

>> No.21893885

You need a following in 2023 before you publish a book. You could write a masterpiece but if you have no platform and no support, you'll make more money working at McDonald's.

>> No.21893886

>Seems really weird to me.
That's because you don't understand writing. It's release. It also generally touches upon topics that no AI company would ever feel comfortable touching. If you want to write or see written prolefeed then you face the screens, but if you see how fucked up society actually is and it fucks you up then you write.

>> No.21893888

There has never been a better time to be a creative writer. Either you're better than the machine or you do it for reasons that make it irrelevant.

Didn't read your thread, by the way.

>> No.21893889

If you make six figures and you can't make your writing work then your writing truly fucking sucks dude.

You could spend 10k and get a ton of positive reviews and PR.

>> No.21893902


For the record , I haven't written since I graduated school but even after a couple of years - I could never shake it. There's some part of me that still wants to just write dammit

I used to write as a teen and had a fanbase of 10000 ish people subscribed to my writing at the time and nearly 250K views - so I felt the high. But then life got in the way and I did something more practical and I stopped.

as this anon said >>21893886
it really feels like a release. I still can't shake it.

>> No.21893904

well thats good to hear

>> No.21893912

If you think of yourself as producing "written content," then there is no point. If you think an AI will be able to write something comparable to what you want to write, there is no point. Actual, real writing is a human endeavour. AI can easily create "written content" though. If you don't see this distinction, I probably wasted my time with my previous replies.

>> No.21893921

>haven't written since I graduated school
>I used to write as a teen and had a fanbase of 10000 ish people subscribed to my writing at the time and nearly 250K views
What were you writing?

>> No.21893928
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 4430A9AE-6B1A-464F-B4DC-409587386F76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I’ve gotten viral as well but desu we should try to inspire the next generation. We missed the bus but there’s another one coming. >>21893881 and >>21893886 get it same with me. There’s a spark. It’s a joint. It’s a solo red cup in a wooden cabin facing yourself and the muse. If you scratch that itch and write, maybe you can write something good then spend 10k to give it momentum. Clean yourself up. Put yourself in front of the right people. Say the right thing. Never sell out and spend 35k to print 5k copies of your own book to sell on your own website. Do podcast episodes or YouTube channels to promote your jazz. Do all this and you might sell 10 copies. It won’t work because you lack discipline to follow a playbook and if it does congratulations. Stop by and buy us a pitcher with results next time. Writing rules and the idea of partying to write on your off time is the dream but it’s luck based like being popular in high school.

>> No.21893942


Go do some expensive sexy adventure and write about it. Like Hemmingway or something. Jfc how do you manage to earn 6 figures but are this clueless.

>> No.21893943


No I see it. I'm just trying to shake any romantic notions is all. Like the day I look at the NYT bestsellers and top 10 has like 2 AI writers on it or something - this thread is just me trying to justify my anxiety.

Oh I was writing erotica lol - the girls just ate that shit up and I kept doing it and it got outta control lmao (good times). But I also wrote some horror and thrillers that were my pride and joy that my group loved but never went anywhere publicly cause I didn't want the online persona to shift gears into thrillers.

thanks for the good words anon

>> No.21893980

You don’t want to write. You want to become a recognized author. It’s not the same thing, but don’t worry about it anon: it’s an all too common kind of thing.

>> No.21894137
File: 1.51 MB, 335x974, 6201E166-2BC8-412E-A73A-A67E6F2B58FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most viral moment was I managed to troll Kramer on msnbc one day but I didn’t record it. This world is a joke. Glow will ice. So discipline is key. Do the work. God speed fren and happy Easter.

>> No.21894176

Chatgpt is like having a conversation with an 11 year old boy whose sitting in front of his computer looking up shit on Wikipedia. That prompt is the most generic shit in the world, if you are seriously concerned about this thing replacing you as a writer you are terrible at your job and should kys.