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/lit/ - Literature

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21890582 No.21890582 [Reply] [Original]

>Rowan Hisayo Buchanan is a Japanese-British-Chinese-American writer. Her first novel, Harmless Like You, won the Author’s Club First Novel Award, a Betty Trask award and was shortlisted for the Desmond Elliot Prize. In the USA it was a New York Times Editors’ Choice and an NPR 2017 Great Read. Her second novel, Starling Days, was shortlisted for the 2019 Costa Novel Award.
>Buchanan was born to a half-Chinese, half-Japanese American mother and a British father, and grew up between London and New York. She earned her B.A. from Columbia University, where she was a Core Scholar. She lived in Tokyo while working as an intern for a management consulting firm, then earned her M.F.A. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Is anyone else tired of these privileged cunts? I don't know. At least the wealthy writers of yore didn't preach about race and gender as if anyone should give a fuck about what they had to say. I shouldn't even know that this cunt exists.

>> No.21890585

I didn't even know she existed until you made this shitty thread

>> No.21890588
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Americans preaching about race is ro distract people from developing a class consciousness. Jamal from da hood and Cleetus from rural Alabama have more in common with each other than the girl in the article, or any other upper-middle class American for that matter, but by trying to focus on race rather than class the American society has managed to bit the lower classes against each other. Compare to Europe where class comes up more often than race and racism is usually seen from the lense of ethnic conflict rather than "black, Asian, white" etc.

>> No.21890684

Do the Americans live rent free in that tiny head of yours?

>> No.21890689

Am I wrong anon?

>> No.21890767

How would her father feel about being called a "default white guy?"

>> No.21890782
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Why are Asian Americans always so reddit?
I don't have anything against Asians in Asia, but Asian Americans are always the wokest of all SJW retards.

>> No.21890794

This. Just read the classics and ignore this shit. Tell every art hoe you only read Shakespeare and homer. They'll still fuck u.

>> No.21890799

The more uncompromisingly based you are, the more attracted they'll be to you. Spineless simps are a dime a dozen after all

>> No.21890831

Odd how "we" after all the stuff in the last hundred years finally went back to "Race is incredibly important". Blokes just can't make up their mind.

>> No.21890833
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try Vietnamese American,, they're right wing af

>> No.21890842

They are very ambitious and want in on the benefits blacks get. Same thing with Indians (and to an extent Nigerians).

>> No.21890903

>you have either be a woke retard or a conservacuck retard

>> No.21890948

There obviously are problems with Trump but if you don't think Demonrats are a million times worse then you're a retard.

>> No.21890959

dumb commie

>> No.21890962

>wingcuck sees literally any difference between israeli golems other than a coat of paint
Many such cases!

>> No.21890991

Smarter people will pick up on institutional social cues, meaning a management consultant and mfa student will play the progressive game to advance their career and social status.

>> No.21891011

My thoughts exactly. I'm mixed race and that statement raised an instant red flag. Imagine viewing your parents through the lens of critical race theory. The media seems to select for these shameless cunts.

>> No.21891021

>Rowan Hisayo Buchanan is a Japanese-British-Chinese-American writer
How the fuck does this even make sense? How long until we start going for 8th part identities, or 32nd part identities? Will the 1 in 200 people who are descended from Genghis Khan be able to include that in their designation of identity and create a social club on that basis?

>> No.21891025

It's not solely an american phenomenon, you will find divisive and toxic identity politics in liberals in most developed countries, because the chief concern of the liberal is the balancing act of pretending to be for social justice without sacrificing their own privileged class position, and identity politics is such a perfect solution to that balancing act that liberals everywhere use it.

>> No.21891031

>Jamal from da hood and Cleetus from rural Alabama have more in common with each other than the girl in the article
This is true, but that doesn't mean they have much in common.
Racial tensions are a solvable issue, through segregation... or other means.
The communist fairy tale of a classless society is complete and utter bullshit. It will simply never be achieved regardless of how hard you try.

>> No.21891036

Likely pride that she is playing the game that well. This is a completely natural evolution for someone who interned at a management consultancy.
These people are profoundly Machiavellian, and the father likely has no problems playing the fool if that is what it takes to advance the economic interests of himself and his immediate kin.

>> No.21891043

There is quite a bit of middle ground between classless society on the one hand, and, on the other hand, 100.000 appalachians who used to have good bluecollar jobs they could take pride in die of diseases of despair after the 0.01% moved manufacturing jobs to China so they could become the 0.001%.

>> No.21891044

I'm sorry about my post-/pol/ hangups but LMAO

>> No.21891059

That's perfectly fine, so long as you understand that neither Cleetus nor Jamal can, in the long run, ever be anything other than enemies.
The current ruling classes and their mouthpieces deserve something far worse than hell.

>> No.21891205

>That's perfectly fine, so long as you understand that neither Cleetus nor Jamal can, in the long run, ever be anything other than enemies.
sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the people who spent their formative years on /pol/ had spent them singing kumbaya and doing molly in a hippie commune.

>> No.21891533

Race is religion for this people, lmao

>> No.21891552

Her father was absent managing a hedge fund or some shit. This is the main reason why turned out to be an insufferable cunt.

>> No.21891661

White supremacists? Yeah. A really sick religion based on exterminating or enslaving all the others.

>> No.21891909
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Race traits being tacked on like merit badges in a bizarro world version of 1800s racism from people claiming they’re opposed to racial thinking.
Yet clearly the volk speaks through you thanks to your genetic heritage (which is also 1/16th black or whatever bullshit, even more outrageous than nazi blood quotas).
Like you say it’s a shit sundae special when behind this curtain of racial “oppression” hides just another super privileged cunt handed all opportunity in society on a classical class and capital level. Somehow that’s excused by neo-lefties who love corporations and open border policies their masters want.
Makes me puke.

>> No.21892197

Found the nigger

>> No.21892222

More nonwhites complaining about societies which graciously afford them quality of life far better than their ethnic homeland ever could
Is 2016 over yet?

>> No.21892278
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Talk about mystery meat. She looks like she has poor hygiene, and her boring life means she has nothing to say outside of her convoluted racial identity. Hard pass OP

>> No.21892805

Paraguay took the racial laws of America and reversed them, requiring by law that every white man get a black/indio gf and vice versa. It is now both one of the most happy and ethnically homogeneous countries on the planet, full of pleasantly brown big bunda cuties.

After every last liberal is thrown into a mass grave state mandated racemixing is gonna become a thing. Just wait.

>> No.21892806

I kind of want to join a finno-turkic-han mongel revivalist rape gang desu. That sounds sick.

>> No.21892815

I'm half Chinese and I don't feel like I deserve to have an Asian name or identify as Asian
I am very jealous of her, I wish my mom had given me a Chinese name like my younger sisters got

>> No.21893167

>short term materialistic benefits
pick one

>> No.21893276

>racism is usually seen from the lense of ethnic conflict rather than "black, Asian, white" etc.
thats slowly changing along with europes demographics. "white british" "black british" and more are used by the uk government.

>> No.21893282 [DELETED] 

They're very academically oriented, and left wing race stuff is uncontested in academia.

>> No.21893317

>people who spent their formative years on /pol/
everyone on /pol/ also went through the public school indoctrination system. youre just mad they dont adopt your favorite flavor of brainwashing.

>> No.21893322
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>> No.21893352

All minority groups tend toward the status quo even if they produce individually smart/decent people for the simple reason that being a minority group in another country is a fundamentally evil act, and anyone decent trying to come to terms with this when it has already been decided for them by birth is going to be compelled by constant pressure to develop some kind of doublethink, so that they don't hate themselves. That's why they make such good supporters of the status quo, because they have already ritually debased themselves by ignoring and suppressing their own instincts, which (correctly) tell them that being in someone else's country and competing with them for jobs and success is evil

Imagine being born as one of a 10% white minority in Japan, and your minority is moderately more successful than the local Japanese on average, who are having a severe problem with the collapse of their middle class and drug escapism in rural areas and so forth. Imagine every time you succeed, you know on some level you are doing so at the expense of the actual Japanese, on their own land. Imagine being told every day by transparently evil, slimy, slippery, ugly institutions like the state, education institutions, and corporations that you should not feel bad about this but should go over and spit on the Japanese while they're down too, tell them how you're more of a Jap than they are, that you belong there, that if they don't like it they should try harder to succeed, etc. Any person with a normal consciousness and soul knows this is reprehensibly evil. But average joes are obviously going to break under the strain of this cognitive dissonance and develop doublethink so they can live without hating themselves.

Any "model minority" immigrant you see is someone who was 1984'ed into being okay with being the house nigger caste in a country they will never feel at home in, long ago, and frantically drowning out whatever pain and self-loathing still bubbles to the surface occasionally by throwing themselves into doublethink even harder, for example by trying even harder to emulate Jews and other model minorities who are more proficient at despising the white middle class people they parasitically live off of and colonially displaced, by watching more CNN, by being even louder about WEAR A FUCKING MASK!!!!, because when you're shouting, you can't hear the voices inside you saying this is wrong.

>> No.21893413

Unironically looks better than NYC and every person in frame is wearing a shirt and clean

>> No.21893547

Just did the "look inside" of her novel and it's total shit.

But a lot of shit gets published and even wins awards. Hallelujah!

>> No.21893601

Americans are so lacking in identity authenticity they talk about their race/culture with the passionate conviction of stump preachers. White supremacists count too, but those people are already ostracized.

>> No.21893679

>OMG this country has a garbage dump that would never happen in a white Aryan nation where people don't produce trash they don't even shit
Yet not a junky in sight. Weird.

>> No.21893917

Nasty looking bitch, but no gonna lie. I would.

>> No.21893922

Anybody would, any thin woman under 30 is cute enough for a fuck unless her face looks like Mr. Bumpy from Bump in the Night

>> No.21894715
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You have no idea how deeply this post impacts me. There's no authentic release for this angst, and all attempts are just rationalising parasitism—which all evil fundamentally is—under a cloak of words. I don't know what more there is to it.

>> No.21894758

>caring about class or identity politics

>> No.21894794

>Americans realize that the problem are the ELITE
>Occupy Wall street happens
>1 month later
>The News is FILLED with NOTHING but race baiting, ignoring everything else
>Elites are free again

>> No.21894807

>Jamal from da hood and Cleetus from rural Alabama have more in common with each other than the girl in the article, or any other upper-middle class American for that matter

While true that doesn't mean they have enough to develop a common class consciousness (they don't).

>> No.21895006
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kek. let's look inside together, /lit/. This is nearly unreadable

>> No.21895013

is anyon else tired of this priviledge cunts? idk. At last the welthy writers of your didn't preech about race and gendre as if anyon shood give a fuck about wat they had to sey. I shodant iven now that these cunt exists.

>> No.21895028

The wars and conflicts of the last 3 centuries are raging in this person's blood
You can't expect them to be sane

>> No.21895040


>> No.21895170

>born with silver spoon in mouth
>but thinks they're oppressed and an underdog because they happen to be beige
>meanwhile most whites are too poor to even travel abroad, let alone live there

all rich people should be killed regardless of color
all rich people should be killed regardless of color
all rich people should be killed regardless of color

>> No.21895179

As long as you mean legally and by state decree, then that's something we can all agree on regardless of politics. Rich people are the biggest faggots on the planet. Whatever aristocratic virtues they used to have because of their leisure time have been completely lost and all they do now is spread degeneracy and spend their dad's money on becoming bigger fags.

>> No.21895185

I had a coworker in London who was Vietnamese and when I told her a huge chunk of the American Vietnamese population wave around South Vietnam flags and do all this weird shit she thought I was making it up as a joke lmao

>> No.21895186

>righteous things are only righteous if the state proclaims them to be so
go worship authority from your grave
all rich people should be killed regardless of color
all rich people should be killed regardless of color
all rich people should be killed regardless of color

>> No.21895192

When a group of people convene to make a contract on what values and processes are worth collectively going to war over, that's called a social contract, and when they then go to war (by attacking and killing others who jeopardize the social contract and the values it upholds), that's called a state. You can call it a Free Love Commune if you want, I guess.

>> No.21895194
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Horseshoe theory is real and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.21895259

>Jamal from da hood and Cleetus from rural Alabama have more in common with each other than the girl in the article, or any other upper-middle class American for that matter
eurofags actually believe this

>> No.21895290

urban gang affiliated nogs in section 8 housing have absolutely nothing in common with southern trailer park rednecks

>> No.21895295
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Don't Weininger yourself. The authentic release is just fixing the world and setting things right. The elites threw us all into each other's countries like this and made us fuck each other over to make it so we lose even our solidarity with one another and ability to admire one another. I don't hate Indians because there are sixty million Indians in my home county, I see the ones in my home county as victims of indoctrination, and like any other group, mostly decent people who would make good choices if they weren't being actively bombarded by ideology and put in no-win situations that force them to make ugly decisions every day. Same with Arabs in Paris or Asians in Canada.

I'm sure Mexifags on 4chan have to deal every day with cognitive dissonance over which "side" to identify with: retarded globohomo? obviously not an option. AIAIAIAIAIAI LA RAZA YO ONIONS CHICANA ESSE? embarrassing. Internet white nationalism that wants to gas you? not an option either.

The trick is just to think right past and through all the rigged parameters the elites have set up so you think you're in an unwinnable situation, think at the level of resetting the whole game board, not just playing the rigged no-win game in which you are always already in checkmate that the elites have established. You have just as much a right to upset the board as they do. It might take a generation or three but that's just how history works. Populations flow and relocate, new modi vivendi are negotiated, etc. If the elites can use mass immigration to destroy countries in under 20 years why shouldn't it be possible to use controlled emigration to find peaceful solutions? For most of history it was relatively normal for whole cities or regions to spring up or be occupied or reoccupied. Who even wants to say in the mega-slums we all live in today thanks to globohomo policies? They're all going to need redesigning and redrawing no matter what, along with various maps. The world is more flexible than we all think.

>> No.21895320


>> No.21895327
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They are important too.

>> No.21895576

Not Jamal from the hood, but rural people do get along. Whites and hispanics bond over common love of jacked up trucks, and whites and blacks bond over fishing and hunting. City fags keep the hate going, so maybe they'll all be nuked in WWIII.

>> No.21895594
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>> No.21895613

Civil rights activists were unleashed by the CIA to stop the revolutionary potential of the New Left.

>> No.21895637


>> No.21895730

good post

>> No.21895956
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Jesus anon

>> No.21896492

> "the small female oblong"

>> No.21896997
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Wanna know how I know you didn't read the clickbait article you're trying to use as proof of horseshoe theory?

>> No.21897016

the people who jet set around based on the value of their credentials are the ones who get me. As if these people have the utmost secrets because they got an easy ride through academia and now can leapfrog into occupations far above average people. It isn't the value of their learning that does that, even though society still pays them good money for it

>> No.21897042
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No they don’t you nigger lover

>> No.21897080

Retard, read anything by a black thinker of the 20th century. You commie fucks did everything you could to insinuate yourselves into the civil rights movement and you failed because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Race and class issues are tied but they're distinct. You only alienate people when you try to marxplain to them how everything's ackchually just class and as long as they parrot party dogma exactly you'll lead them to a universally accepting utopia.
You also won't, you guys are idiots. The smarter ones are just stringing you along for money by throwing in a few token Marxist phrases.

>> No.21897169

I went to school with a woman who genuinely asked "what is money for?" in an upper-level poly-sci about capitalism. They're currently managerial in the LA department of commerce. I know so many successful retards and I was too much of a snobbish, anti-social pseud to realize I went to school surrounded by all these rich fucks to network and honey up their parents to get connections to better jobs.

God, I hate the liberal upper class more than anything else--because I was never one of them, never will be--and I will for the rest of my life because I squandered my one shot.

>> No.21897676


honestly one of the cutest girls i've ever seen. i think i'm in love bros...

>> No.21898008

Lmao she must be born an expat then. Back in Vietnam proper support for Trump was through the roof too, every person I have met believe him to be the greatest man to ever assume the office. Indeed approval for the US was so high you would wonder whether we had ever been at war at all

>> No.21898014

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21898979

what do you do now?

>> No.21899014

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. This is a truth that has been obscured and distorted by the dominant ideology of capitalism, which seeks to divide the working class along lines of race, gender, sexuality, religion, and other identities, while promoting an artificially constructed culture of consumerism that creates a sense of individualism, alienation, and false needs that can only be satisified through purchasing capitalist produced products.

Identity politics is in essence a form of false consciousness that prevents the working class from recognizing its common interests and its potential power as a revolutionary force. There is a reason why it is promoted by the liberal establishment so fervently. By focusing on the differences and grievances of various groups within the oppressed class, identity politics creates a fragmented and antagonistic population that is easily co-opted and manipulated by the ruling class.

Consumerism is another form of false consciousness that distracts the working class from its exploitation and misery by offering them a plethora of products and services that promise to satisfy their desires and enhance their status. Consumerism creates an artificial sense of abundance and freedom, while in reality it generates waste, pollution, inequality, and debt. Consumerism also erodes the social bonds and collective values that are essential for a genuine democracy and a humane society. Consumerism ties into identity politics by turning identities themselves into consumer products, essentially signals and fashion accessories. Any authenticity attached to these identities has been sanitized and diluted in order to turn it into something malleable for the ends of the system.

>> No.21899242


>> No.21899248

As a blxck wxmyn I feel erased by this post, you need to suck my cxck and stop using toxic aggressive words.

>> No.21899649

Sun buttered the sidewalk?

>> No.21899703

Your first mistake is thinking people feel guilty for succeeding in a country that's not theirs. The Asian Americans just say "300 years of white privilege and nothing to show for it"

>> No.21899719

yeah the liberals found a perfect way to recuperate activism against the system and turn it into something that is acceptable within it

>> No.21899739

The capitalists will always do this. Debord made this quite clear.

>> No.21899765

I kinda like this. It reads like a translation, but not in a bad way. Using "stood" twice is the only major sin here.
What's wrong? I think it's a nice line.

>> No.21899777

It lasts a whole career. Not all that short term.

>> No.21899985

>a russet, a cardinal, and a white
What translations are you reading where this would ever be a conceivable string of words? Translators don't generally keep a thesaurus handy and reach for the seventh or eighth most commonly used words in the target language

>> No.21900075

They are just different types of scarves. Today's translators typically aim for accuracy, so I could easily see a "string of words" like that in a translated work. Not sure what you're getting at.

>> No.21900081

the people at occupy wall street were the same retards in the weather underground/black panthers half a century earlier. they were obsessed with anti-white racial animus 200 years, ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago and they are obsessed with race today

this is the gayest and weirdest fucking cope. why are you trying to rehabilitate braindead leftoids? fucking hell i want an early life check on everyone shilling this narrative. there was NOTHING salvageable in occupy you spergs

this is why the right loses. anytime something happens and leftoids chimp out. some absolute subhuman section of the right decides a decade or two later to do a free propaganda campaign to rethink what was once known into something stupid. you see cuckservatives do it to mlk and you FUCKING RETARDS ARE DOING IT RIGHT NOW ON THIS BOARD FOR FREE

>> No.21900084

the ubermensch has spoken

>> No.21900094

>there was NOTHING salvageable in occupy you spergs
It had potential if someone had booted the people you speak of, who naturally manipulate the dumb liberal normies by eliciting sympathy from them for being the biggest freaks and losers

Occupy had grassroots support, the left just needs to be extremely aggressive about banning all losers and degenerates and being a single-issue class reductionist movement that also aggressively makes strategic alliances with right wing populists

>> No.21900096

Yes, books are made up of words. Well-spotted.

>> No.21900119

this is like if you take a chicken. remove its wings, remove its feathers, remove its eggs and remove its beak. do you still have a chicken or not? the same can be said for occupy.

you can probably say that occupy had some lingering popular support given the circumstances. that doesnt change the fact it was a prototypical american antifa-ggot movement of homeless vagrants, undergrad students and the general refuse of society breaking windows and doing exactly what these retards do today AND what they have done for the entire existence of civilised society.

could something be made of it if its stripped into some milquetoast, prosecute bankers harder and make these sorts of risk management disaster scenarios rarer through law? possibly. but its like asking what would history have in store for hitler if he didnt invade poland. at some point youve got to admit that what you want is for hitler to not be hitler

>> No.21900129
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Correct, I want Occupy to be Hitler

>> No.21900161

The whole thing sounds like it's been translated into martian. "THe small, female oblong" what the fuck is she talkinga bout?

>> No.21900176

The Emperor's New Clothes. No one wants to admit that the prose is retarded because they don't want to be perceived as too stupid to understand it.
The phrase "small, female oblong" is objectively nonsensical and while russet and cardinal are colors, it is extremely pretentious and borderline offensive to use them in the first paragraph of the fucking book.
The whole page reads like a word salad. The Emperor is not wearing any clothes.

>> No.21900221

"Small female oblong" is weird, yes, and does an excellent job communicating the bewilderment and alienation the narrator experiences upon seeing his mother, a person he doesn't recognize (and perhaps has never seen/met before).
>it is extremely pretentious and borderline offensive to use them in the first paragraph of the fucking book.
Nitpicking. Why are you even here if simple words hurt your pretty little head?
>The whole page reads like a word salad.
The page reads just fine. You're overreacting.

>> No.21900254

be my gf

>> No.21900256

>Why yes, sir, this is surely the finest material I have ever laid eyes upon!
Disingenuous fop

>> No.21900262

No need to sign your posts.

>> No.21900334

Retarded and oversimplifying post. Reads like it's from a 20 year old with no life experience.
Only thing it does right is indicate the existence of a serious problem. However, everything else was shit and tranny level: self-victimizing like a Jew, scapegoating like the Talmud, ignoring other interrelated factors, and generally sounding like a glowie with overly reductionist method.
Highly recommend reflecting on the full complexity of this shitstorm more or genuinely killing yourself.

>> No.21900365

This is genuinely awful. Reminds me of my highschool writing. Affected purple prose ambitions undercut by a missing genuine understanding of the language being used.

>> No.21900405

Can you explain what's wrong with it specifically? What signifies "missing genuine understanding of the language being used"? I genuinely want to know.

>> No.21900411

This. Why even bother with this crap?

>> No.21900414
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>> No.21900422

To add: "small, female oblong" is clearly ridiculous, and "history-scrambled" is pretty dilettantish, but to my eye, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the rest of it, despite the idiosyncratic, and possibly irritating, pacing.
You're the Rockwellfag aren't you? Of all the boards, why /lit/?

>> No.21900443
File: 40 KB, 515x800, A-picture-of-Savitri-Devis-husband-Asit-K.-Mukherji-from-1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savitri Devi literally married an Indian man... Pic-related.
And *what* destroyed the racially separated harmony? Industrialization.
I also find the deforestation and loss of biodiversity in places like Costa Rica and more a bigger concern than human drama over miscegenation. The very nature of market economy on a global scale, propped by an industrial system, is destructive.
Humanity as a whole has always been trash excluding exceptions like the Buddhists. The best people at this point choose not to have kids.

>> No.21900475

what mode is this?

>> No.21900619


>> No.21901655

Official announcement: she’s not terrible looking

>> No.21901677

No wikifeet = there can be no official rating.

>> No.21901736

>Is anyone else tired of these privileged cunts?
At minimum half the population if not more.

This vain and narcissistic mentality is highly specific to a certain well-heeled and educated class segment that is heavily investigated in displaying their grasp of a set of status-signaling liberal shibboleths. These verities include denigrating white men, obsessing over gender and race in general, and essentially pushing this sort of inverted racism and sexism where the entire universe orbits these things and there are no individuals but them. Everyone else is a mere extension of some homogenous race or gender group, with white men being essentially an inhuman stereotyped mass.

These literary elites are almost always upper middle class or worse, and acutely detached from the struggles and concerns of most people.

They maintain their status by regulating the linguistic cadences of their academic and cultural circles-- to play you have to speak their language and parrot their platitudes, but in doing so, you surrender to their power since that language game is a contrivance designed to hold them up on a pedestal for being the politically correct gender or race.

Such types are eminently expendable but more than being human ballast, they produce very little of any artistic or literary quality because of their postured political commitments and exceeding levels of comfort dissuade them from doing anything challenging .

>> No.21901796

More importantly they just don't have anything interesting to say. All this constant babble about race and gender and white men is jus so, so trite and vacuous. It misses the whole point of literature which is to explore what distinguishes human beings and their relationship to the world and each other in all its complexity and nuance. I'm sure they think they are doing that by harping on about their special snowflake identities but since they all do it, and do it in the same, cliched and rehearsed ways, all they come up with is hackneyed self-indulgent trash. I would describe these writers as transient. They're ephemeral nothings.

>> No.21902011

Schizophrenia the post.
>white middle class people they parasitically live off of and colonially displaced
You just talked about how the minorities are taking jobs and working now you’re saying it’s parasitical? In the example you written out the whites weren’t given jobs for no reason so are you just mad there’s minorities succeeding? I don’t understand. Also America isn’t a white state and has no culture who are you taking away from other than people your better then? Also this post really does show you haven’t talked to anyone in your life if you really think people feel bad for living and getting jobs and surviving. Retarded internet brained post