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/lit/ - Literature

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21889036 No.21889036 [Reply] [Original]

German anons what are some good 19th - 20th century pulp fiction you consider not worthwhile reading?
Who are german Doyle and Dumas and Verne?
I ask because I want to listen to german audio books while driving.
>inb4 Karl May
Also what german media would you recommend(podcasts, series and such)?

>> No.21889050

No idea but what is that middle book

>> No.21889149

i only read the first volume, it was pretty good, in english it is called "the ship" (das Holzschiff).

>> No.21890287

You better read that Karl May, son. Okay, maybe don't be cause it's really shitty.
But you might enjoy Auf zwei Planeten by Kurd Laßwitz.

>> No.21890295

If you want rather recent bottom-of-the-barrel pulp you get that Wolfgang Hohlbein.

>> No.21890575

Felix Dahn if you're into historical novels

>> No.21890850

Ricarda Huch
Walter Serner

>> No.21890851

which book is his magnum opus?
also other writers like him?

>> No.21890852

Erich Kästner

>> No.21890892

Kampf um Rom. Hmmm other writers, maybe Gustav Freytag

>> No.21891544

Thank you