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21887625 No.21887625 [Reply] [Original]

*absolutely mind-fucks capitalist with fact, reason and logic*

Nothing personal, capitalist drone.

>> No.21887657

>dude, what if we just used computers

>> No.21887668

Capitalists STILL have failed to refute Cockshott

>> No.21887669

>Coming to /lit/ of all places to shill ur literal who book that no one has heard of.
Swallow ur pride and go to a publisher. Faggot.

>> No.21887670

Yes, so what? Walmart is a planned economy the size of small country, that use computer to manage his economy, so what?

>> No.21887672

Do actually suffer from somekind of mental illness or are you plain dumb?

>> No.21887677

Are u some retarded nigger that actually believe anyone here has heard of ur shit book or are u actually serious about ur writing Paul? Because if u are im gonna laugh at ur face and tell u that ur book is complete garbage.

>> No.21887682

You suffer from mental illness, seek help.

>> No.21887683

Ok Paul cockshort.

>> No.21887695

Typical incoherent nonsense from an American

>> No.21887702

Mental illness has treatment, dude, seek help, is not to late.

>> No.21887708

Uh huh, VERY logical, eh faggot?

>> No.21887709

Too bad there is no cure for being a bad writer. Give up faggot. Like ur failed ideology.

>> No.21887711

>what is democracy

>> No.21887729

>nnnnoooooo you can have people from different background to be represented like a real democracy

>> No.21887737

Why would anyone risk the chance that some low-iq nigger might rule over them.

>> No.21887743

>somehow all representative will be low iq nigger

>> No.21887760

would that really be worse than our current representatives?

>> No.21887764

U really believe ur shitty system would escape any sort of foul play or nepotism? Then u are more naive and retarded i thought. You have to go back >>/r*ddit/

>> No.21887823


"Following the conference, we received an Open Letter from Paul Cockshott of the University of Glasgow in Scotland (below). His letter commented on one of the questions posed by Kourkoulakos, and Cockshott asked us to post it on our website. We decided not to do so, and for a simple reason: Cockshott was replying to our critique without having read it. So we wrote back:"

"Dear Paul Cockshott:
Thank you for your Open Letter. Unfortunately, your intervention doesn’t address the problem; it merely reproduces it.
Shimshon Bichler and I wrote a book in 2009 titled Capital as Power. The book articulates a broad critique of conventional and Marxist political economy. It contains three chapters that deal directly with Marx’s labour theory of value, including, among other things, 20th-century attempts to empirically test that theory (such as your own research and the research of others you mention). The book also lays out the beginning of an alternative approach to political economy.
This is the background for Stefanos’ Open Letter. As I read it, the letter is a general call to Marxists: engage with new critical theories and evidence, or be left with a dogma.
It seems to me that your reply does exactly what Stefanos warns against. Judging by your text, I assume you haven’t read our book. But this doesn’t prevent you from reiterating your position, regardless of the argument we level against it."

"Cockshott promptly replied:
November 13, 2010
Ok, your book is among the many I have not read, but now that you tell me that you address the issue of the empirical tests of the labour theory of value, I will examine the arguments in it and perhaps get back to you."

"We thought that the matter was closed, at least for the time being. But it wasn’t. After his email to us, Cockshott wrote to Kourkoulakos. He said that Nitzan ‘rejected’ his Open Letter (without indicating the reason) and asked Kourkoulakos to have the letter circulated by other means."

"We are not entirely sure why Cockshott is so eager to debate something he hasn’t read. But since he insists, a reply seems in order."

>> No.21887844

You know, I really admire the Marxist's persistence. Their ideology has failed time and time again, and yet they keep trying. I think Einstein once said that is the very definition of insanity.

>> No.21887859

>dude what if we ran our society like walmart

>> No.21887877

I prefer we ran it like Coca Cola tbqh.

>> No.21887912

Is Paul short for Pablo ?

>> No.21887946
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>> No.21887976

now that we've figured the math out i can't wait to live in a global utilitarian ghetto. when do we start?

>> No.21888819

It's just empirical evidence that economic planning works better than market competition. But since every successful capitalist knows this perfectly well, it's no big news actually.