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/lit/ - Literature

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21885688 No.21885688 [Reply] [Original]

What are some top-tier schizo books? Something that's going to fuck me up and make me think in ways I've never thought before

>> No.21885699

suicide manual
Book about why insane people become consumed by the randomest things.

>> No.21885703

my diary desu

>> No.21885710
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>> No.21885718
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>> No.21885762

I tought it was a 4chan joke to answer "My diary desu" for book recommendations, but I googled it up and it's actually a real book.

>> No.21885767
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>> No.21885770

The book is named after the meme

>> No.21885809

Did you read moldbug's old blog? Unqualified Reservations

>> No.21885821

do you need to know the tarot deck to get this?

>> No.21885839

The Gods of Eden by William Bramley


Concerning schizo literature you can really have a safe bet with ancient aliens.

>> No.21885856

Not at all. It goes card by card and has a photo and he provides an analysis of each card.

>> No.21885887
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>Something that's going to make me think in ways I've never thought before
Pic related, or Bernardo Kastrups books. Really questions your worldview etc.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>> No.21885891
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>the civil war was 99% about slavery but that doesn’t mean the confederacy was in the wrong
Schizoid trad-larping neoconfederate ramblings that taken as a whole actually make a very based and strong argument

>> No.21885898

Anything by Jacobo Grinberg

>> No.21885911

Nightwood by Djuna Barnes

>> No.21885919

I've been looking for this since the last thread that mentioned it, but no cigar do you a pdf?

>> No.21885942


>> No.21885946

have this and am not crazy

>> No.21885949
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>> No.21885956

That sounds like something a schizo would say desu~

>> No.21885959

I can't find anything about this.

>> No.21885983

that book from the Hitler guy

>> No.21885993

does this even exist?

>> No.21886008

Benjy and Quentin sections in TSATF capture the temporal experience of being a schizo very well desu senpai

>> No.21886206

Idk how many times I have to say it but start with de Sade

>> No.21886245

I finished the Benjy section yesterday and my head was about to explode, that retard literally made a retard of me. I don't know whether I'm ready for the Quention section or not, I have read somewhere that it's on the same level as Benjy's or harder...

Pray for me, anon!

>> No.21886267


>> No.21886275

The contortionists handbook

>> No.21886419
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The main character literally has schizophrenia and we dive deep in her mind.

>> No.21886437
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>> No.21886452 [DELETED] 

People are mostly responding to the "schizo" part of the OP question instead of
>make me think in ways I've never thought before
If you are interested in other modes of thought and experience then read Introduction to Magic.

>> No.21886458

OP, you would be better off just starting with Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.21886464
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this fucked with me a little

>> No.21886472

First Blood Meridian, and now this. Wow! Is there anything Cormac McCarthy isn't capable of?

>> No.21886503
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>> No.21886608

So it had been a running joke and than some random 4chan user just named his book after the joke?

>> No.21886619

I looked on amazon and it appears its "banned", not like in a haha "read these banned books" banned but in a "this is heckin problematic" banned

>> No.21886681

is this it?

>> No.21886757

"Ordinary Men: Reserve police battalion 101 and the final solution in poland" By Christopher R Browning is a book that will greatly expand your understanding of evil by showing you how evil is not in other people by rather in (You). Also it is a true story.

"The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang is another book that will expand your framework of evil by telling you about a massacre that happened in WW2 in japan. The author killed herself because of the research she did for the book.

"The five proofs for the existence of God" by Edward Feser will spoon-feed 5 CLASSICAL arguments for God's existence. This works well after reading the previous book. It also refutes counterarguments and the counterarguments of counterarguments. Modern Arguments for God's existence(like the Kalam Cosmological Arguments) is dogwater in comparison to the classical arguments.

"Atheist Delusions" by David Bentley Hart is also apparently pretty good but I haven't read it yet. Basically anything by David Bentley Hart is good except that one article where he argues for Christian Socialism.

"The Case For the Resurrection of Jesus" by Gary Habermas is a book that lays out all the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Spoiler Alert: its not conclusive but any other explanation would have to be extraordinary and thus a leap of faith can be justified.

Anything and everything by Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy's "Confession" is also a must.

And finally Plato and Aristotle is a must because everything that came after those two builds upon their work or imitates it in some way. Read the Bible as well because it too is at the foundation of western thought.

>> No.21886998

This is how they tell me the world ends by nicole perlroth

>> No.21887176


>> No.21887373

How did you get a pic of the food truck lady? Is that AI?

>> No.21887378

I think she's a model or dancer or something

>> No.21887386
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I have the one on codebreaking

>> No.21887409

Fuck you

>> No.21888964


>> No.21888977

wtf OP why would you stick a thumbtack into Serena's head like that.

>> No.21889187

Ashtavakra Gita
A supremely schizo read for materialists and conventional dualistic theists.
>So in this book this weird looking cripple basically says that everything including time and space is an illusion, there's no individual self in any body or mind, nothing really exists except for pure blissful nondual consciousness, and he points us directly towards experiencing this?
>That's definitely schizo
>*starts reading the gita*
>... or is it?
Many such cases

>> No.21889466

Can't find this anywhere. Does it exist or was it purged?

>> No.21889660

Goddamn, she looks super cuter in the tux. wtf

The Bible, but that’s for those who are already schizophrenic.
So… Robert Anton Wilson
Maybe Malaclypse the Younger and Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst

>> No.21889866
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This post isn't very autistic. You're not really the butterfly fag, are you?

>> No.21889868 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 654x872, A3D6E3D4-F918-45FE-8D99-A0DFF1E427B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kabbalah of the Crocodile

>> No.21890314

NDE triggers the release of DMT, no? It's more likely a case of a half and half biological process and also cultural suggestibility
Don't forget that every NDE that has a religious element just so happens to line up with someone's perceived social expectation. You don't have people experiencing some religious after life deity or place that's foreign to them that they've never heard, but to someone that lives where that would be the norm, that becomes the norm for NDE.
It proves nothing it's not logically sound at all

>> No.21890336
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The classic. It’s all fun and games until you start to research the schizo shit mentioned.

>> No.21890342

Based on a shitty study, mentioned in tons of popsci books ever since, original study found to be trash, no retractions. Joe Toegan has been a disaster for the human evolution.

>> No.21890350

> its not conclusive but any other explanation would have to be extraordinary
I love how christians like to pretend these arguments can only apply to their particular brand. Apply the same gullibility to other myths and legends and get the same result, except now suddenly it’s “different”. Same shit with the countless christian books that argue for “something rather than nothing” and then forget that they’re arguing for some kind of vague deism and jump straight to “haha I proved Jesus is Lord”.
I honestly don’t believe these books are meant to persuade anyone other than the already converted. Even in explicitly proselytizing books the arguments lean so hard on presupposing a christian default they can only really exist to steel doubting christians.

>> No.21890504

I suppose that discards that but what of the rest?
How would you reconcile the incredibly obvious explanation of it being an immense last hurrah from the brain? An NDE is just that, near death. It represents the brain prior to shutting down but not actually fully shutting down. There's no reason to believe or leave room for a possibility of some external influence when the brain is still creating your consciousness and there's obvious social bias underpinning the idea that there must be something after.

>> No.21890558

This argument has been confronted already. Look it up.

>> No.21890561

Yes and the confrontation was confronted also. Google it

>> No.21890562
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bunch of lightweights in here

>> No.21890567

Why? I'm not seeking anything. You are.

>> No.21890589

Now this is the real deal

>> No.21890793
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What in tardation

>> No.21890906

not a serious answer but time cube is a shitzo rambling goldmine.


>> No.21890955
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>Time Cube proves a 1 face god impossible, due to 4 corner face metamorphic human - baby, child, parent and grandparent faces
I've been saying this for years and no one takes me seriously!

>> No.21890996

Probably the Luciferian Doctrine

The section on dietary needs are very odd and strict. For example, the author is obsessed with not mixing specific foods together and to eat certain vegetables separate.

>> No.21891018
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You are all like little baby.

Watch this.

>> No.21891035
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The one and only

>> No.21891078

>0 results for 'Alberto Laiseca'
/lit/ is full of plebs
Read Los Sorias, you'll end up fucked up and squizo

>> No.21891081
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>> No.21891158

pretty surreal when someone casually namedrops books that don't exist.

>> No.21891174

don't push your luck insulting people just because you speak spanish. is this book even translated in english. or any languages. doesnt seem like it.

>> No.21891262

I translated the first chapter here
and a short story iirc

>> No.21891313

DGSE: The French Spy Machine

>> No.21891338

Why do most of these books not exist in Amazon or Google's e-book library?

>> No.21891345

God is not a man. I hope this answers your mystery.

>> No.21891371
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Anything by Leo Stemberg

>> No.21891375

Anatomy of the State by Rothbart.

>> No.21891377

Is bullcrap and Laiseca is a shitty author.

>> No.21891522

keep seething mr. troonieloonie

>> No.21891775

what is the story behind this girl?

>> No.21891790

Ok Santi.

>> No.21891805 [DELETED] 

brazilian model living in nyc got hired by a marketing agency to do a viral ad for halal guys and the rest is history

>> No.21891815

Opposites Create, not God,
who equates queer creator
and masturbation creation
of Evil Oneness Educators.
Oneism equates to evil lie,
and Death for Opposites
of Hemispheres and Sexes.

I was born to think Cubic
as in a 4 corner family life,
therefore I rise above you.
You are educated Stupid,
You are educated Evil ---
You will ignore message
& attack the messenger.
Man invented his God in
man's character - Stupid
Oneism and Singularity
in Universe of Opposites.

You worship an evil god
who allows babies to starve
to death while you gorge?

God BELIEF succumbs to
The Cubic Law of Nature.
Opposite sex organs prove
male & female to be binary
opposites equal zero value,
and nothing as unified one.
You are educated ENTITY
STUPID for all Creation is
composed of Opposites ----
which equate to Zero value
existence - and cancels out
to nothing if unified as one.
Before Word was invented,
no God existed upon Earth.
Truth cannot be uttered so
that's why I am writing it.

>> No.21891816

she is cute and likes halal food or something. thats it

>> No.21891823

>brazilian model living in nyc got hired by a marketing agency to do a viral ad for halal guys and the rest is history
>she is cute and likes halal food or something. thats it
The halal mafia only needs 3 minutes to get you

>> No.21891904

oh fuck anon I saw this book in a dream, but ive never heard of it... wtf wtf wtf

>> No.21891972
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Pic related and also this, I guess:

>> No.21891986

Also, The Red Book, anyone? I'm planning to buy it and read it soon. It looks like a beautiful piece of literature/art.

>> No.21892409
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