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File: 1.26 MB, 3024x4032, RDT_20230408_0142545972049837966962126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21885464 No.21885464 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my writing setup /lit/

>> No.21885468

Holy moly you had better be a woman or I think you might be patient zero for AIDS-2

>> No.21885479
File: 113 KB, 587x498, 1672286938097480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rating drastically differs based on whether you're a man or woman

>> No.21885488

Pretty fuckin' gay, ngl.

>> No.21885497

I bet you’re nice and tight

>> No.21885513

my pronouns are glip/glorp btw if that matters

>> No.21885561

What's the reason that male and female handwriting differ so much? A female friend said girls make their handwriting neater to one-up other girls, is this true? I ask because mine used to be mistaken for a girl's by teachers.

>> No.21885565

>A female friend said girls make their handwriting neater to one-up other girls, is this true?
Good god, am I about to reach even deeper levels of disgust for women? I didn't think it was possible

>> No.21885568

for a male be a nice human = living death

>> No.21885597
File: 865 KB, 1349x1896, 1349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's intelligence. Smarter people have a hard time slowing their thoughts down enough to have neat, cute writing.
I once met a female who had an IQ of ~140 and her handwriting was atrocious, like a guy's. All Midwit women (aka women) have handwriting like in the OP pic.
Picrel is Mozart's handwriting.

>> No.21885598


>> No.21885636

fags should get hanged

>> No.21885641


>> No.21885662

And then there's me who has bad handwriting because of a benign tremor in my hand

>> No.21885668

you really thought that was funny?

>> No.21885671

try cranial magnetism

>> No.21885674


>> No.21885675

Looks good

>> No.21885676

Try holding hands with me <3

>> No.21885680

My handwriting is best either before the withdrawal shakes start to creep in, or after I've had about three drinks.

>> No.21885690

The holy moly part got a good laugh out of me. It’s funny to see harmless idioms used as exclamations on this website rather than the usual profanity.

>> No.21885712

you make fun of this yet some shitters here unironically have pcs with gamer lights, anime figures, replica guns and LARP orthodox icons on their desks lmao

>> No.21885716

How many genders are you?

>> No.21885744
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>99 cent composition book + 2 dollar pack of bic pens
let me guess, you "need" more

>> No.21885915

Yes, almost spat my hot chocolate

>> No.21885943

I envy your ability to stay organized. I am incapable of writing anything of substance outside of a computer because I legitimately do not understand how to organize pen and paper writing.

Also, your theyussy must be pretty tight.

>> No.21885954
File: 1.77 MB, 2988x5312, 20190314_164444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a German historian myself, I recognize the schrift

>> No.21885975

>let me guess, you "need" more
no, but I wanted more

>> No.21885996
File: 662 KB, 1395x2000, 1785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that handwriting looks very neat. compare it with Brahms's

>> No.21886067

they also wrote in a cursive script.
I learned cursive when I was real young but I never took it seriously. Only some of it stuck. I would like to re-learn it now.

>> No.21886083

>they also wrote in a cursive script.
kurrentschrift, for the germans

>I would like to re-learn it now.
I use basically the palmer business script with a few personal alterations. Go through the exercises in the book until you're happy—they do work.


>> No.21886090

I believe op found this image on a website called reddit.com and is using it to bait replies

>> No.21886118

It's this>>21885597. But to go deeper it's the iq bell curve. As they said midwits have the best writing (while both low iq and high iq have worse). And on iq the bell curve women cluster much more around the average compared to men who are more spread out. So women are much likely to be midwits rather than being retarded or smart.

>> No.21886229

I have never seen that before, Ill have to check it out.

>> No.21886278

np. as with all the other subjects, the education industry little by little chipped away at the actually education of anyone in handwriting and penmanship over the last century. Palmer script strikes a good balance between modern practicality and pre-modern beauty.

>> No.21886281

Gay and pretentious as fuck

>> No.21886293

Strong "good grades and perfect attendance girl" vibes emitted here

>> No.21886295

In Mozart's case here, I'm pretty sure Germans were taught some abominable version of cursive which nowadays has fallen out of use. My German friends mentioned that they cannot read letters their grandparents used to write, that shit was outright illegible to them.

>> No.21886300
File: 1.81 MB, 1014x1106, Screenshot 2023-04-08 002408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fulltime setup with no writing/10

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.21886335
File: 2.24 MB, 2626x3811, IMG_20230407_223506~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peak performance
Yeah, maybe if it's amateur hour

>> No.21886340
File: 2.11 MB, 1498x1124, 202206sdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21886357

>pretentious and unusable "reference" book stack.
>anime poster (not even framed)
>starshit coffee

Its amazing you lack the self awareness to even post this

>> No.21886361

I will make judgements based on your pictures.

Bald man who gets know writing done.
Autistic, probably writes D&D Storylines
Get's writing done, lives with parents

>> No.21886369

I thought the point of posting in a writing station thread was trying to have the most chaotic one possible, since the idea that the guy with the most organized desk is likely the one who writes the least and just wants to look good

>> No.21886386

No, have lived on my own (or with roommates) for 14 years.

>> No.21886389

>Bald man who gets know writing done.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21886422

This is how I do it. I'm not going to try to make it look any worse, or better, than it is.

And if you don't s pistol on deck to end it if you write something irredeemable, then you aren't writing on the edge

>> No.21886451
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>> No.21886596

Can you give us a rundown of how this is organized?

>> No.21886660
File: 113 KB, 900x600, IMG_3411-900x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your writing setup doesn't look like this combined with notes scrawled on napkins and used burger wrappings then, quite frankly, I don't know if you are even trying.

>> No.21887035
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>> No.21887043

I used to have a buddy who loved rolling rock and wed get into very heated debates because he said it was high quality beer. I'm not above drinking it i just know when im drinking cheap beer. But were talking about someone who thinks NEC is better than the SEC with is objectively false.

>> No.21887231


>> No.21888042

Damn... Don't you guys just... Idk, keep all your notes on one or several docs? I also download the reference books I need so that I don't have a desk full of books when I only need a dozen or so reference paragraphs

>> No.21888261
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>Damn... Don't you guys just... Idk,

>> No.21888313

>Damn.........................dont you guys just........................... LOVE gobbling on salty ballsacks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner like I do?

>> No.21888354

Aye sire

>> No.21889127

While reading on a screen sounds like the most logical alternative, it makes my eyes hurt and I find it really hard to focus on the screen for extended periods of time. When using paper I don't seem to have this issue.

>> No.21889174

Fraktur style

>> No.21889181

lol, my grandma sends me letters every month, and I've kept all of them, but I haven't read even a single one of them, because I can't read her handwriting. She doesn't know.

>> No.21889219

Cruel if true, anon

>> No.21889241

Forget about handwriting, Fraktur is disgusting in print too. It's like the writing you'd see in a diploma. Way too convoluted and crowded.

>> No.21889556
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20230314_113409409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine writing in a chair

>> No.21889568

The cat chewing on the laptop really adds to the ambiance. Superb workstation to get some writing done

>> No.21889587

I dont remember this scene from the movie
While i certainly do from the novel
Where is it from? Or am i just having memory issues

>> No.21889589
File: 10 KB, 230x328, 15y7x5of9aj01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart too have good handwriting

>> No.21889757

My handwriting is so shit my uni let me write exams on a laptop, I doubt many here can surpass this intelligence.

>> No.21889759

Christmas scene, reaction to Reese's pig

>> No.21889766

Neat book. Versluis has an interesting interview with Kripal. Have you read Hakl's book on Eranos? You should read that next fren.

>> No.21889830


>> No.21889838

I have that same tiger rug

>> No.21889843

because moms and grannies live for things like that and you could be making her so happy and instead you're taking it for granted

>> No.21889859

she doesn't know that. nevermind that she's the least sentimental person I've ever met by far, she gets to send her letters, and exists in a world where I read them. She only ever asks if I got the letters if there was money in them, but she has never asked if I read them. it's not even a white lie. I don't even know if it counts as a lie of omission.

also if you're worried about her, she's more alive than I am at this point, and I visit her every month.

>> No.21889912
File: 428 KB, 1242x1129, 1630274583057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean to be a "nice" human?

>> No.21889919

Based fag

>> No.21889923

you're going to read those fucking letters and respond to her in person and mention things from the letters or i'm going to twist your fucking head off

>> No.21890529


>> No.21890535

Anon, I'm going to join in with this anon and show up with a baseball bat if you don't read them. I'm sure there's some app out there that could easily transcribe the writing into something you can read

>> No.21890555

you both are greatly overestimating what those letters say. they obviously don't say anything important enough for her to mention it to me. I spend hours discussing everything from flowers to theology with her, in person. I don't know why the both of you are so angry about this. I appreciate the letters very much, and I'm always glad when I see one, because of the thought behind it. I just don't read them.

>> No.21890594
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1668162583099013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called being a good person, chud!

>> No.21891735

>not a single linux user

>> No.21891817

Animal crossing is based, who is your favorite villager?

>> No.21891843

To be honest, this is pretty readable. The first line is clearly "Cara sorella mia", wich is in italian, the rest seams to be in german, but still pretty readable. Maybe is because I studied paleography in university

>> No.21891866

Linux users don't post their setups online like redditors

>> No.21891878
File: 122 KB, 639x607, 1652571415553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are some people obsessed with "being nice", "being kind", "just don't be an asshole!", etc.? Why do they care so much? People on 4chan aren't nice, so what? I don't see the importance of it.

>> No.21891903

4chan is an exception. IRL it's much more important to be nice, if only to make your own life easier.

>> No.21891910

that being said, people who need signs to remind them to not be assholes completely baffle me.

>> No.21891918

Very cute setup, love the animal crossing notebook

>> No.21891934

If u are a biological female that might be fine otherwise if ur not. Join the 50%.

>> No.21891997

I have bad handwriting too but this seems like a massive cope. Just admit that your handwriting is ugly like a normal person instead of trying to find these ridiculous comparisons between yourself and famous people.

>> No.21892001

thats a good looking pussy you got there bro

>> No.21892011

hearty kek

>> No.21892186

These conditions are not squalid, messy or inhospitable enough to the writing process to produce anything worth reading.

>> No.21892426

>needing other people to tell you how to write.
enjoy being generic, vapid and banal

>> No.21892432

Please be my gf.

>> No.21893132

Yes hakl's eranos is great. Thank you for bringing it up. As is everything by versluis. I've met him at conferences. I think he and van Morrison might be the same person

>> No.21893146

I'm high IQ and I wish I could say this applies to me, but really my handwriting is just terrible because I learned to hold my hand sideways to write at some point in elementary school and never bothered to teach myself to write correctly. My writing looks fucking offensive.

>> No.21893339

cute, but, at the risk of repeating the majority of the anons in this thread, I don't like overly tidy working tables

Nice. I like it, it's simple. I see it's a small and plain desk used for multiple things so it's hard to maintain a consistent messy state.

Assuming you didn't arrange the books like that, I'll say I like the mess. Still, not really usefull mess, just a collective of random piles, it seems.

I love this one. The notes, post its and dispersed paper sheets books look like a natural result of productivity, very practic. Looks a lot like my own, except the drink.

Nice setup, just clean up once in a while.

Cute cats. Nice place to write.
I worry about your spine, though.

>> No.21893355

Pitbull picture ruins it

>> No.21893363

>I think he and van Morrison might be the same person
kek please explain

>> No.21893522

That's a French bulldog, retard.
Also it is very clearly a bait thread, the filename says RDT. There was nothing to ruin.

>> No.21893993

Extremely based.
Based if you've read 25% of that stack minimum, cringe otherwise.
Depressed writer that hasn't written more than a line a day for months and is teetering on the brink of alcohol addiction/10 based

>> No.21894023

>From a Rabbi in regards to pain
My pronouns are fuh/rer

>> No.21894178

beautifully faggy 10/10 if you're a guy
if you're a woman like 6/10 needs more clutter

>> No.21894180

if this was like 2016 and you were a 14 year old this sort of reddit shit would be understandable but it's no longer 2016 so i'm going to need you to either say something interesting or say something funny

>> No.21894198

I swear I have met 15 girls who are almost exactly like this and I didn't get along with any of them.
That being said they all smelled really nice and were organized and had a lot of friends. Cute set up regardless. I resent you because you are almost certainly very sweet.

>> No.21894201

sort of, some of the time, but I would never admit it to anyone in person
>writer that hasn't written more than a line a day for months
actually, I have months at a time where I get 500-3000 words or so per week, then go 2-3 months writing almost nothing, then go back over earlier drafts revising and it usually gets me writing again
>and is teetering on the brink of alcohol addiction/10
that ship has long sailed. Been a problem drinker for 15 years and a legitimate alcoholic for 12.

>> No.21894220

It takes longer for boys to perfect whatever it is that controls handwriting than girls. In the past this didn't mean much, especially in the upper classes as time wasn't of the essence and you had beautiful script in all letters. Now school is rushed to fuck and boys are usually left behind by the time girls are already able to experiement their own writing. It took me years to move on from chicken scratch. I'd also say it's because boys are competative as fuck and we would always race eachother to finish first making handwriting dogshit
this anon is just retarded and/or coping

>> No.21894291

>so i'm going to need you to either say something interesting or say something funny
Sure thing!
How many transgender Jews does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None necessary, they already glow as they hang from the ceiling.

>> No.21894323

Never mind what's on the table. How are you going to write the next Great Gatsby with that big anime poster in front of you??

>> No.21894339

>namedrops pen

>> No.21894352

>Rate my writing setup /lit/
kawaii out of deshu.

You aren't writing history are you?

>> No.21894440

The drawing tablet is necessary because I like to draw my characters or scenes for better visualization

>> No.21894442
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20230410_010736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.21894449

Only one that doesn’t repulse me for some reason.

>> No.21894470

Get out

>> No.21894555

It means going along with whatever latest psyop shilled by the establishment

>> No.21894942
File: 51 KB, 640x360, did-beethoven-meet-mozart-1520333888-list-handheld-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't believe in handwriting analysis
I bet that these anons also don't believe that physiognomy holds any truth, despite every intelligent individual in both fiction and nonfiction having been described as having a "high forehead" up until very recently. Post foreheads

>> No.21895156

Fraktur looks cool fight me irl over it

>> No.21895649

>from a rabbi

>> No.21895671
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1636619875878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


am genus

>> No.21895674
File: 2.02 MB, 1125x2286, EEB8D122-8766-4A8A-8D3C-FD2254B97B30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a fancy typewriter, basically. Really motivates me to write though, cuz it’s fun to use.

>> No.21895691

That handwriting is quite good. It looks uglier than it is because you can see the writing on the back of the page filtering through.
>Smarter people have a hard time slowing their thoughts down
Every person I've met who has claimed this of themselves has had terribly poor reasoning abilities. Read Plato if you want to see an actual intelligent person put deep thought into a clear, non-spasmodic format which isn't just chaotic self-confusion.

>> No.21895692

Why didn't you just move the sheets out of frame though?

>> No.21895693

I'm jelly

>> No.21895701

If I write something that I need to give to someone else I have to write it in all caps so they can read it. I used to write in cursive but no one can read cursive anymore.

>> No.21895708


>> No.21896677
File: 2.27 MB, 4000x2252, 1668273553093919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


souless tranny suicide workspace, just end it man it's not worth living with aids.

>> No.21896686

Pleeeeeeease kill yourself. PLEEEEEEEASE.

>> No.21896688

this is why cumgenius writes in all caps

>> No.21896729

A bit too ornate, but very comfy.

>> No.21896742

looks like a shitty brooklyn apartment

>> No.21896743

If anime posters are what stops people from writing the next Great Gatsby, I think every writer should have one at their desk

>> No.21896766


>> No.21897068

that candle ruined it.

>> No.21897074

Needs more lamps.

>> No.21897852

i actually lose power pretty much every time it rains

>> No.21897971

>Rate my writing setup /lit/

>> No.21897978

>my pronouns are glip/glorp btw if that matters

Cringe 'satire'. I hate trannies, too, but how can you wrote such corny shit as if it's clever?

>> No.21898227

it creates a better space. and i think manners are important. superior social formation and all that can easily be lost or become rare. manners are definitely indicative of social and cultural excellence. however, basically everyone saying that is just trying to silence things they don't like. the opposite side of bad spaces. neither shitposty hostility nor autistic moralism (which is also extremely hostile) makes for a good space. because doing away with everything doesn't work. because repressive hierarchy and control doesn't work.

>> No.21898269

This a cope like le too smart too work hard
I purposely write like shit so people cant tell whats written. Its usually bullshit

>> No.21898589

What do you mean, setup? You either write or you don’t. P.S. top kek thread.

>> No.21898720

Trying too hard

>> No.21898776

I have just a cheap journal and ballpoint pen

>> No.21899441

It looks like you care more for writing the letters of each word neatly than what the words actually say/do.

>> No.21899538
File: 1.22 MB, 6000x3368, 1653589567461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is not mine (not sure whose) but it does look very nice

>> No.21899573

Imagine how mad he get if you start sweeping it all off his desk and smashing everything with a bat, while he is tied up. He would be like a desk cuckold, unable to do anything to his big boy funko pops.

>> No.21899792

Based Catholic Scholar

>> No.21899884

Nice cope. If it was the other way round you would say that *obviously* men just have more talent for this.

>> No.21900136

Do you use the typewriter often?

>> No.21900152
File: 734 KB, 644x698, 1647641993047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the literature board
>doesn't read
Typical, really

>> No.21900175

Does anyone use a typewriter on here to write?

>> No.21900738

>the handwriting sucks ass
Holy fuck it really is a dude

>> No.21900748

Hanged he says

>> No.21900753


>> No.21900759

Lol wtf, this is John Maus’s desk in Austin, MN. I know it is because I visited him there once in 2017, after he released Screen Memories

>> No.21900761

Also he fucked me in the ass just off camera, on a race car shaped bed.

>> No.21900819

no he has a fire truck bed

>> No.21900844

accelerationism is cringe, also full keyboards are for females. virgin larping as a chad, many such cases

>> No.21900852
File: 1.29 MB, 6000x3368, img (164).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be based, but the original guy posted his pictures quite a bit on /lit/, or /g/, I can't remember.

>> No.21900858

>Holy moly you had better be a woman
no chance on God's green earth the owner of a natural vagina would spend that much on a keyboard.

>> No.21900863
File: 3.70 MB, 4640x2088, img (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another /g/ anon.

>> No.21900960

Enjoy your toxoplasmosis aids

>> No.21901236

I love that lamp

>> No.21902624

>that mousepad

You write nothing


It really is a nice looking lamp

>> No.21902665
