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/lit/ - Literature

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21884029 No.21884029 [Reply] [Original]

This is from Thomas Aquinas College in California. This is what a serious undergraduate education looks like.

>> No.21884031
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>> No.21884048

This is high school level material.

>> No.21884049

>ignoring huge parts of the globe because muh Christ

>> No.21884050

High schoolers are not reading Euclid and Cicero.

>> No.21884053

If only every school in America was Catholic and had this level of rigor.

>> No.21884056

I wish I was American so I could get an easy degree in theology and people would think I was well educated
I would then use the things I'd learned to make Christian apologetics videos on youtube and shill for Raid Shadow Legends, Nord VPN and Raycon Earbuds and become a fucking millionaire by the time I was 35, then retire to Maine or something

>> No.21884058
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>> No.21884069

You could read a lot of books without getting a degree in theology and make Christian apologetic videos, the only problem being that you're retarded and nobody would watch your dogshit content.

>> No.21884077

> the only problem being that you're retarded and nobody would watch your dogshit content.
Yes, hence why I would need this education. I have no idea why you're upset.

>> No.21884090

He's American duh

>> No.21884092

This is the US, The Hungry Caterpillar is high school level material.
It has the relevant part of the globe.

>> No.21884094

I read Cicero before high school and every hs geometry class is teaching euclid already.

>> No.21884097

i dont care

>> No.21884102

I didn't go to high school

>> No.21884103


>> No.21884117
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This only proves reading and studying is worthless in a vacuum.
All this crap and you still come out of it thinking that the adult equivalent of Santa Claus is real.

>> No.21884133
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Bet there's a lot of "combination of the elements" going on in the boys' dormitory in a place like this.

>> No.21884162


>> No.21884181

Why are you crying? These aren't tragedies.

>> No.21884209

He wants the Frogs to be on the syllabus
Peepee is old new and not even worth studying at this crackerass school

>> No.21884211

Went and did a little internet research:
>86% acceptance rate
That's kind of a red flag, but they also don't get that many applications.
>SAT 1200-1380 range, average GPA is 3.0 and above
>Average student pays $24,000 a year.
>86% of students receive financial aid
Not terrible
>11:1 Student to faculty ratio
That's commendable
>462 students currently enrolled as undergrads
Take that as you will. Could be nice, could feel limiting.
>84% graduation rate
>Median earnings after graduation are $42,000
>33% of students feel confident they will find a job in their field after graduation.
Not good.

>> No.21884219

Hillsdale mogs this place

>> No.21884225

Lol that's it? In my Engineering course we had to study 6 subjects each semester.

>> No.21884228

And yet you're still a retard

>> No.21884230

Post the rest, thank you

>> No.21884231

This is kindergarden material. If you weren't reading Plato and Hegel before the first grade you're probably borderline retarded and will always be a perpetual midwit at best.

>> No.21884235

all of these because some kike was nailed on a stick lmao some time ago in the Bumfuckingstan of current palestine

>> No.21884237

>First grade
Ask me how I know you're a retarded pleb
If your mom wasn't putting headphones on her stomach and playing audiobooks of Plato you should just give up right now

>> No.21884239

You might as well drop the bio if that's what you're going to read.

>> No.21884244

It is nice up here on the ocean

>> No.21884245

Unironically what is the point of this degree? Reading 100+ scattered philosophical works and some basic classics over the course of four years prepares you for nothing in life. You're functionally useless compared to someone who spent the same amount of time getting a STEM degree, and intellectually all this does is set you up as a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none dude. You'll walk out knowing more than 99.999% of people about philosophy *as a whole*, but you'll forever be a mental midget compared to someone who's seriously studied any of these philosophers in depth.
I can only assume it's a school for trust fund kids who'll get nepotized into their father's business regardless of what degree they get.

>> No.21884247

Maybe. But what does that make a Thomas Aquinas college graduate?

>> No.21884253

>calculus and Newtonian physics in Junior year
This is a fake to make burgers look stupid, right?

>> No.21884254

Math isn't important to Christoids

>> No.21884268

What's even the point of a Theology degree? You're just speculating over things you assume to be true without any basis.

>> No.21884269

This is a school to make “educated” Americans stupid. This has been the plan for decades.

>> No.21884275

Attending is likely a political/social statement by the parents of the students.

>> No.21884297

Have either of you morons seen what is being taught at public school lately? It is all "darquavious has two dads" and "why white people are bad, an illustrated story."
These books would have been taught in an average high school a hundred years ago but now most educated people simply don't know them even a little.

>> No.21884299

You get to learn about the rich theological tradition of Christianity, but also other religions. Religion was is and will be an important dimension of human existence so there should be people trained to know how to deal with its complexity and talk about it in an intelligent and informed way.

>> No.21884306

So, as he said, speculating about baseless speculations. Where is the value?

>> No.21884308

If you aren't getting a STEM degree or something does it really matter

>> No.21884310

This is a college.

>> No.21884312

The only interest of this school and others like it is to churn out unquestioning religious people. Math is an afterthought at best.

>> No.21884316

Isn't that History/Philosophy of Religion? Theology Is the inquiry into the doctrines of a certain religion from an internal perspective. I'm perfectly fine with the former.

>> No.21884318

Your dollar value demand for Value got you the retards who crashed SVP, while people educated by great books did things like rule the world, invent science, and found America.

>> No.21884322
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Why do I have to repeat myself?
The “educated” will get hopelessly out of date trash, the worker drones/chaff will get nothing and this has been planned so as to control them all the more effectively

>> No.21884325
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God is real!
The incarnation happened!
Christ has risen from the dead!

>> No.21884326

>and found America
oh sweaty...

>> No.21884332

Oh, tell me what education Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc. got. I'll wait.

>> No.21884333

Yes, they are taught this because they aren't taught it in high school

So reading the classics is worthless. What would you have them do

>Teaching a broader and more varied curriculum than anyone else, including contradicting viewpoints, is about turning out unthinking drones
Let me guess, but public school and universities are about actual education?

>> No.21884338

>private school didn't turn me into a retard because public school is even worse!
Getting a lot of mileage out of those Logic and Phylosophy classes, lel.

>> No.21884343

I don't get what your guys' point is
These are the basic things you have to read to become a truly educated person
You aren't taught them, or anything remotely useful, in public school
So what is bad about this?

>> No.21884353

>he hasn't finished the entire western canon by three
fucking idiot lmao

>> No.21884356

Idk man I read Huck Finn in the 7th grade. This place sounds like a daycare for the autistic and possibly gay sons of rich Catholic businessmen.

>> No.21884361

And you'll keep waiting, because this debate never goes anywhere but
>America was founded by guy who probably weren't that religious as a whole, or at least didn't want to base the country on that
>nuh uh
>yuh huh
Followed by statements from both sides in support of each idea.
From what I can gather, the truth seems about 75/25 my side to your side, but you will disagree.

Also I have no sources and you win the argument etc.

>> No.21884364

>supposedly educated person
>can't defend his ideas beyond deflections and false dichotomies

>when you're so "educated" you can't notice a major conjugation error

>> No.21884366

>grammer nazi
back 2 reddit

>> No.21884369

I would recommend some of those listed. But clearly the point of this whole university is to turn out people that aren’t up to date. Not even up to the 19th century’s level.
But I am against this Prussian style of indoctrination as a whole. The neoliberal corpo-state has molded it to turn out this proto-THX hellscape. Knowing your Aristotle and Aquinas isn’t going to save the nation

>> No.21884370

And the rest of the classical canon?

>>can't defend his ideas beyond deflections and false dichotomies
Ok maybe just tell me what your point is. This is bad because...?

>> No.21884371

>think you're educated and hot shit
>write "found" instead of "founded"
>cry about grammar nazis when mocked
Kill yourself immediately, wigger

>> No.21884375

What do you mean up to date? I'm sure these people are exposed to modern culture in every other facet of their lives. This is the stuff people need to know to counteract modern insanity.

>> No.21884381

>And the rest of the classical canon?
I read it for fun. Can't imagine what I'd do if I had to live off a hobby as stupid as this one.
He means up to date in regards to the topics covered in this list.

>> No.21884387

>just tell me what your point is
So educated you can't even read?

>> No.21884391

Which specifically? These are universally considered the foundational works in these fields.

There is not one single high school that provides this, let alone a "mediocre" one
And you pay that much to get zero education at all at every other university.

>> No.21884397

Lol did you really not notice the consistency between tenses, e.g. "rule", "invent", and "found", consistent with the presentation of said education's fruits as still possible? Imagine thinking you have a gotcha over grammar that you don't even have, amazing.

>> No.21884399

Pre-Enlightenment science courses. Rebuttals to anything non-Catholic? It’s trash and will give a nice certificate for someone’s future boss. Not a bright person, just an imperious dolt for this “modern” world of diminishing returns.

>> No.21884406

Pretty much this >>21884399
Would get crumpled by the first Protestant theology autist they run into.

>> No.21884409
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>>Would get crumpled by the first Protestant theology autist they run into.

>Umm where is sola scriptura in the bible????? I win hehe

>> No.21884413

I see plenty of non Catholic and post Enlightenment sources
Anyways these things are the basics. Complaining that it doesn't cover everything misses the point. If you want a STEM degree then you wouldn't go here.
Ideally these would all be taught in high school then you could go on and specialize in more modern things
But my point is most schools teach you NOTHING, none of this, and almost nothing more contemporary either.
I doubt there is anyone at modern universities who have read all of these plus more modern materials.
At least this school teaches you the basics you should know

>> No.21884422
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>burgers unironically believe this slop is "good education"

>> No.21884424

How could they ignore the scientific and philosophical contributions of the Papau New Guinea natives?

>> No.21884462

>Median earnings after graduation are $42,000
For the US that is absolutely terrible. I would love to take a course like that (well maybe with less medieval larp and more stuff after 1900) but then how am I supposed to pay for food and shelter?

>> No.21884477

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"

>> No.21884487

easy to say when you're the literal son of god, the ultimate trustafarian

>> No.21884495

holy kek

>> No.21884528

Nah they're equilibriating the liquids

>> No.21884537

>You're functionally useless compared to someone who spent the same amount of time getting a STEM degree, and intellectually all this does is set you up as a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none dude. You'll walk out knowing more than 99.999% of people about philosophy *as a whole*, but you'll forever be a mental midget compared to someone who's seriously studied any of these philosophers in depth.
Adding these ancient books on geometry just adds insult to injury. Unless you are a historian, there are much better modern works that still seriously challenge the reader while giving you way more practical skills.

>> No.21884548

Yeah America needs more drunkards, micks, wops, lazy spics and pedophiles. Lmao.

>> No.21884550

>These books would have been taught in an average high school a hundred years ago
Maybe in a super expensive prep school. Basic public high school prepared your life as a worker.

>> No.21884556

I think it's definitely a LARP of the past but at the same time I think reading all those books could help you prepare for an age dominated by AI. Learning to think critically and communicate well is important. Think about what has made Andrew Tate such a force in the world. His way with words and ability to communicate. I think going into STEM just because you think it's safe might be a bad idea if a LLM can do your job better than you in a few years.

>> No.21884562

All I know is the average educated man seemed to have a pretty good grasp of these materials.

>> No.21884570

>Andrew Tate
Just end yourself.

>> No.21884571

To be fair, they seem to be assuming that high school didn't teach anyone Latin or English grammar, and most US high schools aren't known for academic rigour. It's not like in Europe where to apply for a Latin based course in university you have to prove you have competence in Latin to enter. In the US, they frequently have to teach their students basics like grammar and present other remedial courses to replace the years lost in secondary schooling.

>> No.21884591

AI is the future. Adapt or die.
Tate is a charlatan whose persona brims with insecurity but he is there is a reason why he has become so well known.

>> No.21884593

>Read Critique of Pure Reason in Junior Year
>Read it again in Senior Year

>> No.21884599

>Americans are uneducated
>America has more college graduates than any European country
Hmm very curious

>> No.21884602

My gf makes that as a receptionist for a hear aid clinic with zero education

>> No.21884620

Also they provide free healthcare and entirely funded her bottom surgery

>> No.21884627

Huh, maybe they have it split in two for end of Junior and start of Senior years? Still seems counter to how you'd want a student to engage with it.

>> No.21884639

>First-year: Babby-tier grammar and geometry that even elementary school children from third world countries know.
>Second-year: Atomic theory (the same shit everybody learnt about in middle school) and a bit about conics, except taught by the Gayreeks. Some Roman Catholic cathecism (that literally every single Roman Catholic child has to learn about before receiving their first communion and confirmation).
Third-year: Analytic geometry (9th/10th grade Pre-Calculus stuff), basic music theory (that literally anybody who's ever tried learning how to play an instrument would come across at some point).
FOURTH-year: Optics, Magnetism, Electricity, a small taste of Real Analysis and General Relativity, and various topics from Biology and Chemistry (all of which are covered in or before high school math and science classes).
Also, some books that anybody with a moderate interest in historical literature and philosophy would have read in their spare time as teenagers if they did not waste their time on gay ERP servers in MMORPGs.

>> No.21884645


>> No.21884658

America has more people than Germany, the UK, France, and Russia put together.
Also, American universities have fuckloads of foreign students from countries like China, India, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria, etc.

>> No.21884661

What high school graduate on the planet knows all or even many of these works? Maybe a few elite private Catholic schools but I don't know who you guys think you are kidding.

>> No.21884663

Also, more importantly, a 15 year old with an IQ of 110 could breeze through the average American university in three years.

>> No.21884664

> serious education
> Catholic

Choose one.

>> No.21884665
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>muh LLM will replace STEM
They're a fancier google search, and even less trustworthy.
See picrel, or try it yourself by offering it common logical problems but with one rule changed.
>Andrew Tate
>force in the world
R u srs

>> No.21884666

These schools are for well off conservatives that are afraid of major schools turning their kids into libs. In exchange for giving up the networking benefits of a mainstream school, these schools promise that your kid will get married quickly.

>> No.21884667

They're the same; you're only giving us one option here.

>> No.21884670

>1500 pages of marx in your senior year
pretty based tbqh

>> No.21884674

No it isn’t. I see none of the scholars research papers and none of the assessed seminar debates. This is a book list not evidence of undergratuate teaching quality.

>> No.21884679


Welp so much for “trads”, looks like even they are pozzed by Jews now

>> No.21884732

Any high school graduate who took Physics, Math, English, and History classes will know about geometry, calculus, mechanics, optics, electricromagnetism, thermodynamics, the Greeks, the Romans, classic writers like Homer, Virgil the Pearl Poet, Shakespeare, etc.
Any Roman Catholic will have been taught about Roman Catholic church dogma in cathecism classes. Sure, it's not the same as reading the entire collection of writings by the Church Fathers, minor and major, but it conveys most of the important rules and sets of beliefs to follow. What matters for the average person is not so much knowing the origins and background for every single controversy that led to a settlement that "solved" or "provoked" a schism, but rather knowing what is good and true so as to live like a good Christian. People who are interested in history will read about such matters in their spare time even if they have to study something different.
Also, most high school students in America and other countries are offered a choice between one amongst several foreign languages to learn, usually French, Spanish, German, and in some cases, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Latin, or Greek. English grammar is usually taught in English composition classes anyway, so it's not like most people graduate high school without knowing what nouns and verbs are.

>> No.21884739

This is a simpleton's idea of good education, being the literary equivalent of a video game completionist

>> No.21884763

>Any high school graduate who took Physics, Math, English, and History classes will know about geometry, calculus, mechanics, optics, electricromagnetism, thermodynamics, the Greeks, the Romans, classic writers like Homer, Virgil the Pearl Poet, Shakespeare, etc.
Yeah no. They will maybe cover a very few of those things. That's how it was when I was there 15 years ago and from what I saw on zoom classes during covid most of that has been dropped in favor of elementary school level education and even more antiracism

>> No.21884828

Don't get me wrong- if you have genuine aptitude in STEM then by all means pursue that course in life, you will thrive. I'm calling out the ones that go into because it's safe, the code monkeys and Chegg abusers that'll be the first ones on the chopping block. How many people blindly stumble into tech and neglect the gifts they have? Also, keep LLMs are still in their nascence, but this would effect every field, not just STEM.

Maybe the kind of self-indulgent curriculum that St. Aquinas offers is one that will give students- not all, but thoughtful, idiosyncratic ones- a broader historical understanding of the world which will allow them to situate themselves within the conditions of his own age, and change the world in the way that they see fit. Each work listed is significant for a reason, because it shifted the perspective of humanity. Zuckerberg loved the classics. Jobs was a humanities type with an interest in computers. Musk took to reading as a child to answer questions of existential meaning.

McLuhan said it best: the way to deal with information overload is pattern recognition. Right now, AI dominates pattern recognition, but it's like an autistic savant who misses the forest for the trees. I have a feeling that the most influential individuals of the future will be well-read, creative individuals who steered humanity in a vision of their making not by accident but by having achived a sub specie aeternitatis perspective of human history and the great ideas which shaped it.

>> No.21884878

Why do so many of these colleges do this stuff where they read outdated (but historically significant) works in physics or math? Where is Rudin? I saw St. John's College did this too so it's not like you can pin it on the Catholic college angle.

>> No.21884933

Damn, /lit/ is a bunch of bitter weirdos

>> No.21884939

They literally always were, those two are the most read in the trivium and quadrivium.

>> No.21884941

Is there a literature degree reading list that anyone can toss at me?
I'm noticing that more people know who Rudin is. That's great. Although, at this point, I don't expect Rudin to come up in undergrad.

>> No.21884948

The code monkeys are already getting shafted, like every other get rich quick dumbass jumping in on the latest fad.
LLMs aren't showing any improvement in the "actual intelligence" metrics and are just overfitting on a larger and larger data sets: in some cases there's outright fraud, such as GPT getting trained on the very tests that were supposed to evaluate its performance.

>> No.21884974

>Euclid and Cicero
That's not entirely true. Euclid was mentioned when I was in middle school, and Cicero loosely was covered in my freshman year.

>> No.21885021

Religiosity and unquestioning-ness is a false equivalence when religious people tend to be some of the most concerned with the ‘big questions.’ You just deny them that because they disagree with you, and you are, ironically enough, an unquestioning person who can’t accept that. Most mathematicians (Pythagoras, Newton, Euler, Cantor) were intensely religious men.

>> No.21885088

>be concerned with the big questions
>adhere to an unchanging doctrine for two thousand years

>> No.21885103

>church doctrine hasn't changed since 23 AD
Your arguments would be improved if you studied the thing you're criticizing.

>> No.21885137

So many things wrong with this. You are a retard.

>> No.21885150

This is why you shouldn't waste your time talking to normie atheists.

>> No.21885155

chad agnostics only.

>> No.21885207

>if you worship god youll go to heaven!
whoaaaaaa so many big questions and changes

>> No.21885230

Who is Rudin?

>> No.21885245

you could just get a STEM degree and read all that shit for leisure in your free time. it's not like these people can tell you anything about these works you wouldn't get from reading them yourself

>> No.21885259

A mathematician

>> No.21885415

>it's not like these people can tell you anything about these works you wouldn't get from reading them yourself
That's ridiculous. Discussion is useful.

>> No.21885418

Thomas Aquinas, Hillsdale, Christendom, Liberty etc. are extreme "triduum/classical education" LARP schools, especially regarding their "classical curriculum" (meaning Aristotelian Scholasticism). I was (for a time) in the graduate theology and philosophy program at Franciscan (another LARP school) - there was essentially zero engagement with any philosophical and theological school which was not neoscholasticism and Aristotelian Thomism. We very briefly touched on Descartes to discuss "modern" philosophy, never even reached Hegel.

Most of these curricula are extreme memes that, even in their stated goal of "broad" exposure to philosophy, never touch things like Marxism, existentialism, phenomenology, non-virtue ethics, heterodox economic theory, modern political science, revisionist history, etc, not to mention a complete lack of engagement with any Eastern thought at all. this is the school for parents who subscribe to "great books" courses online, worship Tolkien, and think George Weigel is a genius.

>> No.21885425

additionally there is a very strong strain of Michael Anton/Turner Diaries reactionary evangelical apocalypse yearning underlying these kinds of places even though they attempt to project a "neutral" educational stance.

of course actual revolutionary educational models like Montessori, the Sudbury Valley model, Waldorf-Steiner education etc is never even considered.

>> No.21885433

blindingly based

>> No.21885440

Sucks you turned into a lefty fag

>> No.21885495

actually experiencing a "classical great books education" showed me how inadequacy it was. actually it was only after studying catholic theology at the graduate level that I became an atheist
>inb4 read palmas bro
>inb4 muh nouvelle theologie (not that anyone would say that here anyway)
once you reach apophatic theology and apocatastasis, which are the only logical conclusions (inb4 read cloud of unknowing re logic), you're basically an atheist anyway. at that point you're one step away from illich and the rest is history

>> No.21885529

Looks good what major ?

>> No.21885543

Read Plato, Plotinus, Proclus. You’re not as bright as you think you are if you fell for the Thomist meme in the first place.

>> No.21885584

>Read Plato
Damn man, show that guy some mercy. No one deserves that.
>yo uh dude this table has like a perfect blueprint in heaven and uh yeah trust me

>> No.21885613

what do you think apophatic theology is? I never particularly "fell" for the Scholasticism meme. My main point is colleges like Thomas Aquinas, Hillsdale, Christendom, Magdalen and all those are peak philosophical midwit who unironically read Lewis and Chesteron and think natural law is the peak of all of western philosophical thought. a better "great books" education can be found by reading the verso books catalog and getting a local library card.

>> No.21885619

Just discuss it here

>> No.21885624

I'm a zoomer and my public high school covered all of that

>> No.21885642

If this shit is equivalent to Liberty and you actually fell for it I'm gonna
1. Believe this list is a retarded way to be educated
2. Disregard all of your intellectual opinions because you went to a new money retard academy

>> No.21885700


Really. Which Greeks and Romans did you read.

>> No.21885711

>what do you think apophatic theology is
Alright my bad, I should have read better. Why do you call it atheism? Just because you don’t fall neatly into a religion as a social group or category doesn’t mean you aren’t fundamentally opposed to atheists.

>> No.21885717

Speak in your own words, not watching a 13 minute response to my tossed off shitpost.

>> No.21885758

The only words I know rhyme with sneed and chuck

>> No.21885765

Yeed and cuck?

>> No.21885817


>> No.21885833

He's saying his gf is broke and retarded.

>> No.21885837

You can, with zero education, apply to be a receptionist at a hearing aid clinic and get the same salary that is estimated for completing this course, thus calling into question the utility and value of the course. Clear enough?

>> No.21885843

>Household income of $85K+ is broke
Quit being a contrarian retard

>> No.21885845

stay poor

>> No.21885847
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They should be.

>> No.21885850

Something like 70% of households in the USA are below $85k a year. I guess it's just a shithole country then, huh?

>> No.21885854

Not him, but yes. Every country is a shithole though. What does this have to do with literature?

>> No.21885860

>Most of the world is a shithole
I'd say this has plenty of implications for literature, wouldn't you?

>> No.21885861

There's n reason for high schoolers to read Euclid. The history of mathematics isn't particularly important to them, and there are better ways to learn geometry.

>> No.21885867

Like what?
What is the purpose of high school?

>> No.21885877
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Unironically becoming a Baptist seminarian is one of the fastest ways of becoming socially popular, and in particular it's a highly effective way of attracting women. More precisely, a specific demographic of white women who live in the Bible Belt. There are a lot of young women who desperately want to marry a pastor, whether out of sincere religiosity or, cynically, because pastors often become wealthy and powerful. At the same time, many men who grow up in the South tend to be contemptuous of this career because they see literacy and formal oratory as effeminate. In a broader, long term sense this is why clerical celibacy is preferable since there are a lot of corrupt men who've taken advantage and continue to take advantage of this phenomenon. It's no wonder why so many articles come out later on about them being perverted, abusive, or otherwise unscrupulous. Still, I'm sure quite a few of you would want to indulge yourselves.

>> No.21885897

This is the logical equivalent of saying Harvard is weak about Eucharistic theology, Yogic practices, and so on when obviously their job is to make more Kant and Hegel wannabes.
>apocatastasis, which are the only logical conclusions (inb4 read cloud of unknowing re logic), you're basically an atheist anyway.
How could apocatastasis make you an atheist? Unless your faith requires x % of people to go to Hell in which case you never had faith but a theologically sublimated grudge.

>> No.21885901

You didn't offer an alternative and also critiquing the school's attendees isn't the syllabus. People are unsufferable everywhere.

>> No.21885917

Pretension and Cope: the Thread
Part 2, the NEETs and Ivy Shitters Strike Back

>> No.21885933

>a better "great books" education can be found by reading the verso books catalog
They publish plenty of books that aren't great.

>> No.21885972

>This is the logical equivalent of saying Harvard is weak about Eucharistic theology
incorrect. any school which claims to offer a comprehensive, classical education in philosophy (even setting aside all of Eastern thought) and stops at Descartes does not offer a comprehensive philosophical education. the difference is that large public universities and ivy league schools actually DO cover people like augustine, aquinas, and aristotle, often extremely in depth too. hell, my secular public university offered intense courses on everything from spinoza to scholasticism to deconstructionism. places like harvard, oxbridge, princeton, etc have both theology AND philosophy AND history/philosophy of religion departments. it's simply comical to assert that you would receive a better classical education at thomas aquinas or hillsdale or liberty than at an ivy league classics and philosophy department or an elite liberal arts college or a place like georgetown.
if you believe in apocatastasis you are already functionally completely dogmatically heterodox in the eyes of pretty much every "traditional" religious classical education dogmatist. as for why it can make you atheist, I don't think it necessarily does per se but it certainly does not make you welcome in a place like thomas aquinas. there's simply no intellectual honesty in these "classical education" courses, that's my gripe with them. political american conservatism has always had an intellectual inferiority complex and this is part of compensation for that

>> No.21885989
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>you are already functionally completely dogmatically heterodox
Not that anon but I did not know this. Am I still supposed to take communion?

>> No.21885994
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>muh materialist utilitarianism

>> No.21886002

This is quickly becoming a word that makes me discard posts when used in this context.

>> No.21886012

It’s hungry hungry caterpillar and the black kids graduate hs without even being able to tackle that.

>> No.21886017

>The Hungry Caterpillar is high school level material
Stop being such a fucking dick about everything. It's college level.

>> No.21886041

>Am I still supposed to take communion?
in the catholic church? nope. von balthasar's book (which is very very weak on conditional universal reconciliation) is considered by many american catholics specifically to be heretical. unconditional apocatastasis is explicitly anathema in the current catechism (never mind the oriental fathers who endorsed it). can't speak to other denominations because I was catholic.

>> No.21886058

I think the contempt is more about becoming a dickhead Baptist

>> No.21886105

The second image literally has Marx in it you fucking retard. Christ, you people will shoot from the hip in order to appear more intelligent no matter what.

>> No.21886113

thank you for self-filtering. you're doing all of us a favour

>> No.21886124

>all of us
Calm down, chump.

>> No.21886130

He's clearly responding to the OP post though. Talk about trying to appear more intelligent.

>> No.21886133

>Thomas Aquinas, Hillsdale, Christendom, Liberty etc. are extreme "triduum/classical education" LARP schools
>OP's picture is Thomas Aquinas

>> No.21886138

lay off the drugs

>> No.21886157

>He didn't understand

>> No.21886167

cope and seethe etc.

>> No.21886173

But it is all pretty obvious, isn't it? The marxists and their liberal dogs do not think, they merely react. What an interesting thing, don't you think? The reactionaries accuse the revolutionaries of being reactionary and state their claim to the "revolutionary thinking". Dialectics is one hell of a drug. Oh, but you're probably unsure of how this relates to the discussion. Don't worry so much!
Anyways, I've yet to have a response to my question in here and I'm done keeping an eye on it, have a great night and good luck.

>> No.21886184

didn't read cope and sneed

>> No.21886193

Tell me all about them nigga maths

>> No.21886223

This is far more extensive than what we had in my Gymnasium (Germany, Bavarian system to be precise)

>> No.21886240

Washington himself was incredibly anxious about his lack of education and was always a very "hands on" man as opposed to intellectual like Jefferson.
Washington was educated on how to survey land and make maps, he was monolingual and never bothered to delve too deeply into abstract ideals and shit.

>> No.21886244

>But I am against this Prussian style of indoctrination as a whole
Tragic how Humboldt's vision of Bildung has become a caricature of goose stepping drones

>> No.21886250

The fuck you mean "even in"? Italy is a bit too obsessed with teaching the classics to kids. A lot of class time is spent on Latin and Greek and ancient writings

>> No.21886254

Sure bro Catholic theologians founded America, I'll take your word for it

>> No.21886265

In countries like Germany, going to University was actually a lot rarer and seen as more elite/snobby. Many high schoolers would pursue practical careers like becoming a mechanic or learning a job as a Practicant/Intern.
The general rule of thumb was 1/3 were dimwits fit for manual careers, 1/3 were midwits good enough to maybe consider Uni if they want, and 1/3 were put in the actual preparatory school where Latin and Greek are still core subjects and you're expected to get a white collar job

>> No.21886284

Rudin is the author of an introductory real analysis textbook that virtually all elite math undergraduate programs begin with. It gives the necessary background to rigorously prove theorems in an introductory calculus course, and an introduction to differential forms and the Lebesgue measure.

Rudin is well-known now because a working understanding of pure math is currently desirable for data science and finance jobs.

>> No.21886498

They were probably religious back then because being an atheist would've taken too much effort and time out of their pockets that would otherwise be spent on scientific endeavours.
Being an atheist back then was like being an academic who uses the n-word and misgenders students nowadays, too much of a source of controversy to be worth fighting over for most people who want to keep their comfy academic positions.

>> No.21886510
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Agreed. Us Anglos need that room for more Asiatics.

>> No.21886514
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At great books schools, they'd probably learn Real Analysis straight from Cauchy rather than from Walter Rudin. No secondary sources allowed, after all.

>> No.21886559

Cool but then what are you supposed to do for work when you graduate?

>> No.21886563

Too much Plato, not enough Aristotle.

>> No.21886635

I never read philosophy in high school, not until after the fact.

>> No.21886750

I used the word ‘intensely’ for a reason. These weren’t your standard lip service guys.

>> No.21886795

Then you are double retarded, because you think college makes you intelligent.
Its an easy way to make sure you stay focused on certain content/subjects, a good way to learn subjects needing specific things (eg medical degrees needing cadavers, labs etc) and to get connections if you use it well.
But if you think it turns retards into intelligent people then kys.
If all you want is to know or read specific facts, books, ideas etc. Then you can do it yourself.

>> No.21886936

Every educated person should have read at least some Marx. People who think otherwise are idiots or otherwise misinformed people who take it to be the case that "Capitalism 'won', is inherently natural and better and gommunism is a horrible out dated idea that just kills millions"

>> No.21886948

If I were ever to become a Christian again I would be a Baptist.

>> No.21886988

The very idea of studying the natural sciences chronologically through "great works" already tells me this program was designed by pseuds who never done anything scholarly and are selling the meme of well-roundedness to rich people with a lot of time to waste.
Why is Newton's Principia on there, for instance? Are they really implying one just reads through it in between a dozen other works?
Not even that I'm against a historical approach, but it should be based on a modern history of mathematics like Stillwell's. You can learn both real math and it's history very efficiently this way without getting bogged down

>> No.21887005

Traditional Catholics need to feel like they are classically educated so they can better LARP as a medieval scholar.

>> No.21887055

>it's simply comical to assert that you would receive a better classical education at thomas aquinas or hillsdale or liberty than at an ivy league classics
In another sense my initial complaint might have been wrong - I think you are comparing the wrong things in a sense. These people at these colleges never would have gotten into those schools, in all likelihood.
Sentence 1, 2, 3, and 4 are unlinked. If it makes you feel any better, I am getting baptized this evening in a radically trad Church and have told them I am basically universalist. My priest, who does traditional Latin Mass, was fine as long as I believed in purgatory and Hell and admitted he hoped for the same thing and called it "beautiful." Hell and damnation are separate and it's a defendable position. I think you might be over-indexing on the brainlet trads who have all the need to intellectually dominate the West at the expense of their hearts (letter of Revelation speaks about this) as they are basically just trying to de-sex and de-liberalize the Church, good goals albeit.
>in the catholic church? nope.
Yes if you believe in it as a possibility and not a certainty but keep in mind that truly, Von Balthasar doesn't go far enough - there is a reading from St. Catherine of Siena that all sinners are shown their errors after death and to assert that God could not convince, with love, His own creations is blasphemous.
>von balthasar's book (which is very very weak on conditional universal reconciliation)
Untrue if you read the whole thing - he puts footnotes that are basically damning.
> is considered by many american catholics specifically to be heretical.
Lol don't care not de fide
>unconditional apocatastasis is explicitly anathema in the current catechism
Though that is not de fide again but it does make you a heretic in the eyes of tradition which eh
> (never mind the oriental fathers who endorsed it). can't speak to other denominations because I was catholic.
Eastern Orthodox you can take communion.

>> No.21887061

this is the worst thread i have ever seen

>> No.21887068

Unironically making great minds is different than making good minds. Learning formula is great but seeing how the creators of those formulae thought is crucial.

>> No.21887083

Less retarded and also less annoying

>> No.21887090

>less annoying

>> No.21887091

Why is this guy so mad?

>> No.21887095

>where is Rudin
Can we stop pretending that Rudin is a good introduction to analysis, just because it’s in the “cannon”? It is, at best, a reference book. Imagine explaining differential forms without defining a manifold, or drawing any diagrams for that matter…

t. Low dim topologist

>> No.21887104

>Every educated person should have read at least some Marx.

If Marx is so great, why should only educated people read him? He supposedly supports the working class but you won't find any actually working class Marxists

>> No.21887111
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I started Euclidean geometry in 8th grade and I went to a shitty inner city school that is 85+% Black and Latino. That was an advanced program, but everyone did geometry in 10th grade and it was required for the test you needed to get a high school diploma. To be fair, my state has been on the very top of the education rankings for decades, is currently the wealthiest state overall (but has plenty of poverty), and has had social democratic stuff like universal healthcare since the 2000s. It ranks with Korea and Finland at the very top of world systems taken alone despite having a fairly diverse student body (so much for muh race is everything). A big factor is probably that high poverty districts get substantially MORE funding than wealthy ones due to needs based aid.

Anyhow, I think most kids get geometry in HS if not MS.

I got my son an illustrated Euclid's elements for his first birthday and began showing him stuff with his blocks and little magnetic shape things as soon as he could learn them.

I don't think classics based education is necessarily the way to go, but teaching the philosophical aspects of math and how it applies to the sciences IS definetly under appreciated. I didn't get into math until after grad school, I only saw it as a boring requirement. It was always explained as this arbitrary system we needed for taking tests. Euclid makes it more interesting, but so do modern applications to science and showing how you can use geometry for probability puzzles.

Philosophy should be taught to all science majors but not this sort of historical treatment. This is legit what is killing the field and making it irrelevant- endless chronological slogs. Rather, I'd like science students to get one overview epistemology class and then one specialty class on their field, e.g. philosophy of biology. Just working through the Routledge guides on philosophy of physics or philosophy of social sciences would head off a lot of bad research. That and stats classes need actual work on probability theory and an explanation of the difference between frequentism, subjectivism, and propensity. Just have them read Bernoulli's Fallacy lol.

>> No.21887113

Holy brainlet. Lurk and read moar

>> No.21887222
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I literally learned all this by grade 8.

>> No.21887258
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While that is a good reading list, why would you ever go to college just to do something you could do in your free time, and get the same knowledge and experience? You don't need an instructor to read books.

>> No.21887267

You go to college for a piece of paper that says you’re certified to work in higher positions in society so that we may make larger amounts of money and also network. We all know this. Thank you for again pointing it out you fucking dweeb faggot. Thank you for reminding us we live in a society.

>> No.21887274

>This is legit what is killing the field and making it irrelevant- endless chronological slogs.
No it's not, have you ever looked at non-Great Books humanities/liberal arts programs?

>> No.21887354
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take the turtlepill

>> No.21887466

I give up on life, careers, relationships, I dont want to work or continue.

>> No.21887501

I find it to be very helpful to discuss books with people, especially anything non-fiction. So philosophy, logic, all that stuff on that list.

Tbh I seriously miss university just for that. I am in some book clubs where we read recent sociology and stuff but with wagie life dominating it's just a drip on a hot stone. I don't nearly have enough time to engage with literature as much as I would like.

>> No.21887603


>> No.21887675

Yeah, life's not fucking worth it if all it is is waging away

>> No.21887869

> great books schools
If by great books schools you mean places like Thomas Aquinas, sure. If by great books schools you mean elite math undergrads, then absolutely not.

Cauchy just isn't sufficient as an introduction to real analysis. E.g., he doesn't cover Heine-Borel or differential forms.

>> No.21887894

This is how I would educate someone from a young age today:
Russian Math and math circle programs
Piano or violin
An individual competitive sport like tennis
Tutoring in some foreign language
The unfortunate truth about America's education system is that it's basically 12 PowerPoint presentations. Your kid isn't actually learning to read sheet music in music class. There are too many kids and too few teachers for that kind of thing. This is true for both public and private schools. You're not going to escape it by sending your kid to the local Catholic school. He's just going to get PowerPoint presentations about Jesus instead.

>> No.21887895

>Catholic mainstream keeps prioritizing Aristotle and Scholasticism over Plato and Neoplatonism
This was the Church's biggest mistake. Ficino tried to fix it but was unsuccessful.

>> No.21887923

Von Balthasar never says anything heretical in wishing for all people to be saved. American I feel like a lot of traditionalist Catholicism in America tends to overemphasize ornate Catholic aesthetics but still be very Protestant-thinking underneath that veneer.

I never really cared much about "muh Latin mass" but am weirdly getting more and more attracted to Eastern Catholicism.

>> No.21887932

>you won't find any actually working class Marxists
You never travelled outside of USA, have you?

>> No.21888018

>The unfortunate truth about America's education system is that it's basically 12 PowerPoint presentations. Your kid isn't actually learning to read sheet music in music class. There are too many kids and too few teachers for that kind of thing. This is true for both public and private schools. You're not going to escape it by sending your kid to the local Catholic school. He's just going to get PowerPoint presentations about Jesus instead.
Higher grades in school mostly exist so parents can park their children somewhere while they slave away in the factories. As you said, they aren't learning shit there.

>> No.21888056

>"I had already read all this by the time I was 3 years old!"
>"Just get a STEMcuck degree and read these in your free time!"
Just reading a book alone doesn't mean anything if you didn't absorb it. You know the best way to absorb it? To discuss it for hours with other people who also read it. That's what schools like this are for.

>> No.21888062

Why do so many "people" on /lit/ only care about income level? It's such an out of place mindset on a board dedicated to philosophy. Go back to Andrew Tate Twitter.

>> No.21888081

again, I don't personally think conditional OR unconditional apocatastasis is heretical, but you do get into the territory of what is truly "sin" then - not a discussion I have a problem with, but the moral/venial communion/not in communion "sin" issue is extremely prominent in traditional Scholastic thought as well as modern American catholicism. there's a reason Rahner and Guardini and Schillebeeckx and von Balthasar are not taught at these "catholic tradition" colleges - because they are essentially political reactionaries first and foremost. thus you're getting the worst of both worlds: a non-rigorous and comprehensive theology and philosophy education AND a politically influenced curriculum. going to Hillsdale is the equivalent of studying Kendi at NYU or something, in their aims, at root.
>You're not going to escape it by sending your kid to the local Catholic school. He's just going to get PowerPoint presentations about Jesus instead.
kek, too accurate

>> No.21888090

I refuse to believe anyone in this thread who says this is a "high school level education" has ever set foot in a high school. A good half of high school students are illiterate, so no, they're not learning what nouns and verbs are, much less anything else you listed.

>> No.21888096


>> No.21888102

>of course actual revolutionary educational models like Montessori, the Sudbury Valley model, Waldorf-Steiner education etc is never even considered.
All of these fucking suck lol. Talk to someone who went to one.

>> No.21888111

retard. gpt is just a language model it can't do math. but just wait until they release the gpt extensions. then with the wolfram alpha extension you'll be able to pretty much all your undergraduate math homework on it.

>> No.21888285

i did go to one - sorry that mommy forced you to the local title IX public meat grinder. are you black perchance?

>> No.21888304

>"Capitalism 'won', is inherently natural and better and gommunism is a horrible out dated idea that just kills millions
All of that is correct

>> No.21888324

>Turner Diaries
>reactionary evangelical
Socialists will literally say anything in order not to engage with books outside their autistic circle jerk.

>> No.21888339

It's literally there
>heterodox economic theory
"Professor, will this help us get a job?"
"No, but now you can own le cons on twitter.com using inconsequential models and manufactured data."

>> No.21888383

>turner diaries is not le LARPing tism
>neoclassical economics is not inconsequential models and manufactured data
>b-bu-buh much distributism!
yep, you're a LARPer

>> No.21888399

>On predestination
>On the perserverance of the Saints
The Catholic Church has all but condemned Augustine's particular understanding of these two concepts, so why devote so much time to them?

>> No.21888436

Please don't associate these facts with kitch, flavour of the month internet memes.

>> No.21888467

Tate is a con artist who appeals to third worlders because he bullies them for being poor. It's very easy to manipulate people when you're abusing them over the very thing they hate most about themselves. That's literally it. To claim that he's in any way charismatic or clued in is laughable.

>> No.21888469

Never said anything about LARP, it's just not evangelical and you made that up in order to dismiss it. On the other hand, Marxoids LARP as revolutionaries from their comfy seats in universities while claiming to be oppressed, as you've done before.
Neoclassical (what are we, in the 70s?) economics at least today tries through econometrics to reach a minimum level of replicability, which still exceeds Marxian attempts (all contingent on neoclassical models btw).
What does distributism have to do with anything? It doesn't have a model. Also are you accusano me of being both a neoclassical and a distributist, seriously?

>> No.21888628

I'd love to see the reading lists from the obviously superior education systems so many of you grew up in. I always find it so strange that such considerations are never included in the boast posts, but I'm sure it's all an accidental oversight.

>> No.21888761

the fact you're not able to remotely distinguish between marxist normative political revolutionary ideology and marxian economic analysis as methodology shows me you know literally nothing about political economy
>he thinks marxist philosophy is somehow trumped by observatory nonnormative """econometrics"""
>thinks economics at all is """replicable""" and not a social science
you're literally retarded. stick to oral roberts university

>> No.21888903

The one thing I will concede is that in >>21884031 is that they're reading fucking Huckleberry Finn as seniors in college. That's a book I read in 9th grade ffs.

>> No.21888921

>marxist normative political revolutionary ideology and marxian economic analysis as methodology
The two literally cannot be divided, the second was developed to fit the first. From the principles of marxian political economy necessarily follow the revolutionary principles of the ideology. Nobody has ever used Marxian economy as a mere tool of economic analysis, it has zero predictive power and is a wholly critical doctrine.
Nobody said a thing about Marxist philosophy, but yes, neoclassical economics does trump Marxian economics in modeling and replicability. Econometrics is simply integrating the use of models and statistics in order to prove the validity of a certain model, it is in no way non-normative either. Economics, while a social science, is much more replicable than its peers, especially since the integration with mathematics. This is especially ironic as you defend Marxism, which for some reason doesn't need replicability or is not a mere social science to you I assume. I never implied economics was fully replicable either(not even physics is), just relatively so, stop putting things I haven't said in my mouth. It's the 3rd time you've done that. You're a pedantic strawmanning retard that barely knows the meaning of the words he uses to appeal intellectual.

>> No.21888975

he mad

>> No.21888983

You don't turn to private schools to give your kid a better education you turn to private schools to prevent your kid from getting physically assaulted by hoodrats

>> No.21889814

>Economics, while a social science, is much more replicable than its peers

What particular aspects of it replicate particularly well then?