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File: 193 KB, 752x1051, Jack_Kerouac_Photo+Circa+1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21883979 No.21883979 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he drink so much?

>> No.21883984

He wars a alcoholic

>> No.21883991


>> No.21883995

French Canadian genes

>> No.21884006
File: 140 KB, 1000x1290, kinopoisk.ru-Jack-Kerouac-2015238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That question can be answered by listening carefully to this tape, which has never before previously been uploaded to the internet.

Fucking computer wont let me post the link because it keeps thinking my link is spam. Just go to the /lit/ section of lainchan and check the Kerouac thread I posted. Will explain a lot about how Kerouac fell into decay.

>> No.21884014
File: 136 KB, 736x1206, bcd3248d0633cd0ca6af4e91a2533b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind his father also suffered from alcoholism. Also read Big Sur to learn more details about his alcoholism and his inability to overcome it.

>> No.21884423

he was schizo/schizoid as well

>> No.21884446

Hung over today. Took some addies to fix it but it made me feel insane. Going to feel sad later tonight. Going to need alcohol to cope. I feel so far away from reality sometimes, anons. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels like "here" isn't a place, and I can't be "here" like everyone else can.

>> No.21884449

is that a thing? my grandpa was french canadian and was a raging alcoholic

>> No.21884611

Cause he was catholic

>> No.21884618

we don't call them the white niggers of america for nothing

>> No.21884628

'cuz being a manlet sucks

>> No.21884640

Cut the drugs, drink a pint of vodka a night with sparkling waters, you may supplement with up to six beers depending on dependency. Never drink before 5pm but shoot for 6 or 7 as your starting point. Pass out by ten. Dont neglect food nor overeat. Avoid chaotic sounds if possible. Work overtime if you can and spend extra time reading or studying. For brainfog you can watch some television/film but dont overdo it. Avoid SSRI’s. If you’ve had a concussion, the damage is normal and will go away. Otherwise its the drugs and anxiety which goes with them. Try and relax and as you get older it will mellow out.

>> No.21884729

>do a bunch of shit that alcoholics can't be arsed to do because alcohol removes every ounce of motivation you may have had

>> No.21884737

Its how you manage alcoholism dipshit. Some alcoholics aren't probe to binges.

>> No.21884817

Not talking about binges, just talking about how after about two drinks, the will to do anything productive dissipates rapidly.

>> No.21884844

Idk Im just saying what works for me. Everyones different I guess.

>> No.21884852

Most writers are alcoholics

>> No.21884854

Yeah. Some of us are much more hopeless than you. I envy you if those strategies are working.

>> No.21884855


>> No.21884865

I’m definitely a functioning alcoholic but Im absolutely miserable if I have to go a night without it. And Ill probably die around 50 or 60. But I am lucky it is manageable for me. My best friend was a recovering drug addict and always told me to be grateful. “Alcohol will kill you, but slowly. Drugs will kill you fast.” He’s not alive anymore.

>> No.21884871

Anyway I hope you find something that does work for you man. Its kind of an impossible battle.

>> No.21885182

He was a Red Sox fan in the 60s.

>> No.21885195

that's a fairly average height for a typical bottom I'd say?

>> No.21885205

stay away from alcohol, please people. don't drink it at all.

>> No.21885225

But I’m an aspiring writer.

>> No.21885279

everyone on facebook is an aspiring writer

>> No.21886101

Imagine being in a closet. What do you do in a closet?

>> No.21886541

Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more

>> No.21886548

I ain't gay, but that lad looks like a top tier femboy.
5'9 is the perfect femboy height.

>> No.21886555

Why does Pynchon consider On the Road one of the finest American novels? Makes me question his taste t/b/h.

>> No.21886564


Because it drips America in a way that no one else really captures, and it does it with an unpretentious ease. Despite this ease, and its overall simplicity, it resists imitation. People have tried, but all they do is capture the style, where the book captured America.

>> No.21886569

Pretty good answer. I guess I’ll have to reread it.

>> No.21887242
File: 72 KB, 830x589, kerouac_jack_WD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides being a Canuck and coming from a drinking family. He began drinking during all the adventures and "kicks" that take place in his books.

He was also deeply insecure, his little brother died when they were both young, and his father died early in his life also he didn't see success in his writing for 7+ years since he road on the road.

After OTR was published he became an overnight success. He went from a nobody to the "father of the beat generation" despite the adventures he was a relatively shy guy, and after publication everyone wanted a piece of him, all the beatniks wanted to party with him, but more importantly all the news, media and newspapers came after him trying to pin him as the face of beatnik degradation, he only wanted to be known as a great writer, not a degenerate. To cope with all this he turned to drinking and became reclusive to everyone. He was "ravaged by the bitch goddess success"

Poor ti Jean

>> No.21887374

How do you think he wrote anything?


>> No.21887643

His mother (whom he lived with for many years) was also extremely against all drugs but for some reason OK with drinking, so starting in 1958 when he began living with her he stopped doing drugs. The last decade of his life (1959-1969) he only did drugs besides alcohol a handful of times.

>> No.21888756

I felt dead inside when I quit smoking. Like I had lost something, like the world was phony. It was ages ago. Never recovered from it . joy never came back. feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.21890126


>> No.21890147

Why not?