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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21883430 No.21883430 [Reply] [Original]

>finally bought an expensive ereader after working at McDonald's for a few months
>Take pleasure in using it for a weeks
>Today it got broken and doesn't work anymore
Wtf guys don't buy e-readers. All that work flipping burgers for nothing... The fruits of my labor wasted. They're built with cheap plastic crap from china. I'm poor and I need to save a lot. Guess I'm going homeless, no money to pay my rent. Owari da...

>> No.21883448

There's this thing called a library.

>> No.21883450

my ereaders last about 7years each. what the fuck did you do to yours

>> No.21883454
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OP here, just feel like postan a selfie teehee x3

>> No.21883460

They won't allow me to go inside. They said I'm too dirty/smelly. Is that even legal?
I have no idea. I brought it to a repair shop. They said it won't be fixable and offered to buy it for 20% of the original price. I agreed.

>> No.21883471

A kindle is $80 and it has a 1 year warranty. Are you from some country where McDonalds pays $2 a week?

>> No.21883473

I've had a kindle for the past 8 years, nothing wrong with it. What e-reader did you buy?

>> No.21883484

I'm from a 3rd world country.
It didn't have a brand name.

>> No.21883498

>It didn't have a brand name.
that's the problem. you got a cheap chinese knock-off or something. how much did you pay for it, and why didn't you just get a kindle?

>> No.21883507

Go on ebay, find a kindle for less than 30 dollars. I'd ask where you are located, but depends if you want to say.

>> No.21883521

300$ dollars which is yearly salary in my country. I worked overtime for it. Anons here said the brand name didn't matter.
Will my debit card even work there? Not familiar with foreign websites. I'm in African continent.

>> No.21883530

oh that's a shame. You'd probably have to pay a lot with shipping. 300 american dollars, you could probably get a kindle for less than 40 dollars.

>> No.21883532

>300$ dollars which is yearly salary in my country. I worked overtime for it.
>Anons here said the brand name didn't matter.
anons are dipshits. brand name doesn't matter for food and handbags. It absolutely does matter for technology.

>> No.21883600

>You'd probably have to pay a lot with shipping.
I'll just look for it in tech stores here.
I got baited huh

>> No.21883658

Can ppl shut up about libraries. Did you know there are places where ignorance and illiteracy are so prevalent all public funds go to useless monuments and the local football team there's not a single public library, there's nothing I want more than to leave this hellhole

>> No.21884388
File: 16 KB, 259x224, D45E7690-8C02-4F06-B274-22BA61C26164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care of your electronics fren

>> No.21884428
File: 927 KB, 1000x1078, 7FaC22mcOq8EPapPTriehvnBzLb4b3YBd4czeDvImnY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to picking up cans in the street!

>> No.21884437

just buy the same one again, then return the old one in the new case. If you have amazon, do it through amazon and make sure its sold and returns by amazon, they rarely check.

>> No.21884442

Isn't that just one or two days of flipping burgers though?

>> No.21884494

Kek u got owned :D