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/lit/ - Literature

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21881309 No.21881309 [Reply] [Original]

is the text of the bible actually 'poetic' or do we just think that because its influence on literature is so ubiquitous

>> No.21881328
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>> No.21881341

Some parts of it yeah. The Book of Job and Ecclesiastes are great examples. Some parts of it, absolutely not, with The Book of Chronicles and Leviticus being the best examples of that.

>> No.21881352

what a sperg lol

>> No.21881354

the books of the bible are different genres. some are poetic, yes

>> No.21881359

>citing show don't tell and shakespeare as good writing in the same breath
epic fraud moment

>> No.21881369

>read in translation
>zero historical understanding of conventions of ancient texts
>wants it to be a bastardized fin-de-siecle-style poem
There is not a rationalist on this Earth who can understand an abstract conceit. They just don't have the brains for it.

>> No.21881406
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I wouldn't call it strictly poetic, at least not in its modern form, but I would say the bible is very much an abstract cope: a collection of stories that tell the way rising farmer tribes began understanding the world around them as they further drove civilization into its current shape, ending a few decades after the death of Christ. God makes Man and Snake mortal enemies after their ejection from Eden because snakes were a farmer's most hated plague (and a lot of these tales began in Egypt, which would later worship cats for these reasons), Cain's sacrifices were less worthy because a farmer's duty was harder yet less appreciated and bore less immediate fruit than the herder, or the hunter's, etc. The OT is essentially packed with these. NT begins a life cope on the dawning stages of modern civilization as we know it so God goes from accident-prone asshole guiding humanity through its fuckups with an iron rule, even wiping the slate clean once, to divine good, and from monotheistic ruler to a trinitary pantheon (of which man arguably is part of), instead of snakes it's the corruption of morals and the worldliness of men, an inner reptile if you will, etc. Its poetry can be better attributed to the wealth of literature and philosophy that draws from it, including the unwilling Christianity of modern English as a language; the Western canon is essentially a new Bible that both embraces and rejects the old (understanding 'Bible' just means 'le books'), most notably in its modern and then post-modern form, and (here's the fun part) it's one you can help write. I'm betting on a return to and a development of a brand new form of Epicurean gnosticism married with modernism as technology develops. Look at all those cheesy books call hyperspace Eden—then you realize Man wants and needs to eat from the tree of life, crossing fiery plains guarded by cherubim to take back what's his, and ultimately become as gods or he'll be doomed, and this unconscious and ultimately post-poetic, itself apparently meaningless, choice of words is everywhere—they might be onto something.
This is also why the best readings and reinterpretations of theological thought tend to be those that best apply to man's status as mere man, and not some jerkoff about the veracity of the power a bunch of old men feel entitled to.
You can tell this wasn't written by a Jew. With so many introductory prefaces to the bible explicitly mentioning the etymological poetry of Hebrew it's a wonder retards like these don't get called out, though.

>> No.21881412

>"show dont tell"
It's all so tiresome

>> No.21881544

correct response
picking a fight with a dwarf tier responses