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[ERROR] No.2187992 [Reply] [Original]

>using "e-readers"
>net cost higher than a real book
>carcinogenic material is more hazardous to the environment than a paper farm
>factories in india/china pump out even more toxic waste, and starve employees into poverty with just enough money to survive
>destroy the old-fashioned and REAL bookstore and library, you will never have that feel of comfort and warmth ever again within the coming decade
>eye strain, unnatural luminosity, screen size, and format
>constrained to battery life of the device
>your books may spontaneously delete themselves, the manufacture provides no coverage for this kind of incident

>> No.2187996

Are there any e-readers that aren't defective-by-design?

>> No.2187997

There is so much wrong with your post the attempt itself is laughable.

>> No.2188005

Okay, i'll bite.

The gross cost of an ereader is far less than regularly buying books, especially considering the free content.

Not an issue for me, although I'm sure the millions of ereaders that go into landfill every day is a huge problem. Somewhere.

There is pollution as a by product of making paper and ink, too. Arguably moreso than ereaders. Again, a non-issue for most people.

Books still have a huge place, and authors make far more money from ebooks than paper books. There will still be libraries.

Sure, if you are an idiot and don't buy e-ink.

Battery life of most is around a month. If you can't find time to charge up once every four weeks, then yes, don't get one.

Neither I nor anyone I know have had this happen. I have, however, lost books.

If I can read the book over and over again for an unlimited amount of time, I consider this at least equal to owning it.

>> No.2188015

I'm going to get an e-reader. The sole purpose of which will be to download thousands of pirated books onto. I won't own the books anyway.

It's the same reason I own an ipod. I stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of music over the past 7 years. I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.2188023

>$100 starting cost, then all books cheaper than physical copies or for free if you want
>prove it
>if not e-readers, then other consumer electronics
>semantics and romanticism
>you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about
>hurr durr how does i maek backup
>yes you do
come to the present, luddite

>> No.2188267


Go suck a cunt idiot

>> No.2188276

>non issue for most people
What the fuck are you smoking?
You're not one of those climate-change denying dumbasses are you?

>> No.2188277

I have close to 10,000 pirated book.

>unnatural luminosity

Um... it's not backlit you twerp.

>constrained to battery life of the device

It needs charging once a month. Oh no!

>your books may spontaneously delete themselves, the manufacture provides no coverage for this kind of incident

As if you'd only keep them on your ereader without having them backed up on your PC.

>> No.2188279

>buy kindle for 130 Aussie dollhairs
>proceed to get reference books and classics for free that cost upwards of 10 dollhairs each in bookstore
>then torrent everything else I love
>net result: I fucking win, have saved hundreds of dollars and discovered dozens of books and authors due to accessibility
>haters continue to hate

Truth be told though, I love holding a book, and i'm continuing to amass a large collection in the hopes of it being valuable in a few decades.

>> No.2188280

and like my kindle is ever connected to 3g or whispernet. what would be the point?

ereaders are just for being able to obtain vast numbers of books for free. i've read about 80 books this year, a number i never would have read if they had cost me money.

>> No.2188281

ITT: Retard gets spanked by both posters and reality itself, then weeps whilst he halfheartedly thumbs through his latest Meg Cabot novel.

>> No.2188282

Nah. I just have bigger things to care about.

I think you need to learn to deal with the fact that there are millions of people just like me out there who honestly care more about their hair and trivial shit, who feel completely good about themselves, sleep well at night and it doesn't even enter into their consciences that they might have an effect greater than themselves. We live, we vote, we breed.

Some people care, some people don't even think about it.

>> No.2188284

Can I underline and write in the margins of an ebook?

I won't even look at them until I can.

>> No.2188285

I like having both too. I still read about 40 real books a year just in the bathroom. (I read really fast.)

But now I read about the same amount of ebooks in bed too. I never liked reading real books in bed.

>> No.2188286

If you have an entourage edge, yes but I'd never vandalise a real book in that manner.

>> No.2188287

> using "vinyl," "tape," "CD," or "mp3"
> net cost higher than a real musical performance
> carcinogenic material is more hazardous to the environment than a bunch of guys playing instruments
> factories in india/china pump out even more toxic waste, and starve employees into poverty with just enough money to survive
> destroy the old-fashioned and REAL musicians, you will never have that feel of comfort and warmth ever again within the coming decade
> ear strain, unnatural sound, sound stage, and format
> constrained to battery life of the device, or until the CD/tape/vinyl wears out
> your musics may spontaneously delete themselves, or be lost in a fire, the manufacture provides no coverage for this kind of incident

>> No.2188288

If one doesn't use the DRM bookstors then the books dont get deleetd.

>> No.2188289


Why not? Vandalism is awesome.

>> No.2188290

Is it so wrong that I like to collect books almost as much as I read them? Why people have to be miltant on either side baffles me. Whatevs, do what you do.

>> No.2188291


unintentional sage, so I'll bump


>underlining books

Next you'll be telling us you dog ear the pages. Please don't say you do

>> No.2188300

No. I love having a personal library (except when it comes to moving house or trying to decorate around it.) It's a lot cheaper, and takes up less space, to collect pirated ebooks though. I do both.

>> No.2188301

yes you can underline and take notes with ereaders. it also has a built in dictionary so when tolstoy uses some antiquated word you still know what's going on. i highlight/underline the shit out of my ebooks

>> No.2188302

I prefer physical books because these are at least somewhat permanent. I mean I have books in my collection over 100 years old as I'm sure most people do, not ancient but still. I highly doubt that e-readers purchased and used today will still be there, intact and fully functional in 100 years, there's no guarantee that the infrastructure (as in electrical grid etc) will still support such devices by then. If you have one for a quick read etc then fine, but it will never be a true substitute for the real book.

>> No.2188312

I don't anticipate being alive in 100 years time so i don't mind.

>> No.2188319

The device you read on is secondary to your collection of files anyway. I think files like .doc, .pdf, .txt, .epub etc. are such staples that any future program that deals with them will have to be backwards compatible with current files.

If a file type becomes obsolete in the future, I'm sure there will be an equivalent of Calibre to convert it.

>> No.2188324

this thread gave me chronic diarrhea.

>> No.2188332

how come?

>> No.2188334


>not underlining books

Jesus it's like you guys don't even really read them.

>> No.2188344

/lit/ has a lot of fetishists. They like the idea of owning books (and lots of books) far more than they like the idea of reading them.

They like the idea of a cover where people can see what you have rather than the mask the Kindle puts on everything.

Materialistic whores, really.

>> No.2188348

I don't hoard books to impress anyone. I don't know anybody who would be impressed by that type of thing anyway.

>> No.2188350

I do enjoy the process of collecting and cataloguing things though so that's actually a fair comment.

>> No.2188351

Not even to impress yourself?

>> No.2188353

I have a friend who has a collection of around 55,000 books. So, yeah, quite the bibliomaniac.

>> No.2188357

I just like having the choice of them. If I've read something pretty heavy and want to read something moderately trashy next to give my brain a rest, I'll be able to find something that's a perfect contrast. I don't think I could do that as well if I owned less.

>> No.2188360

Holy shit. Is every wall just completely covered in them?

>> No.2188366

He lives in a pretty big town house (or "hôtel particulier" as we call them in France), and yes, he has several rooms with the walls covered in books, and with shelf after shelf of books.

>> No.2188371
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>paper farm

>> No.2188388

Disadvantages of an ereader: lose your entire library when you can't remember where the fuck you put it.


>> No.2188397

I can't lie and pretend as if I am overtly troubled by environmental problems and overseas wage slaves, though it might annoy me if it were more in-my-face. And I don't can't pretend that I find books more comfortable or "efficient". Every time I move hauling around boxes of books is fucking ridiculous.
But I will never buy a Kindle or any other bullshit e-reader. I already hate reading crap one screen that isn't supplemented by graphics. And I fucking love the feel and smell of books. They'll eventually become a retarded antique though once people in the future get more used to e-readers, though. Just like scrolls. And pictograms. And oral recitation.

>> No.2188398

I instantly look down upon and laugh at anyone I see with an e-"reader".
It's handy to have these things, they're like a marker of people to avoid.

>> No.2188406


and conversation

>> No.2188407

ITT: Bibilionecrophilia

>> No.2188415

and "real life" and "meeting other people for coffee" and "sunlight" and all those stupid antiquated things.
Why move from our receptacles measuring 2m^2, when every need is provided for and we can contact anyone else via VIDLINK at the press of a button?
Why how the future people shall laugh at us!

>> No.2188418

ITT, butthurt poorfags who secretly wish they could afford an e-reader, but in true 4chan fashion, badmouth what they can't have instead.

>> No.2188420

Pollution does more than just induce climate change you gigantic moron

>> No.2188422

I don't think so. For the price of about 10 full priced books you can buy a device that lets you comfortably read thousands of bootlegged ones.

>> No.2188432

You forget that the average anon can barely afford to pay his library fees, let alone buy electronics.

>> No.2188433

We all have internet access.

>> No.2188435


Just take a copy.

>> No.2188456

>Bought a used prs-505 for $50
>Downloaded over 200 books, spending 5-10 minutes on some to clean up the layouts(fix headers, remove table of contents page since its pointless with proper headers, etc...)
>use calibre to sync.
>Have 200+ books on an ereader with a 2 month battery life that can be stored in a pocket and weighs less than a single paper back.
>Cost to buy all those books as paperbacks = I dunno.... More than $600 though.

Sorry, but having physical books around just does not make sense anymore. Even less than buying physical music since a 10lbs hard cover book(Like the complete collection of the hitchhikers guide) can be stored in file smaller than 1 megabyte.

And the display screens were better than real paper(imo) back in '07 with the 505. The newest pearl screens blow the '07 eink screens out of the water.

>> No.2188459

Places where i store my ebooks:
-Box.net file storage
-dropbox file storage
-Other tablet(ipad2)
-android phone
-Off site backup hard drive(Kept at my parents house and updated every month or so)
-Actual e-reader where i do 90% of my reading

If you're using epubs, odds are each book is under 2 megs(except graphic novels or comic books. For me, those tend to be 20-60megs) so storing even 1000 should be less than 4 gigs. 4gig flash drives cost less than $10... So play it safe and backup your data

>> No.2188465

I have 500+ books in piles, on bookshelves, on top of my vintage speakers that connect by speaker wire to my vintage amp/vintage record + tape players, books on the chair beside my bed, on my desk, everywhere. I've read nearly all of them.
I love books. Especially reading by candlelight. It might strain the eyes but it's highly romantic.
You enjoy the gentle electronic glow of your "book".

>> No.2188466

What about about they aren't backlit and don't glow don't you ever understand?

>> No.2188469

Enjoy the plastic case and electronic gizmo gadgetry of your "book".

With people like you, humanity is doomed.

>> No.2188473

I agree with
and >>2188344 even though I am one of these people he is describing.

I take pleasure in having a collection of books. The cover, the smell, the text. Its all so REAL. Old books as well, knowing they have gone through time with different people reading them.

One of my ambitions is to have a personal library that could be quite valuable. Yes I would get it valued but would never sell any of the books. Also the electrical grid thing some guy said is totally true. Who knows what the future holds, we can be sure that it has the capacity to hold nice physical paper books though!

>> No.2188474

For fuck's sake, man, I'm a dead tree pulp-lover myself, but quit trying to impose your preferences on other people. So they prefer reading on a tablet rather than on paper -- and? Is the most important thing not that they are reading?

>> No.2188475

I have the same amount of books and an ereader too, but as an audiophile I'm a little envious you have the space for a vinyl collection, and is that a tube amp?

>> No.2188476

Have you ever used an ereader? Again, the prs-505 had a better than paper contrast ratting, and no backlight. The prs-t1 is even better.

You can try to fetishize reading all you want, but if its just about consuming information, than using an ereader makes a ton more sense. I live in a small apartment, so housing 2000+ books isnt an option. Its nice that you have enough space and disposable income to use on those things, but i personally like to live a simple, practical life, so trying to hunt down deals on old books isnt going to work for me when the alternative is spending 3 minutes on the computer finding, downloading, cleaning up, and transferring the exact same text to my ereader...

He's clearly set in his way. If he wants to continue to be deluded, let him. Hell, i'm half convinced he's a troll since no one speaks fondly of analog tape's.

>> No.2188479

No, just wire, don't have money for a tube amp but someday...

>> No.2188481

Tapes are cheap and record labels I follow release certain music only on that format.

Second hand bookshop - buy book for $2 - repeat
Fifty or so in my city

>> No.2188484

I remember reading a blog post by J-Zone about going to the gym with a cassette walkman and some girl was laughing at him asking if he just got out of prison. He said some classic hip hop mixtapes were only ever available on cassette. I love when people are hard-headed enough to use old technology like that.

>> No.2188486

I'm heartened by the fact people like you still exist.

>> No.2188495

You can digitize cassettes though.

>> No.2188497

Tapes degrade with every play... A smarter person would have hooked that walkman up to the line-in of a computer, recorded the music into a audio program and encode it as an mp3.

Using a walkman at a gym is pretty fucking stupid and reaks of trying to be a hipster, when you can get mp3 players the size of matchbooks for less than $10.(Sure, they dont last long, but they also dont weigh 2lbs and require you to guess how long you need to fwd to get to the next track)

>> No.2188514

>implying e-readers destroy the environment more than paper

>> No.2188680

>using e-reader in public in Europe
>get laughed out by everyone
Thanks god I'm German.

>> No.2188694
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Thank god, at least you don't burn them in public.

>> No.2188703

>using "e-readers"
>pirate everything
>free books for life

cope, OP.

>> No.2188750
File: 36 KB, 494x400, left4deadgermany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanking God for being German

Son, talk to me when your government stops censoring your vidya.

>Germans are too delicate to look at a Zombie's ripped off finger
>Germans need to have the Left4dead cover censored accordingly
>GERMANY in 2011

>> No.2188766

>implying video games would be of any importance
Good one, I fell for your troll for a few seconds.

>> No.2188776

Unless its violence illustrating the sorrows plaguing the meek and misfortunes, I don't see a problem with keeping gratuitous violence shelved. Better than censoring sex at least.

>> No.2188799

bring back the chorus.

>> No.2188800

oh god no

>> No.2188806

Woody Allen did it right.

>> No.2188823
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>Woody Allen
i seriously hope you guys don't watch this crap