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File: 80 KB, 940x936, 10C2A6E5-F189-4ADD-8BFE-8E747B8ECB1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21872271 No.21872271 [Reply] [Original]

>read revolt against the modern world
>bretty gud
But I still don’t understand why evola had no kids or a female partner. Same with Spengler. Is that weird?

>> No.21872275

They were homosexuals anon. I think you should have known this by now.

>> No.21872290

anon, they were faggots.

>> No.21872294

No it's not, society just needs a certain number of its members to remain without kids, so they can invent things, conceptualize theology/philosophy, etc. You need a section of society to remain celibate, in order to have them work freely on it, and in order to do that, they need loads of time and effort, something that isn't readily available.

This also explaibs the strange logic behind trannies. Trannies are basically invented to induce sterility. It seems that nature has chosen this particular set up, of a few celibate overarchievers, Americans just tried to fuck up this set up, and all they managed to do is make the celibate overarchievers in a really embarrasing manner, so they will probably live out a life of shame and misery,and not actually achieve anything. This may also explain autism, it's nature generating a few celibate overarchievers through natural means

>> No.21872305

Sounds like leftist propaganda. Why is hypermasculinity, fascism and worshipping male traits with other males gay? Wouldn’t someone gay embrace liberal ideas instead of conservative ones?

>> No.21872307

Kek now that's incel cope

>> No.21872311

>Wouldn’t someone gay embrace liberal ideas instead of conservative ones?
no, faggots tend to be trad as fuck

>> No.21872312

>iphone poster
>inflammatory coomer meme image
>concern troll shitpost
>already settling in to post "Kek cope" and "Kek seethe" (>>21872307) until bump limit
spot the signs

>> No.21872318

and my grandma has wheels

>> No.21872322

Remaining single as a man means you aren’t desirable and of worthy to reproduce. The greatest minds and achievers in history always fucked and will fuck a lot of pussy.

>> No.21872331

No they didn't, a good portion of the greatest philosphers and religious figures had no kids. This is a natural set up that just works really well if you want to develop cultural landmarks in a single lifetime. It's no accident priests remain celibate, it's just a really good way of achieving this

>> No.21872341

>Why is hypermasculinity, fascism and worshipping male traits with other males gay?

this literally doesn't exist outside of the internet Anon, and truly believing in this stuff unironically is very autistic.

Worship God, Do your work, Build a Family. That's it, that's all you have to worry about. Anything else is completely retarded.

>> No.21872347
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, p08zhnlt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based hekin' trad faggots!
So does Mishima.

>> No.21872350

>Worship God
Nice try rabbi

>> No.21872364
File: 29 KB, 444x525, funniest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell then, antichrist.

>> No.21872386
File: 88 KB, 620x620, gay-is-a-subculture-a-slur-a-set-of-gestures-a-slang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21872388
File: 37 KB, 400x500, daa1be2cd322a52e3671a2ced45f22c0--drag-queen-the-knee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21872466

Evola and Sp*ngler are leftists.

>> No.21872645


If you're a zoomer or sub 120 IQ you need to leave this board

>> No.21872683

Just wait till you get to Gaynon.

>> No.21872699

you are supposed to be slaving away in some field to produce the starchy fodder required to keep the women in the communal village around a healthy 40 BMI range while they raise the communal kids for the next generation of soil attendants, that's what true masculinity is about

>> No.21872728

Guenon had a wife and kids.

>> No.21872747

>french guy moves to north africa
>we're to believe he wasn't there to perv out on the locals

>> No.21872750

He was actually initially stranded there by a woman who had dragged him. There are pretty nice pictures of Guenon with his family, but toward the end he was pretty paranoid so who knows how pleasant he was to be around.

>> No.21872753

He was a virgin of the spirit.

>> No.21872768


>> No.21872817

Pretty sure Evola engaged in a lot of kinky esoteric secks. Probably had a bunch of bastards desu. Or maybe he achieved ultimate chadness and refused to release his virile juices by nutting in some hoe.

>> No.21872914
File: 31 KB, 425x600, most masculine German ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay sex is the most masculine thing ever, provided youre on top. Romans, Ottomans and Russians all knew this. Its all about domination, and what is more challenging and rewarding than sexually vanquishing other male. Fucking women is nothing in comparison, as they are weak and stupid. But to cow and penetrate a warrior, a foe, a communist beardaddy or better yet, a devious and degenerate jew twink. This is the ultimate triumph of the will.

>> No.21873075

They were anti-bourgeois

>> No.21873094

what broke the westoid brain so much that you are this obsessed with gay sex? literally this is all you think about.

>> No.21873139

>Do your work
Nice try shlomo

>> No.21873239

Your assumption that great minds are seen as desirable by women is completely unfounded, a quick look at several scientists and philosophers will make this obvious.
Not saying it's an unattractive trait, but it won't get much pussy either.

>> No.21873258

They were the original incel chuds

>> No.21873261

I have a male trait for you to worship ;)

>> No.21873266

>reads BAM once

>> No.21873287

this might sound cringe but not everyone is "meant" to have kids imo

>> No.21873356


>> No.21873366

Evola was trans; Spengler was straight

>> No.21873415

You do realize there are other kinds of work don’t you anon? By “Doing Your Work” I wasn’t talking about being a wage slave, if you had your shit together you would know this.

Every man has work that needs to be completed throughout the day. If you want to be productive and have a fruitful life, work is essential.

Going to the gym, eating well, getting your writing done, dedicating time to some sort of skill or craft. THIS is what I mean when I say, “Do your work.” I think the ZOG would rather you not do your work, and continue wasting time on 4chan and jerking off.

>> No.21873446

It was the Jews' fault Evola couldn't breed.

>> No.21873773

evola had affairs with women in his younger days. i believe there were/are allegations he fathered an illegitimate son.

spengler did court one woman in his younger days but when she spurned his marriage proposal he pretty much went celibate and just threw himself into his work (he was poor for most of his early years as a teacher). i believe in the last few years of his life he did spend lots of time with a rich Swiss widow. i dont think anyone is sure of how physical that relationship may or may not have been.

>> No.21873783

this isnt really true. read the bios of plenty of philosopher/writer/inventor types and you find a pretty balanced mix of incels, volcels, married dads and pussy slayers

>> No.21873786

one's ideas and ideology don't necessarily inform one's lifestyle. this is not a complex concept

>> No.21874417
File: 2.47 MB, 1613x960, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola had affairs with Maria da Naglowska (jewish "sex goddess" any occultist will know), Sibilla Aleramo (early feminist author - pic rel, she even made him a character in one of her books, Amo, dunque sono), and many other women. He wrote a 400-page book on sex. Stop coping.

>> No.21874420

>Going to the gym
> eating well
>getting your writing done
dogwhistle for fascists
>dedicating time to some sort of skill or craft

>more leftcuck projeciton
you're obsessed with cock and project it on everyone else. now admit that you're a degenerate homo with worms in your brain that alter your already unstable faggot mind.

>> No.21874423

it's just trannies and disgusting 3rd world garbage

>> No.21874493

Don't bother, Americans have been fully brainwashed, and are basically proddie robots that go 'Worship God - Work 9 to 5 - Have and Maintain Family'. Anything outside of this that may be just as vital, like works of art, knowledge, religion and anything cultural that can only be useful on the long term, instantly falls out of the scope of the American consciousness. This is why voluntary celibacy is almost unheard of in the American mind: it allows for cultural, and therefore, real power, and that's not what the obedient workers should be spending their precious time on.

No wonder the American model is so succesful. Exiling the working class even mentally from culture is probably the greatest form of totalitarianism ever invented. This also explains why various 'protestantisms', like Salafism and new atheism, are thriving so much. Pretty soon, we'll just have three religions on earth: Protestantism, Salafism and Scientism. And loads of obedient workers, who will repeat the American mantra

>> No.21874496

I don't know about Spengler but Evola had the reputation of a womanizer. He dated a famous dadaist painter for example

>> No.21874511

Not only in his youth but into his latter days. Even after getting crippled. One young woman said that because of his paralysis they did it "in a fluid way". He used magic to continue having sex.

>> No.21874528
File: 15 KB, 399x400, 18766482764872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw superchuds like Evola had sex all the time even 100 years ago and you're an incel on hrt who voted for hillary

>> No.21874549

>i use zog‘s language then weasel out with secondary meanings like a kike if called on it

>> No.21874592
File: 139 KB, 937x1171, dutch wife dogpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they did it"in a fluid way" He used magic to continue having sex.

aka putting things in the butt in order to stimulate Evolan kundalini

>> No.21874650

newfaggot detected. Go back to twitter and dilate.

>> No.21874882

iirc Evola was paralyzed and possibly not even able to have children. Spengler, I think, was just a miserable loner.

>> No.21874898

>german ideology justifies assrape and being gay

we already knew this faggot

>> No.21874902

somebody post the horseface quote about how black bulls have more potent semen. it really is just chud cuckolds all the way down with these esoteric larpers.

>> No.21874917

Nikola Tesla was a virgin but one of the greatest minds nonetheless. Probably Nietzsche was a volcel as well. Your point is invalid and baseless

>> No.21874920

it's a fake quote, were you not 2-3 mutations away from straight up down syndrome you'd probably comprehend this, biolenny

>> No.21874956


>> No.21874964

>G-guys Mishima wasn't gay
>N-no homoeroticsm in n-nazi propaganda

>> No.21874966

Ur the newfag. Only high schoolers get this touchy over their heroes being gay.

>> No.21874969


>> No.21874972

My brother not even the children taught by priests escape the non-celibacy of a single sect of christianity.

>> No.21874975


>> No.21874979

Idk, somehow fucking a man sounds kinda gay

>> No.21874984


>> No.21875156

>The greatest minds and achievers in history always fucked and will fuck a lot of pussy.
This is just flat out wrong.
However, those who are counted among the greats but haven't had kids still wasted their lives, regardless of their minds or achievements.
>Remaining single as a man means you aren’t desirable and of worthy to reproduce.
This is absolutely true (unless you go the monk route).

>> No.21875163

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.21875201

no he wasnt , the most overrated engineer in the history of humanity . And i say that as a physicist , almost everything he ever did was patented before him by a frenchman . Conspiracy theorists have popped up his name in the public

>> No.21875215

Oh you're a physicist? What have you invented or discovered?

>> No.21875225

Maybe they don't want loose ends in a doomed world.

>> No.21875563

Most (all) people shouldn't have kids.

>> No.21875575
File: 45 KB, 1024x538, aafptazkjtmgtokzp9rl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to be productive and have a fruitful life
Why would I want any of that shit?

>> No.21875577

>Oy vey goyim. Dontcha wanna slave away in the heckin wholesome BASED TRAD farm with a wife and kids? Keep those strange ideas like dignity away from your mind. A REAL man works with his hands and has a family.

>> No.21875578

That poor dogy has seen some shit.

>> No.21875604
File: 94 KB, 1024x1222, ba006665[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Homosexual Threat to Civilization: A Speech by Heinrich Himmler

>> No.21875620

I can understand communists' issue with this. Both their ideology and utopia hang on the complete domestication of man. They want shell of men, ideally commanded by a (hopefully sturdy) wife and her domestic demands. The idea of a good life for communists is one without risk, excess, exuberance or effort. The level of domesticized comfort they aim for is that of the European middle-class bourgeois. A world full of Swabians. It's pathetic.

I can understand christcucks issue with this. It's a feminizing, life-denying religion lead by homosexual men and attended by neurotic women. That they want "hard-working family men" to be its core - meaning domesticated men in service of their wives - is not surprising.

If you just want to give in to your biological imperatives and have children, you have to pay the toll. Some men are more prone to that than others. They yearn of having a mother who will fuck them and order them around. Work, eat subsidized starchy food, entertain yourself until you're dead. Your children will do the same. Some men are repulsed by this. In the history of domestication of animals, those specimens who wouldn't adapt to life in an enclosure and wouldn't reproduce in captivity ended up not making it into the current genetic pool of cattle.

>> No.21875762

>post the fake tranny quote xD
Tie the noose.

>> No.21875819

Himmler was a turbo chud

>> No.21875908

I mean Evola did, he practiced sex magic.
Anyway, celibacy is not a bad thing, it exists within all human socities for a reason

>> No.21876056
File: 75 KB, 736x1024, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le chud xD

>> No.21876229

they were ghey

>> No.21876292


>> No.21876384

>Sounds like leftist propaganda
That makes no sense whatsoever. Leftists wouldn't call somebody homosexual as an insult.

>> No.21876385
File: 88 KB, 692x922, chudjak reichsfuhrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakly chinned, bespectacled, obsessed with occult, purity and hobby farming, trad wife haver,
meme antisemite (kills poor kikes, protects and does business with the uberrich ones), elitist, opportunistic and physically cowardly,

Everything checks out.

>> No.21876403

Didn't read. Dilate.

>> No.21876653

Nigger you cannot even deliver correct punctuation get the fuck out of here mr. Physicist

>> No.21878327
File: 38 KB, 600x600, demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophers are usually turbo autists. You can be right while not breeding like a rabbit or a nigger.

>> No.21878402

what you're saying has little to do with modern intersectionalists who give lip service to marxism. those who identify with communism in 2023 are basically hairless chimps who mindlessly shuffle from one dopamine fix to another, and make old-school communists look human by comparison.

>> No.21878405

sounds based

>> No.21878422

>one's ideas and ideology don't necessarily inform one's lifestyle
Also known as "being a big fat shit-eating hypocrite".

>> No.21878466

Imagining this being typed as something unironic makes it so fucking hilarious lmao

>> No.21878822


>> No.21878849 [DELETED] 

What can we even do? This board is basically on life support.

>> No.21879891 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1090x1080, photo_2023-04-01_05-04-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that bitch and why have i been seeing her everywhere on 4chan these past couple of weeks?

>> No.21879895
File: 432 KB, 629x635, 1679375187256277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who is that bitch and why have i been seeing her everywhere on 4chan these past couple of weeks?

>> No.21879904
File: 1.36 MB, 576x1024, 1662940436022288.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random whore from NYC who had a tiktok
her siter is cuter

>> No.21879906

Evola has a son named Hector. He banged a German woman that moved to Argentina.

>> No.21879983
File: 139 KB, 1200x675, 1678017524884015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what did she do, why the all the hype about her on thsi god forsaken place

>> No.21879996

Because they're all a bunch of autists who can't deal with women and their nattering, while they just want to talk about the rise and fall of empires and shit.

>> No.21881144

>has been refuted thoroughly
Idiot detected. Go back to r3ddit.

>> No.21881220

Idk who this person is but she has the autistic BPD femcel phenotype. I don't know why but women with this phenotype are almost certainly autistic femcels with BPD. I have dated two women with this phenotype and I'm currently flirting with a third (something something birds of a feather) so I know for a fact there's some truth to this.

>> No.21881360

Spengler openly expressed his disappointment that he never had time for a wife since he was so dedicated to his work. I mean most of the geniuses of the world aren’t family men. Some men are too intelligent to even function properly. You think Pessoa, for instances, could ever have raised a family? Hell no he would have gone insane.

>> No.21881477

bumping for tranny seethe

>> No.21881589

It has everything to do with sexuality, it’s hypersexual. The other stuff was just created to give it an image beyond mindless hookups and orgies

>> No.21881636
File: 380 KB, 1316x1240, image21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should realize that it was written by a macho trad faggot that larps as a pagan wolf, or something of that nature.

>> No.21881669

Man has domesticated itself for a long time, man is the patient zero of domestic animals, how else do you explain this weak, fangless, hairless monkey that tries to turn everything into a safe-space with only harmless, cute and fluffy things around. Everything wild must either be tamed after their own image, or get banned, canceled and removed. There might be some outliers, just like with wild dogs. I doubt any political ideology is the cause of this, but they are rather the symptoms.

>> No.21881726

A webm of her acting silly while a kebab was being made started getting posted around by anons who tought it was cute. The amount of assblasted replies fed the meme until it became instoppable.

>> No.21881889

Those guys dont look Trad at all. You think espousing neo-pagan meme beliefs and getting tattoos is Trad? Your understanding is hopelessly shallow. Why are you even posting here?

>> No.21881891


>> No.21881959

american here..this is true. we aren't "fully brainwashed". but our women are. american women have turned into the most vile, materialistic, narcissistic creatures. maybe this is why century after century was spent training women to be feminine, because if left unchecked they just use their pussy pass to get them what they want.
american men are cucked beyond belief. every married man is going home and spending his evening hours apologizing for his actions to a nagging wife.
to fix america, our women have to be fixed. this is why liberalism and all of our entertainment media is focused on women, they have bought into the bullshit hook line and sinker.

>> No.21882003


>> No.21882396
File: 1.23 MB, 898x909, 1680463296935721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see anything, just a good food.

>> No.21882485

aidsbrained response

>> No.21882536

This woman had to be indirect and ambiguous while having her food ,ade by a streist car in what looks like fucking Harlem, how is it so hard to understand that cognitive and hyper acknowledging figures had trouble finding female counterparts

>> No.21882567

>>Going to the gym
>> eating well
>>getting your writing done
Dogwhistle for trannies
>>dedicating time to some sort of skill or craft
Very trans

>> No.21882609

Well then, the first step to fixing this is cultural power, and I'm afraid you'll need a childless class for that. They don't need to be sexless, but they will have to remain without kids, in order to fix the culture. Furthermore, Christianity, Islam and atheism have shown to be vulnerable for the proddie decay, so you're going to have to construct a culture that at the very least circumnavigates those.

>> No.21882693

Spengler was a massive autist. Don't know about Evola, he seems normal in the videos of him.

>> No.21882706

>triggered wignat
>muh deboonked!
Go back to your containment board.

>> No.21882717

The only reason why I care about her to begin with is because of the unfathomable amount of butthurt she generates for some obscure reason. Chuds gonna chud I guess.

>> No.21882752

I think it was originally from crowley, I can't verify it but considering the outlandish shit he would say and believe in one moment than sincerely disavow and disown in another, completely lacking any legitimate consistency. It would be on the mark for him to say something very gay like that with a straight face.

>> No.21882762

It's just a fake quote made by discord tranny communists. As for Crowley, he's a nothingburger.

>> No.21882877

It's not from Crowley, it's a tranny invention, like when they pretend to be women.

>> No.21882883

Dude he BTFO you and now all you can do is cope

>> No.21882887

Did this make sense in your mentally retarded tranny brain or something?

>> No.21882889

Nobody here even cares you stupid delusional homo

>> No.21882895

>unfathomable amount of butthurt she generates
What are you talking about? I all I saw was anons saying she was cute.

>> No.21883659
File: 464 KB, 1200x800, tom_of_finland_leather_brotherhood[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's roughly what trad homos are.

>> No.21883669

> Christianity, Islam and atheism have shown to be vulnerable for the proddie decay
And that's a good thing. Turdies are literally like cockroaches.

>> No.21883670

>revolt against the modern world
I can only imagine his SEETHE if he lived during our times

>> No.21883680

>the outlandish shit he would say and believe in one moment than sincerely disavow and disown in another
Sounds like the normal state of the human condition. I'm sure Crowley was deliberate when he did it however. The rest of humanity (un)fortunately is totally oblivious when it does it.

>> No.21883696

Cognitive dissonance is the default state of mind of the humanoid.

>> No.21883708

Can someone post that Anime girl reading Spengler gif where the civilization of rome images flash in the background?

>> No.21883711

impressive you gigaincel bioleninists haven't realized yet the whole point is to trigger your desperate damsel in distress reaction

>> No.21883723

There isn't really anything in our time that quite approaches the demonic aspects of Bolshevism

>> No.21883827 [DELETED] 

Because he wasn't "into monogamy", among other things. There is a certain type of bohemian "traditionalist" whose ideal society is only loosely based on some past civilization, and is really a way to criticize (and escape from) the actual society he lives in. Nietzsche's reading of the Greeks is the most obvious example. They don't actually desire the conformist, traditional societies of the past that prioritized social order over personal autonomy, hence they offer ahistorical individualistic interpretations of them. In reality, the history of the modern atomized individual begins in democratic Athens, passes through Renaissance republicanism and culminates in the liberal revolutions of the 18th century. It doesn't come from aristocracy and its worship of authority, the church and the military class. It developed in opposition to it.

>> No.21883838

>>21872271 (OP)
Because he wasn't "into monogamy", apparently. There is a certain type of bohemian "traditionalist" whose ideal society is only loosely based on some past civilization, and is really a way to criticize (and escape from) the actual society he lives in. Nietzsche's reading of the Greeks is the most obvious example. They don't actually desire the conformist, traditional societies of the past that prioritized social order over personal autonomy, hence they offer ahistorical individualistic interpretations of them. In reality, the history of the modern atomized individual begins in democratic Athens, passes through Renaissance republicanism and culminates in the liberal revolutions of the 18th century. It doesn't come from aristocracy and its worship of authority, the church and the military class. It developed in opposition to it.

>> No.21883903
File: 1.38 MB, 340x270, 1679064697173048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is hypermasculinity, fascism and worshipping male traits with other males gay? Wouldn’t someone gay embrace liberal ideas instead of conservative ones?
You are so close. You'll get it soon

>> No.21884151

Because if you were intelligent you would have lived a life where not even a single person, let alone a single woman, has ever understood any of your ideas or seen you as anything but a strange individual with strange ideas. It is categorically impossible to form a romantic bond with something that is as distant from you intellectually as a dog is from an average person.
This doesn't even get into the fact that the average woman is a morally reprehensible individual by any objective standard that only gets away with acting the way she does because all of society and all of humanity is programmed to ignore all of her faults. That was slightly less true in the past than it is now, but it was never untrue.
Once you reach a certain point, you will not see women as human, the same way that you will not see a degenerate criminal as human. Society will not treat you as a human either, because society refuses to understand those who fall outside of the expected behaviors that it programs into people.

>> No.21884200
File: 498 KB, 1637x2048, Giovanni_Bellini_-_Fra_Teodoro_of_Urbino_as_Saint_Dominic_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were intelligent you would have lived a life where not even a single person, let alone a single woman, has ever understood any of your ideas or seen you as anything but a strange individual with strange ideas.
Also that hit too close home desu

>> No.21885204

Why are you judging women as if they were equal to men?

Also, you pretend to be le based redpilled misogynist but at the same time you think having a relationship with women means you're going to be telling them about your intellectual ideas? that's childish. You don't talk to women about that sort of thing, you talk to them about their opinion on clothes, hairstyles, interior design, art, travel, the good restaurant you went to, etc., and let them do most of the talking.

>> No.21885211

Why so many right wing whites, back then and now, either remain single/virgins or get married but don’t have kids? They will write so much about the white race but not contribute towards it…? I’m shocked there’s so many people defending this here. Shouldn’t the smartest whites reproduce the most? Are you defending them because you feel embarrassment as you are single or a virgin too?

>> No.21885213
File: 1.24 MB, 916x1166, Screen Shot 2023-04-07 at 2.48.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Steve Bannon mentioned to me, as Leo and Troye and I were boiling him alive in a deep fat fry composed of his own rendered adiposity, that the reason for promoting these particular fascist authors was for promoting self-alienated homosexuals, which is what "incels" are. they consider themselves and each other to be so hideous it's not even worth having sex with each other. which they basically do all the time by tapping together to the same porn, etc. nobody seems to realize that this is socially engineered via sites like 4han.

>> No.21885348

>only gets away with acting the way she does because all of society and all of humanity is programmed to ignore all of her faults

>> No.21885358

As the great Mexican Catboy Fuhrer Nicholas J. Fuentes once said, having sex with women is gay if you really think about it

>> No.21885370

Didnt Evola write about sex magic rituals or some shit? He probably fucked a fair amount.

>> No.21885402

this is retarded, just reminding you

>> No.21885413

Evola was a paraplegic which makes having children a bit difficult.

>> No.21885422

I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart I'm not sure about other guys but doesn't this disturb you? It feel like a design flaw in women actually like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion. Women: Please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available sexually as a result. Afterall, we're having to sleep with a creature whos ANUS is only 1 inch away from the vagina you should not make this difficult It's unappetizing enough as it is. We're doing you a favour. Men: Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it. Remind them of it constantly less they get inflated egos and think they're all that They're just too close together, sorry, but its true.

>> No.21885439

It's so you can smell the beach when you're eating their ass

>> No.21886678

your rootless neopagan kind subculture is as degenerate as trannies. You will hang next to them on the day of rope like your cuck pagan ancestors did subhuman.

>> No.21886695

>If I act like a disingenuous kike I will fit in
you are no different then antiwork troons, that's why you have no coherent ideology stormcuck. only difference between larpers like you and discord troons is the method in which you off yourselves like a good cucks you are.

>> No.21887503

He was in a wheelchair his dick didnt work simple as

>> No.21887602

Yes, and larp crusading isn't. lol

>> No.21887686
File: 405 KB, 679x382, 1638117258418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your rootless neopagan kind subculture is as degenerate as trannies. You will hang next to them on the day of rope like your cuck pagan ancestors did subhuman.

>> No.21887766

>no u
pagancuck backs down when confronted
so you are same troon that dilates on every board when christians are brought up, good to know you have been mindbroken troon.

>> No.21887780

>Wouldn’t someone gay embrace liberal ideas instead of conservative ones?
Look up Aristophanes' caricature of Greek conservatives in the Clouds as the Just or Stronger speech

>> No.21887784

It's the same guy posting all chinlet greentext responses and I have a feeling it's the hitler tranny spammer too. He's a middle aged /leftypol/ and I think he's Jewish since he sometimes spergs about Muslims and defends Israel.

>> No.21888375
File: 670 KB, 2057x3381, 6mlz3rdgq7t41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rise above women

>> No.21888381

Imagine a throbbing deep cumshot right into his soft lilywhite asshole, pulsating even OOOH YEAH

>> No.21888492

Go back to your tranny discord.

>> No.21888536

hope she sees this bro

>> No.21888548

How dare you talk to me like that you fucking nigger subhuman.

>> No.21888554

caught a chub from that
thanks, asshole

>> No.21888561

>replying to himself
Kill yourself tranny. No really.

>> No.21888731

>not realizing that based evola and based spengler were wise enough to protect their progeny by secrecy and anonymity to protect their well-hidden descendants from the dangers of being known for their based ancestors by the woke mob they predicted

>> No.21889041

So what did this faggot even want? Tradition and boring socially forced life for thee but not for me? he gets to have magical sex with jewish women and we don't? Right, we are supposed to be the faithful trad farmer peasant while he's some special aristocrat of the soul or wherever the hell

>> No.21889754

Refute him.

>> No.21889968

Maybe you stupid fucks should read about the stuff they wrote about the castes, have you thought about that?

>> No.21889972

maybe the shit's just dumb?

>> No.21889974

and that's why you'd be the loser farmer and evola wouldn't

>> No.21890193
File: 83 KB, 904x864, 1675610341069715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturday night
>Evolachads are all out getting girls

>> No.21890524

Le bump

>> No.21890950
File: 493 KB, 1453x1920, julius-caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become the woman you deserve

>> No.21890992

Evola and spengler are just the result of what happens when a mf gets addicted to bussy. Bussy be too grippin good fr fr no cap.

>> No.21891084 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 576x1024, 1678762950640989.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what he meant


>> No.21891094

Evola actually had a thing with an artsy feminist type hilariously enough though

>> No.21891119

They use it as an insult all the time lol

>> No.21891120
File: 77 KB, 1196x626, Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 19-32-33 Julius Evola on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminine existence itself is cringe

>> No.21891157

>convincing arguments
Women can't even into logic and reason.

>> No.21891180
File: 37 KB, 640x414, 1658246965728461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More stark and glaring than their intellectual inferiority is their physical inferiority to men. I realised very late in my life (mid 20s) the importance of being physically more powerful than people around me. The reason I started lifting is not pussy or social pressure, but the fact that physical brute strength is on a fundamental level as important as (if not more important than) logic and reason.

>> No.21891196

no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
>Salvador Dali
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
no kids
>Edgar Allan Poe
no kids
>Franz Kafka
no kids
>William S Burroughs
no kids
no kids
no kids


>> No.21891218

Idk but kids are a big commitment. You have to buy a compound, homeschool, and teach them hunting, fishing, carpentry, welding, blacksmithing, masonry, and preserving

>> No.21891239

>no kids
wrong, he had 3 if i recall

>> No.21891275

>Immanuel Kant
no kids
>Dr. Seuss
no kids
no kids
>Joseph Campbell
no kids
>Andy Warhol
no kids
>Joan of Arc
no kids
>John F. Kennedy Jr.
no kids
>Mother Teresa
no kids
>Thomas Aquinas
no kids
>The Papacy Benedict XVI
no kids
>Alexander Pope
no kids
>William Blake
no kids
>Thomas Hardy
no kids
>Harlan Ellison
no kids
>Henry James
no kids
>James Buchanan
no kids
>Samuel Johnson
no kids
>Samuel Beckett
no kids
>George R.R. Martin
no kids
>Lewis Carroll
no kids
>Lou Reed
no kids
>Syd Barrett
no kids
>Nick Drake
no kids
>George Reeves
no kids
>Marilyn Monroe
no kids
>James Dean
no kids

>> No.21891284

no kids, ever

>> No.21891290

Imagine lumping fat fuck GRRM alongside Kant and Thomas Aquinas

>> No.21891292

The joke was Dr. Seuss next to Kant

>> No.21891302
File: 1.24 MB, 1536x1402, 8508034580934834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bro Dr Seuss had actual talent

>> No.21891307
File: 685 KB, 1545x2048, le morality goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21891427

The peak of European trad. You guys are beyond degenerate and deserve extinction

>> No.21891436

nice that you gave props to us spergs but the Americans can stop living rent free in your head anytime now.

>> No.21891444

nonsense. women having no agency to choose their partners would fix about 99% of the worlds problems right now.

>> No.21891446

at first i thought you said "women having the agency to" and i was about to get mad but i see you are not a retard

>> No.21891456

you're right but the latter is hard as hell for me to do.

>> No.21891472

its easy to have kids when you control the world in your favor

I'm surprised anyone could stand to be around Ellison for more than five seconds honestly

>> No.21891499

>I'm surprised anyone could stand to be around Ellison for more than five seconds honestly
guy was a cynic but he was right about most things. in modern internet age he would be considered an edgelord, but back in his day people had thicker skin

>> No.21891517
File: 756 KB, 1500x1000, 1-Michel-Houellebecq-2016-Berlin-Author-GettyImages-610528536[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't lump the rest of us with the wops and frogs.

>> No.21892068

Ya, he was in a relationship with his cousin too

>> No.21892082

>faggot tranny
>le ebin nigga/white trash language
You need to kill yourself.

>> No.21892085

You're just mad that he had lots of sex, while you're a leftwing faggot who can't even fuck a tranny

>> No.21892205

you are talking about the guy who intentionally skipped the final exams so he would not get his engineering degree
he hated anything bourgeois and did not want to be like 'them', having a title.

as for the homosexuality accusation, I would have expected it to pop up in his work somewhere
he let his personal condition as aristocrat bias his work, so why not his alleged homosexuality?

>> No.21892533

Logic and reason are not the same as being convincing.
A woman's tears can convince way more than you sperg ass doing a philosophical dissertation for 2 hours.

>> No.21892553


>> No.21892652

Well that's their problem then. I am a sperg of the soul and will remain so.

>> No.21894110

>you are talking about the guy who intentionally skipped the final exams so he would not get his engineering degree
Absolutely based.