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21871365 No.21871365 [Reply] [Original]

Any good literature on the law of attraction/manifestation style of thinking that isn’t new age white girl shit?

>> No.21871372
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>> No.21871418
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>> No.21871521

The power of positive thinking by Donald Trump's family preacher Norman Vincent Peale. There's lots of flaws with this positive thinking strategy, but supposedly trump was a billion dollars in debt at one point and this book got him through it.
And I would argue, the reason he's polling the highest for the presidency, even though he lost reelection, is because he is conditioning his base with the power of positive thinking. People say he's braggadocios but it's actually positive thinking

>> No.21871955

Does this go into pseudoscience or is it more about the real subconscious effects of manifesting things?

>> No.21872366


>> No.21872374

no bro this is not pseudoscience this is totally legit, a very scientific book about the real subconscious manifesting under the law of attraction, scientifically measured by science

>> No.21872447

most retarded thread on /lit/ award
asking what to read to be more attractive is like asking which books to read to lose weight or bench more
its not how this works

its all about 666
6 feet tall
6 pack abs
6 digit income
that's it
this is what women found attractive since the stone age
women have simple parasitic nature, how are you still confused???
woman parasite needs a strong host, a woman cant fight wolves and bears on her own, cant build log cabins, cant survive on her own
so she looks for strong tall man who can feed her and her spawn

>> No.21872452

google “law of attraction”
I’m talking about something different to being attractive

>> No.21872457

Perfectly crafted bait. So perfect that I really do wish death upon you. Let’s hope law of attraction doesn’t work

>> No.21872474

that's even worse
its an 80 iq magical thinking type thing common in small children and literal mentally impaired retards
sorry friend your thoughts dont have magic powers
>calling this retard pseud phenomena 'law'
do you cargo cult niggers even understand that the whole point of natural laws is predictive power? measurable, empirical, determinable predictive power?

you calling your nonsense 'law' is exactly like those primitive cargo cults calling their stick and leaf airplanes airplanes
imitation with 0 understanding

'law' of attraction doesnt exist
>it was real in my head bro

>> No.21872517

Please brother and I mean no ill in this but please just go back. You’re doing too much. You don’t belong here. Come back when you are eighteen.

Also law of attraction is real and I’m not even Op

>> No.21872528

> law of attraction is real
OP here can you expand on this. I’ve just started learning abt it; not sure how convinced I am

>> No.21872554

Well you can approach it esoterically, but this is difficult and needs to be embedded in your ideology but think of it in terms of
„Fake it til you make it“ or „dress for the job you want not the one you have“.

If you align your mindset with your goal, you are simply much more likely (ie prepared) to make it come true when a random opportunity offers itself

>> No.21872564

You can switch it around also - obsessing over alone it won’t make you a successful basketball player but how are you going to be a successful basketball player if you don’t obsess over it?!

>> No.21872566


>> No.21872593

pure >>>/x/ 80 iq pseud nonsense
just like the entire fields of psychology and philosophy
it has no predictive power and it tries to cope with having no predictive power by claiming 'it totally works bro, its just esoteric and mystic and cope buzzword #123123' instead of actually delivering

if you want real life results, go into engineering or physics

>> No.21872606

Magic is real, but Reddit will never accept it.

>> No.21872736

read about hermeticism
the universe is mental