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21870809 No.21870809 [Reply] [Original]

Most of modern anthropology is descended from Franz Boas a Jewish man which dismisses race and views culture as the primary and perhaps only factor of difference between peoples. But there is "ancient" anthropology which is racist, that seems to had a huge focus on Indo-Europeans and so on, what were the people behind this school of tradition which later disappeared because Boas and his students "waged war" in the politics of anthropology which drove the race realists out. Both produced good material....
So I'm looking for sources, websites, VIP researches, books, podcasts any recommendations really. I don't know so much of this topic except from Culture of Critique and Wikipedia, where and how?

>> No.21870852
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>> No.21870967

Arthur de Gobineau wrote extensively on this to the point of going full shizo, here is a quote from him.
“To the vehement races belongs rapidity of verbal movement; to the phlegmatic races the heaviness of the noun The coordination and the measured use of the two systems is the prerogative of the white variety It is understood that the mind did not invent these three modes of orgasms; it is not voluntarily that he maintains or alters them” “No white nation possesses a means of expression whose movement is exclusively verbal The nature of its genius is opposed to it, because the race does not does not want A Negro group does not give the noun a predominant role, it is the Finnish characteristic. But when an Aryan nation intermingling with a Negro group, sees its intelligence modified by this marriage, its original language gradually loses a certain number of its features and admits in its syntax, in its lexicon, in its phonology, more or less considerable portions of Melanian speech”

“The verb, reduced in its force, gives way to the noun, in turn less demanding. Agglutination is possible, but limited Participles exert an action, but so do adjectives. Everything coexists without interfering with each other and, by means of such weighting, the syntax acquires an opulence of form inaccessible to the Finnic nature as to that of the southern groups. This is enough to mark the superiority.

“A very treacherous index puts on the path of this classification and defends it from the accusation of arbitrariness the yellow languages develop the present time well, but do not close the past and the future with the help of auxiliaries The black and Semitic languages do not have to present than a rather uncertain notion This time merges for them with the future which, on its side, by aorists with immense actions, comes very close to the present The Arian domain possesses the present in a completely clear way , no less clearly he distinguishes the future and also the past. The result is that in him the movement is better regulated, wiser, firmer"

>> No.21870976


>> No.21871623

He was decent but could be an asshat sometimes. I prefer Grant honestly

>> No.21871877

Understanding Human History by Michael H Hart

>> No.21872015

In noticing the differences in syntax between two languages, I have wondered whether the differences between phenotypes drove the differences between the two languages or whether the inverse were true - or that it be a synergy of evolution shared mutually by the language and the phenotype.

>> No.21872109

>I don't know so much of this topic

Martin L.H., Sørensen J. (eds.) - Past Minds. Studies in Cognitive Historiography (2011) (there is specifically a chapter on Jewish intelligence as the result of the Baldwin effect)
Richerson P.J., Boyd R. - Not By Genes Alone. How Culture Transformed Human Evolution (2005)
Haidt J. - The Righteous Mind. Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (2012) (last part of the book, on group selection)
Turner J.H., Machalek R. - The New Evolutionary Sociology. Recent And Revitalized Theoretical And Methodological Approaches (2018)
Turner J.H., Machalek R. - Handbook on Evolution and Society. Toward an Evolutionary Social Science (2015)
Franks D.D. , Turner J.H. - Handbook of Neurosociology (2013)
Winkelman, M., Baker J.R. - Supernatural as natural. A biocultural approach to religion (2016)
Hull D.L., Ruse M. - The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology (2007)
Griffiths P., Stotz K. - Genetics and Philosophy. An Introduction (2013)

>> No.21872244

>dismisses race and views culture
1. Postulating either "race" or "culture" as a causal force implies overdetermination, which is problematic. Everyone is emulating their own virtual reality mirage via the the mirror neurons, which just so happens to be similar enough not to cause problems (or can be corrected through noticed errors in communication).
2. The problem with Boas is not with the replacement of "race" with "culture", but with his refusal to consider biological evidence. This attitude has been constantly fought against, and evolutionary "gene-culture coevolution" explanations are quite mainstream nowadays.
3. "Race" is a very overloaded term. If you want to be 'racist' edgelord, just reference particular haplogroups and make hypotheses on their correlation with endocrinology and environmental epigenetic factors (but that would make it mere population genetics, oh wait)

>> No.21872437

"Not By Genes Alone" by so-and-so and whats-his-face

>> No.21872608

“The language does not find a ground where it can implant itself outside the human mind; however, he is a being apart. In the same way, the oak acarus would not live on the willow nor that of the willow on the beech, nevertheless it is not the tree which, doubtless giving to the animalcule the means of its life, has created its existence. The principle of language is sporadic and foreign to the environment in which it develops."

“At the same time that the human being comes into the world, the spirit is also born, language is also born,”

". . idiomatic health has no more direct relation to the refinement of the mind than the health of the human body. Vital force of languages, vital force of organic being, vital force of the intellectual environment and of the ideas that inhabit it, these are three very distinct objects of understanding, although touching and living through each other.

“The spirit finds in itself a being which it did not make, but which lives from it, whose substance is analogous to its own, without being completely homogeneous with it; he domesticates it and uses it. He softens it to his needs, as much as this being can bend to it, he makes him bear the yoke, he treats him in a word, as we do the different races of animals on which we extend our action, without however being able to claim neither to have created them nor to change their essential characteristics”

>> No.21873367


>> No.21874618

Passing of the Great Race is top.

>> No.21874630

Its passed on because it literally pseudo-science and measuring skulls doesn't say anything about culture, which is what cultural anthropology has been about since the late 19th century.

Also not /lit/ take it to /his.

>> No.21874694

>measuring skulls doesn't say anything about culture
"In 1100 Poles had cranial indexes lower than any population in Europe today, but the advent of feudalism produced a lightning change in the shape of their skulls that in was closer in magnitude to two standard deviations than one"
"In other words, Poles didn’t used to look like Poles. But then again practically everyone has changed: today’s bulldog headed Germans, French, Bohemians, and Armenians had medieval ancestors with CIs lower than any in Europe today. Only the Basques have held constant"
"What happened to Slavs is striking because it happened so fast, but this same process has affected everyone, even people who are today relatively dolicocephalic. The English have CIs today of around 77-78 but used to be <75, the Dutch are about 80 but used to be about 75"

"There are two important clues that can help explain what has been driving this effect. The first, as is seen in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, is that skulls began to shorten as feudalism was introduced. The second is that mountain peoples are almost always brachycephalic."
"The best review of old racial anthropology data is Carleton Coon’s The Races of Europe <...> . Coon was almost oblivious to the concept of natural selection, but his data make it clear that mountain living drives brachycephalization."

"Okay, so life was stressful, but what does that have to do with skull shape? Why do different species of domesticated animals invariably end up with short, broad skulls?"
"Two researchers at Harvard made note that in animal studies high levels of glucocorticoids inhibit the outward development of the upper jaw. They decided to measure if the same relationship between skull form and stress reactivity occurred in humans"
"So to the point: is there any direct evidence that brachycephalic peoples are more resistant to stress than say, typical white Americans? Before cortisol was measured these researchers asked American/Russian college students about life stresses"
"The idea that human beings have been self-domesticated is very old, but the execution of the idea is always wrong. Biologists have traditionally imagined domesticated people as being easy going hippies, whereas the truth is that civilization makes you hard, not soft."

"There are sex differences in resting cortisol everywhere, with women showing higher levels and reporting more daily stress. Sometimes though, ethnic differences matter more: Russian women have much lower cortisol throughout the day than US men."

>> No.21874796
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This is a pretty good chart.
I have a masters in anthro so a warning: some of these can be extremely tedious and boring when authors lose themselves in ridiculous details. Abridged versions are definitely good enough.

I've been thinking about diving back into anthropology as I haven't touched it since graduating.
If I do I might make a chart later this year

>> No.21874803

honestly the earliest niggas aren't really worth getting into. While they may have some great material for /pol/ posts they really are outdated.

Start with Tylor and James Frazer. Then move on to Malinowski.
I personally found Levi Strauss brilliant as well, although he loses himself in details to a frustrating degree.

There's a ton of other stuff but you'll have to look into it. The more modern you go, the more feminist and woke trash infiltrate the writing of a once beautiful discipline

>> No.21874981
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>posts twitter as a source
Is this bait?

>> No.21874998

Twitter post links to graphs and sources