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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 334x500, stan_nicholls_orcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2186918 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst book to you have personally read?

Pic related. Awful in every sense of the word.

>> No.2186925

i forget the name of it but the main char was a girl and i think she killed herself or she got killed by a sled or some shit like that?

>> No.2186933

To kill a mockingbird - Harper Lee. I know it's supposed to be a masterpiece, I just hated it.

>> No.2186934


forgot the title, but it was about him being passive aggressive and in bad mood and he extrapolated this inner constant state into a philosophy of society or something.
the only book i threw into a trash can

>> No.2186935


Any particular reason why?

Not trolling, just curious.

>> No.2186937

The Chrysalids - John Wyndham

Sure it had some cool themes to it, but I just couldn't get into the book. It seems like a sloppy mess of ideas.

>> No.2186947

Probably because I read it at a young age in school, and was told at the time it was the best book I will ever read. Then having my teacher call me an ignorant racist because I said I found it hard to relate, and preferred Sci-fi. I know it was a true story so I wont criticize the plot, but I found the way it was written quite bland. each scene delved far too much into the 'sequel' or overanalyzing of characters Emotions.

>> No.2186950


You're an ignorant racist.

>> No.2186953

i forget the name but it was the only book i could find in 5th grade that had the right number of "AR points" i needed for the grade..it had to do with some girl being painted by some dude..fuckin booring.

>> No.2186956
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>Spiky dick demon rape
>fetishism at every turn

I couldn't even make it through the first half of the third book.

>> No.2186959
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I want my money back.

>> No.2186976
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fragment, from warren fahy. this fucker tried to copy Crichton's Jurassic park, but with giant shrimps, sex and retarded teddy bears

>> No.2187030

Le bump

>> No.2187040


>having my teacher call me an ignorant racist because I said I found it hard to relate

That's pretty fucked up dude, can't a teacher get fired for something like that? Also, the House on Mango Street, that book was fucking torture.

>> No.2187064
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<<<<This. Complete waste of 2 hours

>> No.2187082

Vonnegut's "Timequake"

I hate his prose, I hate the paragraph BREAK *******paragraph BREAK ******* shit that he does, some parts of the book got my attention but were ruined by the lame jokes. I seriously do not understand why people think he is funny. His jokes are like the "jokes" your alcoholic unfunny uncle tells at family dinners.

>> No.2187100

Modelland by Tyra Banks.

Yet a part of me can't wait for the next book to be released.

>> No.2187115


Oh, Cisneros. I liked that one, though. What about that didn't you like? I found the episodic vignettes really enjoyable, but I figure they may not be as charming to other people.

>> No.2187119
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troll derails thread in first three responses, nice work, /lit/

>> No.2187133
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I'm not even kidding.

About 30% of it is story, the other 70% is Victor whining about his awful fate, and going into agonizing detail of how wonderful he thinks the people he loved, or Switzerland (in particular, Geneva) are.

Maybe I'm spoiled on authors who aren't romantics, or the movies which, in spite of a lack of articulate monsters, are dramatically more satisfying, but it's just so goddamn BORING.

>> No.2187137

>don't derail thread
>get called out for derailing thread, thereby derailing thread
>good job, /lit/

>> No.2187143

Atlas shrugged.

>> No.2187157

steven kings insomnia

>> No.2187163
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For those who haven't read it, think about this - at one point, we're hearing a story of a family completely unrelated to the proper story except that the Creature was their neighbor for a while and learned English through them. So this is a story the monster learned, and relates within his own story which he tells to Victor, who is then telling his own story to a traveler to the North Pole, who is writing home to his sister.

This is a story within a story within a story within a story. And that's not even counting that the entire thing is a story itself by Mary Shelley, who (no disrespect meant to the girl herself) is possibly the worst author I have ever read.

>> No.2187173


jesus christ house on mango street is not even good enough to wipe your ass with

>> No.2188892


>> No.2188906

Haunted - Chuckykins.

>> No.2188908

Old man and the sea

Boring. I liked the writing style but theres only so much you can say about an old guy on a boat

>> No.2188913

>mfw you don't realize when Old Man and the Sea was an explosive action-adventure, but it was all in the subtext

>> No.2188914


Is that supposed to be bad? Because that sounds fucking awesome to me.

>> No.2188918

Have you ever made a decent post?
Seriously, Brownbear was more interesting than you.

>> No.2188933
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Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code
Tom Clancy's State of Siege

Please don't force me to elaborate.

>mfw reading

>> No.2188951

The Giver. Read it in 5th grade and hated it, then went to middle school the next year and had to read it as a class assignment. It remains my least favorite Critical Darling to date

>> No.2188955

the great gatsby

>> No.2188957
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Fuck you. It was a great book and the second one is better.

>> No.2188976

My mom went to some used book sale and somehow came back with the first 5 books of the Left Behind series. This was a while back when I was younger and avidly read the Redwall series, so apparently she asked the lady who worked there for books like that and that's what she got.

Part of me is a little convinced that she went to a church sale or something and picked these up out of spite, because that was a point when we were having fights where she was trying to force me to adhere to her designed plan for our lives (Christianity was part of that), and I was resisting. But it really it was probably just ignorance of the series.

Seriously though, it was pretty terrible. I didn't get into the crazier stuff later on but it was annoying enough to read about how everyone left over was an alcoholic pedophile more or less.

>House On Mango Street

That was up there too. The rape vignette still weirds me out cause it sounds like she was raped by a clown. Also another book where 95% of the male characters (excluding the dad) were pedophiles.

>> No.2188994

Oh that series was terrible. Read the whole thing out of morbid curiosity. It was bad. Every character was the same.no character development, Aside from being "saved." Info dump back-stories. And the preaching. The apocalypse was happening around them. How could they manage so much preaching on top of the biblical shit that was the plot?

>> No.2189014
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pic related

>probably because I got dragged through it once, and am currently being dragged through it again with no end in sight...

>> No.2189015
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>looks at file name

no really though, that book was shit. I cannot for the life of me understand the praise that has been heaped upon it. Boring, lifeless character, awful prose, stilted dialogue.

>> No.2189025

I consider the Great Gatsby to be THE quintessential bad novel.

Wild Animus was pretty awful.

I found Dickens boring, but I wouldn't say bad.

The Da Vinci Code, and worst of all I think that in the hands of a competent writer, or just a writer, it could have been great.

Choke by Chucky P. He's so cute when he tries to be over the top!

The entirety of the Game of Thrones Books. I don't get it. Generic fantasy, but with added rape. I suppose it isn't bad, but it isn't more than anything else in the genre and has nothing to make it stand out. Porn, food porn and gorn.

>> No.2189026

>not getting houllebecq

could you BE any dumber?

>> No.2189036
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do books i didn't finish count? if so, pic related

if not the list is still pretty large as i'll finish almost anything, but i'd probably have to plump for 'one shot' by lee child just for using the line "he's the kind of man men want to be and women want to be with" about jack reacher

>> No.2189039

speaking as a fan of martin, i find the appeal to be the intensity of the political manoeuvring and the wide variety of strong characters. the writing's meh at best but the plotting is quality.

>> No.2189064

Probably The Giver, then The Old Man and The Sea, and then The Great Gatsby. The only books I've truly just never enjoyed.

>> No.2189065

The Alchemist. I don't even know where to start with what's wrong with that piece of shit.

>> No.2189067

I can't finish truly terrible books, though I still have a few suggestions.

Inheritance Cycle: They seemed like a good idea when I was 12

I read the entirety of the Catcher in the Rye and when I was finished, had no idea why I bothered. Really, I saw nothing of interest or import in that book at all.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles was an interesting book after a fashion. I glad to have read it once I had finished. But honestly it was just SO slow, I felt like I was practically waging war with the text. It's made me hesitant to try more Hardy, though I've been told most of his other books are much better.

>> No.2189079

How can you not like TOMatS? It's tiny, it's fast, it's about Real Men and their primal fight against Nature, the writing is tight, filled with symbolism and allegory, and the resolution with the sharks is fucking awesome. Shit, it's OK if you don't like it but WORST book you've ever read? You're insane.

>> No.2189085


Holy crap, I thought I was the only one that didn't like that book.

>> No.2189095

the paolo coehlo? why the fuck would you read that?

let me guess, it was recommended to you by some retard (probably at work if you're over 21 or while you were travelling if you're younger) who claimed it was "life-changing" and "amazing"?

fuck "spiritual" fiction, i don't need to read that piece of shit to know it's a piece of shit

>> No.2189098

Randomly picked it out of my mom's bookcase actually. I think she's the target audience for that thing anyway.

>> No.2189106

lol everyone's mum has that one

that and usually a few grisly crime thrillers and a couple of trashy "beach books" ie bullshit romances framed by [insert complex feminine problem here]

>> No.2189110
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Does this book get better?, I found it hard to keep giving a shit with so many characters, and such a boring writing style.

>> No.2189113

Yep, I was promised an Arabian nights type adventure.

I got some positive thinking makes thing good philosophical bullshit.

>> No.2189120


>> No.2189122


>> No.2189124

Walden I know people hate me
but this how I see it: " this is world how I see it, oh look some pea plants, oh here is some more bullshit philosophy I believe in, oh I am building my shack now"

>> No.2189130
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Pretty, pretty, pretty bad.

>> No.2189132

if you don't like historical fiction and have an innate ability to memorise people's full names and patronymics it can be a bit of a struggle and his style doesn't make it any easier.

i get the appreciation for the character development and the historical setting but really i think if it came out today it wouldn't be seen as being any better than the standard historical fare.

>> No.2189138
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Jesus fucking Christ I hated this P.O.S.

>> No.2189144

The Awakening

The protagonist just came across as a unlikeable, whiny bitch for the entire novel, only to selfishly kill herself in the end, leaving her children motherless. Pretty much anything I've read with a feminist bent seems to have similar problems.

>> No.2189163
File: 112 KB, 318x424, Junot_wao_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is fucking terrible. How it became a top seller and Pulitzer price winner just shows how fucked up modernity is.

>> No.2189168

It's Not Them, It's You

>> No.2189175

I would love to read an inventory of everything you encountered in the past 12 hours that you took as evidence of how fucked up modernity is.

>> No.2189634


I'd love to see your knees smashed in and have you left to die faggot.

>> No.2189635

try not to use derogatory language and slurs! thanks anon!

>> No.2189648

Ethan Frome. I would have gotten more enjoyment out of reading a pamphlet about genital warts.

>> No.2189649


My mistake, I didn't realize that wasn't allowed on this board. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.2189652

Never read a book that I absolutely hated, but something in like 6th grade about some primitive people in the ice age trying to find a place to live or something. I also remember finding Cannery Row excruciating when I was in 7th grade, but now I love Steinbeck.

>> No.2189654

Man, most people get more enjoyment about reading pamphlets about disgusting things than they ever do out of reading a book.

>> No.2189661
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>mfw people can't tell the difference between a bad novel and one they personally dislike
Keep crying about The Old Man and the Sea and The Great Gatsby, your infantile tears fill me with joy.

On topic: The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho can kiss my ass.

>> No.2189662

a wolf at the table by augusten burroughs is, like, spellbindingly bad

to write a memoir about how badly you were treated by your father and to end up with the father being the most sympathetic character is, like, fuck dude

>> No.2189673
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>> No.2189674

spoiler he's not telling the whole story. seriously it doesn't even make sense

what's more likely:
"teacher, do we have to read this? I find it unrelatable"

"well that's probably just because you're an ignorant racist!"

"ugh this book is so dumb. who cares if some black guy got sentenced to death in the 1800s, it's not like it even matters"

"anonymous! that's a very ignorant (racist) thing to say."

>> No.2189703
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<---- Was unnecessarily long and none of the content was interesting, insightful, or in any way worth reading. Probably the most self-indulgent, overrated piece of rubbish to be published.

>> No.2189708

1/0, anon

>> No.2189711


Agreed, that book was awful. There were so many endnotes I had to read it with two bookmarks.

>> No.2189714


i had to too, but i found it a really fun read, and luckily bookmarks are very cheap

>> No.2189731

I don't see the problem

>> No.2189760


Really? I loved it.

>> No.2189841


Yes, really.

>> No.2189852


Oh well. To each his own.

>> No.2190103

A Separate Peace - John Knowles

>> No.2190115

Anything by Dan Brown, Gatsyby, Frankenstein.

And Empire, but /lit/ has probably never read that piece of shit.

>> No.2190689

Kensuke's Kingdom. Read that as a kid and it bored the shit out of me. What even was the point of that book?

>> No.2190823
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I can't believe this shit got a movie.

>> No.2190833

> Empire

Orson Scott Card's right-wing paranoid fantasy? Yeah, that blew.

>> No.2190843


You know what blew even harder? The sequel. It was on sale at a closing Borders store for two dollars. I bought it. It was literally LOL funny.

>> No.2190844

But the movie was great.

>> No.2190859
File: 43 KB, 308x475, dddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hush by Mark Nykanen

it's about an abused child and a shrink. My god that shrink was a retard. But aside from that it's horribly written, worse than a b movie. I think it's the only book I've read and thought that i just wasted my time.

>> No.2190865

I actually like a lot of Card's stuff. And by "a lot of Card's stuff," I mean "Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, and the sequels to Ender's Shadow but not the sequels to Ender's Game." I think Card himself is a tool, though.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.2190874

Jane Eyre. I think if my teacher had elaborated on it more a bit instead of shoving it and Wuthering Heights to us I might've had more interest in it.

Or it might just be a terrible book

>> No.2190881

Oddly enough, /cm/ had this conversation a little while ago. And yes, everyone agrees.

>> No.2190887
File: 77 KB, 500x372, go-the-fuck-to-sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst book I've read this year.

>> No.2190891

It was just one person whining about him hating gays and therefore everyone needing to boycott his books and take them from libraries instead

>> No.2190893

My nigga

>> No.2190913

Sense of an Ending or whatever this year's Booker winner is called. Pretentiousness²

So fucking bad.

>> No.2190943

YES, fucking this.

The pattern which he writes in is so obvious as well, for example he first says something like
>I was a kid, and thought it was clever to say something was 'philosophically self-evident'
And then he continuously repeats the 'philosophically self-evident' thing to show how the protagonist is still naive and doesn't get it when he's older.

It's cringe worthy and obvious, but the critics eat it up saying it's super-subtle and the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.2190991



>> No.2190998
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>The Angel Maker


Or so I was told...

>> No.2191000
File: 48 KB, 378x363, I like it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worst book I've ever read

The Inheritance Cycle isn't the WORST, but it ranks up there.

>mfw I still love the goddamn things

Why /lit/? Why did I not only read them all, but ENJOYED them as well?

>> No.2191005
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>Admit something is bad
>Still like it

Dear sir, I would invite you to come drink at my table.

>> No.2191076
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pic related

picked up eragon as a young teen and loved the shit out of it

eldest was a pretty nice sequel

but this piece of shit was so hamfisted, badly written and dragged on and on with filler upon filler of boring shit. seriously, that whole dozen of chapters about dwarf faggotry had no relevance to the plot at all

and i'm gonna read inheritance, probably hate the shit out of it too, but goddamn i need to close this chapter in my life

>> No.2191086

I'm between The Alchemist or The Fountainhead ..

>> No.2191091

The worst book I've ever read is the favorite book of whoever is reading this post.

>> No.2191260
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Hory shit, are you me?

>> No.2191289

i don't remember the name but it was this shitty shadowrun book i picked up from a hostel library in thailand. it had a guy with a ridiculous name and some spirit friend that turned into his motorcycle. i had played shadowrun in the past so i thought i'd be able to enjoy it on some level, but jesus it was so fucking bad it was like an elementary school kid had written it

it was my only experience with the RP book genre, but i'm sure that most warhammer/40k/forgotten realms books are just as bad

>> No.2191300

I pretty much just had the exact same situation with Abarat

Third book didn't even feel like Clive Barker wrote it, but I got to get the last two.

>> No.2191344


You know what's worse than either of these?
Their sequels. These books are terrible.
Goodkind tried to come up with an original idea, which he did to an extent, but then he simply recycles the entire premise for the next publication. The plot is nearly identical every time.
Nicholls is an old washed up journalist who wants to be a creative fantasy novelist. He fails.

You know what else sucks?

H.G. Wells' "The Open Conspiracy"

why wasn't I warned?

>> No.2191353

The Business by Iain Banks.

>> No.2191369

IT by Stephen King.

>> No.2191376
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 411DFliHRLL._BO2&#44;204&#44;203&#44;200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click&#44;TopRight&#44;35&#44;-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemary Ginko was my English Teacher in 8th Grade. Still have never seen a worse piece of writing.

>> No.2191405

Oh. My. Shit! I had that teacher... Sort of. Mr. Pence took her job, and used "Surrounded By Evil" as an example of terrible writing to teach us proofreading. I agree, that shit was bad.

>> No.2191411

You seriously just made my day! Fuckin' small world... fucks.

>> No.2191423

I, Weapon

Fucking horrible

>> No.2191424
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I know a looooot of people will disagree with this...

>> No.2191432
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Pic very related

>> No.2191440

The idea of this book appeals to me very strongly but in practice I think that Foul Bachelorette Frog does it a lot better

>> No.2191746
File: 7 KB, 193x196, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

232 pages of, 'Puritans were assholes,' in bland prose.

>> No.2191949


>> No.2191956
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Worst POS I have ever read

>> No.2191975
File: 10 KB, 200x309, pride-prejudice-jane-austen-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride and Prejudice. Complete horseshit.

>> No.2191983

its kinda tolerable when he reads it

>> No.2192197

Even Jules can't make me watch the whole thing.

>> No.2192249
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>> No.2192269
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OK Magazine

>> No.2192276
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>> No.2192285
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It was such a good idea at the time. I loved Eragon as a teen. Then Eldest came out and I gained my racism for elves and possibly hippies by default. The ONLY thing that kept me going through that sequel was the fact that I wanted to find out the fucking red dragon's name and they didn't mention it until the end or some shit.

Tried to go through Brisingr, but, I just couldn't deal with it. Paolini ruined any possiblity of me tolerating the series through his sequel, just like Eoin Colfer making it impossible for me to read Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex after the Mary-Sue godmodded trainwreck bullshit that was Time Paradox. THE MAN WRITES LIKE A FANFICTION FANGIRL.

Hell, the Eragon movie is shit but I can watch it if I pretend it's completely unrelated to the novel. Probably because of Jeremy Irons, god bless 'im.

On list of books I can't stand, Steinbeck's The Pearl. Can't stand the man's writing style, neither can anyone else I speak to who's been forced to read him either, apparently. Another one from high school whose title escapes me was some girl from Pittsburgh's biography, talking about her forays into agnosticism, how Night of the Living Dead was shot in her hometown, DRY AS A FUCKING MUMMY.

Also, this made me vampire-racist. /thread

>> No.2192286 [DELETED] 
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>The Grapes of Wrath
>not a masterpiece

>> No.2192287

Hatchet is an awful book. Hated, hated, hated, hated, HATED that book.

Also, The Fountainhead comes close. Roark's speech was the only good thing about it, and even then it was full of bullshit. Saved me from ever reading Atlas Shrugged anyway.

>> No.2192289
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>neither can anyone else I speak to who's been forced to read him

Maybe that's because they were forced to read him?


>implying the Grapes of Wrath isn't a masterpiece

>> No.2192292


Am I the only one who finds this novel hilarious?

It's pretty much Elizabeth and Darcy snipe-flirting at each other and a parody of the upper class with romance taking a backseat until later in the story.

Seriously, it made me laugh with their banter.


Read it in high school (like everything else I seem to remember reading, apparently) when we had a "banned books" week. I'm using it as evidence in my theory that people who live up north in places where it snows have some kind of emotional problem since they churn out such angsty teenfests. Just ask /co/ about Blankets, you'll see what I mean.

>> No.2192354

That is one of my very favourite books.

Then again, I read it at the age where I was probably most vulnerable to all the stuff, and now love it as much out of nostalgia as the literary value of the book. I could easily see why you might hate it if you read it at a bitter, cynical stage of your life.

>> No.2192369

the fountainhead by rand was the worst book i think i've ever read. some girl suggested to me saying it was her favorite book. i hope she's grown up since then.

>> No.2192371

just a freerider on the whole fightclub/midlifecrisis/sociopath trend of the late nineties

>> No.2192375

I'd have to say Miss Julie (well technically it's a play)... My first impression of it was very bland..... until after I read sparknotes and its analysis on it. I felt extremely mind fucked after.

>> No.2192381

I read one Tom Clancy book. Never again.

>> No.2192403


I strangely loved that book, then I tried to re-read it like 2 years later and I'm just like "WTF is this shit."

Hell, Touching Spirit Bear was better in comparison.

Has that ever happened to anyone else? I remember reading and loving A Wrinkle In Time when I was 9, tried to re-read it again, NOPE.

Tempted to go back and read it again because apparently some of its material is in one of my favorite cartoons (Superjail!) as subtext, see if I was just in one of my stupid kid phases.

>> No.2192405

Book called Spencerville by Nelson DeMille

Advertised as an ex government agent retiring and cleaning up his old town, ends up a shitty romance novel full of cliches and one dimensional characters.

>> No.2192407

Really, your a tripfag on a literature board and you make the ridiculous claim that Old Man and the Sea was bad because.
>theres only so much you can say about an old guy on a boat

I don't really frequent here, but is this guy a troll?

>> No.2192410


everything he posts is bad and boring so it's sort of a moot point

>> No.2192416
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the story wasn't only about an old man and a boat. it was about an old man caught in a battle between old age and continuing his art.

troll or stupid in regards to hemingway.

>> No.2192418

When I was a kid (around 11-13) I used to love Matthew Rielly books. For anyone not familiar they're incredibly dumb, fast paced action novels, and the writing is really cliched and just generally sucks.

Anyway while I was on this kick I found a novella written by him called Hell Island. It was about killer apes or something, and was deadly serious.

Here's an excerpt;
>The apes moved across the ceiling with incredible speed, clambering across it faster than a human could run on land. And the fact that they were mire than a hundred feet off the floor didn't seem to phase them at all. Schofield's Marines opened fire and the first three gorillas dropped off the ceiling in explosions of blood, shrieking. But the others just kept coming, firing as they advanced.

Even then I realised how awful it was.

>> No.2192422

It seems like he can't understand subtext, which is a problem when trying to pretend you know anything about literature.

>> No.2192574


>> No.2192863

Fuckin' "Celestine Prophecy" Seriously crap. And poorly written crap.

>> No.2192988
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not trolling or joking

>> No.2193019
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The Maximum Ride books.

Dear god, the fucking Maximum Ride books. I only read them because I was pretty much forced to by a friend. Never again do I want to experience things that awful.

>> No.2193084
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since you ask, this book made me rage for wasting my time

i honestley think that the main character, through his apathy towards his own work, is meant as a stand in for Abbnett himself

>> No.2193183


They are pretty bad. Doesn't help that the writing boils down to: "WHOAH DUDE-A-RINO, I AM ONE HIP-HAPPENING TEEN, M'RIGHT? BROTACULAR!"

>> No.2193188

ya he needs to go back to writing WH40k books.
And stop writing shitty guants ghosts stuff, it's better when the hero dies in the process of victory.

>> No.2193198

I'd never read anything by Abnett before, but i had heard his name lauded on /tg/ so when i saw this in my library i picked it up. Needless to say (but 'm sayin' it anyway), it did not leave me inspired to read any of his other work.

>> No.2193212

He's mainly written comics, WH40k and WH novels.
I didn't like much of his stuff either.

>> No.2193235

As I Lay Dying

I know this is going to piss off a ton of people, but I absolutely hated this book. The language was unrealistic and obnoxious, the first person narrative was difficult, and it's rated by many people as being the best book in the english language and that makes me angry.

>> No.2193246

Is State of Siege Ryanverse?

(Because post "The Bear and the Dragon" RYanverse is pretty shit)

>> No.2193254

A LOT of people die in Gaunt's Ghosts, it's just at very strange times that make the deaths seem pointless, while at the same time highlighting just how absurd it is that they lived this long in the first place.

>> No.2193260

A game of thrones

Seriously, when a writer has to resort to using pedophilia and rape to induce emotions in the reader, you know they're shit.

>> No.2193291
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I was so pissed that I read this. So pissed that I couldn't bear to read the next book in the series.

>> No.2193329

Wow you made it to the second book? I barley finished the first book and it was because of the little girl.

>> No.2193389

I know it's not a book, but probably the Crucible. Worst piece of garbage forced upon me by the education system. It was so boring... I honestly don't even remember what it was about.

And don't get me started about how everyone in class was assigned a part.

>> No.2193453

Gaunts ghosts just don't feel like real WH40k books to me.

>> No.2193460

Looks like a pile of commie shit, ah written by a jew.
Funny how these communists and soviets spies keep trying to tell us that communism is not a problem and they don't exist!
Mccarthy has been completely vindicated anyways. He was wrong about the scale of the traitors though, they were everywhere in our government(and still are today)

Don't mind nigger loving liberals. It's normal that you dislike it. That's the bullshit propaganda in our education system today. The disgusting thing is that we permit them to exist in our society instead of killing them like they deserve.

>> No.2193565

I stopped reading Gaunt's Ghosts with the third book. As soon as I saw that female their get introduced, I knew she was going to be a Mary Sue character. Then I found out I was right through Wikipedia for those that don't know:
>She gets Gaunt to fall in love with her
>She's a FUKKEN BADASS with any weapon
>She has super special AWESOME psychic powers
>Her opinion is right, no matter what
>She has special plot visions

The reason I hated her so much was because in her first appearance, she stole from the Gaunts supplies and that pussy-wristed Caffran just kepy helping her.

>> No.2193566

I actually thought the simple, yet effective moral dilemmas towards the beginning of the alchemist were ok.

It lost me pretty fucking fast though.

>> No.2193572

heh, i didn't even get that far.

>> No.2193834
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>> No.2193836

Any/all of the Dragonlance novels I read as a kid.

Fucking terrible. Just terrible.

>> No.2193888

>I loved Eragon as a teen. Then Eldest came out and I gained my racism for elves and possibly hippies by default. The ONLY thing that kept me going through that sequel was the fact that I wanted to find out the fucking red dragon's name and they didn't mention it until the end or some shit.

I was starting to think I was the only one who hated Eldest when it first came out even after liking Eragon.

>> No.2193893

>Pride and Prejudice
I just couldn't stand the writing style. The prose was good were it existed, but too much of the book was nothing but dialogue. Really felt like Austen was still writing plays

>> No.2193899
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>The apes moved across the ceiling with incredible speed, clambering across it faster than a human could run on land. And the fact that they were mire than a hundred feet off the floor didn't seem to phase them at all. Schofield's Marines opened fire and the first three gorillas dropped off the ceiling in explosions of blood, shrieking. But the others just kept coming, firing as they advanced.

>> No.2193910
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Absolute shite

>> No.2194212

Tears of a Tiger. I had to read this peice of shit book in highschool english. Was probably the worst book ever written. The plot was cliche, the charectors were dull, and the diction was as if someone litteraly deffecated on a typewriter.

>> No.2194228

Blasphemy by Douglas Preston, okay premise but horribly written.

>> No.2194246

>I actually like a lot of Card's stuff. And by "a lot of Card's stuff," I mean "Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, and the sequels to Ender's Shadow but not the sequels to Ender's Game." I think Card himself is a tool, though.

>Does anyone else feel the same way?

I used to feel this way. I liked Ender's Game and the Shadow books. I even liked Speaker for the Dead. I enjoyed the Alvin Maker books on the first read-through, as a much younger man.

Then I found out Card was a batshit conservative homophobic Mormon twatwaffle, re-read the books with that knowledge and ended up with "Oh, Alvin is a huge Joe Smith expy. Way too many characters in the Shadow books have baby-rabies, including successful, brilliant, incredibly young (starting like 13-14 years old) women who're now dreaming of serving as backdrops and breeders for the male characters, unless they're evil and manipulative side-characters. Nope, OK, bias waaaaay too eveident, done, out."

I can still read Ender's Game, though, I think. It doesn't burn too much. It's possible he wrote it before realizing he could use his book base to evangelize his bullshit worldview. In a way, I'm kind of glad I found out how much I disliked Card as a person, otherwise I might have been taken in by the bullshit in his books.

>> No.2194373

Piers anthony's "insert book title here,"

>> No.2194384

>Then I found out Card was a batshit conservative homophobic Mormon twatwaffle
hahahaah faggot liberal idiot spotted. Oh the author doesn't share my personal political views which are founded on delusion and rejection of reality???

Funny how liberals are the only ones with a religious belief in the idea that being a liberal makes them morally, genetically, and intellectually superior to everyone else.
How can you claim to be "tolerant" and then rabidly hate and attack anyone who disagrees?
The hypocrisy is so outrageous, it would be laughably if these fucking traitors weren't in charge of our countries.

>> No.2194451

>>Funny how liberals are the only ones with a religious belief in the idea that being a liberal makes them morally, genetically, and intellectually superior to everyone else.

Well, it wouldn't make sense for conservatives to think that being liberal makes them superior. Instead, they tend to believe that being [white|male|christian|rich|conservative] makes them superior, instead.

But seriously, if you think it's your business to stop two consenting adults from sharing a life together, I don't need to pay that much attention to your trolling. You're a generation or two away from being as obsolete as the anti-miscegenation contingent from half a century back. Enjoy your decreasing relevance!

Personally, I look forward to the day when liberals are actually in charge, like you claim, as opposed to being vaguely "empowered" every six years or so by the temporary pendulum swing toward hamstrung figureheads who "fight" to push our politics back toward the middle, but inevitably cave and compromise to fear and superstition.

>> No.2194472

>president is a communist negro
>claim US is a right wing racist country

Liberal logic.

>Instead, they tend to believe that being [white|male|christian|rich|conservative] makes them superior, instead.

you are projecting your own egotistical arrogant beliefs.

>You're a generation or two away from being as obsolete as the anti-miscegenation contingent from half a century back
Anti-race mixing is not "obsolete" at all, it is merely something you cannot mention because the communists control the media and government. Due to there being a pro-miscegenation agenda, it automatically becomes racist and bad to point out what a NEGATIVE thing it is.
Of course you will never hear a liberal apologize to the victims of their policies and lies. It's important to live in a world of fantasy and delusions, thats the way to progress!

>But seriously, if you think it's your business to stop two consenting adults from sharing a life together
Another fallacy. It's not conservatives who want to do such a thing, it's you fucking liberals who want to make an abomination and call it "marriage".
It's you fucking liberals who want to brainwash school children into thinking faggotry is normal.
I guess this perpetual victim concept you have is just how you sleep at night knowing you are the traitor, criminal, and scum.

Thousands of years of conservative society, and the liberals throw it all away in a few generations, they call this progress!

>> No.2194479

Take this trolling fuckery to /pol/

Lits or GTFO

>> No.2194483


Nice try, but the "communist negro" stuff finally just took it over the top. 0/10.

>> No.2194490

I'm convinced no human being on the face of the earth enjoys War and Peace, yet they don't want to lose face by admitting they don't enjoy a so-called "classic".

>> No.2194506

It's a fact, sorry you can't recognize reality.
you know his fathers family are rich african communists, right?

>> No.2194516

>Awful in every sense of the word.

As in causing awe? Such as

>God's most awful majesty?

High praise. You must have loved the book.

>> No.2194526


It could be so bad, it causes awe. So, yeah, try thinking about how the writer intended something to be read, and don't argue semantics (which you were wrong about anyway).

>> No.2194609


Awful /ˈɔːfʊl/


Text size: A




1 very bad or unpleasant:the place smelled awfulI look awful in a swimsuitan awful speech
extremely shocking; horrific:awful, bloody images
(of a person) very unwell or troubled:I felt awful for being so angry with himyou look awful — you should go and lie down
2 [attributive] used to emphasize the extent of something, especially something unpleasant or negative:I’ve made an awful fool of myself
3 archaic inspiring reverential wonder or fear.


Only one of those definitions actually means what the fucktarded OP actually meant, so "arguing semantics" is perfectly legitimate when the cunt says

>Pic related. Awful in every sense of the word.

tl;dr Go fuck your mum.

>> No.2194626

thats a pretty good troll post

>> No.2195191
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>> No.2195199
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this one. worst ever.

>> No.2195200

That may be a bad book but I like the cover.

>> No.2195270

Some shitty coming of age interacial love story I had to read for english class.

>> No.2195281

>mfw these threads keep happening even though we all know that after 10 posts people will just start posting important books to see who they can piss off.

>> No.2195320

The Westing Game. I had to read it twice in elementary school. I remember it only vaguely, but I hated it with a burning passion. I scribbled all over it, lit it on fire, and eventually disposed of it.

Stupidest book ever.

>> No.2195335


>That may be a bad book

>may be bad

>may be


Have you read the motherfucking Eye of Argon? It is so terrible that it is almost transcendent, existing on a higher plane of reality, utterly divorced from the notion of mere "badness".

>> No.2195340

how does it feel, being the worst person

>> No.2195346

I lose faith in humanity when I read these threads. I must stop.

No one thinks you're cool for saying Gatsby, etc. is "bad".

You might be cool for saying you do not personally like it and giving actual reasons.

But they'll probably still be retarded. Because you're all a bunch of fucking retards.

>> No.2195370

The Stone Angel.

I just could not connect with the book at ALL, it was terrible and Hagar is such a cunt.

>> No.2195388
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Pic related. Holy fucking shit, it was worse than the Eye of Argon.

>> No.2195392

I haven't read it. Is it worth reading to laugh at it, in the way that Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" is worth watching?

>> No.2195396

Damn. I loved that book, if only for my ninth grade teacher's very un-childsafe gay jokes about Gene and Finny.

>> No.2195398



>> No.2195405

Personally, I find the Eye of Argon hilarious. My friends and I like to get really drunk and then do dramatic readings of it. Best times of my life.

>> No.2195422

I find my alcoholic uncle quite funny and I am a fan of Vonnegut.

>> No.2195475
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Just boring.