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21868304 No.21868304 [Reply] [Original]

>book, 100+ years old

Why are you like this?

>> No.21868310

I simply refuse to read books written by people that were raised by a television screen

>> No.21868311

Because most authors 100+ years ago were white educated men or a minority of honorary male women and most authors now are degenerate mischling wogs or their scheming yenta handlers

>> No.21868328

100+ year old coom books are something else

>> No.21868333

Standards of tertiary education have plummeted since universities started accommodating women. The rare idiot savant or outsider artist has been eliminated by the cancer of social media. There are several literary works close to my heart dated as recent as 2013, but I have no hopes for the future of culture.

>> No.21868363

The world was better. The people were better. The literature was better. If you’re a student of history at all, it eventually becomes perfectly clear just how awful modern times are in early every regard.

>> No.21868384

What are those close to your heart

>> No.21868398

>he said, while using his modern computer

>> No.21868405

Because a book that people find meaning in 100+ years later is obviously better than a book that people only relate to because it's being heavily advertised due to an upcoming movie adaptation.

>> No.21868409

Later Ligotti, Brian Evenson, Richard Gavin and such, mostly weird fiction just before it was consumed by talentless affirmative action plants.

>> No.21868411

>If you hate the modern world so much why don't you kill yourself?
Yeah, if something's worth criticizing, it's worth suiciding over.

>> No.21868412

'cause they don't write 'em like they used to.

>> No.21868432


>> No.21868463

If a text is still relevant after a century or more that means its stood the test of time. Old books are lindy by definition.

>> No.21868519

It's not that books 100 years ago were better. It's just that by now the meaningless bestsellers have been forgotten and mainly the interesting books remain. Not always but still.
The important books of the current age will only be known in 100 years.

>> No.21869070

>t. 25 year old

>> No.21869240

Let's say I'm buying a house. Many houses are built every year. Some are well built, others not so well. I could pay someone to build me a house, and then I would know precisely how well it is built, and could make sure it's built exactly how I like it. But chances are I can't afford this. So let's say it's a newer house; it's most likely closer in style to what is popular, but how can I know it is well-built? The house hasn't really been tested yet. I would have to get a close inspection. But what about an old house? Many houses were built 100 years ago, but few are still standing. If it has lasted 100 years, I can be sure that it is well built. Now, I will still have to inspect it, because it likely isn't perfect, and it probably won't be in the current style; however, I can be much more confident that a 100 year old house will last another 50 years than I can be that a 10 year old house will.

I don't have time to read every new book that comes out to find the one good one. I don't have time to read bad books. I hardly have time to read good ones. More often than not, I'm going to read old books, because the old books that are still discussed have survived public conversation for such a long time, I can have near certainty that it's still worth talking and thinking about.

>> No.21869911

Most authors anytime in the last two centuries have been women. You are simply unaware of how much shit women put out in the 19th century