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21867812 No.21867812 [Reply] [Original]

Is it truth that Nietzsche was depressed and hated life, but he just pretended otherwise?
What's the ultimate order to read this nigga's books?

>> No.21867822

No, that was Kierkegaard.

>> No.21867873

He really only wrote 1 great book, Genealogy of Morality. His other ideas are all wrong. Idea of the overman isn't compatible his elitist, individualistic philosophy, because egoists can't form a movement and they wouldn't care about the overman even if they could. Will to power is also incompatible with his earlier ideas about truth and metaphysics (he was against metaphysics as such, believing that ideals and empty abstractions are used to negate life and lead you away from practical problems in front of you). Eternal return is such cope that it's not even worth talking about. It's basically Nietzsche's immortality project. His ideas about Dionysus are interesting, but they're presented in a very bad way. Birth of Tragedy is almost unreadable. Beyond Good and Evil is probably his only other book worth reading, but it's all over the place and doesn't a unifying message, but some passages are good.

>> No.21867910
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Zarathustra? Antichrist? Twilight of the Idols? I swear you catholics are adorable

>> No.21867944

>his elitist, individualistic philosophy
"A high culture is a pyramid: it needs a broad base, its first presupposition is a strongly and healthily consolidated mediocrity. Crafts, trade, farming, science, most of art - in a word, employment can only really function on the basis of a mediocrity of ability and desire <...> . For the mediocre, mediocrity is a happiness; mastery of one thing, specialization as a natural instinct. It would be completely unworthy of a more profound spirit to have any objection to mediocrity as such. Mediocrity is needed before there can be exceptions: it is the condition for a high culture. When an exceptional person treats a mediocre one more delicately than he treats himself and his equals, this is not just courtesy of the heart, - it is his duty"

"Not the neighbour do I teach you, but the friend. Let the friend be the festival of the earth to you, and a foretaste of the Superman.
I teach you the friend and his overflowing heart. But one must know how to be a sponge, if one would be loved by overflowing hearts.
I teach you the friend in whom the world standeth complete, a capsule of the good,—the creating friend, who hath always a complete world to bestow.
And as the world unrolled itself for him, so rolleth it together again for him in rings, as the growth of good through evil, as the growth of purpose out of chance.
Let the future and the furthest be the motive of thy today; in thy friend shalt thou love the Superman as thy motive."

>Eternal return is such cope
>they wouldn't care about the overman even if they could
"Ah, there are so many things betwixt heaven and earth of which only the poets have dreamed!
And especially above the heavens: for all Gods are poet-symbolisations, poet-sophistications!
Verily, ever are we drawn aloft—that is, to the realm of the clouds: on these do we set our gaudy puppets, and then call them Gods and Supermen:—
Are not they light enough for those chairs!—all these Gods and Supermen?—
Ah, how I am weary of all the inadequate that is insisted on as actual! Ah, how I am weary of the poets!"

>> No.21868006
File: 361 KB, 796x2098, E4D3FAA6-DFC8-4AEF-9A2C-6A2275362B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this chart except save Birth of Tragedy until the end because he changed his mind on quite a bit of what he wrote in it.

>> No.21868016

Who is this flabby sodomite?

>> No.21868031

You have to understand that Nietzsche is an atheist, a nihilist, a postmodernist which appeals to a lot of liberals and other deeply neurotic teenagers because Nietzsche is the achievement of the secular humanism which booted Christianity out of power. Nietzsche is overtly anti-christian, and it permits to all the atheist bug men to actually see themselves as the righteous resilient guy who create his own values.
In effect trannies are the best ubermen ever: they hate to see themselves as they really are, so they change both their neurotic spirit and also their body to match the narrative of the ubermen and even better, they impose their values to non-trannies. Same thing with feminists and all the idolized minorities in Humanism.

Naturally, the atheists cant know right from wrong, so their mental gymnastics about the uberman is flawed. The uberman is actually the last man: the uberman despises so much reality after seeing nihilism, that out of resentment for reality, the uberman CHOSE to sink further in his delusion by building a narrative where he is not the last man, but actually the opposite, ie the uberman who creates his own values, ie living in own brain farts until he dies.

oh and by the way only atheists take him seriously in the first place.
Atheists love him because according to them, he found a way to be nihilistic without leading to suidice.

On order to avoid being called a nihilist, friedrich PUSSY nietzsche re-defined nihilism to be not living in the present moment, which applies to christianity.
So now atheists dont say they are nihilistic, they say they are vitalist.
and as a bonus they get to hit on christianity (their perpetual enemy that they defeated centuries ago, yet they still beat a dead horse to smugly fill up their days).

You have to understand that atheists are braindead hypocrite so even when they say they are vitalist instead of nihilistic, they still remain 100% hedonistic and they still dont know what not do with their lives beyond coomming.

>> No.21868067

My point is that his philosophy has failed to manifest in the real world. People read Zarathustra and think
>Oh wow, that's so cool man
And then forget about it. Compare that with early Christians who spread their religion by talking to people and helping them, organizing them etc. Regardless of what you think about Christianity, their approach was much more effective. Nietzsche's philosophy is idealistic and that's why he would never want to be associated with any real world movement because it would dirty his perfect, imaginary world. You could argue that he doesn't care about the masses and only wants to influence the elites, but that approach has not worked so far. Dostoevsky's underground man is the only possible outcome of Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.21868081

>Where to start
TF is Stirner doing here? How do you do a "cursory overview of" Kant's and Schopenhauer's philosophical door stoppers? How is this supposed to help? Twilight of the idols and Antichrist is just one small book and it's plenty for Zarathustra. Who makes this shit??

>> No.21868085
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how much could Sneedzsche bench press?

>> No.21868087

>Compare that with early Christians who spread their religion by talking to people and helping them
By offering them entheogens, you mean?


>> No.21868094

it worked for me. what do you recommend?

>> No.21868097

>You have to understand that atheists are braindead hypocrite
(You) so have to understand anon, so sooo have to

>> No.21868100

>Dostoevsky's underground man is the only possible outcome of Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.21868146

He was a coomer. This leads to having a bad attitude about life.

>> No.21868548

Very strange post. You should watch your grammar and spelling before clicking 'Submit'.

>> No.21868721

He didn’t have a bad attitude about life.
Your first assumption is no doubt wrong