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21867113 No.21867113 [Reply] [Original]

I've been absolutely poring over the Landmark editions. Thucydides was the first i got, best I've ever seen with all the appendices and maps. Then Herodotus of course. Now obsessed with Xenophon's Anabasis, my favourite so far. These Landmark editions are the best I've ever seen Classics in one volume. Any other translations or editions similar? There are only a half dozen in the series. Ordering Arrian's Alexander next.
The Odyssey is my favourite book of all time, which is the Ultimate edition?
Also other must-buy Greek works?

>> No.21867116

Should have read Herodotus before Thucydides. No coming back from that blunder, unfortunately.

>> No.21867129

To be fair Landmark published Thucydides before Herodotus.

>> No.21867159
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I hope you have some Loeb in your library

>> No.21867167

That is a pathetically insufficient excuse, you know this.

>> No.21867169

Loeb editions are useless unless you're trying to learn Greek or Latin

>> No.21867178

Rodney Merrill’s translations of the Oresteia are the finest in the English language but his books lack annotations and the introduction focuses mostly on the poetry of the works.

>> No.21867179

I had read Herodotus in high school but for these editions i read Thucydides first.
Definitely interested in Loeb Library

>> No.21867182

Thank you for the response. Translation is a huge deal. I definitely prefer annotated copies but in their absence at the very least i want to make sure to sus out the best translation

>> No.21867184
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I understand your aesthetic for book bindings and respect that. I for one love the double translations.

>> No.21867204
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Holy shir i just found out The Warriors was a modernisation of Xenophon's Anabasis, mans is even still named Cyrus

>> No.21867206

Wtf fr??

>> No.21867212

Meant to add of Homer to that as well. If you care about the poetry of these works I strongly recommend him. His Argonatica is also the best.

Here is a translation he did of one of the Homeric hymns

For the rest of Greek poetry get Lattimore where possible, very good translation of Hesiod, The Greek Lyrics and Pindar

>> No.21867219
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Great movie and great book

>> No.21867222

Thanks for that. Can never have too many copies of Homer, always on the hunt for the perfect translation. Lattimore i have

>> No.21867225

and great video game, thanks Xenophon

>> No.21867571

I found fagles iliad and Odyssey to be really good.

As far as other Greek works, apollodorus' library of myth if you want a more primary sauce for the myths. Hesiods works and days is great. Someone else here already mentioned the orestia, definetly read it for a better explanation of what happened to agamemnon after the Trojan War and the after math.

Argonautica is also good as anon recommended, but keep in mind it is not on par with Homer (I may have just read a bad translation but it didn't do it for me like the Iliad and odyssey)

There's other Greek tragedies I haven't read (Ajax for example) so can't recommend. I did not like the thebean (oedipus) tragedies but you may like them)

And of course if you wanna get super deep, demosthenes' speeches

>> No.21867595

No, even the best translation (Merrill’s) shows that the Argonautica is no where near Homer, and all scholars agree that it doesn’t compare. No work would hold a candle to Homer until the Aeneid came along (I suggest Ahl’s translation for that), although that is Latin, not Greek.

Bibliotheca is an excellent resource if you are crazy about Greek mythology, the very best, and it is now available in one volume with Fabulae. But one should be aware these texts are very, very dry, they are not like poetry or history but more a bare statement of the “facts” of the mythological cycle

All the Greek tragedies are worth reading, Ajax is the only one that presents Odysseus in a positive light interestingly.

>> No.21868671

>they are not like poetry or history but more a bare statement of the “facts” of the mythological cycle
Yep. It is basically a straight telling
>Hercules did this
>theses went to crete, killed the minotaur by using string in the labyrinth

>> No.21869358
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What's the best version of Procopius?

>> No.21869829

Diodorus is my favourite. I think you should read his books on the successors once you get through the arrian.

>> No.21870737

Excellent, thank you, definitely will get some diodorus, just what I'm looking for

>> No.21870782

didn't you make this thread before? must've been weeks or a month by now. anw i remember being interested but then a few anons talked about what they didn't like and then i wasn't so sure.

what exactly makes Landmark editions special or better than others?

>> No.21870816

What I'd the best translation of Geography?

>> No.21870826

Mostly a lot of maps throughout (many other useful supplements as well though) which allow one to follow what the author is referring to in geography since a lot of the names of places have changed and there are different cities and the terrain might be obscure to those unfamiliar with the area. Commentary and supplements for older works is always nice (that’s why we love Norton Critical editions) but especially helpful for works of antiquity where it is easy to miss things the author presumes you know

>> No.21870829

They are the sole publisher of some works like the Historia Augusta in English. Plus the books themselves are very, very high quality. They are basically indestructible

>> No.21871084

I wish I could have gotten Herodotus in hardcover

>> No.21872152

They're not high quality at all tardoid, I own several and the fucking paper is alway a mishmash of shite that yellows at different rates, or crap bible paper.

>> No.21872546

>landmark thucydides instead of the hobbes translation
Don't you guys care about reading accurate translations?