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21866270 No.21866270 [Reply] [Original]

post some "she's literally me" books in this thread
Stacys, Chuds and Incels need not apply

>> No.21866273

Women can't be celibates

>> No.21866275
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>> No.21866277
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Emily Brontë’s collected poems.

>> No.21866284
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Can't forget the classic

>> No.21866290
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>Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.

>> No.21866295

I'm confused, convenience store woman was about an asexual autist. What's femcel about it? Who is saying "literally me" about a person genuinely thrilled to be an insignificant retail cog and no further ambitions?

>> No.21866325

There's a tragic disconnect where women don't seem to understand that men are extremely unused to being cared about, and extremely used to having to push back to get treated like people. So when we give them the wrong compliment, or don't realize something they value, or invalidate them expecting pushback if it was important, that all gets interpreted as deliberate hurtfulness. In response it's either an explosion or a bottling up, either way it's wrathful and confuses the person its directed at. Women aren't socialized like men, and men aren't socialized like women. I just wish everyone wasn't getting a constant drip of
>yes they're doing it on purpose because they HATE you!

>> No.21866383

Nigga, did you read that book? It's literally about an oversexed Stacy.

>> No.21866396
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That describes a basic bitch though? Only truly fucked up human beings get to call themselves -cels.

>> No.21866402

Neither can men if they are willing to spread their buttcheeks for other men, though.

>> No.21866416

>During her stay at McLean Hospital, Plath developed an intimate friendship with ‘Nell’ - the daughter of a stockbroker from Greenwich. Diagnosed with clinical depression, ‘Nell’ clung to Plath for comfort and as a sounding board for her unfinished novella. However, when ‘Nell’ made romantic advances toward Plath, she was rejected out of hand and committed suicide by drowning shortly thereafter.

>> No.21866441

when oh when will my lit incel soul mate come to sweep me from this life of solitude and misery i want to die

>> No.21866584 [SPOILER] 
File: 186 KB, 646x908, 76fa74bc-840d-4163-bc06-7a9449a5f608-my-lesbian-experience-with-loneliness-manga-por-encargo-d_nq_np_685455-mlc25667871364_062017-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

>> No.21868089
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>> No.21868107
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Another story from McLean with some lesbian undertones.

>> No.21868195

gone girl was such utter trash masquerading as deep sexual dynamic commentary. its like a 14 year old girl getting philisophical despite having absolutely zero self awareness

>> No.21868207

lesbian relationships are so pointless and empty

>> No.21868749

All you think there is to relationships is peepee in da hole.
Lesbians, that stick together, know love. Just like old couples who’ve stuck together.

>> No.21868755
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the best

>> No.21868779
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>> No.21868813

Is Bukowski, is a roundabout way, femcel?

>> No.21868851

How roundabout are we talking here?

>> No.21868863

You think old couples didn't put penis in vagina too? Dumb faggot

>> No.21868874

>shoot three people
>don't get sent to prison
>complain about how unfair society is to you
Might just be the biggest woman moment in history

>> No.21868894

Didn’t she have a boyfriend or something in the book?

>> No.21868896

Happened to Napoleon too. So womanly.

>> No.21869731

No there was a boy who liked her but then he got killed

>> No.21869750
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My diary desu

>> No.21869989

>and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot.

It is disappointing to see many women get so angry about how being overweight and its resulting negative effects on health, are seen as unattractive. Not only that, it is often a legitimate indicator of certain behaviours that can be undesirable also. It doesn’t apply to just women either, being overweight is a negative trait for men too. Some societal ideals are well founded and should be accepted.

>> No.21870146
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>> No.21870164

I fucking loved this book. It's in contention with Blood Meridian for my all time favorite.

>> No.21870173

Reading Earthlings was a disappointment after it. I hope they translate some of her earlier stuff and it stands up well with Convenience Store Woman. I doubt anything will be as good though; maybe the short story she wrote where a woman has sex with a Lawson.

>> No.21870761

There's more to a relationship than sex, you dippy incel

>> No.21870768

Do you know the name of the short story? English or japanese is fine