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21865405 No.21865405 [Reply] [Original]

What books could be considered post-chud?

>> No.21865417


>> No.21865420
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What does chud mean

>> No.21865425

We are still in pre-chud times. We have much time to go before post-chud civilization.

>> No.21865428

Reactionary, pawn of power manipulation.
Contemporary slang for the “canceled” white straight males

>> No.21865446
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Uncanny resemblance

>> No.21865451

I tell ya. He looks a lot like Kierkegaard

>> No.21865455

Another meaningless buzzword.
>pawn of power manipulation.
So a leftist?

>> No.21865626

It means a philosopher king, forced to work.. The chud is apolitical, non violent, peaceful. He seethes because he was not meant to be where he is in life.

>> No.21865668

It's derivative of "chug", meaning someone who listens to chugcore. This is a subgenre of metal defined by terrible chuggy riffs

>> No.21865915

Evola and Guénon

>> No.21865952

This is Russian misinformation. It actually comes from the popular meme known as "Chad", mixed with the word "dude". It is chud instead of chude because the latter sounds silly.

>> No.21866130

Based brahman

>> No.21866138

No, it comes from the B mvoie C.H.U.D. implying right wingers are mutant freaks

>> No.21866322
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I realize this is a joke question, but I'm actually genuinely curious about the etymology of this word.
Like, what does "chud" actually mean? What does it ACTUALLY mean? You look at other political insults -- troon, cuck, basedboy, etc. -- and it's pretty obvious what they're supposed to imply. But "chud?" What imagery is THAT meant invoke? Is "chud" supposed to be an acronym for something?
I'm on the left. I'm a full-blown TERF who rails against cancel-culture, and hates the authoritarian edge everyone seems to have these days. I despise how far down the horseshoe we've all gone. But by God, the left really cannot meme. "Chud" doesn't make any goddamn sense. I can't even imagine what kind of person would feel a pang of painful recognition upon hearing it thrown at them.

>> No.21866356

Apparently "chud" comes from the science fiction horror movie C.H.U.D. (1984). It stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.

>> No.21866376

>cannabalistic humanoid underground dweller
shows the left's insensitivity to people experiencing homelessness. they should be required watch "dark days" (2000) to humanize their understanding of people who live underground. unironically good documentary, peep it.


>> No.21866401
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Really? THAT's what it means?
Man, that's obscure as heck. That's like sneed-tier, except sneed is at least actually funny.
I mean Christ. I don't even LIKE these DEI/CRT/TRA identity politics assholes. But even *I* feel almost compelled to help 'em, if this is really the best they can do.
I mean seriously! Most of their alt-right enemies are bitter, jobless permavirgins. The ones who ARE obsessed with race are often hilariously insecure about their own racial impurity (as if it mattered at all), and the ones who profess right-wing values about being financially independent reality-facing adults usually leach off of their parents, live in basements, and spend all their time in online anime/videogame fantasy worlds. So there's TONS of material for them to work with! Tons! Can they REALLY not put their brains together and think of a term that sums up all those considerable flaws?
I don't know, man. The world gets crazier and more retarded every day.
Was this "chud" movie at least any good?

>> No.21866410

why hasn't netflix done a new chud movie?

>> No.21866459

The reactionary is the right-winger who responds to the leftwing seeking a social revolution. They supported the divine rights of kings, the latest emperor that comes along, or in the case of America, rightwing liberalism, which is always about freeing the wealthiest capitalists of any regulations the state wishes to impose upon it. (Alternately they sometimes squawk about the regulations that benefit the wealthy's monopolies, "corporatism". this is where rightwing and leftwing liberals blur and it really doesn't matter so much. imo)

>pawn of power manipulation.
>So a leftist?
The left liberal is also a pawn of the oligarchy, but they're simple minded reformists who seek a socially liberal world to CONTROL society, and that's not actual freedom, now is it? "Bourgeois" middle-class bullshit, freedom for their class but rigidly hierarchal. SO NO, not leftists. The left-liberal is not a socialist leftist anymore than a Marxist authoritarian socialist is a leftist. Because the leftist is trying to give maximum freedom to EVERYONE. No room for racism or any such bigotry, which the *reactionary* very much is

>> No.21866651

*looks at antifa rally*

peak irony

>> No.21866655

left wingers are really stupid and uncreative

>> No.21866657

This post is the best example of fembrain I've seen on here so far. The entire post is composed of two sentences which directly contradict each other without a hint of self-awareness. Fascinating.

>> No.21866668
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It's both the post-chud and post-woke era
because now Russians don't have so much money to agitate foreign societies as they used to.
What's left is running on inertia.
People are seeing that they have been duped and are turning ever more to a form of neo-Dadaism

>> No.21866671


Also, the ascendant DEI movement has run into cold economic reality. When times are good such nonsense can be entertained, but times are not so good anymore, so they go to the trash.

>> No.21866678

Makes no sense. The leftist is the one reacting in the first place, so they are "reactionaries". Right wingers are just trying to maintain the normalcy, while the left "reacts" to it and calls it "oppressive".
>Because the leftist is trying to give maximum freedom to EVERYONE.
Ah ok, so because they do that, they can't be a pawn of power manipulation? rock solid argument there, dumbass.
>No room for racism or any such bigotry
Equating racism with bigotry is incorrect. Also, racism is a social construct.

Also, your post overall is just garbage. You're a terrible writer, and it doesn't help that you have the opinions of a retarded black teenager. Now please tell me that you go to college so i can laugh harder.

>> No.21866682

It seems that the woke ones are, at least.
Left-wingers used to be the epitome of artists. But now they just control all the art-making institutions: and produce nothing but garbage while doing their best to destroy all of the best best established works.

>> No.21866704

>Left-wingers used to be the epitome of artists
This is and was always a meme btw

>> No.21866717

Wiktionary lists several uses of this word on Usenet before it became politicized.
> 2001 July 15, Chive Mynde, “Rhyanon, Rhyanon, where are you my love?”, in alt.religion.wicca, Usenet[1]:
> But, Rhyanon, all I want to do, is to build a rapport,
> And that's when you call me, a fat smurf whore.
> "Useless fuckwipe, a pudley, a chud and a sackashit,
> Green card cunt, snarling wolverine bitch," you throw a fit.

> 2007 April 5, David bin Bedlam, “yet more narcissistic drivel”, in alt.angst, Usenet[2]:
> At least you don't have to be a fugly fuckheaded chud who's bad at math!

> 2007 November 4, Odious, “SNL Lampoons Mystery”, in alt.seduction.fast, Usenet[3]:
> How fucking hedious[sic] of a chud must this guy be in order for him to feel that mug shot is a positive representation?

> 2010 September 13, Va Beach Hokie, “Steve Spurrier's retirement island paradise”, in rec.sport.football.college, Usenet[4]:
> Lower your standards far enough and always remember to double wrap and even a chud like me got some on a regular basis when I lived there.

>> No.21866728

I genuinely can't imagine how anyone thinks Leftism is related to anarchism/ Marxism/ socialism anymore. Weren't you guys just cheering on that Disney is going to forcefully impose transgenderism on the Florida population despite the government?

You guys make fucking Bush Republicans look like rebels, and they instigated wars in the Middle East for Jews and oligarchs.

>> No.21866748

I'm trans btw

>> No.21866753

>except sneed is at least actually funny
No, it isn't.

>> No.21866790

It can be when done right. Obviously, just replying with "sneed" to a given post is utterly meaningless. But sometimes you wind up with absolute art like the following:

>> No.21866803

Chud is a derogatory term used by transgendered individuals when referring to people who are not transgendered

>> No.21866822

Sneed is 110+ IQ only

>> No.21866838

We need a philosophy which is beyond chud and sneed.

>> No.21866841

A chud is a chad right winger.

>> No.21866868

>I can't even imagine what kind of person would feel a pang of painful recognition upon hearing it thrown at them.

True, you cannot just throw a new term into circulation that contains little reference to embarrassing stereotypes about its intended target, and then expect it to work well at causing offence. Still, it is one of the best lefty memes I can think of on 4chan, because it has had widespread use and staying power. So called chuds themselves will use the term as well in reference to themselves.

The chudface is a decent attempt at a political caricature, with it bearing a somewhat unflattering resemblance to several right wing mass shooters. It was also quite funny when it came back to bite Lefties, with the trans r/antiwork mod who appeared on Fox News looking just like it.

>> No.21866895

But the Chud meme also bears a striking resemblance to leftist propagandists Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and Sam Sedler.
I'd say the Chud physiognomy doesn't really symbolize the left nor the right, but rather the average Western male in general, after a lifetime of being soaked in estrogen and artificial foods and being kept alive by dysgenic medical philosophies.

>> No.21866899

>But by God, the left really cannot meme.
You don't need to have good memes anymore. In the age of bot-enhanced electronic propagation, all that matters is that the meme is repeated enough.

>> No.21866906

This is another very important point.
Your etymology is questionable but you accidentally stumble upon a kernel of truth - without the pre-established and immense popularity of the chad meme to piggyback off of, chud would have gone no where.

>> No.21866941

>Because the leftist is trying to give maximum freedom to EVERYONE.
>No room for racism or any such bigotry,

>> No.21866948
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>A chud is a chad right winger.
No such thing.

>> No.21866964

>bearing a somewhat unflattering resemblance to several right wing
Most of them were apolitical or left wing though. The most well known picture was wearing a vote for Biden shirt

>> No.21866979

While I don't doubt they agitated, the political situation in the US isn't going to completely stabilize until the grievances (that actually have merit and aren't narcissistic whining about identity) are addressed.

>> No.21867002

Even if the Russians did agitate by posting a bunch of dank memes on Facebook that got boomers riled up, they were only did so in the context of existing fault lines within American society, as you say.
It is not dissimilar to how Americans would often agitate and fund dissident groups in other parts of the world, so if epic Russian hackers actually do destabilize the US to the point of collapse all you could really say about it is that it was a fate richly deserved.

>> No.21867009

someone that becomes enraged by women or racial minorities in TV shows and video games

>> No.21867014

wasnt this guy a registered democrat

>> No.21867019
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No, he is that guy that posted on /pol/ and shot up his school and had the cringiest """manifesto""" man has ever known.

>> No.21867049

>*looks at antifa meme from /pol/*


>he thinks his outsider status means he’s not being played.
Wake up wake up. C’mon now.

>> No.21867053

>I genuinely can't imagine how anyone thinks Leftism is related to anarchism/ Marxism/ socialism anymore
There aren't any american leftists, maybe apart from Bernie Sanders. What you have is liberals.
You can deny this and say that the tranny-and-nigger-worshipping corporate bootlickers you have in the american democratic party really are "leftists", but then you end up in a situation where the word leftist loses all relation to anarchism/marxism/socialism, as you say, and you've effectively just constructed an idiolect, turning leftist into a contranym that makes you incapable of understanding the political divides of all other countries than america and all other periods in the last 200 years than the past 10.
American "leftism" has fuck-all to do with leftism.

>> No.21867076

The leftist is the revolutionary who wants out from the thumb of the kings, the church and their “civilization” project which is just patriarchal control systems and wholly unnatural.
In the end it’s just a word, but it’s true there is no, and can be no such thing as a rightwing revolution. They want conformity to the control structures.
Maintenance of “normalcy” or conservatism wants that old and in no way natural controlled world order back. Christian, Muslim, Confusion, whatever, they’re all around and believe themselves to be normal and natural and they most certainly aren’t. If the “left” as we’ve come to call it were reacting, then we’d call the Scythians reactionaries, Attila the Hun a reactionary, Spartacus a reactionary, the gypsies reactionary, we’d have the word “reactionary” mean what we mean when we say revolutionary. They’re just words to describe the basic intentions of this.

The left are getting played by statists promising freedom all the time. Marxist or SocDem/progressivism, are two sides of the same coin, so definitely pawns there too. The secret services are setting up this IDpol for theatrical purposes and it takes two to tango.
I’ve been watching this and studying it a long time. Not a college or university grad, independently
I use both words to cover both aspect
I am not paid to write. I “red pill” you for free.

Leftism is just a word. You want to let the liberals use as they please. I don’t. I d not cheer on the trans craze IDpol bullshit.

So sorry for you

>> No.21867078
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Nope, he was never registered to any political party, but his manifesto (which he posted on 8pol) was very clear that he was trying to stop "white genocide" and that Trump was based.

>> No.21867090

The plight of the philosopher king. Born to shit, forced to wipe. Clearly toilet paper is an oppressive colonial invention. Nothing has tarnished the purity of the Vedas and the peaceful spiritual life as much as loos have, those billiant devices of destructions...
But the most egregious offence! What of the violent legal system that has forbidden the non violent raping women? This has almost annhilated the sacred tradition that every proud Hindu used to partake in. Ah but it was fortold in the Gita, was it not? The Eternal Truth! Hare Krishna, may I chant Om a trillion times! O, to return to the golden times...

>> No.21867093

You are right on the money. Destabalisation actions always target existicting pressure points in society. The "woke" movement is just an agglomeration of those things that stuck. Another fault line they love to target is the urban/rural divide. Even though. Many people enjoy both urban and rural life.
These issues are not going to go away overnight. These fault lines are hundreds of years old. Best we can hope for is that Western countries once again get a society of compromise and collective action, but because so many players in the West don't even want that, I don't think it is going to happen. Most likely it is going to keep being neoliberal shit i.e., corporate socialism / crony capitalism, and we won't see meaningful reform until blackstone owns everything and the world is a fucking hellhole.

>> No.21867095

this but unironically

>> No.21867096


>a fate richly deserved.

unfortunately the rest of the world gets caught up in the undertow of the US's brainworms. Frankly Russia should be nuked for this.

>> No.21867102

>Another fault line they love to target is the urban/rural divide. Even though. Many people enjoy both urban and rural life.

Other fault lines:
Elderly vs Middle Aged vs Young
Men vs Women
Car owners vs Public Transport enthuisiasts vs Bicycle riders
Vax vs Antivax
Colonizer vs Colonized
Authoritarians vs Libertarians
4chan vs Reddit

In olden they had a whole imaginary Class War thing going. Lots of people actually died because of that. Now things get called "Capitalist" or "Communist" because the person doesn't like it, leading to stupid ideas such as "late stage capitalism" and "cultural marxism"

>> No.21867388

The sequel was directed by David Irving.

>> No.21867394

Why are you pretending to be butters?

>> No.21867430
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>it's real
no fucking way

>> No.21867761

It is the Russian word for heathen, referring to still non-christian Finnic people who lived north of them in the medieval era where the Novogorod republican cities were making inroads.

>> No.21867766

>In 2019, Vladimir Putin was asked a question about what happened to the Chud people in Russia. He answered: "They assimilated, mostly. But, I am sure they have not completely disappeared yet."

>> No.21867780

>American "leftism" has fuck-all to do with leftism.
No, it is reminiscent of Fourierism. You can do this Kolakowskian not-real-leftism all day, but this sort of leftism has been a thing for centuries.

>> No.21867799

Russian Literature is post-chud because the Russians were what was left after the chuds disappeared. A person on Russian TV called Putin called Putin chukna which refers to the chuds and this was perceived as an insult until he explained that all the Russians where he lives are post-chuds.
>In 2000, TV-journalist Leonid Parfenov's usage of a term considering Vladimir Putin was perceived as an insult towards the President of Russia. Parfenov denied the claims, saying:
>That was normal. Literally, I said: "a type of whitish northern appearance which is popularly called "chukhon blond " Russian: чyхoнь бeлoбpыcaя, romanized: chukhon belobrysaya. How else? They don't say "blond of medium height". My cousin, Sasha, looks just like that. And Baba Katya, the kingdom of heaven to her, always called him that. This is very common in the North: Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Vologda, Arkhangelsk region, Karelia ... By the way, we have discussed this with Sveta Sorokina who is from St. Petersburg. I am also partly from St. Petersburg, because I studied in St. Petersburg. And we said this is ours, and many do not know that "chukhon" is northern Russia. As a matter of fact, I am also a chukhon by birth. Yesenin has a verse line: "Russia has got lost in Mordva and Chud.".

>> No.21867816

you should be nuked for this post.

Bernie is a reformist liberal, but a complete weakling sell out like all reformism. When the system utterly fails we get a Roosevelt to push for minor "fixes" which will satisfy the masses but allow the same guy system to go on. That all isn't leftism

>> No.21868088

There's the TERM "chud," and then there's the chudjack.
The chudjack is the best meme the left ever came up with. Arguably, its the ONLY good meme the left ever came up with. But the term "chud" itself is still meaningless and stupid. If they want to improve the chudjack, they should call it something else.

>> No.21868163
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>The chudjack is the best meme the left ever came up with
It only became good after it was co-opted and transformed into something glorious.

>> No.21868174

The other poster is right. The American "Left" really just wants corporations to sublimate everyone into consumer society.

Any "real" Left in the US is an extreme minority.

>> No.21868182

Colloquially it derives from "incel" and most people use the words interchangeably, however "chud" infers unattractiveness which relates to ideological beliefs that are commonly known and referred to as "alt-right." It represents a stereotype for the growing number of young men that others perceive as low-value males.

>> No.21868605

The American liberals are fighting. The Left are left out of the conversation

>> No.21868639

Unironically Fedbook

>> No.21868723

What you just posted is distilled chudcore

>> No.21868730

There is no irony. All political extremists are genetic dead ends, that's what drives them to extremism to begin with. There is a fine line between a nazi and a communist, always has been.

>> No.21868739

Oh ye of little faith

>> No.21868781

No joke they started using chud because their reddit mods over at /r/SRS started getting upset with them using "ableist slurs" like retard and neckbeard and started banning people for it.

>> No.21868791

People at right wing rallies look like regular people.

>> No.21868793

bad faith post

>> No.21868797

>leftist propagandists Stephen Colbert
he's catholic

>> No.21868801

Just because practically every leftist in the US cucks to megacorps and sjw freakshow cringe doesn't mean there is no left. It just means you don't agree with them.

>> No.21868806

because real rightoids don't leave the house

>> No.21868808

Quit lying. He was a registered democrat.

>> No.21868824

No… it means the media is showing the poor foolish left liberals. And antagonizing the right liberals, and making sure both sides keep at each other over IDpol issues and never economic class issues.
Think about it. Why would the secret services allow the media to focus any attention on leftists like the railway strike Biden and the DNC screwed over?

>> No.21868839

>registered democrat
Stop denying reality, you will never be a woman. Fact is, leftists are violent, unstable people, as we see again and again with the shootings, where they purposely target (white) children. Right wingers (who shoot a lot less) only target 3rd worlders who shouldn't be in the country and came of their own volition.

Leftists are low-tier people, they are always weak-willed, sneaky, wimpy, scared people. They are uglier on average too. They are spiritually inferior. Compare the average antifa cuck (set loose by the police after committing acts of terrorism) to the average person at a rally for pro-white or anti-tranny politics (targeted by police and treated as a hostile criminal despite being completely peaceful the whole time). 100% of the time the antifa cuck will look orders of magnitute more sick, ugly, mentally retarded, etc., and will cover their face because they are cowards. Leftists are usually stupid teens, older and mature people are right wing, since being on the right is spiritually superior.

>> No.21868855

The media and megacorps like Jewgle promote Marxists and all other sorts of radical leftism all the time you cretin. Just because they don't endorse your obscure brand of economic leftism doesn't mean they aren't left wing. Society has been going farther and farther to the left, government and megacorps keep expanding together. The idea that leftism is going to solve anything is so fucking stupid and childish. They already promote leftism all over academia, culture, media, etc. Meanwhile try being a pro-White Traditionalist. You will get labelled a terrorist for holding rallies and police will show up with guns pointing at you and put you in jail.

>> No.21868860
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An 80s b movie called CHUD where it stands for Cannibalistic Human Underground Dwellers.
It was chosen as an “insult” by a committee of lefties who couldn’t use any language that was actually offensive because being offensive is fascism. All post hoc constructions trying to make it more meaningful are just endless cope. “Cuck” might be passé at this point yet it was clearly the kind of snappy word sound they wanted to emulate years ago.

May I suggest for the next brain trust meeting on discord you feel out something like “jigger”. You know to capture that certain derisive sound quality.

>> No.21868867

>people at right wing rallies aren't right wing
Serious question: do you have a mental disability?

>> No.21868876

So you think that means he can't be a left wing propagandist? Were you born yesterday? Ever heard of the Jesuits, you monumental fucking retard?

>> No.21868885

That word is actually extremely offensive to savage black tribes who still eat their dead and other members of other tribes. Why are leftists so stupid? They had one job...

>> No.21868906


>> No.21868941

>promote Marxists
Right. Because it doesn’t change anything. The USSR were easily led right into the capitalist republic snare and had the most severe depression in their history because of the capitalist oligarchs set up there.
They do not promote power to the people, actual leftism, actual self governance, actual freedom. No of course they don’t promote that. That would cut into the rich man’s pockets if not his fucking throat. No. Only fake statist “lefty-ism”. Though they prefer easily bought off socdem bullshiters like Bernie and AOC
>just because they don’t endorse your OBSCURE
Anarchism isn’t obscure, it’s *obscured* from the general populace. I already told you why they focus on IDpol. It’s really absurd of you to think the secret services are leftwing while they carry out every manner of rightwing authoritarian tactics. Yeah, of course some of them are jewish too. Jews can be rightwingers. Didn’t you know? Israel is full of rightwing ideologues

Leftwing want people to be in control of their own lives. To self govern. Ending the state ends war. Not fights, WAR. Ending capitalism ends poverty and a great amount of crime. This isn’t childish. Your slow head is childish

>> No.21868975

Marxism Leninism is chudcore.

I have a list of ideas of chuds
>White Islamism
>Anti Technology
>Traditional Catholicism

All chud beliefs. Literally everyone that believed in them looks like this >>21865405

>> No.21868986


>> No.21869090

The chud meme is banned on several leftist sites because chuds started making anti tranny edits using it.

>> No.21869093

too late to post this but whatever
anyway the answer is the Bible obviously

>> No.21869265

you type like a chud

>> No.21869417

"real" here meaning "most zealous"

>> No.21869445

this is your brain on american culture war nonsense, people like you need to be lobotomized for the greater good

>> No.21869451

Am I the only one who thought of Thomas Shelby when first seeing this picture? Why did you do him like this

>> No.21869463

>he thinks his outsider status means he’s not being played.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

>> No.21869475

you are an absolute retard that can only think in extremes, go back to pol

>> No.21869520

Anarchism isn't viable and always results in anarcho-tyranny

>> No.21869853

Go back to r*ddit you stupid faggot. Antifa are the biggest pack of faggots and fat dike pussies you will ever see, how fucking dumb are you to not know this?

>> No.21869855

>generalizations = extremes
Kek, idiot detected, are you a shitskin? start arguing any time, retard.

>> No.21869883

The USSR was capitalist? Leftism is the same as anarchism?
> power to the people, actual leftism, actual self governance, actual freedom
Leftists never do that, all they do is whine about how mean words oppress foreigners and sexual freaks, while voting for higher taxes and higher immigration.
>That would cut into the rich man’s pockets if not his fucking throat.
Absolutely delusional, like the rest of you tardpost that was probably written by a 15 year old.
> It’s really absurd of you to think the secret services are leftwing while they carry out every manner of rightwing authoritarian tactics. Yeah, of course some of them are jewish too.
The secret service isn't left or right, but they are more worried about the far right than the far left. And the problem is that such a high amount of them are jewish, Bidet's cabinet is 74% jewish, meaning they also have dual loyalty to Israel.
>Jews can be rightwingers. Didn’t you know? Israel is full of rightwing ideologues
Why are you telling me things any 15 year old on /pol/ already knows, you moron? The problem is Jews in white countries promote the most degenerate, subversive leftism, and in Israel they are far right. Use /pol/ for 15 minutes you retarded newfag.

>> No.21869886

Good argument, snowflake.

>> No.21870032
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He was actually a registered republican.

>> No.21870056

That guy on the left there is chudjak? He looks very different and not chudlike in that photo. He just looks like a garden variety Mexican criminal

In the infamous chudjak photo the sheer resentment in his face is just palpable

>> No.21870061
File: 41 KB, 762x974, 1670073907290853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not a photogenic guy

>> No.21870062
File: 92 KB, 1080x2340, le registered democrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets refuted
>doubles down
Yup, it's an underaged libtard. Just wait a few years and you'll be the most radical /pol/ nazi, assuming you're not utterly retarded.

Leftists altered the page after it was revealed he was a democrat.

>> No.21870070
File: 483 KB, 898x1078, 1664922752182753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "mylife.com"? Sounds made up. By the way, there's no such party as the "Democrat Party".

>> No.21870071

That's not my point, it looks like an entirely different person

>> No.21870075

Some people are such tremendous cowards they can stay here for years and be exposed to mountains of evidence and still remain in denial

>> No.21870091

Yep, like the right wingers who initially cheered for Crusius and then suddenly disavowed him when they found out what he looked like.


>> No.21870099

You will always be a volunteer cheerleader for federal agents if you remain a coward like this

>> No.21870105

I see someone learned a new word. And no, I just hate the sexless extremely online right (and the sexless extremely online left for that matter).

>> No.21870112

leftists think they're rebels but they're just useful idiots. you can't even call them shills because they do it for free.

>> No.21870132

No you hate people who dont bend over for the state because they remind you subconsciously of your cowardice.

>> No.21870150

Russian literature in general and Dostoevsky in particular seems like something someone who came out of their chud phase would really enjoy. I can't explain why but I just feel it.

>> No.21870207
File: 1007 KB, 945x1024, 1654819392621813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nerd, whatever you say lol.

>> No.21870214

You posting this proves my point: you're terrified of that happening to you so you cant even think let alone say anything forbidden

>> No.21870217
File: 21 KB, 227x307, chudjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave chuddy alone you bullies

>> No.21870249

ok nigger

>> No.21870266

Not him, but you are coping hard.

>> No.21870281

It applies to you, that's why it angered you enough to post

>> No.21870364

I don´t want to make thread so I will ask here if Julius Norwich is an author you like? would you recommend it to someone?

>> No.21870374

The right DID improve upon it, but it did work as a pretty good caricature at the start.

>> No.21870376

Left wing propaganda website with no standards whatsoever.

Shut up, hateful faggot. I can have sex as much as I want.

He BTFO you, stop posting your redditor images to help you cope.

Prove him wrong, you dirty 3rd worlder.

>> No.21870379

It applies more to leftists. I have seen 5+ leftists who look almost identical to it. Wasn't there some mod from /tv/ or something at a pro-3rd world migrant rally? he was identical (and jewish).

>> No.21870381

Isn't this the same logic style as "homophobia means you're a closet gay"?

>> No.21870383
File: 340 KB, 800x807, 1507438896553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ableist slurs" like neckbeard
The hell?
How is "neckbeard" ableist? Is there a birth defect that prevents grown men from being able to shave?

>> No.21870385
File: 91 KB, 643x934, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do leftists always self-refute?

>> No.21870388

Fuck off fascist, go back to /pol/

>> No.21870392

>ftm looks as manly as Chudjak
Self own frfr Chud.

>> No.21870395

I dont agree, the chud meme does apply to right wingers because it shows the characteristic resentment they have in a prog society. The soiboy meme for example depicts liberals and commies pretty well, and it's quite different from the chud face

>> No.21870401

The movie was a basic gore-fest. Nothing of any significant note. ''Sneed'' is not really all that funny either.

>> No.21870402

Chuck and Sneed, Feed.

>> No.21870405
File: 113 KB, 900x900, 1657743457922055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it definitely applies more to rightoids

>> No.21870406

Buddy, I'm a leftist TERF. I hate Trump. If there's a genuine condition out there please inform me, but for the life of me I can't imagine what the hell it is.
Like I said in >>21866790, sneed has its moments.
The faggot who already replied to you is a bad example, though, and doesn't even deserve a (You).

>> No.21870409

That's not a chud. A deformed mutant sure but hes too happy and self assured. Plus look at those majestic traps

>> No.21870437
File: 84 KB, 714x569, have sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even a chud, it's a republican child.

There are endless examples of leftists who look like the chud meme, I haven't seen a single convincing one from someone on the far right. People on the far right blend in really well, they are usually upstanding members of their community. We have sex and people respect us. You're obviously just projecting. Do you even read books? I mean real books, not comics or tranime.

>> No.21870445

>Buddy, I'm a leftist TERF
Oh, so you're a fascist, like i said. You idiot.
Nobody mentioned cheeta hitler, dont change the subject.

>> No.21870446
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 1678396761820790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People on the far right blend in really well, they are usually upstanding members of their community. We have sex and people respect us.

>> No.21870447

you might be beyond help but sheeit I hope you're just trolling

>> No.21870453

I'm extremely far right from the normie perspective of things and I look nothing like the chud either, that's not my point. Chud isn't merely chubby and weak chinned with glasses, he is angry, impotently angry because he knows his enemies are in power. His own personal failings and weaknesses are only an accentuating factor for this fundamental resentment.

Leftists never have this because they deep down they're on the same side as power despite their play acting rebellion. They can have resentment about other stuff but they tend to be pretty deluded, seeing as they're leftists, so they usually opt for delusion rather than overt resentment.

>> No.21870478

>posts the same picture for the 3rd time
I don't care. It looks nothing like your shitty forced chud meme, you mentally retarded faggot.

Good argument, halfwit.

>> No.21870483

>but they tend to be pretty deluded, seeing as they're leftists
Irony here being that the guy you are speaking with is comically deluded.

>> No.21870490

Nah, that's exactly what you look like. It's why you're being so defensive. Do you think an "upstanding member of the community" who people respect keeps a folder of "chad" right winger pictures to use in internet discussions? You haven't fooled anyone, you've just outed yourself.

>> No.21870491

>can't refute the argument
I know multiple "far right" people irl (most of them frequent /pol/ - I don't) who have wives, multiple children, their own house, etc., and they are late 20s early 30s. Sounds like you're the one who is being delusional/COPING HAHAHA

>> No.21870492

He might be deluded in some respects(eg.the chances of his team winning or the overall distribution of traits in various political demographics) but leftists ignore actual basic facts about reality. Communism is a completely absurd idea, racial and sexual equality are manifestly untrue, I'm not even going to go for the really low hanging fruit like the recent gender stuff. Its literally entirely delusion

>> No.21870493


>> No.21870496

Do you have a wife, children and own your own house?

>> No.21870498

>ignore actual basic facts about reality.

>> No.21870503

Religion is metaphysical and therefore very different. Every day mundane reality doesnt constantly contradict religion the way it does leftist ideas. It might be true that religion is mostly delusion but it's still a very different type of delusion.

>> No.21870505
File: 43 KB, 800x450, 16860761454232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets refuted outright
Are you unironically a mentally disabled nigger? Answer honestly.

This will help you cope, leftist cuck: I went out to the bar last weekend and hot women approached me, before my band played live. After that even more hot women approached me, bought me drinks, then one sucked my d***. U mad?

>> No.21870506

yeah whatever the goalposts have moved enough that I'm satisfied with my efforts in this discussion

>> No.21870509

lol dude i refuted you and all you have is
>w-why are you posting pictures that prove me wrong?

>> No.21870510

And this weekend you're arguing about how ugly leftists are compared to chud on 4chan. I believe you.

>> No.21870513

Didn't happen lol. And why did you ignore this post?

>> No.21870515

It's not moving goalposts. Leftism is a bunch of actual overt empirical falsehoods cushioned by vague language. Religion is not this, it is claims about things we ultimately cant know at all.

>> No.21870516

>running away after getting BTFO

I'm in my early 20s and too busy having sex with hot chick, doing drugs, playing in bands, bullying leftist cucks online while i'm high, etc.

>> No.21870518

>I'm in my early 20s and too busy having sex with hot chick, doing drugs, playing in bands, bullying leftist cucks online while i'm high, etc.
I almost feel like this is a troll to see how retarded you can pretend to be while still getting lefties to respond to you. Becsuse otherwise you sound like you're in middle school.

>> No.21870519

>dumb pavement ape thinks it's the weekend still
The weekend was a couple days a go, which is what I was talking about, you unironic and monumental fucking imbecile.

>Didn't happen lol.
It did, it happens quite often. I play in multiple bands and chicks always come talk to us afterwards at the very least. I lost my virginity at 16 at a party in high school. COPE you massive fucking leftist failure.

You're so stupid, I doubt you could go to school for what I did.

>> No.21870522

>early 20s
>playing in bands

>> No.21870525

>posts on 4chan
>surprised when people are intentionally annoying
Wow you really are an idiot, huh leftcuck?
>I almost feel like
That's because you don't think, because you're a dumb emotional faggot.

>> No.21870528

I play shows downtown al the time, I'm relatively young. So many old (30+) faggots, who you can guarantee are leftists. Balding, low-t, shitty and untalented, sound like cucks. I wonder how they'd react if I told them I was a TradChad on 4chan after I picked up multiple chicks and all they have is their fat bulldyke shrek gf lmao

>> No.21870532

I'm going to level with you, here's how I know you're full of shit: a socially successful person like you claim to be would not feel the need to lord it over someone on an anonymous image board like you are doing. When you are socially successful, this online shitflinging becomes uneccessary because you have high self esteem.

>> No.21870536


>> No.21870540

>The weekend was a couple days a go
Kek, you got me. I'm on vacation. Your story is still cap though.

>> No.21870547
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 18261338297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping so hard she resorts to psychoanalysis
Why don't you give me an astrology reading while you're at it? Just kidding, I don't care. Bye, leftwing faggot. You will never be half as cool as me and my successful friends from /pol/, u mad?

>> No.21870548

A semi successful but sort of weird guy does exactly this. Hes probably physically attractive and somewhat competent but a bit off mentally so he has awkward social interactions but also pride and some success with girls so hes this confused bundle of inferiority and superiority.

This is an entire type of guy and they are very overrepresented on the online far right

>> No.21870551

That's a bingo.

>> No.21870553

Shut up you stupid nigger. I used to call bouncers niggers when they didn't let me in.

>> No.21870554

I also thought it was a play on words of Chad:the inverse of Chad is a Chud.

>> No.21870557

If you think this guy has ever seen bobs or vagene, then I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.21870572

>coping this hard
I have multiple far right friends offsite and all but one have a gf.

>> No.21870585
File: 109 KB, 897x1148, 1678842621970888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are endless examples of leftists who look like the chud meme, I haven't seen a single convincing one from someone on the far right.
You can't even think of one guy on the right who matches the chud meme? The meme is based on a real guy. But you know that.
The fact that people still engaged in serious discussion with you after this frankly brazen troll makes me concerned for the intelligence level around here.

>> No.21870594

What I find funny about this pic is a nog arresting him. That must of stung even more

>> No.21870604

>Comey is a republican how can he be part of the uniparty

>> No.21870614

Why do you fags try to turn political discussions into pageants?
>you're ugly
>no, you're ugly
Both sides tend to be unsightly.

>> No.21870619

> TERF = fascist.
Ah. So you're a troon. No wonder you consider "neckbeard" a slur. Your own probably reminds you of how you'll never be a woman.

>> No.21870633

antifa is hardly even real. its just a boogeyman that lives rent free in the minds of chuds.

>> No.21870638

Would you be fine with me breaking the face of anyone who flies an antifa flag since its not actually a real group lmao

I mean smashing the face of a bogeyman is ok right?

>> No.21870717

>"my ideology and opinions predates trump and his campaign"

he had to be a jeffersonian southern dixecrat desu

>> No.21870720

Radical Leftists and Rightists use volience for their goals tho.

>> No.21870723

Has never resulted in this "anarcho-tyranny" thing you made up.
Franco resulted from a lot of support from statists, both left-ish traitors and rightwing invasion. It is perfectly viable if there's overwhelming and organized numbers. Hence you see tons of divisionary tactics like the one you advance

State centralized capitalist, yes of course. Lenin had no faith in the leftists so put the reactionaries in charge to crush liberal, socdem, communist and anarchist.
Anarchism is true Left, "far-left", the only way to freedom from this prison society.
>Leftists never do that
They're fakes, aren't they? Not Big Bill Haywood, not Bakunin, not Kropotkin, not Malatesta, not a whole lot of other principled people I could name. You're a victim of the SS IDpol campaign as much as the purple haired people you hate.
>Higher taxes
both parties up the sales tax and give tax breaks to the wealthy. Nobody but the establishment politicians are to blame for your financial woes.
>Delusional/15 year old
You're lost. You're actually saying rich people aren't pulling the strings? You're so lost.
I an't tell if the SS are worried about either side, but they are playing them against each other.
>Duel loyalty to Israel
Your prejudice is going to cripple your sense till you lose it, but good news. Israel is in big trouble as the US hegemony slips. Sure they got nukes, but things are never going to be the same, as the rest of the world sees them more clearly as the stooges of the US. (and quite fascistic)
>Why are you telling me things...
Because you didn't seem to know much and ares till resisting plain truth

>> No.21870724

NEP Bukhrain would have made the ussr into an ecomomic powerhouse

>> No.21870725

He looks better than the other ugly ones

>> No.21870769

>just patriarchal control systems and wholly unnatural.
Many animals in animalian kingdom practice structured community and patriarchal system such as chimpanzees and elephant seals. This is natural.

>> No.21870781

Pardon this cringy AI voice, but we all know how natural hierarchies work. For the betterment of the whole is how it's supposed to work (and if it does not benefit the whole it show due done away with. Immediately)

And don't confuse patriarchal for paternal

>> No.21870802

Its a joke term and I've never seen it used in earnest. The real political insult for the right is incel, and it immediately gives the mental image of a sanctimonious, tense and autistic rightoid who blames the "degenerate" society for all his problems.
>But by God, the left really cannot meme
The entire world of normies realize that "incel" refers to right-wing extremists. In the original sense of meme, as something that reproduces culturally (no criteria for humor, though it may aid that goal) the left also wins, as they do in literally all instances about reproduction/breeding/getting pussy.

>> No.21870831

Bakunin was based for defending NEP.

Cucktalin was a faggot retard.

Lenin should have named Bakunin as the next leader

>> No.21870837

>(and if it does not benefit the whole it show due done away with. Immediately)
Unfortunately every system can't benefit the whole since there will always be the superior and the inferior. Even in USSR there were simple civilians and privileged politburo politicians. Even on anarchist commune there were more capable guys and less capable guys. Even in natural ecosystem, there are beta gorillas that Could not get as many resources as the alphas.

>And don't confuse patriarchal for paternal
Strawman fallacy. You made up your own assumption. I meant it as patriarchal. A system that put males as the dominant groups. To understand this, consider to read this brief explanation:


In addition to this: in mid paleolithic era human invented fire and later used it to cook food. A cooked food was more digestible and made human smarter. This and the agricultural revolution with its surplus food and more leisure time made human had capability to create abstract concepts such as "socialistic egalitarianism" and "republicanism."

According to Ernest Becker, with his intellectual capability due to evolution and historical journey, human tries to deny his animality by creating political ideals like socialism.

So your ideology is a Denial of human nature.

>> No.21870854

Take your pills, doreen.

>> No.21870879

Bakunin was only considered "right-opposition" so he is very much NOT considered a leftist. You can call him a follower of Marx as he would have had to have been I guess but that doesn't necessarily make one a leftist.

>> No.21871494

>I've never seen it used in earnest
I have
I can't find it right now, but there's a video somewhere of an angry student yelling "chud!" at another student as xe's escorted out of the classroom. Props to anyone else who can find it.

>> No.21871575

I gotchu, senpai

>> No.21871856

Wtf are you talking about?

>Bakunin was only considered "right-opposition"
By a moron, I suppose. Rightwing is about conforming to the powers on high. Bakunin is the poster boy for rebellion against this.
He only read and translated Kapital, but could certainly not be considered a “follower” of the man

>> No.21871904
File: 69 KB, 584x900, E0743A4A-863B-4B92-8A2F-5747D2348752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrelevant to the cause of communism.

>Unfortunately every system can't benefit the whole
So why are we using ONE to benefit a small portion, instead of multiple homegrown, community based systems to suite our needs? Why?
You one of those people that believes life is all suffering? Screwed up perspective.

>oh I don’t want to know how wolves roll. That’s the wrong animality. Check out how gorillas do it
No. Check out the malleability of how humans run and realize we don’t have to live this one way, and we shouldn’t.
Your head is in denial of human nature

>> No.21871984

There's no necessary contradiction. Chuds are perceived as being reactionary pawns by libbies, but that's only a perception.
Any statement could be valid alongside such a remark, except for its direct opposite.

>> No.21871995

>if it does not benefit the whole it show due done away with
Meaningless. There's no judge who can make that call. Only WILL to POWER.

>> No.21872020

actually, that's been debunked
it actually comes from a latino tradition that's been colonized and improved upon by the White Man

>> No.21872035

>he Scythians reactionaries, Attila the Hun a reactionary, Spartacus a reactionary, the gypsies
These were external groups approaching another society from the outside. Leftists aren't coming from the outside, they're emerging from within us, through a DIALECTICAL and therefore REACTIONARY process.
It's probably not useful to call leftists reactionaries (seems to just be a case of letting your opponent define your frame of reference) but the term could be applied to them in a sense it cannot be applied to the groups you mentioned.
Granted, Spartacus emerged from within Rome, but he did so as an agent of entropy, rather than an institutionalized presence.

>> No.21872049

i didnt get chud was a slur the first week.
so i was using it on my discord name unironically
until a weeb comunist larper got mad at me because of my user name

chud sounds exactly like chad, how i am supposed to know i should be angered at it.

>> No.21872071

>power to the people, actual leftism
The act of giving power to the people is just a means to an end for leftists. Setting up a democracy isn't a mystical process to attain a philosophical goodness. The purpose for every form of government is nothing more than the general prosperity of the public. Democrats may trust the public and parliament, fascists trust strongmen, anarchists don't trust anybody and yet paradoxically trust each other (anarchism doesn't make sense).
Leftists (generally, I assume you'd agree) distrust those with private or elite interests, and therefore tend to support empowering the people when those people support leftist interests.
>muh abstract generalization
Politics is practical!

>> No.21872240
File: 22 KB, 320x460, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why are we using ONE to benefit a small portion, instead of multiple homegrown, community based systems to suite our needs? Why?
Resources = scarce. Needs = unlimited. We couldn't provide every homegrown for every person because lands are scarce. Forcing homegrown community based systems could burden the third party economically and would backfire to the people. Surplus population creates housing problem.

>oh I don’t want to know how wolves roll. That’s the wrong animality. Check out how gorillas do it
Yup, because gorillas and humans have similarities. Both are mammalians, chordatas, and primates in homonidae familia. It wouldn't be relevant if i brought wolves as example.

>> No.21872303

Continually increasing hierarchy is the inevitable byproduct of increasing civilization.
Failure to see things for what they really are.

>> No.21872441

Meaningless post. A collective can create their own will to power.

In the old world, escape from “civilization” was not only possible, it was common. But it doesn’t matter if one was born on the outside or was a runaway, they rejected the conformity and slavery of what you venerate as civilization. We could have called them all the Rejectionaries as much as the Revolutionaries. Leftists are recognizing the lies that bind the old world civilizational conformists and trying to free the world of it. It doesn’t matter where they were born.
Spartacus was a captured slave who needed his freedom back.

>Setting up a democracy isn't a mystical process
Then why can’t we have one? Why aren’t we allowed to set one up? The Western world never allowed such a thing, you know?
> The purpose for every form of government is nothing more than the general prosperity of the public.
Oh you don’t know! No, anon. This is a lie. It’s squarely only for freeing markets for the bourgeois to profit from. That’s why we had a socialist movement and various half measures and faked socialisms pop up to divide the poor masses.
Anarchists will trust on a person to person basis and can see only direct democracy, power from the bottom up. This is the best way and in so many ways. Anarchism makes sense. Some are deluded in believing in certain ways. Ancap, or christian-Anarchism, extreme individualism or lifestyle Anarchism, are all unhelpful personal projects. A skill to learn, but there’s no schools for it. Forgive it.

>scarcity is why we have warlord slavers and institutionalized cults to brainwash the people before they run away
No, it’s greed. Money and power greed. These things corrupt. Surpluses continue to corrupt affording no freed slaves. A fur coat to every inmate perhaps, but no freedom.
You know who’s more similar to humans than the gorillas? Humans.

Ever noticed how “civilization” is far and away more brutal than the so-called “savages”? No? They’ve lied to you if you think otherwise.

>> No.21872523

I don't want to leave your post ignored but I also don't have the spirit in me to argue with a man so well-fortified in his confusion.
I will address your first point only.
>A collective can create their own will to power.
This is true. However, if you look to the post I was responding to it said:
>and if it does not benefit the whole it show due done away with
What is the whole? It's a generalization make up of many smaller groups with conflicting interests. How can people with conflicting interests, beliefs, and perspectives, decide upon what "should be done away with"? The groups, with their separate wills to power, will clash.
So, if I'm understanding you correctly, your reply here changes nothing. There is still no judge.

>> No.21872598

I’m not confused.
The whole are the masses. Freed of state capitalist conformity, all masses in groups can go about their lives. Muslims will it differently from Mormons, etc. but hopefully we will be able to present the fact that ever increasing centralization hurts the society and there are ways to do it better. “How could we every organize ourselves!?” It wouldn’t be that hard to do. Reaching everyone and showing them how well it works, getting started, is the hardest part. Maintaining it will no doubt be much easier.
>they will clash!
They will be living in different places of the world. They will need to get along with their neighbors and work things out. So become highly organized and highly cooperative, and very unlikely to start wars.
For the racists will move in together, but they’ll have to mind their manners and not lynch anyone.
>still no judge
People will do things differently when dealing with a crime. Say one racist does lynch someone from another region. The two regions would have to work out how justice can be served and how to avoid such things. Maybe a single judge is elected, maybe they send out for a third region’s respected sort. Maybe it’ll be a council of three or twelve. It will be up to them.

This all seems too wild a world to you doesn’t it?
This is also something we need back into our lives.

>> No.21872646

>They will need to get along with their neighbors
>just get along
It doesn't work that way. Have you ever read one of those Icelandic sagas? One man kills another and all of a sudden you've dozens killed in a blood feud.
One clan prospers and starts throwing its weight around because there's nobody to stop it, bam your anarchy is gone.
>just don't be human
That's not how it works.
Samuel Johnson said something like "anything that distinguishes two men can become a cause of conflict between them" there's no getting along, and when people don't get along people get killed, at which point society needs to respond.
>Maybe a single judge is elected, maybe they send out for a third region’s respected sort. Maybe it’ll be a council of three or twelve.
That's reasonable, they'd be finding a compromise between individual freedom and social well-being. Do you know where they do that already? Everywhere in the world. The hierarchical systems you hate are literally the end product of a million small compromises.

>> No.21872822

They, now in control of their lives and regions, will either learn to get along or suffer some slings and arrows. This IS how it works. Will the white nationalist state persist in lynching? They will be met with surrounding tribes of all races including their own who will take their children from them, sever their balls off and I have no business asking what else.
> BAM your anarchy is—
Working perfectly. Call the cops, see if I care?
Feuds in exchange for total national warfare. Reasonable tradeoff.

>just don’t be human
Who are you quoting? I am advocating humanity actualize itself to its fullest extent.
>Samuel Johnson said people are very different
So why do we need to be made into cookie cutter zombies for a class of self important pedophiles? Seems very unnatural to me.
>they already do that all over the world!
Except they’re not allowed to, no.
>the end product of millions of years of small compromises
Petty warlords and divine right royalty? Don’t preach to me the socially acceptable history books. I have read plenty of them.

Tell me why you’re afraid.

>> No.21872893

>They will be met with surrounding tribes of all races including
A war? Organization and hierarchy win wars. You cut a man's balls off, will you also put him in chains? Keep him as your slave? Is that anarchy? Maybe you're not an anarchist and I'm the one who's confused.
>Feuds in exchange for total national warfare
That was an example of how a nominally "anarchic" societies can break off from a state of peace. You know what happens to those powerful families that feud amongst each other? Well blink and you'll miss it now you've got the Romans, the Athenians, the Shogunate. You're literally reducing society to its fundaments just so it can build itself back up again.
>Wow, I've got 100 armed men at my beck and call, but this isn't really anarchist, and I enjoyed anarchism for a while... Which will I choose? Power over my fellow man or peaceful mediocrity?
This is how all human groups shift and develop. (self-proclaimed) Lord Pissdrinker of Texas doesn't like it when people spray-paint his castle, so guess what he's formed a militia and BAM here are your cops and there goes your anarchy.
The scale just increases from there, it doesn't stop at feuds, you get total war eventually.
>>Samuel Johnson said people are very different
He didn't say that, he said that conflict can sprout from any difference whatsoever, which is to say that the potential for conflict is inherent in humanity.
>Petty warlords and divine right royalty
Might makes right, if petty warlords aren't acceptable in your ideal world who do you expect to crusade against the white nationalists? Somebody is gonna end up at the top of the dung-heap, it's not unreasonable to name that person King if it defers civil war.

I'm not afraid of anarchism, I believe it to be logically flawed, an empty ideology.

>> No.21873137


Father - yes, I am a prisoner
Fear not, to relate my crime
The crime is loving the forsaken
Only silence is shame
Blessed are the persecuted
And blessed are the pure in heart
Blessed are the merciful
Blessed are the ones who mourn
Give to me your tired and your poor
Your huddled masses, yearning to be free
The wretched refuge of your teeming shore
Send these, the hopeless
Send this task to me
And now I'll tell you
What's against us
A naught that's lived for centuries
Go through the years
And you will find
What's blackened all
Of the history
Father, yes I am a prisoner
Only silence is shame

>> No.21873202

>A war?
>Feuds (as a rarity for it is undesired by all) in exchange for total national warfare. (A feature of state extortion). Reasonable tradeoff.

>powerful families
One grouping is more or less the same. The white nationalists might just vanish without a fight because things get so peaceful and plentiful and people actually work at their peace instead of being forced to rely on a specialist from a “higher” class.
Citing statist civilizations that got there by war for your example of feuding families? No no. You’re going to have to dig up those books about post-contact plains Indians who were forced out of good lands and had to resort to picking from their own kind in other tribes, using horses and rifles. You’d still be tripping up a reasonable answer. So let me volunteer an example from pre-contact. Chiefs main job was maintaining peace and giving his all, till the point of poverty. Some where compensated by being allowed multiple wives. But if war (intertribal scuffles really) broke out, the “war” chief was elected by the the hunters till it could be settled. Old chief out of a job and probably his wives. The main goal is to AVOID conflicts.
Compare that to today. The war on Russia with Ukrainian proxy troops is BIG business. Very lucrative. No one has the right to stop them and their legalized murders. See anything wrong here?

I am not even advocating emulating the old native system, but a series of communities that organizes itself democratically will find the best way through a myriad of scenarios to arrive at peace and justice.

>might makes right
You have been raised in this savagery passing itself off as civilized and your mind suffers such lies. Each generation under the conditions I allude to would come up better than to think this revolting falsehood.

>an empty ideology
I am only one and it’s already full to overflowing. There are many others, both knowing and unknowing, with even more to teach you. This isn’t a one size fits all like Marxism. This is for the whole world.

>> No.21873207
File: 134 KB, 819x824, SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know...

>> No.21873228

>The white nationalists might just vanish without a fight because things get so peaceful and plentiful and people actually work at their peace instead of being forced to rely on a specialist from a “higher” class.
Good lord the level of cope never ceases to amaze me. How do you guys unironically dedicate your lives to defending sheer gibberish?

You will never, ever get rid of conflict and hierarchy. Not once has any society even come close.

>> No.21873267

>cope cope cope cope cope cope
The word doesn’t even mean what you using it for.
You are the one defending gibberish. I’m throwing out scenarios and reasons for the motivations behind wanting a better world? (Are you not that anon?)

You’re afraid of putting the homeless in homes, afraid of letting all the starving children eat well, educate themselves to their fullest, you’re afraid dark skinned people will prosper and smile and not rot in prison. You sound scared shitless we won’t have a need for soldiers killing each other fro fake glory, you quake in your boots that the wealthy wouldn’t be allowed to rape children without repercussions. Oh and the poor bullies turned cops! Where will they get their cheap thrills off on?
I think you might be a rightwing zealot

>you’ll never get rid of conflict
> This all seems too wild a world to you doesn’t it?
>This is also something we need back into our lives.

>> No.21873722

>for your example of feuding families
My point, which could be considered self-evident as it is literally just an observation, is that "statist" societies emerge spontaneously. IDK who you consider true unsullied noble savages, but plenty of native Americans were bloodthirsty bastards. "Pre-contact" North America as we know it was hardly pre-contact in actuality: millions of abos had been killed by diseases that spread North from where the Spaniards landed, a significant portion of their civilization was destroyed.
>You have been raised in this savagery passing itself off as civilized
I understand why you might not like the phrase, but you can't argue with bombs and guns. If there's a group of people who hate you and they've got the power and inclination to exterminate you there's simply no arguing with that, it's the last word in any interaction. It's just the the Will to Power, which you seemed ok with before.
>with even more to teach you
I unironically wish I'd learned anything from this exchange.
>See anything wrong here?
It's just slavs killing slavs. The Ukrainians could've spared themselves the trouble if they bent the knee, but they chose not to. The difference between their conflict and your fantasy skirmishes between wignats and aboriginals is superficial.
Would you rather there was some kind of international police force that could arrest Putin?
This is a good song but I'm entirely sure what you're trying to say.

>> No.21873726

There are literally zero examples of it in history. It's as absurd as thinking animals in an ecosystem will stop killing each other

I am not kidding when I say I do not understand what the fuck is going on in your mind. I know very well you're smart enough to understand something so obvious and simple. Why do you deny it?

>> No.21873728

>I'm entirely sure
*I'm NOT entirely sure

>> No.21873736


This is actually a really interesting take

>> No.21874161

This is probably just a troll but its good to remember that people who thought like this led to the biggest genocides in history.

>> No.21874178

Hes not a troll. Communists are just in this state of like willful self deception. I have been trying for years to understand what exactly is going on in their minds, I just dont get it.

They're not stupid, they're not inexperienced, they're mostly ok people, though there is a tendency to mental illness. But they just believe absolutely absurd bullshit which all of reality constantly contradicts. Is it like a mental disorder? I have no clue

>> No.21874232

The Pali Canon
Having Politically Correct toned down tongue in cheek antisemitic conversations with ChatGPT that abide by Coc ToS

>> No.21874242

Tripfags should be executed

>> No.21874456

>diseases that spread North from where the Spaniards landed, a significant portion of their civilization was destroyed.
That would qualify as contact, now wouldn't it?

> If there's a group of people who hate you
There's simply no reason to leave them in a position of grandiose power, is there?

>it's the last word in any interaction.
Yeah, no one is ever going to mess with Israel, are they?

>I un-ironically wish I'd learned anything from this exchange.
Then read it over again and take note, research it.

>It's just slavs killing slavs.
No, it's the US using Ukraine as proxy troops to take Russia down. This has been a State Dept. Biden program for a long long time. You are so easily deceived and refuse to take in new information.
>Would you rather there was some kind of international police force that could arrest Putin?
Clearly none of this would be happening if the world were a series of communally governed peoples. No power bases to seize, no arms to sell, no egomaniacs, no such police needed ...

You don't know who Sacco and Vanzetti are?
My crime is loving the forsaken, your silence is a shame.

Statism is not communism. The "genocide" you're referring to is from Stalin, is it? Those were my people dying. This what you mean?

>> No.21874620

all of russian literature

>> No.21874625

Normally I would agree but that new Yusuf guy isn't so bad. Not sure why an otherwise normal seeming guy chose to be use a trip.

>> No.21875978

Because anonymous is now synonymous with scumbag pissant