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21864486 No.21864486 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any early church fathers other than Origen worth reading?

>> No.21864640
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Fuck the Catholic heresy. Pack of murderous pedophile protectors

>> No.21864660

Fake butterfly. SAD
Also, quite a faggy answer

>> No.21864698

Irenaeus, Augustine, Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Clement of Alexandria, the three Cappadocian Fathers, John Cassian, the Desert Fathers (generally found in an anthology). Haven’t read enough Jerome to comment on him

>> No.21864700
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 1F8269EB-D439-4AB5-8B9B-47DDF007064E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stands against the International Pedophile Protection Network
You suck. Your thread sucks. Read the others if you want. Doesn’t need a thread. Read them and come back with your assessment. This board should be a lot slower

>> No.21864740

Thanks, good answer.
You surely know, who was the guy that synthesized Hellenic philosophy with the OT around 50 BC? Some Alexandrian Jew IIRC.

>> No.21864825

Philo of Alexandria
>fake butters has shittier taste than original butters
Looks like Marx was right

>> No.21864830

No, that is the real her unfortunately

>> No.21864853

Philo is correct

I have read him some, he is considered a predecessor to Christianity by many however if you look at some Church Fathers you can see they are pushing back against the heavily Platonism being used in exegesis. Philo does share a lot of common thought with Origen but with, say, Chrysostom, you will find significant tension. Jews today completely reject Philo and Origen was also largely rejected by Christians eventually, though today he is undergoing a bit of a revival. I myself am of the opinion that Philo and Origen tried too heart to fit the Bible into Platonism and in many places imposed a clearly contrived reading. Still, interesting though, and Philo noting, in his reading of Mosaic Law, that the harshness (in the eyes of Hellenized Jews) against homosexuality is necessary for he warns if it is not severely punished then society will be plagued by men demanding the public call them women and engaging in open parades of debauchery.

>> No.21864871

Two of the most important church fathers for systematic theology, Augustine and (informally) Pseudo-Dionysius, are just as reliant on Platonism as Origen. It's the entire substructure of their thinking. And through them, scholasticism is essentially Neoplatonism with Aristotelian characteristics. The whole mental framework of the golden age of Christian thought and culture is Platonic.

Everyone should read Lloyd Gerson.

>> No.21864905

Did the Isma'ili Shiites follow up on Philo in any real sense?

>> No.21864912

It's rare to see sustained commentary on Philo at all for over a thousand years, you might want to look into Wolfson

Basically his method was representative of Alexandrian syncretism and exegesis and was already woven into so many things by the time Origen starts really practicing it heavily that you don't need to go directly back to Philo, so he gets neglected at the direct level

>> No.21865007

By Platonism I mean using Platonic exegetical method (as was originally used on Greek myths) on the Bible, I don’t mean Platonism per se (although Chrystostom was overtly critical of Platonism, period) as in his theory of forms as influenced Augustine (pseudo-Dionysius is, I think, more influenced by Neoplatonism).
I don’t think so.

>> No.21865043
