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21864232 No.21864232 [Reply] [Original]

Why are philosophers almost always such depressing, nihilistic, defeatist faggots? Life and existence itself is absolutely beautiful and worth experiencing. I love God and I love being alive. Stop reading misanthrope books and go outside, niggers. It’s never too late to be grateful for the gift of life.

>> No.21864245

Maybe you're just reading "philosophers"? Plato, Aristotle, and Berkeley were all positive and well-adjusted people who loved life. Don't read idiots insane people like Nietzsche and other lefties and you'll be ok.

>> No.21864254

Yes, of course there are many positive and life affirming philosophers out there. It’s just places like /lit/ and /pol/ like to talk about the most retardedly pessimistic ones. I guess that says more about the average 4chan frequenter than philosophy as a whole.

>> No.21864332

I feel that. I used to be really into philosophy but after a few years I realized it's all pointless. Philosophy doesn't lead you to happiness or even contentedness, it just circles back on itself in an endless tirade of tautological reasoning and bitter argumentation. It's all empty verbiage. I cringe when I see people making threads here about Plato's forms or something and thinking they're embarking on an epic journey of metaphysical discovery. That's how I started years ago.

I remember more fondly the works of Goethe or Dostoyevsky or Shakespeare that I've read than any philosopher. I now realize there is more worth in a work that gives you life lessons than in one that's basically made up asspulls which basically all philosophy boils down to.

>> No.21864338

/pol/ doesn't talk about philosophy, /lit/ is full of depressed incels, sodomists, and trannies

>> No.21864343

In your case, you just don't have the IQ for it.

>> No.21864362

Very true. Reading philosophy is cool until you realize it’s all disjointed wank that doesn’t describe reality in any meaningful, holistic way. All the wisdom you could ever need is inside you already.

>> No.21864381

based life enjoyers

>> No.21864418

Yeah you’re coping. Just so attached to the interface. God, I need to kms.

>> No.21864424

Yes, I'm coping because I enjoy my life. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.21864459

based, I learned this after reading about terror management theory. It's like why? There are so many great things to enjoy. Rather than worrying about and trying to explain why other people are enjoying their lives with the people close to them. Go outside and catch frogs or something.

>> No.21864539 [DELETED] 

>Don't read idiots insane people like Nietzsche
Nietzsche was all about embracing life and the Dionysian spirit. That was one of his main criticisms of Christianity, that it was life denying. Living a dull constrained life for some imaginary reward in the afterlife.

>> No.21864551

>he fell for the most obvious cope
Nietzsche was depressed and hated life, he just pretended otherwise

>> No.21864648

All evaluations of Being as a whole are incoherent and retarded.

>> No.21864651

Fuck you, philistine.

>> No.21864663

Reading his correspondence is not pretty, writing about how despairing he is and how he’s taking opium on the edge of OD/suicide to young girls who rejected his love (in his 40s).

>> No.21864724
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What a complete crock of shit. True Philosophy as the ancients understood/practiced will quite literally elevate your being beyond any insatiable sensorial cravings since it is an active praxis that brings you into closer union with the divine. The modern "philosophy" you're likely referring to isn't even Philosophy at all. It's an abomination meant only to demoralize, atomize, and level one down. Learn the difference.

>> No.21864746

> Concerning life, the wisest men of all ages have judged alike: it is no good. Always and everywhere one has heard the same sound from their mouths -- a sound full of doubt, full of melancholy, full of weariness of life, full of resistance to life. Even Socrates said, as he died: "To live -- that means to be sick a long time: I owe Asclepius the Savior a rooster." Even Socrates was tired of it. What does that evidence? What does it evince? Formerly one would have said (-- oh, it has been said, and loud enough, and especially by our pessimists): "At least something of all this must be true! The consensus of the sages evidences the truth." Shall we still talk like that today? May we? "At least something must be sick here," we retort. These wisest men of all ages -- they should first be scrutinized closely. Were they all perhaps shaky on their legs? late? tottery? decadents? Could it be that wisdom appears on earth as a raven, inspired by a little whiff of carrion?

>> No.21864839

For me life is even more terrible than I imagined. It's useless all the shit I do but I'll still do it because death sucks too. Kys

>> No.21864858

Better never to have been, nigga. "True philosophy" is retarded and wrong

>> No.21864867
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>> No.21865074 [DELETED] 


>> No.21865077
File: 142 KB, 1270x918, Just amor fati bro.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic

>> No.21865274

That’s everyone. Everyone is getting absolutely reemed by this reality in one way or another.

>> No.21865279

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.21865454

Tell that to the starving kids in Africa

>> No.21865466

sounds like cope

>> No.21865518

I don’t feel particularly positive about life right now.

>> No.21865522


>> No.21865587

I think it's alright to think the way you do as long as you do, but if you decide to really question your life, you will realise it is not so great as you now think. You are choosing to belive what you want, and that's fine, but does not mean it is that way. Delusion is the most important part of life, I agree.

>> No.21866389

What drew me to philosophy was existential dread and depression. This was probably the case for most of the people you mention. So, they are trying to start from where they are at and work towards finding a meaning to life.

>> No.21867256

nietzsche is the epitome of life affirming retard, even through the struggle and squalor and debilitation due to his health, his culminate loneliness in both spirit and circumstances he manages to break through the expected reaction anyone would have to his fates and loves it all the more. he is quoted countless times as to embrace in the striving and the pain, as he proclaims, 'amor fati'.

>> No.21867259
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That's probably because the overwhelming majority of philosophical texts are pure trash

>> No.21867263 [DELETED] 

>Why are philosophers almost always
>Yes, of course there are many positive and life affirming philosophers
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21867266

>Why are philosophers almost always such depressing, nihilistic, defeatist faggots?
>Yes, of course there are many positive and life affirming philosophers out there.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21867269

Philosophy losing its connection to religion sort of doomed it to nihilism or sophism.

>> No.21867278

This. /thread.

>> No.21867280

Have you heard of this guy Nietzsche

>> No.21867283

>nietzsche: just embrace how terrible life is! This is totally life affirming. Life is definitely so terrible, painful, awful, wretched, sometimes I can't even stand waking up in the morning. But I'm totally life affirming, guys, it's so worth it!
>Aristotle: The life of the good man is that of undiminished happiness, the good and wise man hates death as an end to unalloyed goodness, he values his life, his family, and his country like he values his own life. The good man knows the value of life and is saddened by what he knows he will lose when his life must end.

Yeah, Nietzsche is totally the "epitome" of "life-affirming."

>> No.21867525

"What happened, my brethren? I surpassed myself, the suffering one; I carried mine own ashes to the mountain; a brighter flame I contrived for myself. And lo! Thereupon the phantom withdrew from me!
To me the convalescent would it now be suffering and torment to believe in such phantoms: suffering would it now be to me, and humiliation. Thus speak I to backworldsmen.
Suffering was it, and impotence—that created all backworlds; and the short madness of happiness, which only the greatest sufferer experienceth.
Weariness, which seeketh to get to the ultimate with one leap, with a death-leap; a poor ignorant weariness, unwilling even to will any longer: that created all Gods and backworlds."

"Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?
He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.
Courageous, unconcerned, scornful, coercive—so wisdom wisheth us; she is a woman, and ever loveth only a warrior.
Ye tell me, “Life is hard to bear.” But for what purpose should ye have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening?
Life is hard to bear: but do not affect to be so delicate! We are all of us fine sumpter asses and assesses."

"Contempt is still in his eye, and loathing hideth in his mouth. To be sure, he now resteth, but he hath not yet taken rest in the sunshine.
As the ox ought he to do; and his happiness should smell of the earth, and not of contempt for the earth.
As a white ox would I like to see him, which, snorting and lowing, walketh before the plough-share: and his lowing should also laud all that is earthly!
Dark is still his countenance; the shadow of his hand danceth upon it. O’ershadowed is still the sense of his eye.
His deed itself is still the shadow upon him: his doing obscureth the doer. Not yet hath he overcome his deed.
To be sure, I love in him the shoulders of the ox: but now do I want to see also the eye of the angel."

>> No.21868842
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>death sucks too
It really, really does not. It does the total opposite. It is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone, because NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>Why are philosophers almost always such depressing, nihilistic, defeatist faggots?
I would say that on a larger scale it is just what is in fashion at the moment. But there are many positive thinkers out there.

>> No.21869147

COPE go somewhere else

>> No.21869156

If everything’s A-OK why would you spend time thinking about philosophy?

>> No.21869179

>Life and existence itself is absolutely beautiful and worth experiencing
ummmm what

>> No.21870106

‘Cope’ is a negation

>> No.21870315

>Life and existence itself is absolutely beautiful and worth experiencing.
I would wish you the worst except even that would be a waste of time, people like you are literally not mentally capable of suffering as much as you deserve